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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="async.html">Multithreading</a>: 
<pre class="lang">#include <pasync.h>

class mutex {

    void enter();
    void leave();

    void lock();      <span class="comment">// alias for enter()</span>
    void unlock();    <span class="comment">// alias for leave()</span>

class scopelock {
<p><span class="lang">Mutex</span> (mutual exclusion) is another synchronization 
object which helps to protect shared data structures from being concurrently accessed 
and modified.</p>
<p>Accessing and changing simple variables like <span class="lang">int</span> 
concurrently can be considered safe provided that the variable is aligned on a 
boundary "native" to the given CPU (32 bits on most systems). More often, 
however, applications use more complex shared data structures which can not be 
modified and accessed at the same time. Otherwise, the logical integrity of the 
structure might be corrupt from the "reader's" point of view when some 
other process sequentially modifies the fields of a shared structure.</p>
<p>To logically lock the part of code which modifies such complex structures the 
thread creates a mutex object and embraces the critical code with calls to <span class="lang">enter()</span> 
and <span class="lang">leave()</span>. Reading threads should also mark their 
transactions with <span class="lang">enter()</span> and <span class="lang">leave()</span> 
for the same mutex object. When either a reader or a writer enters the critical 
section, any attempt to enter the same section concurrently causes the thread 
to "hang" until the first thread leaves the critical section.</p>
<p>If more than two threads are trying to lock the same critical section, <span class="lang">mutex</span> 
builds a queue for them and allows threads to enter the section only one by one. 
The order of entering the section is platform dependent.</p>
<p>To avoid infinite locks on a mutex object, applications usually put the critical 
section into <span class="lang">try {}</span> block and call <span class="lang">leave()</span> 
from within <span class="lang">catch {}</span> in case an exception is raised 
during the transaction. The <span class="lang">scopelock</span> class provides 
a shortcut for this construct: it automatically locks the specified mutex object 
in its constructor and unlocks it in the destructor, so that even if an exception 
is raised inside the scope of the <span class="lang">scopelock</span> object <span class="lang">leave()</span> 
is guaranteed to be called.</p>
<p>More often applications use a smarter mutual exclusion object called read/write 
lock -- <a href="async.rwlock.html">rwlock</a>.</p>
<p> PTypes' <span class="lang">mutex</span> object encapsulates either Windows 
CRITICAL_SECTION structure or POSIX mutex object and implements the minimal set 
of features common to both platforms. <b>Note</b>: mutex may not be reentrant 
on POSIX systems, i.e. a recursive lock from one thread may cause deadlock.</p>
<p><span class="def">mutex::mutex()</span> creates a mutex object.</p>
<p><span class="def">void mutex::enter()</span> marks the start of an indivisible 
<p><span class="def">void mutex::leave()</span> marks the end of an indivisible 
<p><span class="def">void mutex::lock()</span> is an alias for <span class="lang">enter()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void mutex::unlock()</span> is an alias for <span class="lang">leave()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">scopelock::scopelock(mutex& m)</span> creates a <span class="lang">scopelock</span> 
object and calls <span class="lang">enter()</span> for the mutex object <span class="lang">m</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">scopelock::~scopelock()</span> calls <span class="lang">leave()</span> 
for the mutex object specified during construction and destroys the <span class="lang">scopelock</span> 
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="async.thread.html">thread</a>, <a href="async.rwlock.html">rwlock</a>, 
<a href="async.trigger.html">trigger</a>, <a href="async.semaphore.html">semaphore</a>, 
<a href="async.examples.html">Examples</a></p>
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Source at commit tip created 11 years 9 months ago.
By Nathan Adams, Updating makefile

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