<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework. # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors. # # Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * Response object to be constructed by the views. * * When constructing a view, the response object must be populated and * returned. The response is then displayed to the visitor. * The interest of using a response object is that we can run a post * filter action on the response. For example you can run a filter that * is checking that all the output is valid HTML and write a logfile if * this is not the case. */ class Pluf_HTTP_Response { /** * Content of the response. */ public $content = '' ; /** * Array of the headers to add. * * For example $this->headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=utf-8'; */ public $headers = array (); /** * Status code of the answer. */ public $status_code = 200; /** * Cookies to send. * * $this->cookies['my_cookie'] = 'content of the cookie'; */ public $cookies = array (); /** * Status code list. * */ public $status_code_list = array ( '100' => 'CONTINUE' , '101' => 'SWITCHING PROTOCOLS' , '200' => 'OK' , '201' => 'CREATED' , '202' => 'ACCEPTED' , '203' => 'NON-AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION' , '204' => 'NO CONTENT' , '205' => 'RESET CONTENT' , '206' => 'PARTIAL CONTENT' , '300' => 'MULTIPLE CHOICES' , '301' => 'MOVED PERMANENTLY' , '302' => 'FOUND' , '303' => 'SEE OTHER' , '304' => 'NOT MODIFIED' , '305' => 'USE PROXY' , '306' => 'RESERVED' , '307' => 'TEMPORARY REDIRECT' , '400' => 'BAD REQUEST' , '401' => 'UNAUTHORIZED' , '402' => 'PAYMENT REQUIRED' , '403' => 'FORBIDDEN' , '404' => 'NOT FOUND' , '405' => 'METHOD NOT ALLOWED' , '406' => 'NOT ACCEPTABLE' , '407' => 'PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED' , '408' => 'REQUEST TIMEOUT' , '409' => 'CONFLICT' , '410' => 'GONE' , '411' => 'LENGTH REQUIRED' , '412' => 'PRECONDITION FAILED' , '413' => 'REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE' , '414' => 'REQUEST-URI TOO LONG' , '415' => 'UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE' , '416' => 'REQUESTED RANGE NOT SATISFIABLE' , '417' => 'EXPECTATION FAILED' , '500' => 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR' , '501' => 'NOT IMPLEMENTED' , '502' => 'BAD GATEWAY' , '503' => 'SERVICE UNAVAILABLE' , '504' => 'GATEWAY TIMEOUT' , '505' => 'HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED' ); /** * Constructor of the response. * * @param string Content of the response ('') * @param string MimeType of the response (null) if not given will * default to the one given in the configuration 'mimetype' */ function __construct( $content = '' , $mimetype =null) { if ( is_null ( $mimetype )) { $mimetype = Pluf::f( 'mimetype' , 'text/html' ). '; charset=utf-8' ; } $this ->content = $content ; $this ->headers[ 'Content-Type' ] = $mimetype ; $this ->status_code = 200; $this ->cookies = array (); } /** * Render a response object. */ function render( $output_body =true) { if ( $this ->status_code >= 200 && $this ->status_code != 204 && $this ->status_code != 304) { $this ->headers[ 'Content-Length' ] = strlen ( $this ->content); } $this ->outputHeaders(); if ( $output_body ) { echo $this ->content; } } /** * Output headers. */ function outputHeaders() { if (!defined( 'IN_UNIT_TESTS' )) { header( 'HTTP/1.0 ' . $this ->status_code. ' ' . $this ->status_code_list[ $this ->status_code], true, $this ->status_code); foreach ( $this ->headers as $header => $ch ) { header( $header . ': ' . $ch ); } foreach ( $this ->cookies as $cookie => $data ) { // name, data, expiration, path, domain, secure, http only setcookie( $cookie , $data , time()+31536000, Pluf::f( 'cookie_path' , '/' ), Pluf::f( 'cookie_domain' , null), Pluf::f( 'cookie_secure' , false), Pluf::f( 'cookie_httponly' , true)); } } else { $_COOKIE = array (); foreach ( $this ->cookies as $cookie => $data ) { $_COOKIE [ $cookie ] = $data ; } } } } |