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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="basic.html">Basic types</a>:
<a href="string.html">string</a>: Manipulation</p>
<pre class="lang">#include <ptypes.h>
<span class="comment">// get/set length and misc.</span>
int length(const string& s);
char* setlength(string&, int);
char* unique(string&);
void clear(string& s);
bool isempty(const string& s);
<span class="comment">// concatenate</span>
void concat(string& s, const char* sc, int catlen);
<span class="comment">// copy (get substring by position and length)</span>
string copy(const string& s, int from [, int cnt ] );
<span class="comment">// insert string or character</span>
void ins(const char* s1, string& s, int at);
void ins(char s1, string& s, int at);
void ins(const string& s1, string& s, int at);
void ins(const char* s1, int s1len, string& s, int at);
<span class="comment">// delete substring</span>
void del(string& s, int at [, int cnt ] );
<span class="comment">// find substring or character</span>
int pos(const char* s1, const string& s);
int pos(char s1, const string& s);
int pos(const string& s1, const string& s);
int rpos(char s1, const string& s);
<span class="comment">// compare substring</span>
bool contains(const char* s1, const string& s, int at);
bool contains(char s1, const string& s, int at);
bool contains(const string& s1, const string& s, int at);
bool contains(const char* s1, int s1len, const string& s, int at);
<p><span class="def">int length(const string& s)</span> returns the actual length
of the string, not counting the terminating null-symbol.</p>
<p><span class="def">char* setlength(string&, int)</span> changes the actual length
of the string. The content of the original string is preserved, however the content
of extra characters added during reallocation is undefined. This function returns
a pointer to a unique buffer (i.e. refcount is 1), like function <span class="lang">unique()</span>
below. Even if the length of the string is not changing, <span class="lang">setlength()</span>
guarantees to make the string unique.</p>
<p><span class="def">char* unique(string&)</span> makes the string buffer unique,
i.e. a new buffer is allocated and data is copied if necessary, so that the reference
count after calling this function is guaranteed to be 1. All string manipulation
functions call <span class="lang">unique()</span> whenever a modification is made
on the string buffer. You may need to call this function explicitly to obtain
a character pointer to the buffer; in all other cases reference counting mechanism
works transparently.</p>
<p><span class="def">bool isempty(string&)</span> returns true if the given
string is empty. Using this function is preferable to comparing the string with
empty string literal "".</p>
<p><span class="def">clear(string&)</span> makes the given string empty. Using
this function is preferable to assigning an empty string literal "".</p>
<p><span class="def">concat(string& s, const char* sc, int catlen)</span> adds
the given buffer <span class="lang">sc</span> of length <span class="lang">catlen</span>
to the string object <span class="lang">s</span>. Use operators + and += instead
to concatenate characters, null-terminated strings and string objects.</p>
<p><span class="def">string copy(const string& s, int from [, int cnt ] )</span>
returns a substring of <span class="lang">s</span> starting from position <span class="lang">from</span>
and containing <span class="lang">cnt</span> characters. If <span class="lang">cnt</span>
is omitted, the rest of the string <span class="lang">s</span> starting from position
<span class="lang">from</span> is returned.</p>
<p><span class="def">ins(..., string& s, int at)</span> inserts a character, a
null-terminated string, a string object or a buffer with specified length into
string object <span class="lang">s</span> at the given position <span class="lang">at</span>.
If the position is out of bounds, <span class="lang">ins()</span> does nothing.</p>
<p><span class="def">del(string& s, int at [, int cnt ] )</span> deletes <span class="lang">cnt</span>
characters starting from position <span class="lang">at</span> of the string <span class="lang">s</span>.
If <span class="lang">cnt</span> is omitted, the rest of the string starting from
<span class="lang">at</span> is deleted.</p>
<p><span class="def">int pos(..., const string& s)</span> returns the position
of the first occurrence of a character, a null-terminated string or a string object
(first parameter) in the source string <span class="lang">s</span>, or returns
-1 if the substring is not found. Function <span class="lang">rpos()</span> performs
<p><span class="def">bool contains(..., const string& s, int at)</span> returns
true if the given character, null-terminated string or string object (first parameter)
equals the substring of <span class="lang">s</span> at the given position <span class="lang">at</span>.</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="string.constructors.html">Constructors/destructors</a>,
<a href="string.operators.html">Operators</a>, <a href="string.typecasts.html">Typecasts</a>,
<a href="string.conversion.html">Conversion</a></p>
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