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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="streams.html">Streams</a>: 
outstm </p>
<pre class="lang">#include <pstreams.h>

class outstm: iobase {
    void putf(const char* fmt, ...);
    void put(char);
    void put(string);
    void puteol();
    void putline(string);
    int  write(const char* buf, int count);
    void flush();
    bool get/set_flusheol(bool);
<p>This class implements the basic functionality of output streams. <span class="lang">Outstm</span> 
is derived from <a href="streams.iobase.html">iobase</a> and inherits all its 
public methods and properties.</p>
<p>End-of-line sequences are not translated when you send data through the output 
methods. To write an end-of-line sequence appropriate to the given operating environment 
use <span class="lang">puteol()</span> instead.</p>
<p><span class="def">void outstm::putf(const char* fmt, ...)</span> is a printf-style 
output method. PTypes supports a subset of format specifiers common to all platforms: 
<blank>, '#', '+' and '-' formatting flags, 'L', 'h', 'l' and 'll' format 
modifiers, and the following standard format specifiers: <span class="lang">cdiouxXeEfgGps</span>. 
In addition, PTypes supports a format specifier <span class="lang">a</span> for 
IP addresses (<span class="lang">ipaddress</span> type) and also <span class="lang">t</span> 
and <span class="lang">T</span> for timestamps (<span class="lang">datetime</span> 
type). Note that some compilers require to explicitly cast <span class="lang">ipaddress</span> 
arguments to <span class="lang">long</span> type, and also <span class="lang">string</span> 
arguments to <span class="lang">const char*</span> (or <span class="lang">pconst</span>).</p>
<p><span class="def">void outstm::put(char c)</span> writes the character <span class="lang">c</span> 
to the stream.</p>
<p><span class="def">void outstm::put(string str)</span> writes the string <span class="lang">str</span> 
to the stream.</p>
<p><span class="def">void outstm::puteol()</span> writes an end-of-line sequence 
to the stream. The actual sequence depends on the platform the library was compiled 
on. May flush data if the property <span class="lang">flusheol</span> is set to 
<span class="lang">true</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void outstm::putline(string str)</span> writes the string 
<span class="lang">str</span> to the stream followed by an end-of-line sequence, 
as in call to <span class="lang">puteol()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">int outstm::write(const char* buf, int count)</span> writes 
<span class="lang">count</span> bytes from the buffer <span class="lang">buf</span> 
to the stream.</p>
<p><span class="def">void outstm::flush()</span> writes the remaining data in 
the buffer to the media, if any. This method is called automatically when the 
stream is being closed.</p>
<p><span class="def"> bool outstm::get/set_flusheol(bool)</span> -- set this property 
to true if you want each line to be written to the media or communication stream 
immediately. Default is <span class="lang">false</span>.</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="streams.iobase.html">iobase</a>, <a href="streams.instm.html">instm</a>, 
<a href="streams.errors.html">Error handling</a></p>
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Source at commit e2c354c74292 created 11 years 7 months ago.
By Nathan Adams, Updating linux makefile

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