# QSIEVE 3.02 - Configuration File
# Basic settings
# --------------
# working directory
# default: current directory
#WorkDir = /tmp/workdir.qsieve
# directory for temporary files
# default: /tmp
#TempDir = /tmpfs
# do we want a XML status file, when the server goes down?
XMLStatusFile = status.xml
# To speed-up access to dynamic relations please consider to place
# DynamicRelationsFile on ramdisk or another fast harddisk!
#DynamicRelationsFile = /tmpfs/dynamic_relations.dat
# client account name
# (if no account name is defined, the ip based hostname
# will be used by the server to register an account)
# The account is sequence of at most 40 characters,
# consisting of alphanumeric chars and @#,.+- and space.
# such as "LinuxBox #1" or "anonymous contributor"
# or "80386,16Mhz" or "MyName@example.com".
#ClientAccount = anonymous contributor
#ClientAccount = LinuxBox #1
#ClientAccount = 80386,16Mhz
#ClientAccount = MyName@example.com
#ClientAccount = Athlon64-3000+
# Fermat factorization method can be quite time consuming
# use experimental Phimat factorization method?
# don't enable this except for certain numbers of the form N=p*q,
# p,q prime and q=p+x and x is small compared to p.
# disable pollard-phi globally
# disable fibonacci-method globally
# disable elliptic curve methods globally
# print a summary when factorization is complete
# Upper memory limit (megabytes of RAM) for fft continuation.
# If your system starts swapping very often or qsieve aborts with "out of
# memory" errors, then you should lower the value.
MemoryLimit = 2048 # use up to 2 GB RAM
# Parameter-Tuning
# ----------------
# These parameters are determined by experiment. You're welcome to modify the table...
# If you know that a number consists only of two large factors (e.g. RSA),
# you should set rho,...,nrcu = 0 (or activate the skip-entries above) for
# saving time.
# digits : rho, phi-1, phi-2, elcu-1, elcu-2, nrcu, #factorbase : exponent : logical sieve interval
1: 250000, 0, 0, 5000, 100000,99999, 20: 1.0: 1000
25: 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 300: 1.0: 100000
30: 5000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 600: 1.0: 100000
35: 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 700: 1.0: 200000
35: 10000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 700: 1.0: 200000
40: 20000, 30000, 3000000, 0, 0, 0, 800: 1.0: 300000
45: 20000, 50000, 5000000, 0, 0, 0, 900: 1.4: 300000
49: 50000, 200000, 10000000, 20000, 2000000, 7, 1000: 1.5: 400000
49: 50000, 200000, 10000000, 20000, 2000000, 7, 1000: 1.5: 524288
52: 50000, 500000, 25000000, 30000, 4000000, 7, 2000: 1.6: 524288
55: 75000, 1000000, 50000000, 50000, 7500000, 7, 3000: 1.3: 786432
60: 75000, 1000000, 50000000, 80000, 8000000, 7, 4000: 1.4: 1048576
65: 100000, 1000000, 50000000, 120000, 12000000, 7, 6000: 1.5: 2097152
70: 100000, 2500000, 75000000, 160000, 25000000, 120, 7500: 2.2: 2097152
75: 150000, 3000000, 200000000, 250000, 75000000, 200, 8000: 2.5: 2097152
# 80: 150000, 5000000, 500000000, 290000, 75000000, 300, 10500: 2.5: 2097152
# 80: 150000, 5000000, 500000000, 290000, 75000000, 300, 20000: 2.5: 4194304
80: 150000, 5000000, 500000000, 290000, 75000000, 300, 15000: 2.5: 4194304
85: 150000, 5000000, 750000000, 1000000, 2000000000, 300, 12000: 3.0: 4194304
90: 150000, 6000000,1000000000, 1200000, 2500000000, 300, 13500: 3.0: 4194304
95: 200000, 7500000,2000000000, 2500000, 5000000000, 350, 15000: 3.0: 4194304
100: 200000, 10000000,4000000000, 2500000, 5000000000, 500, 16500: 3.0: 4194304
#105: 200000, 15000000,5000000000, 3500000, 1000000000000, 500, 20000: 3.0: 2500000
#105: 200000, 15000000,5000000000, 3500000, 6000000000, 500, 25000: 3.2: 2500000
105: 200000, 15000000,5000000000, 3500000, 6000000000, 500, 25000: 3.0: 4194304
#110: 200000, 20000000,7500000000, 5000000, 7500000000, 750, 30000: 3.4: 4194304
110: 200000, 20000000,7500000000, 5000000, 7500000000, 750, 65000: 3.2: 4194304
115: 200000, 20000000,7500000000, 5000000, 7500000000, 750, 65000: 3.2: 4194304
120: 200000, 40000000, 10000000000,75000000,200000000000, 50000, 65000: 3.3: 4194304
130: 200000, 80000000,200000000000,75000000,200000000000, 50000, 65000: 3.4: 4194304
140: 200000, 80000000,200000000000,75000000,200000000000, 50000, 65000: 3.4: 4194304
150: 200000, 80000000,200000000000,1000000000,2000000000000, 500000,65000: 3.4: 4194304