<?php plogger_get_header(); ?>
<div id="thumbnail-container">
<?php if (plogger_has_collections()) : ?>
<ul class="slides">
<?php while(plogger_has_collections()) : plogger_load_collection();
// Find thumbnail width/height
$thumb_info = plogger_get_thumbnail_info();
$thumb_width = $thumb_info['width']; // The width of the image. It is integer data type.
$thumb_height = $thumb_info['height']; // The height of the image. It is an integer data type.
$div_width = $thumb_width + 30; // Account for padding/border width
$div_height = $thumb_height + 75; // Account for padding/border width
<li class="thumbnail">
<div class="tag" style="width: <?php echo $div_width; ?>px; height: <?php echo $div_height; ?>px;">
<a href="<?php echo plogger_get_collection_url(); ?>"><img class="photos" src="<?php echo plogger_get_collection_thumb(); ?>" width="<?php echo$thumb_width; ?>" height="<?php echo $thumb_height; ?>" title="<?php echo plogger_get_collection_name(); ?>" alt="<?php echo plogger_get_collection_name(); ?>" /></a><br />
<a href="<?php echo plogger_get_collection_url(); ?>"><?php echo plogger_get_collection_name(); ?></a>
<?php echo plogger_download_checkbox(plogger_get_collection_id()); ?><br />
<span class="meta-header">(<?php echo plogger_collection_album_count() . ' '; echo (plogger_collection_album_count() == 1) ? plog_tr('album') : plog_tr('albums'); ?>)</span>
</div><!-- /tag -->
</li><!-- /thumbnail -->
<?php endwhile; ?>
</ul><!-- /slides -->
<?php else : ?>
<div id="no-pictures-msg">
<h2><?php echo plog_tr('No Images') ?></h2>
<p><?php echo plog_tr('Sorry, but there are no images in this gallery yet.') ?></p>
</div><!-- /no-pictures-msg -->
<?php endif; ?>
</div><!-- /thumbnail-container -->
<?php plogger_get_footer(); ?>