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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="async.html">Multithreading</a>:
msgqueue </p>
<pre class="lang">#include <pasync.h>
class msgqueue {
msgqueue(int limit = DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT);
<span class="comment"> // functions calling from the owner thread:</span>
void processone();
void processmsgs();
void run();
<span class="comment"> // functions calling from any thread:</span>
void post(message* msg);
void post(int id, pintptr param = 0);
void posturgent(message* msg);
void posturgent(int id, pintptr param = 0);
int send(message* msg);
int send(int id, pintptr param = 0);
int get_count();
int get_limit();
<span class="comment"> // message handlers</span>
virtual void msghandler(message& msg) = 0;
void defhandler(message& msg);
<p>The <span class="lang">msgqueue</span> class implements a queue of <a href="async.message.html">message</a>
objects and is typically used to synchronously exchange data in a multithreaded
<p>The thread which created the <span class="lang">msgqueue</span> object can
retrieve messages from the queue using one of <span class="lang">run()</span>,
<span class="lang">processmsgs()</span>, <span class="lang">processone()</span>.
Applications always define a class derived from <span class="lang">msgqueue</span>
and override the pure virtual method <span class="lang">msghandler()</span>. The
overridden method receives <span class="lang">message</span> structures and performs
appropriate actions depending on the message ID. Any other thread or even multiple
threads in your application can send or post messages to the given queue using
<span class="lang">post()</span>, <span class="lang">posturgent()</span> or <span class="lang">send()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="lang">Msgqueue</span> can serve as a synchronization object between
threads. Unlike semaphores, where both sending and receiving threads can "hang"
when waiting for readiness of the peer, <span class="lang">msgqueue</span> allows
the sender to send data and immediately continue the execution. The receiver in
its turn processes messages one by one in the same order as they were posted.
<p>Threads can not only exchange data through a message queue, but also send simple
notifications about various events. Message queues can as well be used in single-threaded
applications with event-driven logic.</p>
<p>A simple example of using <span class="lang">msgqueue</span> could be a server
application with multiple threads, each serving one client; the server maintains
a log file or a table in a database where it records various events. To record
events synchronously the client threads are sending appropriate messages to the
main thread. The client threads never waste time, they just post their messages
and immediately continue their work.</p>
<p><b>IMPORTANT NOTES</b>: (1) a <span class="lang">message</span> object should
always be constructed dynamically, i.e. using operator <span class="lang">new</span>;
(2) a <span class="lang">message</span> object is always destroyed by the queue
manager after it has been processed; (3) a <span class="lang">message</span> object
can be sent and processed only once.</p>
<p>A slower but more universal alternative to the message queue is local pipe
(see <a href="streams.infile.html">infile::pipe()</a>).</p>
<p><span class="def">msgqueue::msgqueue(int limit = DEF_QUEUE_LIMIT)</span> constructs
a message queue object. It doesn't matter which thread is creating this object,
but later only one thread can process the queue and handle messages. <span class="lang">Limit</span>
specifies the maximum number of unhandled messages this queue can hold. If the
limit is reached, the next thread that posts a message will wait until the queue
becomes available again. In this version the default for <span class="def">limit</span>
is 5000.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::processone() </span>processes one message
from the queue. This method may "hang" if no messages are available.
<span class="lang">processone()</span> calls the overridden <span class="lang">msghandler()</span>
and then destroys the message object.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::processmsgs()</span> processes all messages
in the queue and returns to the caller. If there are no messages in the queue,
<span class="lang">processmsgs()</span> returns immediately. Each message is processed
as described for <span class="lang">processone()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::run()</span> enters an infinite loop of message
processing which can only be terminated by sending or posting a special message
<span class="lang">MSG_QUIT</span> (e.g. <span class="lang">post(MSG_QUIT)</span>).
Each message is processed as described for <span class="lang">processone()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::post(message* msg)</span> adds a message to
the queue. <span class="lang">Msg</span> can be an object of class <span class="lang">message</span>
or any derivative class. The <span class="lang">message</span> object should always
be created dynamically using operator <span class="lang">new</span>. The messages
in the queue are processed in order they were posted, i.e. on first-in-first-out
basis. <span class="lang">post()</span> can be called from any thread, including
the thread owning the queue.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::post(int id, pintptr param = 0)</span> creates
a message object using <span class="lang">id</span> and <span class="lang">param</span>
and calls <span class="lang">post(message*)</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::posturgent(message* msg)</span> posts a message
object "out of turn", i.e. this message will be processed first. The
messages posted through this method are processed on first-in-last-out basis.
<span class="lang">post()</span> and <span class="lang">posturgent()</span> can
be used alternately on the same queue. Like <span class="lang">post()</span>,
this method can be called from any thread.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::posturgent(int id, pintptr param = 0)</span>
creates a message object using <span class="lang">id</span> and <span class="lang">param</span>
and calls <span class="lang">posturgent(message*)</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">pintptr msgqueue::send(message* msg)</span> calls the message
handler directly, by-passing the queue. If the sender is the same as the thread
owning the queue, <span class="lang">send()</span> simply calls <span class="lang">msghandler()</span>.
Otherwise, if the sender is a concurrent thread, <span class="lang">send()</span>
enters an effective wait state until the message is processed by the owner thread.
The return value is the value of <span class="lang">result</span> in the message
object. In both cases the message is destroyed upon return from <span class="lang">send()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">pintptr msgqueue::send(int id, pintptr param = 0)</span>
creates a message object using <span class="lang">id</span> and <span class="lang">param</span>
and calls <span class="lang">send(message*)</span>. The return value is the value
of <span class="lang">result</span> in the message object.</p>
<p><span class="def">int msgqueue::get_count()</span> returns the number of messages
currently in the queue.</p>
<p><span class="def">int msgqueue::get_limit()</span> returns the queue limit
set by the constructor.</p>
<p><span class="def">virtual void msgqueue::msghandler(message& msg)</span> this
pure virtual method should be overridden to provide application-specific message
handling functionality. <span class="lang">msghandler()</span> usually checks
the message ID through a <span class="lang">switch</span> statement. If the message
ID is unknown to the application, <span class="lang">defhandler()</span> should
be called. The message object <span class="lang">msg</span> CAN NOT be reused
with <span class="lang">post()</span>, <span class="lang">posturgent()</span>
or <span class="lang">send()</span>, neither it can be destroyed within the message
handler. The message handler can assign some value to <span class="lang">msg.result</span>
to return a simple answer to the caller of <span class="lang">send()</span>.</p>
<p><span class="def">void msgqueue::defhandler(message& msg)</span> is called
from within user-defined <span class="lang">msghandler()</span> when the message
ID is unknown to the application. <span class="lang">defhandler()</span> processes
some messages internally used by the library, e.g. MSG_QUIT.</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="async.message.html">message</a>, <a href="async.jobqueue.html">jobqueue</a></p>
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