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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="inet.html">Networking</a>:
<pre class="lang">#include <pinet.h>
class ipstmserver {
int bind(ipaddress ip, int port);
int bindall(int port);
bool poll(int bindnum = -1, int timeout = 0);
bool serve(ipstream& client, int bindnum = -1, int timeout = -1);
virtual void sockopt(int socket);
<p>The <span class="lang">ipstmserver</span> class is used on the server side
of a stream-oriented client-server application. It bounds itself to a specified
port/address and waits until a connection request is received from a client host.
For each connection request a server application performs some actions and returns
to the waiting state. For better performance your daemon may start a new thread
for each client connection.</p>
<p><span class="lang">Ipstmserver</span> can generate exceptions of type <span class="lang">(estream*)</span>
with a corresponding error code and a message string.</p>
<p><span class="def">ipstmserver::ipstmserver()</span> constructs an <span class="lang">ipstmserver</span>
<p><span class="def">int ipstmserver::bind(ipaddress ip, int port)</span> binds
the server to the specified local IP address and port number. This function can
be called multiple times for different local addresses and port numbers. <span class="lang">Bind()</span>
returns a value that can be used later in call to <span class="lang">poll()</span>
and <span class="lang">serve()</span> as the parameter <span class="lang">bindnum</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">int ipstmserver::bindall(int port)</span> binds the server
to all local IP addresses on the specified port number. Can be called multiple
times for different port numbers. <span class="lang">Bindall()</span> returns
a value that can be used later in call to <span class="lang">poll()</span> and
<span class="lang">serve()</span> as the parameter <span class="lang">bindnum</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">bool ipstmserver::poll(int bindnum = -1, int timeout = 0)</span>
polls the listening sockets for connection requests. <span class="lang">Bindnum</span>
specifies the socket number reutrned by <span class="lang">bind()</span> or <span class="lang">bindall()</span>.
If <span class="lang">bindnum</span> is -1 <span class="lang">poll()</span> tests
all sockets. The second parameter <span class="lang">timeout</span> specifies
the amount of time in milliseconds to wait for a connection request. If <span class="lang">timeout</span>
is 0 <span class="lang">poll()</span> returns immediately; if it's -1 <span class="lang">poll()</span>
waits infinitely. This function returns <span class="lang">true</span> if there
is a new connection request waiting for processing.</p>
<p><span class="def">bool ipstmserver::serve(ipstream& client, int bindnum
= -1, int timeout = -1)</span> polls the specified bound sockets for connection
requests. If there is a connection request, <span class="lang">serve()</span>
opens and prepares the supplied <span class="lang">ipstream</span> object for
communicating with the client, i.e. <span class="lang">client</span> will be active
upon return from <span class="lang">serve()</span> and will contain the peer IP
address and the port number. The meanings of <span class="lang">bindnum</span>
and <span class="lang">timeout</span> are the same as for <span class="lang">poll()</span>
except that the default value for <span class="lang">timeout</span> in this case
is -1, i.e. wait infinitely. This function returns <span class="lang">true</span>
if there is a new connection request and <span class="lang">client</span> is active,
or <span class="lang">false</span> if the call has timed out.</p>
<p><span class="def">virtual void ipstmserver::sockopt(int socket)</span> - override this method in a descendant class if you want to set up additional socket options (normally, by calling <span class="lang">setsockopt()</span>).</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="inet.ipstream.html">ipstream</a>, <a href="inet.utils.html">Utilities</a>,
<a href="inet.examples.html">Examples</a></p>
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