
pluf2 Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
blob Boolean.php 16 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 1.33 kB
blob Date.php 12 years 7 months Thomas Keller: Skip validation of dates and datetimes if a form field is not required and the entered value is recognized as empty value; also streamline the datetime validation a little more according to the date validation and don't accept '60' in the seconds part silently. 2.36 kB
blob Datetime.php 12 years 7 months Thomas Keller: Skip validation of dates and datetimes if a form field is not required and the entered value is recognized as empty value; also streamline the datetime validation a little more according to the date validation and don't accept '60' in the seconds part silently. 3.15 kB
blob Email.php 15 years 10 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed the email form to allow empty emails. 1.52 kB
blob File.php 15 years 10 months Jürgen Hörmann: Added the display of the authorized upload size. 6.76 kB
blob Float.php 14 years 9 months Brian Armstrong: Fixed issue 394, Pluf_Form_Field_Float::clean does not account for leading/trailing 0's 1.93 kB
blob Integer.php 15 years 3 months Loic d'Anterroches: Correctly handles the case of a non required integer. 2.11 kB
blob ReCaptcha.php 15 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Added a ReCaptcha field for the forms. 6.24 kB
blob Slug.php 14 years 3 months Mehdi Kabab: Added new DB field type Slug. 3.58 kB
blob Url.php 16 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 1.44 kB
blob Varchar.php 16 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 2.27 kB

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