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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="basic.html">Basic types</a>:
<a href="string.html">string</a>: Conversion</p>
<pre class="lang">#include <ptypes.h>
string itostring(<i><ordinal</i>> value);
string itostring(<i><ordinal</i>> value, int base, int width = 0, char pad = ' ');
large stringtoi(const string& s);
large stringtoie(const string& s);
ularge stringtoue(const string& s, int base);
string lowercase(const string& s);
PTypes provides 3 different string-to-int conversion functions: <span class="lang">stringtoi()</span>,
<span class="lang">stringtoie()</span> and <span class="lang">stringtoue()</span>.
The first function <span class="lang">stringtoi()</span> is for non-negative decimal
numbers; it returns -1 on error. The other two functions with a suffix 'e' in
their names ('e' is for 'exception') may throw exceptions, but they accept the
full range of 64-bit values.</p>
<p>These functions replace the CRTL functions <span class="lang">atoll()</span>
and <span class="lang">strtoll()</span> which are not implemented on all systems.</p>
<p>Both function families, string-to-int and int-to-string, accept numeration
bases in the range 2 to 64. The 64-digit numeration uses all digits, letters and
also '.' and '/'. It may be useful for representing, for example, MD5 checksums
in a compact printable form (see function <span class="lang">outmd5::get_digest()</span>
in src/pmd5.cxx).<br>
<p><span class="def">string itostring(<i><ordinal></i> value)</span> converts
the given ordinal <span class="lang">value</span> to a string. Various overloaded
versions of this function accept ordinal values of different sizes and signness.</p>
<p><span class="def">string itostring(<i><ordinal</i>> value, int base,
int width = 0, char pad = ' ')</span> converts an integer value to a string with
the numeration base specified by <span class="lang">base</span>, which can be
in the range 2 - 64. To right-justify the resulting string you can specify <span class="lang">width</span>
and <span class="lang">pad</span> parameters. If the numeration base is greater
than 36 in addition to digits and letters <span class="lang">itostring()</span>
uses '.' and '/' characters and also lowercase letters. For numeration bases other
than 10 the parameter <span class="lang">value</span> is always treated as unsigned.</p>
<p><span class="def">large stringtoi(const string& s)</span> converts a string
to a 64-bit integer. This function accepts only <b>positive decimal large numbers</b>
and 0. It returns -1 if the string does not represent a valid positive number
or an overflow occurred.</p>
<p><span class="def">large stringtoie(const string& s)</span> converts a string
to a 64-bit integer. This function accepts <b>signed decimal large numbers</b>.
Unlike <span class="lang">stringtoi()</span>, this function may throw an exception
of type <span class="lang">(econv*)</span> if the string does not represent a
valid number or an overflow occurred.</p>
<p><span class="def">unsigned large stringtoue(const string& s, int base)</span>
converts a string to an unsigned 64-bit integer using the numeration base specified
by <span class="lang">base</span>. This function accepts <b>unsigned large numbers</b>.
It may throw an exception of type <span class="lang">(econv*)</span> if the string
does not represent a valid number or an overflow occurred. <span class="lang">Base</span>
can be in the range 2 - 64. For numeration bases from 2 to 36 this function uses
digits and letters, and the letter case is insignificant. For numeration bases
grater than 36, '.', '/' and lowercase letters are used additionaly.</p>
<p><span class="def">string lowercase(const string& s)</span> converts all
characters of the given string <span class="lang">s</span> to lower case. The
current version of the library "understands" only lower ASCII characters;
all other characters remain unchanged. This function can effectively detect if
all characters in the string are already in lower-case to avoid unnecessary string
allocations. </p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="string.constructors.html">Constructors/destructors</a>,
<a href="string.operators.html">Operators</a>, <a href="string.typecasts.html">Typecasts</a>,
<a href="string.manipulation.html">Manipulation</a> </p>
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