
pluf2 Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
tree AB
tree Cache
tree conf
tree DB
tree Exception
tree Form
tree HTTP
tree Image
tree L10n
tree locale
tree Log
tree Mail
tree Middleware
tree Migrations
tree Model
tree Queue
tree Search
tree Template
tree templates
tree Test
tree Tests
tree Text
tree Translation
blob .htaccess 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 14 bytes
blob AB.php 14 years 11 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed to always set the funnel tracking properties. 19.84 kB
blob Cache.php 16 years 2 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed to have a correct boolean check. 2.84 kB
blob Calendar.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 15.08 kB
blob Crypt.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 3.52 kB
blob Date.php 15 years 5 months Loic d'Anterroches: Remove the PHP 5.3 deprecated split function. 6.53 kB
blob DB.php 15 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Improved the performance of the ORM for fast backup, restore (20% faster). 6.89 kB
blob Dispatcher.php 15 years 8 months Loic d'Anterroches: Updated to add more info when in unit tests. 8.39 kB
blob Encoder.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 5.91 kB
blob Error.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 3.21 kB
blob Exception.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 1.06 kB
blob Form.php 16 years 3 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added array access to the form. 12.88 kB
blob Group.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 3.22 kB
blob HTTP.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 2.56 kB
blob Image.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 3.60 kB
blob L10n.php 15 years 8 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added a method to get the country codes. 33.17 kB
blob Log.php 15 years 23 days Loic d'Anterroches: Improved the logging lib with better levels and some utility functions. 9.67 kB
blob Mail.php 15 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed problems with multibytes subjects in emails. 6.74 kB
blob Message.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 2.30 kB
blob Migration.php 15 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added the backup/restore migration actions. 10.71 kB
blob Model.php 15 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed ticket 392 with a correct set of the null values. 34.81 kB
blob Paginator.php 15 years 5 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added the option to filter a list in the paginator. 25.03 kB
blob Permission.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 5.28 kB
blob Precondition.php 15 years 7 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added a new SSL precondition. 3.66 kB
blob Queue.php 16 years 2 months Loic d'Anterroches: Document the addTo method. 5.85 kB
blob relations.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 1.60 kB
blob RowPermission.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 6.53 kB
blob Search.php 16 years 16 days Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed to be more resilient in case of concurrent indexing. 8.04 kB
blob Session.php 15 years 7 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed the cookie session settings. 5.33 kB
blob Shortcuts.php 15 years 9 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added a shortcuts to get one object or throw a 404 exception. 3.42 kB
blob Sign.php 15 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Correctly use the builtin function. 5.43 kB
blob Signal.php 15 years 10 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed error when no defined signals. 2.16 kB
blob SQL.php 16 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Initial import. 3.60 kB
blob Template.php 15 years 5 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed to support PHP 5.3.0. 9.54 kB
blob Text.php 15 years 5 months Loic d'Anterroches: Fixed some wrapping issues. 11.45 kB
blob Translation.php 15 years 1 month Loic d'Anterroches: Added change of LC_TIME when switching locale to get date translations. 10.80 kB
blob User.php 15 years 4 months Loic d'Anterroches: Partial fix of my own stupidity. 16.16 kB
blob Utils.php 15 years 5 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added a set of functions to sign strings and dump/load objects. 9.77 kB
blob Views.php 15 years 6 months Loic d'Anterroches: Added a simple redirection view. 14.78 kB

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