/*! @file
* @brief
* declaration of class SpecialRelations; handling double large prime stuff
struct myintcompare
inline bool operator() (const int i1, const int i2) const
return i1 < i2;
typedef set<int, myintcompare> intset;
* @short
* This class handles a double large prime factor for accessing
* it on file.
* (special factor = factor containing two (single) large primes)
struct TSpecialFactorRelation {
CmpqsFactor factor;
streampos fpos;
inline bool operator() (const TSpecialFactorRelation &t1, const TSpecialFactorRelation &t2) const
return t1.factor<t2.factor;
class SpecialRelations : private DynamicRelations
// this class is just here to encapsulate access to the functions
// which are specific for handling special relations
// (and special factors (=DLP, double large prime factors outside the static factorbase)
typedef set<TSpecialFactorRelation,TSpecialFactorRelation> TSpecialFactorRelations;
static TSpecialFactorRelations SpecialFactorRelations;
// provide streams to access files of specialfactor-relations
static filebuf FileBuffer;
static ostream SpecialRelations_to_file;
static istream SpecialRelations_from_file;
static int Count() { return SpecialFactorRelations.size()/2; }
static void cleanup_files()
static void CycleSearch();
static bool insert(const CmpqsFactor &DLP, CRelation *GL, const short int HitCount=0);
static bool insert(const CmpqsFactor &DLP, const string &GL_String);
static bool SpecialFactor_splitable(const CmpqsFactor &DLP);
static void split_by_primefactor(const int Primfaktor);
static void Load();
friend int main(const int argc, const char* const argv[]);