

You are looking at an old revision of the page string. This revision was created by Natalie Adams.

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The string class implements dynamically allocated reference-counted 8-bit character strings. The string class is a mixture of L-type and null-terminated strings: it has both the length indicator and the terminating null-symbol. The length of a string is theoretically limited to INT_MAX, and practically is limited to the amount of virtual memory space available to the application.

A string object itself contains only a reference to the first character of the string buffer. A string object can be implicitly converted to a null-terminated string, either a variable or passed as an actual parameter, thus allowing to combine both PTypes strings and traditional C strings in your application. A string object converted to char* or const char* never returns NULL pointers: it guarantees to always point to some data, even if the string is zero-sized.

The reference counting mechanism works transparently (known also as copy-on-write) and safely with regard to multithreading. You can manipulate string objects as if each object had its own copy of string data. Whenever you modify a string object the library safely detaches the buffer from all other string objects that may be using the same buffer and creates a unique copy so that changes won't affect the other "holders" of this string.

NOTE on multithreading: the dynamic string objects themselves are NOT thread-safe. In other words, each thread can manipulate objects (variables) of type string only within their scope. However, it is safe to pass strings as (copy) parameters when, for example, sending a message to a concurrent thread through a message queue. Whenever the recipient thread tries to modify the string, the shared data buffer is safely detached.

The string class is declared in <ptypes.h>.



class string {
    string(const string&);
    string(const char*);
    string(const char*, int);



class string {
    // assignment
    string& operator =(const char*);
    string& operator =(char);
    string& operator =(const string&);
    friend void assign(string&, const char* buf, int len);

    // concatenation
    string& operator +=(const char*);
    string& operator +=(char);
    string& operator +=(const string&);
    string  operator +(const char*) const;
    string  operator +(char) const;
    string  operator +(const string&) const;
    friend  string operator +(const char*, const string&);
    friend  string operator +(char c, const string&);

    // comparison
    bool operator ==(const char*) const;
    bool operator ==(char) const;
    bool operator ==(const string&) const;
    bool operator !=(const char*) const;
    bool operator !=(char c) const;
    bool operator !=(const string&) const;

    // indexed character access, 0-based
    char& string::operator[] (int index);
    const char& string::operator[] (int index) const;

A string object can be constructed in 5 different ways:

  • default constructor string() creates an empty string.
  • copy constructor string(const string& s) creates a copy of the given string s. Actually this constructor only increments the reference count by 1 and no memory allocation takes place.
  • string(char c) constructs a new string consisting of one character c.
  • string(const char* s) constructs a new string object from a null-terminated string. If s is either NULL or is a pointer to a null character, an empty string object is created. This constructor can be used to assign a string literal to a string object (see examples below).
  • string(const char* s, int len) copies len bytes of data from buffer s to the newly allocated string buffer.

Destructor ~string() decrements the reference count for the given string buffer and removes it from the dynamic memory if necessary.


string s1;             // empty string
string s2 = s1;        // copy
string s3 = 'A';       // single character
string s4 = "ABCabc";  // string literal
char* p = "ABCabc";
string s5 = p;         // null-terminated string
string s6(p, 3);       // buffer/length




Created: 10 years 9 months ago
by Natalie Adams

Updated: 10 years 9 months ago
by Natalie Adams

Old Revisions

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