
pluf2 Git Source Tree


{extends "pluf/ab/base.html"}

{block body}
<h1>A/B Testing Dashboard</h1>
{foreach $active as $test}
<h2>Test {$test['_id']}</h2>
<table summary=" ">{assign $alts=$test['stats']}
{foreach $alts as $alt}
<td>Option {$alt['alt']}</td>
<td>{$alt['nconvr']}{if $alt['better']} ({$alt['comp']} change){/if}</td>
{if $can_edit}
<form action="{url 'pluf_ab_dashboard'}" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="test" value="{$test['_id']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="alt" value="{$alt['alt']}" />
<input type="submit" name="s" value="{trans 'Use as winner'}" />

<td colspan="{if $can_edit}4{else}3{/if}" class="details">
Conv: {$alt['conv']}/{$alt['exp']}{if $alt['conf']} - Conf: {$alt['conf']}{/if}


{if count($active) == 0}
<p>No running tests at the moment.</p>

<p class="note">
The confidence is calculated with respect to the second best
alternative to evaluate if the best alternative is significantly
better than the second best.

<hr />

{foreach $stopped as $test}
<h2>Stopped Test {$test['_id']}</h2>
<table summary=" ">{assign $alts=$test['stats']}
{foreach $alts as $alt}
<tr{if $test['winner'] == $alt['alt']} class="winner"{/if}>
<td>{if $test['winner'] == $alt['alt']}<strong>!</strong>{/if} Option {$alt['alt']}</td>
<td>{$alt['nconvr']}{if $alt['better']} ({$alt['comp']} change){/if}</td>

<td colspan="3" class="details">
Conv: {$alt['conv']}/{$alt['exp']}{if $alt['conf']} - Conf: {$alt['conf']}{/if}



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