Pluf Framework

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/* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
# This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework.
# Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors.
# Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

 * High performance logging infrastructure.
 * Logging while keeping a high performance in production is hard, it
 * is even harder if we want to track the point in the code where the
 * log information is generated, for example the file name and line
 * number. PHP offers the assert statement which, used in a not so
 * conventional way can get everything in a very efficient way.
 * Note that the messages do not need to be strings. You can log
 * whatever you want. How the message is then stored in your logs is
 * up to the writer you are using. This can be for example a JSON
 * fragment.
 * The removal of constraints on the log message simplify the log
 * system as you can push into it categories or extra informations.
 * In the log stack, each log message is microtimed together with the
 * log level as integer. You can convert the integer to string at
 * write time.
class Pluf_Log
     * The log stack.
     * A logger function is just pushing the data in the log stack,
     * the writers are then called to write the data later.
    public static $stack = array();
     * Different log levels.
    const ALL = 1;
    const DEBUG = 5;
    const INFO = 6;
    const WARN = 7;
    const ERROR = 8;
    const FATAL = 9;
    const OFF = 10;
     * Used to reverse the log level to the string.
    public static $reverse = array(1 => 'ALL',
                                   5 => 'DEBUG',
                                   6 => 'INFO',
                                   7 => 'WARN',
                                   8 => 'ERROR',
                                   9 => 'FATAL');

     * Current log level.
     * By default, set to 6, which is the INFO level.
    public static $level = 6;

     * Current message in the assert log.
    public static $assert_mess = null;

     * Current level of the message in the assert log.
    public static $assert_level = 6;

     * Log the information in the stack.
     * Flush the information if needed.
     * @param $level Level to log
     * @param $message Message to log
    private static function _log($level, $message)

        if (self::$level >= $level and self::$level != 10) {
            self::$stack[] = array(microtime(true), $level, $message);
            if (!Pluf::f('log_delayed', false)) {

     * Base assert logger.
     * The assert logging is a two step process as one need to go
     * through the assertion callback.
     * @param $level Level to log
     * @param $message Message to log
     * @return bool false
    private static function _alog($level, $message)
        self::$assert_level = $level;
        self::$assert_mess = $message;
        return false; // This will trigger the assert handler.

     * Log at the ALL level.
     * @param $message Message to log
    public static function log($message)
        return self::_log(self::ALL, $message);

     * Log at the DEBUG level.
     * @param $message Message to log
    public static function debug($message)
        self::_log(self::DEBUG, $message);

    public static function info($message)
        self::_log(self::INFO, $message);

    public static function warn($message)
        self::_log(self::WARN, $message);

    public static function error($message)
        self::_log(self::ERROR, $message);

    public static function fatal($message)
        self::_log(self::FATAL, $message);

     * Assert log at the ALL level.
     * @param $message Message to log
    public static function alog($message)
        return self::_alog(self::ALL, $message);

     * Assert log at the DEBUG level.
     * @param $message Message to log
    public static function adebug($message)
        self::_alog(self::DEBUG, $message);

    public static function ainfo($message)
        self::_alog(self::INFO, $message);

    public static function awarn($message)
        self::_alog(self::WARN, $message);

    public static function aerror($message)
        self::_alog(self::ERROR, $message);

    public static function afatal($message)
        self::_alog(self::FATAL, $message);
     * Flush the data to the writer.
     * This reset the stack.
    public static function flush()
        $writer = Pluf::f('log_handler', 'Pluf_Log_File');
        call_user_func(array($writer, 'write'), self::$stack);
        self::$stack = array();

     * Signal handler to flush the log.
     * The name of the signal and the parameters are not used.
     * @param $signal Name of the signal
     * @param &$params Parameters
    public static function flushHandler($signal, &$params)

     * Activation of the low impact logging.
     * When called, it enabled the assertions for debugging.
    public static function activeAssert()
        assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1); 
        assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
        assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1);
        assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'Pluf_Log_assert');

 * Assertion handler.
 * @param $file Name of the file where the assert is called
 * @param $line Line number of the file where the assert is called
 * @param $code Code evaluated by the assert call
function Pluf_Log_assert($file, $line, $code)
    if (Pluf_Log::$level >= Pluf_Log::$assert_level and 
        Pluf_Log::$level != 10) {
        Pluf_Log::$stack[] = array(
                                   $file, $line, $code);
        if (!Pluf::f('log_delayed', false)) {
    Pluf_Log::$assert_level = 6;
    Pluf_Log::$assert_mess = null;

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