Pluf Framework

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/* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
# This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework.
# Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors.
# Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
 * Based on Wiki Renderer copyright (C) 2003-2004 Laurent Jouanneau
 * Default Wiki Renderer configuration.
class Pluf_Text_Wiki_Configuration
     * @var array   liste des tags inline
    public $inlinetags = array(
         'strong' => array('__','__',     
         'em'     => array('\'\'','\'\''
         'code'   => array('@@','@@',     
         'q'      => array('^^','^^',     
                           array('lang','cite'), null),
         'cite'   => array('{{','}}',     
                           array('title'), null),
         'acronym'=> array('??','??',     
                           array('title'), null),
         'link'   => array('[',']',       
         'image'  => array('((','))',     
         'anchor' => array('~~','~~',     
     * liste des balises de type bloc autoris�es.  Attention, ordre
     * important (p en dernier, car c'est le bloc par defaut..)
    public $bloctags = array(
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_Title' => true,
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_List' => true,
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_Pre' => true,
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_Hr' => true,
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_Blockquote' => true,
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_Definition' => true,
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_Table' => true,
        'Pluf_Text_Wiki_Block_P' => true
    public $simpletags = array('%%%'=>'<br />', ':-)'=>'<img src="laugh.png" alt=":-)" />');
     * @var   integer   niveau minimum pour les balises titres
    public $minHeaderLevel=3;
     * indique le sens dans lequel il faut interpreter le nombre de
     * signe de titre
     * true -> ! = titre , !! = sous titre, !!! = sous-sous-titre
     * false-> !!! = titre , !! = sous titre, ! = sous-sous-titre
    public $headerOrder=false;
    public $escapeSpecialChars=true;
    public $inlineTagSeparator='|';
    public $blocAttributeTag='��';
    public $checkWikiWord = false;
    public $checkWikiWordFunction = null;
// =====================================
// fonctions de g�n�rateur de
// code HTML sp�cifiques � certaines balises inlines
 * Generate a link.
 * If the configuration variable 'wiki_create_action' is set to true and
 * the URL starts with '/' and does not contains a dot '.' an action is
 * created out of it, with 'app_base' as the base url.
function Pluf_Text_Wiki_Configuration_buildlink($contents, $attr)
    $cnt = count($contents);
    $attribut = '';
    if ($cnt == 0) return '[]';
    if ($cnt == 1) {
        $contents[1] = $contents[0];
        if (strlen($contents[0]) > 40) {
            $contents[0] = substr($contents[0], 0, 40).'(..)';
        $cnt = 2;
    if ($cnt > count($attr)) {
        $cnt = count($attr)+1;
    if (strpos($contents[1], 'javascript:') !== false) {
        // for security reason
        $contents[1] = '#';
    if ('/' == $contents[1]{0} and false === strpos($contents[1], '.')) {
        if (true === Pluf::f('wiki_create_action')) {
            $murl = new Pluf_HTTP_URL();
            $contents[1] = Pluf::f('app_base').$murl->generate($contents[1]);
    for ($i=1; $i<$cnt; $i++) {
        $attribut .= ' '.$attr[$i-1].'="'.$contents[$i].'"';
    return '<a'.$attribut.'>'.$contents[0].'</a>';
function Pluf_Text_Wiki_Configuration_buildanchor($contents, $attr)
   return '<a name="'.$contents[0].'"></a>';
function Pluf_Text_Wiki_Configuration_builddummie($contents, $attr)
   return (isset($contents[0])?$contents[0]:'');
function Pluf_Text_Wiki_Configuration_buildimage($contents, $attr)
   if($cnt > 4) $cnt=4;
      case 4:
         $attribut.=' longdesc="'.$contents[3].'"';
      case 3:
         if($contents[2]=='l' ||$contents[2]=='L' || $contents[2]=='g' || $contents[2]=='G')
            $attribut.=' style="float:left;"';
         elseif($contents[2]=='r' ||$contents[2]=='R' || $contents[2]=='d' || $contents[2]=='D')
            $attribut.=' style="float:right;"';
      case 2:
         $attribut.=' alt="'.$contents[1].'"';
      case 1:
         $attribut.=' src="'.$contents[0].'"';
         if($cnt == 1) $attribut.=' alt=""';
   return '<img'.$attribut.' />';

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