<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework. # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors. # # Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Validators are functions used to validate user/program input. * * A validator signature is: * my_validator($field_data, $params=array()) * with $params an associative array of parameters. * * * A validator must fail on an empty string by raising an * Pluf_Form_Invalid Exception or return the data in the right format * (string, bool, whatever). * * FIXME: Escape the strings when bad strings are sent in the error message. */ class Pluf_Encoder { /** * Store the complete form data if validation is coming from a form. */ protected $form = array (); /** * Set the form data. * * @param &array Reference to the form data */ function setFormData(& $form ) { $this ->form = $form ; } /** * Check if could be empty or not. */ function checkEmpty( $data , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { if ( strlen ( $data ) == 0 and isset( $p [ 'blank' ]) and false == $p [ 'blank' ]) { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(__( 'The value must not be empty.' )); } return true; } /** * Validate an url. * Only the structure is checked, no check of availability of the * url is performed. It is a really basic validation. */ static function url( $url , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { $ip = '(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)(\.' . '(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)){3}' ; $dom = '([a-z0-9\.\-]+)' ; if (preg_match( '!^(http|https|ftp|gopher)\://(' . $ip . '|' . $dom . ')!i' , $url )) { return $url ; } else { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(sprintf(__( 'The URL <em>%s</em> is not valid.' ), htmlspecialchars( $url ))); } } static function varchar( $string , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { if (isset( $p [ 'size' ]) && strlen ( $string ) > $p [ 'size' ]) { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(sprintf(__( 'The value should not be more than <em>%s</em> characters long.' ), $p [ 'size' ])); } return $string ; } static function password( $string , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { if ( strlen ( $string ) < 6) { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(sprintf(__( 'The password must be at least <em>%s</em> characters long.' ), '6' )); } return $string ; } static function email( $string , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { if (preg_match( '/^[A-Z0-9._%-][+A-Z0-9._%-]*@(?:[A-Z0-9-]+\.)+[A-Z]{2,4}$/i' , $string )) { return $string ; } else { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(sprintf(__( 'The email address "%s" is not valid.' ), $string )); } } static function text( $string , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { return Pluf_Encoder::varchar( $string , $form , $p ); } static function sequence( $id , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { return Pluf_Encoder::integer( $id , $p ); } static function boolean( $bool , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { if (in_array( $bool , array ( 'on' , 'y' , '1' , 1, true))) { return true; } return false; } static function foreignkey( $id , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { return Pluf_Encoder::integer( $id , $p ); } static function integer( $int , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { if (!preg_match( '/[0-9]+/' , $int )) { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(__( 'The value must be an integer.' )); } return (int) $int ; } static function datetime( $datetime , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { if (false === ( $stamp = strtotime ( $datetime ))) { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(sprintf(__( 'The date and time <em>%s</em> are not valid.' ), htmlspecialchars( $datetime ))); } //convert to GMT return gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $stamp ); } static function date ( $date , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { $ymd = explode ( '-' , $date ); if ( count ( $ymd ) != 3 or strlen ( $ymd [0]) != 4 or false === checkdate ( $ymd [1], $ymd [2], $ymd [0])) { throw new Pluf_Form_Invalid(sprintf(__( 'The date <em>%s</em> is not valid.' ), htmlspecialchars( $date ))); } return $date ; } static function manytomany( $vals , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { $res = array (); foreach ( $vals as $val ) { $res [] = Pluf_Encoder::integer( $val ); } return $res ; } static function float( $val , $form = array (), $p = array ()) { return (float) $val ; } /* 'file' => "''", 'manytomany' => null, 'foreignkey' => 0, 'text' => "''", 'html' => "''", 'time' => 0, 'integer' => 0, ); */ } |