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<p class="hpath"><a href="index.html">Top</a>: <a href="basic.html">Basic types</a>: 
<a href="cset.html">cset</a>: Operators</p>
<pre class="lang">#include <ptypes.h>

class cset {
<span class="comment">    // assignment</span>
    cset& operator =(const cset& s);

<span class="comment">    // union</span>
    cset& operator +=(const cset& s);
    cset& operator +=(char b);
    cset  operator +(const cset& s) const;
    cset  operator +(char b) const;
    friend cset operator +(char b, const cset& s);

<span class="comment">    // difference</span>
    cset& operator -=(const cset& s);
    cset& operator -=(char b);
    cset  operator -(const cset& s) const;
    cset  operator -(char b) const;

<span class="comment">    // intersection</span>
    cset& operator *=(const cset& s);
    cset  operator *(const cset& s) const;

<span class="comment">    // comparison</span>
    bool operator ==(const cset& s) const;
    bool operator !=(const cset& s) const;
    bool operator <=(const cset& s) const;
    bool operator >=(const cset& s) const;

<span class="comment">    // membership</span>
    friend bool operator& (char b, const cset& s);
<p>The following rules apply to +, -, and *:</p>
<p>An ordinal O is in X + Y if and only if O is in X or Y (or both). Equivalent 
of bitwise <b>OR</b>.</p>
<p> O is in X - Y if and only if O is in X but not in Y. Equivalent of bitwise 
<b>AND NOT</b>.</p>
<p>O is in X * Y if and only if O is in both X and Y. Equivalent of bitwise <b>AND</b>.</p>
<p>The following rules apply to comparison operations <=, >=, ==, !=:</p>
<p> X <= Y is true just in case every member of X is a member of Y; Z >= W is 
equivalent to W <= Z.</p>
<p>U == V is true just in case U and V contain exactly the same members; otherwise, 
U != V is true.</p>
<p> For an ordinal O and a set S, O & S is true just in case O is a member 
of S. Unlike the Pascal language, where membership operator is <b>in</b>, PTypes 
uses ampersand "&" as a membership test operator.</p>
<p><b>Note</b>: regardless of whether default char is signed or unsigned (usually 
set through compiler options) <span class="lang">cset</span> always treats char 
arguments as unsigned. This means, if the value of an argument is -1, e.g. in 
call to <span class="lang">operator &</span> or <span class="lang">operator 
+</span>, the value will be converted to 255, -2 will be treated as 254, etc.</p>
<p class="seealso">See also: <a href="cset.constructors.html">Constructors</a>, 
<a href="cset.manipulation.html">Manipulation</a></p>
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Source at commit 209d6fa3805c created 11 years 9 months ago.
By Nathan Adams, Updating tparray to use variants as array because tpodlist was causing variant data corruption

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