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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="inet.html">Networking</a>:
<pre class="lang">#include <pinet.h>
class ipmsgserver {
int bind(ipaddress ip, int port);
int bindall(int port);
bool poll(int bindnum = -1, int timeout = 0);
int receive(char* buf, int count);
string receive(int max);
void send(const char* buf, int count);
void send(string s);
void sendto(const char* buf, int count, ipaddress ip, int port);
void sendto(string s, ipaddress ip, int port)
ipaddress get_ip();
string get_host();
virtual void sockopt(int socket);
<p>The <span class="lang">ipmsgserver</span> class is used on the server side
of a client-server application. It bounds itself to a specified port/address and
waits until a packet is received from a client host. Once a packet is read with
<span class="lang">receive()</span>, subsequent calls to <span class="lang">send()</span>
will post data back to the client that sent the last request. Each request must
be fulfilled immediately; unlike the stream-oriented server class, <span class="lang">ipmsgserver</span>
can not handle requests concurrently.</p>
<p><span class="lang">ipmsgserver</span> can generate exceptions of type <span class="lang">(estream*)</span>
with a corresponding error code and a message string.</p>
<p>Please, see also the introduction to <a href="inet.ipmessage.html">ipmessage</a>.</p>
<p><span class="def">ipmsgserver::ipmsgserver()</span> constructs an <span class="lang">ipmsgserver</span>
<p><span class="def">int ipmsgserver::bind(ipaddress ip, int port)</span> binds
the server to the specified local IP address and port number. This function can
be called multiple times for different local addresses and port numbers. <span class="lang">Bind()</span>
returns a value that can be used later in call to <span class="lang">poll()</span>
as the parameter <span class="lang">bindnum</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">int ipmsgserver::bindall(int port)</span> binds the server
to all local IP addresses on the specified port number. Can be called multiple
times for different port numbers. <span class="lang">Bindall()</span> returns
a value that can be used later in call to <span class="lang">poll()</span> as
the parameter <span class="lang">bindnum</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">bool ipmsgserver::poll(int bindnum = -1, int timeout = 0)</span>
polls the listening sockets for data available for reading. <span class="lang">Bindnum</span>
specifies the socket number reutrned by <span class="lang">bind()</span> or <span class="lang">bindall()</span>.
If this parameter is -1 <span class="lang">poll()</span> tests all sockets. The
second parameter <span class="lang">timeout</span> specifies the amount of time
in milliseconds to wait for data. If <span class="lang">timeout</span> is 0 <span class="lang">poll()</span>
returns immediately; if it's -1 <span class="lang">poll()</span> waits infinitely.
This function returns <span class="lang">true</span> if there is data available
for reading.</p>
<p><span class="def">int ipmsgserver::receive(char* buf, int count)</span> reads
data from the socket. <span class="lang">Receive()</span> may hang if no data
is available for reading. This function returns the actual number of bytes read.
If the packet received exceeds the size of the supplied buffer, an exception is
raised with code EMSGSIZE. You may check if there is data available for reading
without 'hanging' using <span class="lang">poll()</span> described above.</p>
<p><span class="def">string ipmsgserver::receive(int max)</span> works like the
previous version of <span class="lang">receive()</span> except that it returns
data in a dynamic string. The parameter <span class="lang">max</span> specifies
the limit which may not be exceeded when reading data from the network, like with
the previous version of <span class="lang">receive()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void ipmsgserver::send(const char* buf, int count)</span>
sends data to the peer. The destination address is determined from the last packet
read using <span class="lang">receive()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void ipmsgserver::send(string s)</span> works like the previous
version of <span class="lang">send()</span> except that it sends the string <span class="lang">s</span>
(not including the terminating null-symbol).</p>
<p><span class="def">void ipmsgserver::sendto(const char* buf, int count, ipaddress ip, int port)</span>
sends data to the specified address and port.</p>
<p><span class="def">void ipmsgserver::sendto(string s, ipaddress ip, int port)</span> works like the previous
version of <span class="lang">send()</span> except that it sends the string <span class="lang">s</span>
(not including the terminating null-symbol).</p>
<p><span class="def">ipaddress ipmsgserver::get_ip()</span> returns the IP address
of the peer. The information about the peer is determined during a successful
call to <span class="lang">receive()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">string ipmsgserver::get_host()</span> returns the peer host
name. A reverse DNS lookup may be performed if necessary. The information about
the peer is determined during a successful call to <span class="lang">receive()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">virtual void ipmsgserver::sockopt(int socket)</span> - override this method in a descendant class if you want to set up additional socket options (normally, by calling <span class="lang">setsockopt()</span>).</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="inet.ipmessage.html">ipmessage</a>, <a href="inet.utils.html">Utilities</a>,
<a href="inet.examples.html">Examples</a></p>
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