{assign $i = $i-1}␊ |
<p><strong>{$stats[$i]['total']}</strong> out of {$stats['1']['total']} visitors reached step {$i} of this funnel.␊ |
This is a completion rate of <strong>{$stats[$i]['conv1']}</strong>.</p>␊ |
␊ |
{if count($props) and isset($stats[$i]['sprops1'])}␊ |
<div class="propsstats">{assign $stepprops = $stats[$i]['sprops1']}␊ |
<h2>Visitor Property {$prop} </h2>␊ |
{foreach $stepprops as $k=>$t}␊ |
<p><strong>{$k}</strong>: {assign $nn = $t[1]}␊ |
{$t[0]} out of {blocktrans $nn}{$nn} visitor{plural}{$nn} visitors{/blocktrans}{if $t[2]} ({$t[2]}){/if}␊ |
{/foreach}</p>␊ |
</div>␊ |
</div>{/if}␊ |
<p class="note">␊ |
Note that if a user skip a given step, this can make the results a bit␊ |
off. For the overall property funnel statistics, the first step where a given ␊ |
appears is used as the base value.␊ |
off.{if count($props)} For the overall property funnel statistics, the first step where a given ␊ |
appears is used as the base value.{/if}␊ |
</p>␊ |
{else}␊ |
<p>We do not have statistics for this period.</p>␊ |