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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="async.html">Multithreading</a>:
<pre class="lang">#include <pasync.h>
class jobqueue {
jobqueue(int limit = DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT);
void post(message* msg);
void post(int id, int param = 0);
void posturgent(message* msg);
void posturgent(int id, int param = 0);
message* getmessage(int timeout = -1);
int get_count();
int get_limit();
<p>The <span class="lang">jobqueue</span> class implements a thread-safe list
of objects of type <span class="lang"><a href="async.message.html">message</a></span>
or any derivative class. <span class="lang">Jobqueue</span> supports posting to
and reading from the list from multiple threads simultaneously.</p>
<p>The <span class="lang">jobqueue</span> class can help to build multithreaded
server/robot applications by maintaining a pool of reusable threads that receive
job 'assignments' from a queue. This threading model can be faster compared to
applications that create and destroy separate thread objects for each task. See
<a href="async.examples.html">Examples</a> for a full-featured server template
with a thread pool.</p>
<p><span class="def">jobqueue::jobqueue(int limit = DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT)</span> constructs
a job queue object. <span class="lang">Limit</span> specifies the maximum number
of messages this queue can hold. If the limit is reached, the next thread that
posts a message will wait until the queue becomes available again. In this version
the default for <span class="def">limit</span> is 5000.</p>
<p><span class="def">void jobqueue::post(message* msg)</span> adds a message to
the queue. <span class="lang">Msg</span> can be an object of class <span class="lang">message</span>
or any derivative class. The <span class="lang">message</span> object should always
be created dynamically using operator <span class="lang">new</span>. The messages
in the queue are processed in order they were posted, i.e. on first-in-first-out
<p><span class="def">void jobqueue::post(int id, pintptr param = 0)</span> creates
a message object using <span class="lang">id</span> and <span class="lang">param</span>
and calls <span class="lang">post(message*)</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::posturgent(message* msg)</span> posts a message
object "out of turn", i.e. this message will be processed first. The
messages posted through this method are processed on first-in-last-out basis.
<span class="lang">post()</span> and <span class="lang">posturgent()</span> can
be used alternately on the same queue.</p>
<p><span class="def">void jobqueue::posturgent(int id, pintptr param = 0)</span>
creates a message object using <span class="lang">id</span> and <span class="lang">param</span>
and calls <span class="lang">posturgent(message*)</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">message* jobqueue::getmessage(int timeout = -1)</span> retrieves
the next message from the queue or waits if there are no messages available. The
<span class="lang">timeout</span> parameter specifies the timeout value in milliseconds.
If <span class="lang">timeout</span> is -1 (the default) <span class="lang">getmessage()</span>
will wait for a message infinitely. This function returns a message object, or
otherwise <span class="lang">NULL</span> if the time specified in <span class="lang">timeout</span>
has elapsed. <b>NOTE</b>: the message object returned by this function must be
freed with operator <span class="lang">delete</span>. It is safe to call <span class="lang">getmessage()</span>
<p><span class="def">int jobqueue::get_count()</span> returns the number of messages
currently in the queue.</p>
<p><span class="def">int jobqueue::get_limit()</span> returns the queue limit
set by the constructor.</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="async.message.html">message</a>, <a href="async.msgqueue.html">msgqueue</a>,
<a href="async.examples.html">Examples</a></p>
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