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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="streams.html">Streams</a>:
infile </p>
<pre class="lang">#include <pstreams.h>
class infile: instm {
infile( [ const string& filename ] );
void pipe(outfile& peer);
string get/set_filename(string);
<p>This class derives all public methods and properties from <a href="streams.iobase.html">iobase</a>
and <a href="streams.instm.html">instm</a>, and in addition, defines the following:</p>
<p><span class="def">infile::infile( [ const string& filename ] )</span> creates
an input file stream, but does not open the file. <span class="lang">Filename</span>
is optional and can be set later, using <span class="lang">set_filename()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void infile::pipe(outfile& peer)</span> creates a local
pipe. This function sets up and opens the <span class="lang">infile</span> and
<span class="lang">outfile</span> objects so that a thread can asynchronously
pass data to another thread within one process. Note that <span class="lang">pipe()</span>
opens both streams; subsequent calls to <span class="lang">open()</span>, <span class="lang">close()</span>
or <span class="lang">cancel()</span> shuts down the pipe. Local pipe is a slower
alternative to the message queue. The only advantage of local pipes is that they
provide a standard streaming interface.</p>
<p><span class="def"> string infile::get/set_filename(string)</span> sets the
file name. <span class="lang">set_filename()</span> closes the stream prior to
assigning the new value.</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="streams.iobase.html">iobase</a>, <a href="streams.instm.html">instm</a>,
<a href="streams.examples.html">Examples</a></p>
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