{extends "pluf/ab/base.html"}␊ |
␊ |
{block bodyclass} class="funnel"{/block}␊ |
{block body}␊ |
<p class="right">» <a href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnels'}">All funnels</a></p>␊ |
␊ |
<h1>Funnel {$funnel} - {$nperiod}</h1>␊ |
␊ |
<p class="right">␊ |
␊ |
<a{if $period == 'today'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> 'today')}">Today</a> |␊ |
<a{if $period == 'yesterday'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> 'yesterday')}">Yesterday</a> |␊ |
<a{if $period == '7days'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> '7days')}">Last 7 days</a> |␊ |
<a{if $period == 'all'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> 'all')}">All time</a>␊ |
<table summary=" ">␊ |
<tr>␊ |
<td width="600">␊ |
␊ |
<p class="right">␊ |
<a{if $period == 'today'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> 'today', 'prop'=> $prop)}">Today</a> |␊ |
<a{if $period == 'yesterday'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> 'yesterday', 'prop'=> $prop)}">Yesterday</a> |␊ |
<a{if $period == '7days'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> '7days', 'prop'=> $prop)}">Last 7 days</a> |␊ |
<a{if $period == 'all'} class="strong"{/if} href="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel), array('p'=> 'all', 'prop'=> $prop)}">All time</a>␊ |
</p>␊ |
␊ |
␊ |
{assign $i=1}␊ |
{foreach $stats as $step}{if $step}␊ |
␊ |
{if $i>1}␊ |
<p class="right">{$step['total']} ({$step['conv']})<span class="arrow right"></span></p>␊ |
␊ |
{/if}␊ |
<h2>Step {$i}: {$step['name']}</h2>␊ |
␊ |
<h2>Step {$i}: {$step['name']}</h2>␊ |
</td>␊ |
<td>{if $i==1}␊ |
{if count($props)}␊ |
<h2>Filter by visitor property</h2>␊ |
<form method="get" action="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel)}">␊ |
<select name="prop">{foreach $props as $k=>$v}␊ |
<option value="">All</option>␊ |
<option value="{$k}"{if $prop==$k} selected="selected"{/if}>{$k}</option>{/foreach}␊ |
</select>␊ |
<input type="hidden" name="p" value="{$period}" />␊ |
<input type="submit" name="s" value="Filter" />␊ |
</form>␊ |
{/if}␊ |
{elseif isset($step['props'])}{assign $stepprops = $step['props']}␊ |
{foreach $stepprops as $k=>$t}␊ |
<p>{$k}: {$t}</p>␊ |
{/foreach}␊ |
{/if}␊ |
</td>␊ |
</tr>␊ |
<tr>␊ |
<td>␊ |
<p>␊ |
{if $i>1}␊ |
{if $i>1 and isset($step['conv1'])}␊ |
<span class="percent"><span style="width:{$step['conv1']}"></span></span>␊ |
{if $step['conv1'] != '100.00%'}<br />␊ |
<span class="margin"><span style="width:{$step['conv1']}"></span>{$step['conv1']}</span>{/if}␊ |
{blocktrans $t}{$t} unique visitor.{plural}{$t} unique visitors.{/blocktrans}␊ |
</p>␊ |
{assign $i += 1}␊ |
{/if}{/foreach}␊ |
{if count($stats)}␊ |
{/if}{/foreach}</td></tr></table>␊ |
{if count($stats) and isset($stats[$i-1]['conv1'])}␊ |
<hr />␊ |
␊ |
{assign $i = $i-1}␊ |
{else}␊ |
<p>We do not have statistics for this period.</p>␊ |
{/if}␊ |
␊ |
{*<pre>␊ |
{$stats|dump}␊ |
</pre>*}␊ |
{/block}␊ |
␊ |
{block details} {*␊ |
{if count($props)}␊ |
<h2 style="margin-top: 4.5em;">Filter by visitor property</h2>␊ |
<form method="get" action="{url 'pluf_ab_funnel', array($funnel)}">␊ |
<select name="prop">{foreach $props as $k=>$v}␊ |
<option value="">All</option>␊ |
<option value="{$k}"{if $prop==$k} selected="selected"{/if}>{$k}</option>{/foreach}␊ |
</select>␊ |
<input type="hidden" name="p" value="{$period}" />␊ |
<input type="submit" name="s" value="Filter" />␊ |
</form>␊ |
{/if}␊ |
*}␊ |
{/block}␊ |