<?php /* -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** # This file is part of Plume Framework, a simple PHP Application Framework. # Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Loic d'Anterroches and contributors. # # Plume Framework is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Plume Framework is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ class Pluf_Dispatcher { /** * The unique method to call. * * @param string Query string ('') */ public static function dispatch( $query = '' ) { $query = preg_replace( '#^(/)+#' , '/' , '/' . $query ); $req = new Pluf_HTTP_Request( $query ); $middleware = array (); foreach (Pluf::f( 'middleware_classes' , array ()) as $mw ) { $middleware [] = new $mw (); } $skip = false; foreach ( $middleware as $mw ) { if (method_exists( $mw , 'process_request' )) { $response = $mw ->process_request( $req ); if ( $response !== false) { // $response is a response $response ->render( $req ->method != 'HEAD' and !defined( 'IN_UNIT_TESTS' )); $skip = true; break ; } } } if ( $skip === false) { $response = self::match( $req ); if (! empty ( $req ->response_vary_on)) { $response ->headers[ 'Vary' ] = $req ->response_vary_on; } $middleware = array_reverse ( $middleware ); foreach ( $middleware as $mw ) { if (method_exists( $mw , 'process_response' )) { $response = $mw ->process_response( $req , $response ); } } $response ->render( $req ->method != 'HEAD' and !defined( 'IN_UNIT_TESTS' )); } return array ( $req , $response ); } /** * Match a query against the actions controllers. * * @param Pluf_HTTP_Request Request object * @return Pluf_HTTP_Response Response object */ public static function match( $req ) { // Order the controllers by priority foreach ( $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ] as $key => $control ) { $priority [ $key ] = $control [ 'priority' ]; } array_multisort ( $priority , SORT_ASC, $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ]); foreach ( $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ] as $key => $ctl ) { $match = array (); if (preg_match( $ctl [ 'regex' ], $req ->query, $match )) { try { $req ->view = $ctl ; $m = new $ctl [ 'model' ](); if (isset( $m ->{ $ctl [ 'method' ]. '_precond' })) { // Here we have preconditions to respects. If // the "answer" is true, then ok go ahead, if // not then it a response so return it or an // exception so let it go. $preconds = $m ->{ $ctl [ 'method' ]. '_precond' }; if (! is_array ( $preconds )) { $preconds = array ( $preconds ); } foreach ( $preconds as $precond ) { $res = call_user_func( explode ( '::' , $precond ), $req ); if ( $res !== true) { return $res ; } } } if (!isset( $ctl [ 'params' ])) { return $m -> $ctl [ 'method' ]( $req , $match ); } else { return $m -> $ctl [ 'method' ]( $req , $match , $ctl [ 'params' ]); } } catch (Pluf_HTTP_Error404 $e ) { // Need to add a 404 error handler // something like Pluf::f('404_handler', 'class::method') } catch (Exception $e ) { if (Pluf::f( 'debug' , false) == true) { return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_ServerErrorDebug( $e ); } else { return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_ServerError( $e ); } } } } return new Pluf_HTTP_Response_NotFound( $req ); } /** * Load the controllers. * * @param string File including the views. * @param string Possible prefix to add to the views. * @return bool Success. */ public static function loadControllers( $file , $prefix = '' ) { if ( file_exists ( $file )) { if ( $prefix == '' ) { $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ] = include $file ; } else { $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ] = Pluf_Dispatcher::addPrefixToViewFile( $prefix , $file ); } return true; } return false; } /** * Register an action controller. * * - The class must provide a "standalone" action method * class::actionmethod($request, $match) * - The priority is to order the controller matches. * 5: Default, if the controller provides some content * 1: If the controller provides a control before, without providing * content, note that in this case the return code must be a redirection. * 8: If the controller is providing a catch all case to replace the * default 404 error page. * * @param string Class name providing the action controller * @param string The method of the plugin to be called * @param string Regex to match on the query string * @param int Priority (5) * @return void */ public static function registerController( $model , $method , $regex , $priority =5) { if (!isset( $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ])) { $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ] = array (); } $GLOBALS [ '_PX_views' ][] = array ( 'model' => $model , 'regex' => $regex , 'priority' => $priority , 'method' => $method ); } /** * Add the controllers of an application with a given prefix. * * Suppose you have a new app you want to use within another * existing application, you may need to change the base URL not * to conflict with the existing one. For example you want to have * and to use 2 forums at * the same time. * * This method do that, it takes a typical "view" file and rewrite * the regex to append the prefix. Note that you should use the * 'url' tag in the template and use Pluf_HTTP_URL_reverse in the * views to not hardcode the urls or this will not work. * * @param string Prefix, for example '/alternate'. * @param string File with the views. * @return array Prefixed views. */ static public function addPrefixToViewFile( $prefix , $file ) { if ( file_exists ( $file )) { $views = include $file ; } else { throw new Exception( 'View file not found: ' . $file ); } return Pluf_Dispatcher::addPrefixToViews( $prefix , $views ); } /** * Add a prefix to an array of views. * * You can use it for example to not hardcode that in your CMS the * blog is located as /blog but is configured in the configuration * of the CMS, that way in French this could be /carnet. * * @param string Prefix, for example '/alternate'. * @param array Array of the views. * @return array Prefixed views. */ static public function addPrefixToViews( $prefix , $views ) { $res = array (); foreach ( $views as $view ) { $view [ 'regex' ] = '#^' . $prefix . substr ( $view [ 'regex' ], 2); $res [] = $view ; } return $res ; } } |