if (is_file(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/plog-config.php')) {
// Set up some initial variables
$beta1 = false;
$needs_ftp = false;
$step = (isset($_GET['step'])) ? intval($_GET['step']) : 0;
// Set a session variable for session checks
$_SESSION['plogger_session'] = true;
// Serve the config file if prompted
if (!empty($_POST['dlconfig']) && !empty($_SESSION['plogger_config'])) {
header('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plog-config.php"');
echo $_SESSION['plogger_config'];
// Check if upgrading from 1.0beta1 which requires additional updates
if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-connect.php') && !defined('PLOGGER_DB_HOST')) {
$beta1 = true;
// If we are upgrading from 1.0beta1, we do not yet have a valid plog-config.php file
if (!$beta1) {
// Now we can include the functions - conflict with run_query function in beta 1's plog-connect.php file
// Make sure Plogger is installed first
if (!is_plogger_installed()) {
// If Plogger does not seem to be installed, redirect to _install.php
header('Location: _install.php');
} else {
// If installed, check for safe_mode and if enabled, check for FTP workaround
if (is_safe_mode()) {
// Set up the FTP workaround information if prompted
if (isset($_POST['ftp_host'])) {
$ftp_errors = array();
$form = array_map('stripslashes',$_POST);
$form = array_map('trim',$_POST);
// Check the form input values
$ftp_form_check = check_ftp_form($form);
$form = $ftp_form_check['form'];
if (!empty($ftp_form_check['form']['errors'])) {
$ftp_errors = $ftp_form_check['form']['errors'];
// If no ftp errors so far, check the ftp information
if (empty($ftp_errors)) {
$ftp_check = check_ftp($form['ftp_host'], $form['ftp_user'], $form['ftp_pass'], $form['ftp_path']);
// If still no ftp errors, add the information to the database
if (empty($ftp_check)) {
$config['ftp_host'] = $form['ftp_host'];
$config['ftp_user'] = $form['ftp_user'];
$config['ftp_pass'] = $form['ftp_pass'];
$config['ftp_path'] = $form['ftp_path'];
} else {
// Otherwise, set up the errors for display later
$ftp_errors = $ftp_check;
if (!isset($config['ftp_host'])) {
// Do we need an upgrade for people who used SVN only code that stored
// FTP workaround data in plog-config.php?
$needs_ftp = true;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Upgrade Plogger</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/admin.css" />
<div><img src="images/plogger.gif" alt="Plogger" /></div>
// Check the requirements
$errors = check_requirements();
if (sizeof($errors) > 0) {
echo "\n\t" . '<p class="errors">'.plog_tr('Plogger cannot be upgraded until the following problems are resolved').':</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach($errors as $error) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$error.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<form method="get" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'">
<p><input class="submit" type="submit" value="'.plog_tr('Try again').'" /></p>
</form>' . "\n";
} else { // End of requirement check
$errors = "";
echo "\n" . '<h1>'.plog_tr('Upgrading Plogger').'</h1>';
switch ($step) {
// Step 0 - gather any information needed
case 0:
if ($beta1) {
// Include the old sql database info and create a new plog-config.php file with it
$conf = create_config_file($DB_HOST, $DB_USER, $DB_PW, $DB_NAME);
// Serve the config file and ask user to upload it to webhost
$_SESSION['plogger_config'] = $conf;
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Updating Configuration').'</h2>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<p>'.plog_tr('It appears you are updating from Plogger 1.0beta1. Your configuration file needs to be updated.').'</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php" method="post">';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<p>'.sprintf(plog_tr('Before you can proceed, please %s to download the configuration file for your gallery, then upload it to your webhost (into the same directory where you installed Plogger itself).'), '<input class="submit-inline" type="submit" name="dlconfig" value=" '.plog_tr('click here').'" />') . '</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="continue" id="continue" value=" '.plog_tr('Continue').'..." /></p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '</form>' . "\n";
} else if ($needs_ftp) {
// If we need to collect ftp information for safe_mode workaround
// Handle errors and include the information form
if (!empty($ftp_errors)) {
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="errors" style="background-image: none;">';
foreach ($ftp_errors as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
// Step 1 - update the database
case 1:
$return = upgrade_database();
if (!empty($return)) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Updating Database').'</h2>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($return as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Done with database upgrade!').'</h2>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=2" method="post">';
echo "\n\t" . '<p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="next" value="'.plog_tr('Next Step').' »" /></p>';
echo "\n\t" . '</form>' . "\n";
// Step 2 - move images, albums, collections, and uploads to new locations
case 2:
// Load the config file
// Check if we need to rename the directories due to permissions to force the re-creation of images/ and thumbs/
if (isset($_SESSION['plogger_close_perms'])) {
$upgrade_images = upgrade_image_list();
if ($upgrade_images['total'] > 0 || isset($_POST['upgrade-images'])) {
$selects = array('5' => 5, '10' => 10, '25' => 25, '50' => 50, '75' => 75, '100' => 100, '150' => 150, '200' => 200, '250' => 250, '0' => plog_tr('All at once'));
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Updating Images').'</h2>';
if (!isset($_POST['upgrade-images'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.sprintf(plog_tr('Plogger needs to restructure %s items'), '<strong>'.$upgrade_images['total'].'</strong>') . '</p>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=2" method="post">';
echo "\n\n\t<p>".plog_tr('Number of images to update per cycle').': ';
echo "\n\t\t" . '<select name="num-images">';
foreach ($selects as $key => $value) {
$selected = ($key == 0) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</select>';
echo "\n\t" . '</p>';
echo "\n\n\t<p>* ".plog_tr('change this if you have a lot of images, or if you run into server timeout issues.');
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p><input type="hidden" id="upgrade-images" name="upgrade-images" value="1" />';
echo "\n\t" . '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="continue" value="'.plog_tr('Continue').'..." /></p>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '</form>' . "\n";
} else {
$num_images = (isset($_POST['num-images']) && $_POST['num-images'] > 0) ? $_POST['num-images'] : $upgrade_images['total'];
$return = upgrade_images($num_images, $upgrade_images);
if (!empty($return['errors'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="errors">'.plog_tr('Plogger was unable to move the following images. Please check your permissions.').'</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($return['errors'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
if (!empty($return['output'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.plog_tr('Plogger was able to move the following images').':</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($return['output'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
if ($return['count'] == $upgrade_images['total']) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Done with image restructure').'!</h2>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=3" method="post">';
echo "\n\t" . '<p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="next" value="'.plog_tr('Next Step').' »" /></p>';
echo "\n\t" . '</form>' . "\n";
if (isset($_SESSION['plogger_close_perms'])) {
} else {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.sprintf(plog_tr('Plogger needs to restructure %s more images'), '<strong>'.( $upgrade_images['total'] - $return['count'] ).'</strong>').'</p>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=2" method="post">';
echo "\n\n\t<p>".plog_tr('Number of images to update per cycle').':';
echo "\n\t\t" . '<select name="num-images">';
foreach ($selects as $key => $value) {
$selected = ($num_images == $key) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$selected.'>'.$value.'</option>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</select>';
echo "\n\t" . '</p>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p><input type="hidden" id="upgrade-images" name="upgrade-images" value="1" />';
echo "\n\t" . '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="continue" value="'.plog_tr('Continue').'..." /></p>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '</form>' . "\n";
// Step 3 - check for old themes & translation files
case 3:
$check_list = check_list();
if (!empty($check_list['themes']) || !empty($check_list['translations'])) {
if (!empty($check_list['themes'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.sprintf(plog_tr('Plogger has found old %s files'), plog_tr('theme') ).'. '.sprintf( plog_tr('If you have customized a theme listed below, please verify that you have a copy located in %s before moving on to the next step'), '<strong>plog-content/themes/</strong>' ).':</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($check_list['themes'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
if (!empty($check_list['translations'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.sprintf(plog_tr('Plogger has found old %s files'), plog_tr('translation') ).'. '.sprintf(plog_tr('Please verify that you have a copy located in %s before moving on to the next step'), '<strong>plog-content/translations/</strong>' ).':</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($check_list['translations'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=4" method="post">';
echo "\n\t" . '<p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="next" value="'.plog_tr('Next Step').' »" /></p>';
echo "\n\t" . '</form>' . "\n";
// Step 4 - clean up the old files
case 4:
// Load the config file
$cleanup_list = cleanup_list();
if (!empty($cleanup_list['files']) || !empty($cleanup_list['folders']) || isset($_POST['do-cleanup'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Cleaning Up Files').'</h2>';
if (!isset($_POST['do-cleanup'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=4" method="post">';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.plog_tr('Plogger has found the following files/folders that are no longer needed').':</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($cleanup_list['files'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
foreach ($cleanup_list['folders'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p>'.sprintf(plog_tr('You can have Plogger attempt to %s for you, or you can delete them manually via FTP and go to the next step.'), '<input class="submit-inline" type="submit" name="delete" value="'.plog_tr('delete the files').'..." />').'';
echo "\n\t" . '<input type="hidden" id="do-cleanup" name="do-cleanup" value="1" /></p>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '</form>';
} else {
$return = cleanup_files($cleanup_list['files'], $cleanup_list['folders']);
if (!empty($return['errors'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="errors">'.plog_tr('Plogger could not delete the following files/folders. Please check your permissions or delete them manually.').'</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($return['errors'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
if (!empty($return['output'])) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.plog_tr('Plogger was able to delete the following files/folders').':</p>';
echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
foreach ($return['output'] as $value) {
echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$value.'</li>';
echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
if (!empty($return['errors'])) {
echo "\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=4" method="post">';
echo "\n\t" . '<p style="float: left;"><input type="hidden" id="do-cleanup" name="do-cleanup" value="1" />';
echo "\n\t" . '<input class="submit" type="submit" name="try again" value="'.plog_tr('Try Again').'" /></p>';
echo "\n\t" . '</form>'. "\n";
} else {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Done with cleanup!').'</h2>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="_upgrade.php?step=5" method="post">';
echo "\n\t" . '<p style="float: left;"><input class="submit" type="submit" name="next" value="'.plog_tr('Next Step').' »" /></p>';
echo "\n\t" . '</form>'. "\n";
echo "\n\t" . '<p> </p>'. "\n";
// Finished!
case 5:
echo "\n\n\t" . '<h2 class="upgrade">'.plog_tr('Upgrade complete!').'</h2>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="info">'.plog_tr('You have successfully upgraded Plogger!').'</p>';
if (is_open_perms(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/')) {
echo "\n\n\t" . '<p class="actions">'.sprintf(plog_tr('You can now CHMOD the %s directory back to 0755'), '<strong>plog-content/</strong>').'.</p>';
echo "\n\n\t" . '<form action="index.php" method="post">';
echo "\n\t" . '<p><input class="submit" type="submit" name="next" value="'.plog_tr('Log In').'" /></p>';
echo "\n\t" . '</form>'. "\n";
if (!$beta1) {