
ploto Git Source Tree


if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == basename( __FILE__ )) {
    // ignorance is bliss
/**** Common Functions ****/
function maybe_add_column($table, $column, $add_sql) {
    $sql = "DESCRIBE $table";
    $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$sql);
    $found = false;
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_NUM)) {
        if ($row[0] == $column) $found = true;
    if (!$found) {
        mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],"ALTER TABLE $table ADD `$column` ".$add_sql);
        return plog_tr('Added new field to database').': '.$column;
    } else {
        if (defined('PLOGGER_DEBUG')) {
//          return plog_tr('Field').' <strong>'.$column.'</strong> .'plog_tr('already exists, ignoring.').'';
            return 'Field <strong>'.$column.'</strong> already exists, ignoring.';
function maybe_drop_column($table, $column) {
    $sql = "DESCRIBE $table";
    $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$sql);
    $found = false;
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQL_NUM)) {
        if ($row[0] == $column) $found = true;
    if ($found) {
        $sql = "ALTER TABLE $table DROP `$column`";
        return plog_tr('Dropped column').': '.$column;
    } else {
        if (defined('PLOGGER_DEBUG')) {
//          return $column.' '.plog_tr('does not exist').'';
            return $column.' does not exist';
function maybe_add_table($table, $add_sql, $options = '') {
    $sql = "DESCRIBE $table";
    $res = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$sql);
    if (!$res) {
        $q = "CREATE table `$table` ($add_sql) $options";
        if (mysqli_error($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"])) {
        } else {
            return true;
    } else {
        if (defined('PLOGGER_DEBUG')) {
//          return plog_tr('Table').' <strong>'.$table.'</strong> .'plog_tr('already exists, ignoring.').'';
            return 'Table <strong>'.$table.'</strong> already exists, ignoring.';
function get_default_charset() {
    // Since 4.1 MySQL has support for specifying character encoding for tables
    // and I really want to use it if available. So we need figure out what version
    // we are running on and to the right thing
    $mysql_version = mysqli_get_server_info($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"]);
    $mysql_charset_support = '4.1';
    $default_charset = '';
    if (1 == version_compare($mysql_version, $mysql_charset_support)) {
        $default_charset = 'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET UTF8';
    return $default_charset;
function gd_missing() {
    // This is copied over from phpthumb
    return phpthumb_functions::gd_version() < 1;
function check_requirements() {
    $errors = array();
    // Check that the session variable can be read
    if (!isset($_SESSION['plogger_session'])) {
        $save_path = ini_get('session.save_path');
        // Check that session.save_path is set (not set by default on PHP5)
        if (empty($save_path)) {
            if (!defined('SESSION_SAVE_PATH')) {
                $sample_text = ' ('.sprintf(plog_tr('see %s if your %s does not contain this variable'), 'plog-config-sample.php', 'plog-config.php').')';
            } else {
                $sample_text = '';
            $errors[] = sprintf( plog_tr('The PHP %s variable is not set in your php.ini file.'), '<strong>session.save_path</strong>').' '.sprintf(plog_tr('You can attempt to set this by adding a writable directory path to the %s variable in %s or contact your webhost on how to set this system variable.'), '<strong>SESSION_SAVE_PATH</strong>', 'plog-config.php'.$sample_text);
        } else {
            $errors[] = sprintf(plog_tr('PHP session cookies are not being set. Please check that session cookies are enabled on your browser or verify that your %s variable is set up correctly.'), '<strong>session.save_path</strong>').' '.sprintf(plog_tr('You can attempt to set this by adding a writable directory path to the %s variable in %s or contact your webhost on how to set this system variable.'), '<strong>SESSION_SAVE_PATH</strong>', 'plog-config.php'.$sample_text);
    // Check that the GD library is available
    if (gd_missing()) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('PHP GD module was not detected.');
    // Check that MySQL functions are available
    if (!function_exists('mysql_connect')) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('PHP MySQL module was not detected.');
    // Make sure we have permission to read these folders/files
    $files_to_read = array('./plog-admin', './plog-admin/css', './plog-admin/images', './plog-content/images', './plog-content/thumbs', './plog-content/uploads', './plog-includes', './plog-includes/lib');
    foreach($files_to_read as $file) {
        if (!is_readable(PLOGGER_DIR.$file)) {
            $errors[] = sprintf(plog_tr('The path %s is not readable by the web server.'), '<strong>'.realpath(PLOGGER_DIR.$file).'</strong>');
    // Workaround for upgrading from beta1 since there are conflicting function in plog-functions.php and beta1 plog-connect.php
    if (function_exists('is_safe_mode')) {
        // If safe mode enabled, we will use the FTP workarounds to deal with folder permissions
        if (!is_safe_mode()) {
            // Make sure we have permission to write to these folders
            $files_to_write = array('./plog-content/images', './plog-content/thumbs');
            $i = 0;
            foreach($files_to_write as $file) {
                if (!is_writable(PLOGGER_DIR.$file)) {
                    $errors[] = sprintf(plog_tr('The path %s is not writable by the web server.'), '<strong>'.realpath(PLOGGER_DIR.$file).'</strong>');
                } else if (is_open_perms(realpath(PLOGGER_DIR.$file))) {
                    $_SESSION['plogger_close_perms'][basename($file)] = realpath(PLOGGER_DIR.$file);
            if (isset($_SESSION['plogger_close_perms'])) {
                if (!is_writable(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/')) {
                    $errors[] = sprintf(plog_tr('Please temporarily CHMOD the %s directory to 0777 to allow Plogger to create initial directories for increased security. You will be prompted to CHMOD the directory back to 0755 after installation is complete.'), '<strong>plog-content/</strong>');
    return $errors;
function check_mysql_form($form) {
    $errors = array();
    if (empty($form['db_host'])) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter the name of your MySQL host.');
    if (empty($form['db_user'])) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter the MySQL username.');
    if (empty($form['db_name'])) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter the MySQL database name.');
    return $errors;
function check_ftp_form($form) {
    $errors = array();
    if (empty($form['ftp_host'])) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter the name of your FTP host.');
    if (empty($form['ftp_user'])) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter the FTP username.');
    if (empty($form['ftp_pass'])) {
        $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter the FTP password.');
    if (!empty($form['ftp_path'])) {
        if (substr($form['ftp_path'], 0, 1) != '/'){
            $form['ftp_path'] = '/'.$form['ftp_path'];
        if (substr($form['ftp_path'], -1) != '/'){
            $form['ftp_path'] = $form['ftp_path'].'/';
    return array('errors' => $errors, 'form' => $form);
function check_ftp($host, $user, $pass, $path) {
    $errors = array();
    $connection = @ftp_connect($host);
    if (!$connection) {
        $errors[] = sprintf(plog_tr('Cannot connect to FTP host %s. Please check your FTP Host:'), '<strong>'.$host.'</strong>');
    } else {
        $login = @ftp_login($connection, $user, $pass);
        if (!$login) {
            $errors[] = sprintf( plog_tr('Cannot login to FTP host %s with username %s and password %s. Please check your FTP Username: and FTP Password:'), '<strong>'.$host.'</strong>', '<strong>'.$user.'</strong>', '<strong>'.$pass.'</strong>');
        } else {
            $checkdir = @ftp_chdir($connection, $path.'plog-content/images/'); // Check to see if the plog-content/images/ folder is accessible
            if (!$checkdir) {
                $errors[] = sprintf(plog_tr('Cannot find the Plogger %s directory along the path %s. Please check your FTP path to Plogger base folder (from FTP login):'), '<strong>plog-content/images/</strong>', '<strong>'.$path.'</strong>');
    return $errors;
/**** Install Functions ****/
function do_install($form) {
    $form = array_map('stripslashes', $form);
    $form = array_map('trim', $form);
    // First check the requirements
    $errors = check_requirements();
    if (sizeof($errors) > 0) {
        echo "\t" . '<p class="errors">'.plog_tr('Plogger cannot be installed until the following problems are resolved').':</p>';
        echo "\n\n\t\t" . '<ul class="info">';
        foreach($errors as $error) {
            echo "\n\t\t\t" . '<li class="margin-5">'.$error.'</li>';
        echo "\n\t\t" . '</ul>';
        echo "\n\n\t" . '<form method="get" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'">
        <p><input class="submit" type="submit" value="'.plog_tr('Try again').'" /></p>
    </form>' . "\n";
        return false;
    $ok = false;
    $errors = array();
    // If we've already defined the database information, pass the values and skip them on the form
    if (defined('PLOGGER_DB_HOST')) {
        if (!empty($mysql)) {
            $mysql_fail = true;
        } else {
        // Set the form values equal to config values if already set
        if (empty($form['db_host'])) {
            $form['db_host'] = PLOGGER_DB_HOST;
        if (empty($form['db_user'])) {
            $form['db_user'] = PLOGGER_DB_USER;
        if (empty($form['db_pass'])) {
            $form['db_pass'] = PLOGGER_DB_PW;
        if (empty($form['db_name'])) {
            $form['db_name'] = PLOGGER_DB_NAME;
    if (isset($form['action']) && $form['action'] == 'install') {
        if (!defined('PLOGGER_DB_HOST') || isset($mysql_fail)) {
            $mysql_form_check = check_mysql_form($form);
            if (!empty($mysql_form_check)) {
                $errors = array_merge($errors, $mysql_form_check);
        if (empty($form['gallery_name'])) {
            $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter the name for your gallery.');
        if (empty($form['admin_email'])) {
            $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter your email address.');
        if (empty($form['admin_username'])) {
            $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter a username.');
        if (empty($form['admin_password'])) {
            $errors[] = plog_tr('Please enter a password.');
        if ($form['admin_password'] != $form['admin_password_confirm']) {
            $errors[] = plog_tr('Your passwords do not match. Please try again.');
        if (is_safe_mode()) {
            // If safe_mode enabled, check the FTP information form inputs
            $ftp_form_check = check_ftp_form($form);
            $form = $ftp_form_check['form'];
            if (!empty($ftp_form_check['form']['errors'])) {
                $errors = array_merge($errors, $ftp_form_check['form']['errors']);
        if (empty($errors)) {
            $mysql_errors = check_mysql($form['db_host'], $form['db_user'], $form['db_pass'], $form['db_name']);
            if (is_safe_mode()) {
                $ftp_errors = check_ftp($form['ftp_host'], $form['ftp_user'], $form['ftp_pass'], $form['ftp_path']);
            } else {
                $ftp_errors = array();
            $errors = array_merge($mysql_errors, $ftp_errors);
            $ok = empty($errors);
        if (!$ok) {
            echo '<ul class="errors" style="background-image: none;">' . "\n\t" . '<li class="margin-5">';
            echo join("</li>\n\t<li class=\"margin-5\">", $errors);
            echo "</li>\n</ul>\n\n";
        } else {
            $_SESSION['install_values'] = array(
                'gallery_name' => $form['gallery_name'],
                'admin_email' => $form['admin_email'],
                'admin_password' => $form['admin_password'],
                'admin_username' => $form['admin_username']
            if (is_safe_mode()) {
                $_SESSION['ftp_values'] = array(
                    'ftp_host' => $form['ftp_host'],
                    'ftp_user' => $form['ftp_user'],
                    'ftp_pass' => $form['ftp_pass'],
                    'ftp_path' => $form['ftp_path']
            if (!defined('PLOGGER_DB_HOST') || isset($mysql_fail)) {
                // Serve the config file and ask user to upload it to webhost
                $_SESSION['plogger_config'] = create_config_file($form['db_host'], $form['db_user'], $form['db_pass'], $form['db_name']);
            return true;
    return false;
function create_tables() {
    $default_charset = get_default_charset();
    ,"`name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
    `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `thumbnail_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)"
    ,"Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");
    ," `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    `path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `thumbnail_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    INDEX pid_idx (`parent_id`)"
    ," Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");
    ,"`path` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    `parent_album` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `parent_collection` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `caption` mediumtext NOT NULL,
    `description` text NOT NULL,
    `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `date_modified` timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
    `date_submitted` timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
    `EXIF_date_taken` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `EXIF_camera` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `EXIF_shutterspeed` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `EXIF_focallength` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `EXIF_flash` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `EXIF_aperture` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `EXIF_iso` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `allow_comments` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    INDEX pa_idx (`parent_album`),
    INDEX pc_idx (`parent_collection`)"
    ,"Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");
    ,"`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `author` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `email` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `url` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `date` datetime NOT NULL,
    `comment` longtext NOT NULL,
    `ip` char(64),
    `approved` tinyint default '1',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
    INDEX pid_idx (`parent_id`),
    INDEX approved_idx (`approved`)"
    ,"Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");
    ,"`gallery_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    `gallery_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
    `admin_username` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `admin_email` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `admin_password` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `activation_key` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `date_format` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',
    `compression` int(11) NOT NULL default '75',
    `thumb_num` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `default_sortby` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
    `default_sortdir` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `album_sortby` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
    `album_sortdir` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `collection_sortby` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',
    `collection_sortdir` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',
    `allow_dl` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
    `allow_comments` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
    `allow_print` smallint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
    `truncate` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `feed_num_entries` int(15) NOT NULL default '15',
    `feed_title` text NOT NULL,
    `feed_content` tinyint NOT NULL default '1',
    `use_mod_rewrite` tinyint NOT NULL default '0',
    `comments_notify` tinyint NOT NULL default '1',
    `comments_moderate` tinyint NOT NULL default '0',
    `theme_dir` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
    `thumb_nav_range` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `allow_fullpic` tinyint default '1',
    PRIMARY KEY (`thumb_num`)"
    ,"Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");
    ,"`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `update_timestamp` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
    `max_size` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
    `disabled` tinyint default '0',
    `resize_option` tinyint default '2',
    PRIMARY KEY (`id`)"
    ,"Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");
    ,"`tag_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    `picture_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
    `tagdate` datetime default NULL,
    KEY `tag_id` (`tag_id`),
    KEY `picture_id` (`picture_id`)"
    ,"Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");
    ,"`id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `tag` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
    `tagdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
    `urlified` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
    PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
    UNIQUE `tag` (`tag`),
    UNIQUE `urlified` (`urlified`)"
    ,"Engine=MyISAM $default_charset");*/
function configure_plogger($form) {
    // Use a random timestamp from the past to keep the existing thumbnails
    $long_ago = 1096396500;
    $thumbnail_sizes = array(
        THUMB_SMALL => 100,
        THUMB_LARGE => 500,
        THUMB_RSS => 400,
        THUMB_NAV => 60
    foreach($thumbnail_sizes as $key => $size) {
        $resize = ($key == THUMB_SMALL || $key == THUMB_NAV) ? 3: 2;
        $sql = "INSERT INTO `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` (`id`, `update_timestamp`, `max_size`, `resize_option`)
        VALUES('$key', '$long_ago', '$size', '$resize')";
    $config['gallery_url'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
    // Remove plog-admin/ from the end, if present .. is there a better way to determine the full url?
    if (strpos($config['gallery_url'], 'plog-admin/')) {
        $config['gallery_url'] = substr($config['gallery_url'], 0, strpos($config['gallery_url'], 'plog-admin/'));
    // Verify that gallery URL contains a trailing slash. if not, add one.
    if ($config['gallery_url']{strlen($config['gallery_url'])-1} != '/') {
        $config['gallery_url'] .= '/';
    // Verify that the gallery URL begins with 'http://' for mod_rewrite 301 redirects
    if (strpos($config['gallery_url'], 'http://') === false) {
        $config['gallery_url'] = 'http://'.$config['gallery_url'];
    $config['admin_username'] = $form['admin_username'];
    $config['admin_password'] = $form['admin_password'];
    $config['admin_email'] = $form['admin_email'];
    $config['gallery_name'] = $form['gallery_name'];
    $config = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $config);
    $row_exist = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],"SELECT * FROM `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."config`");
    $row_exist_num = mysqli_num_rows($row_exist);
    if ($row_exist_num == 0) {
        $query = "INSERT INTO `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."config`
            'Plogger Photo Feed',
    } else {
        $query = "UPDATE `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."config` SET
            `theme_dir` = 'default',
            `compression` = 75,
            `thumb_num` = 20,
            `admin_username` = '${config['admin_username']}',
            `admin_email` = '${config['admin_email']}',
            `admin_password` = MD5('${config['admin_password']}'),
            `date_format` = 'n.j.Y',
            `feed_title` = 'Plogger Photo Feed',
            `gallery_name` = '${config['gallery_name']}',
            `gallery_url` = '${config['gallery_url']}'";
    // Create the FTP columns in the config table if safe_mode enabled/
    if (is_safe_mode() && isset($_SESSION['ftp_values'])) {
    // Send an email with the username and password
    $from = str_replace('www.', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
    ini_set('sendmail_from', 'noreply@'.$from); // Set for Windows machines
        plog_tr('[Plogger] Your new gallery'),
        plog_tr('You have successfully installed your new Plogger gallery.') . "\n\n" .sprintf(plog_tr('You can log in and manage it at %s'), $config['gallery_url'].'plog-admin/') . "\n\n" .plog_tr('Username').': '.$config['admin_username']. "\n" .plog_tr('Password').': '.$config['admin_password'],
        'From: Plogger <noreply@'.$from.'>'
function configure_ftp($form) {
    maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'config', 'ftp_host', "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''");
    maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'config', 'ftp_user', "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''");
    maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'config', 'ftp_pass', "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''");
    maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'config', 'ftp_path', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
    $query = "UPDATE `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."config` SET
        `ftp_host` = '".mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$form['ftp_host'])."',
        `ftp_user` = '".mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$form['ftp_user'])."',
        `ftp_pass` = '".mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$form['ftp_pass'])."',
        `ftp_path` = '".mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$form['ftp_path'])."'";
function fix_open_perms($dirs, $action = 'rename') {
    if (!empty($dirs)) {
        foreach ($dirs as $key => $dir) {
            if ($action == 'delete') {
            } else {
                @rename(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/'.$key, PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/'.$key.'-old');
function create_config_file($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name) {
    $cfg_file = "<?php\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* You can manually modify this file before installing (renaming this file to plog-config.php before\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * installation) or you can let Plogger generate the file automatically by running the installation script\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * (run plog-admin/_install.php in your browser).\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * If you want to change the database connection information, you may also edit this file manually\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * after Plogger has been installed. */\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* MySQL hostname */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_DB_HOST', '".$db_host."');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* MySQL database username */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_DB_USER', '".$db_user."');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* MySQL database password */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_DB_PW', '".addcslashes($db_pass, "\\'")."');\n\n"; // Escape certain password characters stored in single quotes (\) (')
    $cfg_file .= "/* The name of the database for Plogger */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_DB_NAME', '".$db_name."');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* Define the Plogger database table prefix. You can have multiple installations in one database if you give\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * each a unique prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores are permitted (i.e., plogger_). */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX', 'plogger_');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* Define the Plogger directory permissions. Change permissions if you are having issues with images or\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * sub-directories being saved, moved, or deleted from the Plogger-created directories (i.e. Collections\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * or Albums) */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_CHMOD_DIR', 0755);\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* Define the Plogger file permissions. Change permissions if you are having issues with viewing,\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * deleting, or moving images within Plogger (i.e. Pictures) */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_CHMOD_FILE', 0644);\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* Is Plogger embedded in another program, like WordPress?\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * 1/0 (True/False) if set will overrule automatic check */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_EMBEDDED', '');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* Define a directory path to save session variables if you are having trouble logging in or Plogger is\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * telling you that you have session.save_path issues and/or if your server php.ini setup has a\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * blank session.save_path php.ini variable */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_SESSION_SAVE_PATH', '');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* Plogger localized language, defaults to English. Change this to localize Plogger.\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * A corresponding MO file for the chosen language must be installed in /plog-content/translations/.\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * For example, upload to /plog-content/translations/ and set PLOGGER_LOCALE to 'de' to\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * enable German language support.\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * Example language codes: da, de, et, fr, pl, ro, tr, en-CA (for Canadian English) */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_LOCALE', '');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "/* Turn on debug mode if trying to troubleshoot issues.\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * 1/0 (True/False) if set will display debug messages at bottom of gallery and admin pages\n";
    $cfg_file .= " * Do not leave this running if gallery is functioning properly. */\n";
    $cfg_file .= "define('PLOGGER_DEBUG', '');\n\n";
    $cfg_file .= "?>";
    return $cfg_file;
/**** Upgrade Functions ****/
function upgrade_database() {
    global $config, $thumbnail_config;
    $default_charset = get_default_charset();
    $output = array();
/** plogger_thumbnail_config **/
    $thumb_table = maybe_add_table(
        ,"`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
        `update_timestamp` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
        `max_size` int(10) unsigned default NULL,
        `disabled` tinyint default 0,
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)"
    if ($thumb_table === true) {
        $output[] = plog_tr('Added new table').': '.PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'thumbnail_config';
        // Use a random timestamp from the past to keep the existing thumbnails
        $long_ago = 1096396500;
        if (!isset($config['max_thumbnail_size'])) {
            $config['max_thumbnail_size'] = 100;
        if (!isset($thumbnail_config[THUMB_SMALL]) || empty($thumbnail_config[THUMB_SMALL]['size'])) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` (id, update_timestamp, max_size)
                VALUES('".THUMB_SMALL."', '".$long_ago."', '".$config['max_thumbnail_size']."')";
        if (!isset($config['max_display_size'])) {
            $config['max_display_size'] = 500;
        if (!isset($thumbnail_config[THUMB_LARGE]) || empty($thumbnail_config[THUMB_LARGE]['size'])) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` (id, update_timestamp, max_size)
                VALUES('".THUMB_LARGE."', '".$long_ago."', '".$config['max_display_size']."')";
        if (!isset($config['rss_thumbsize'])) {
            $config['rss_thumbsize'] = 400;
        if (!isset($thumbnail_config[THUMB_RSS]) || empty($thumbnail_config[THUMB_RSS]['size'])) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` (id, update_timestamp, max_size)
                VALUES('".THUMB_RSS."', '".$long_ago."', '".$config['rss_thumbsize']."')";
        if (!isset($config['nav_thumbsize'])) {
            $config['nav_thumbsize'] = 60;
        if (!isset($thumbnail_config[THUMB_NAV]) || empty($thumbnail_config[THUMB_NAV]['size'])) {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` (id, update_timestamp, max_size)
                VALUES('".THUMB_NAV."', '".$long_ago."', '".$config['nav_thumbsize']."')";
    $thumbnail_add_list = array(
        'disabled' => "tinyint default 0",
        'resize_option' => "tinyint default 2"
    foreach ($thumbnail_add_list as $key => $value) {
        $result = maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'thumbnail_config', $key, $value);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $output[] = $result;
    // Make sure to set the resize_option to square for small thumbs if previously set
    if (isset($config['square_thumbs']) && $config['square_thumbs'] == 1) {
        $sql = "UPDATE `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` SET `resize_option` = '3' WHERE `id` = '".THUMB_SMALL."'";
    // Move enable_thumb_nav setting to plogger_thumbnail_config table
    if (isset($config['enable_thumb_nav'])) {
        $disabled = ($config['enable_thumb_nav'] == 0) ? 1 : 0;
        $sql = "UPDATE `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` SET `disabled` = '$disabled' WHERE `id` = '".THUMB_NAV."'";
    // set navigation thumbnails to square
    $sql = "UPDATE `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."thumbnail_config` SET `resize_option` = '3' WHERE `id` = '".THUMB_NAV."'";
/** plogger_config **/
    $config_drop_list = array(
    foreach ($config_drop_list as $value) {
        $result = maybe_drop_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'config', $value);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $output[] = $result;
    $config_add_list = array(
        'gallery_url' => "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
        // RSS config
        'feed_num_entries' => "int(15) NOT NULL default '15'",
        'feed_title' => "varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Plogger Photo Feed'",
        'feed_content' => "tinyint default '1'",
        // Cruft-free URLs
        'use_mod_rewrite' => "smallint NOT NULL default '0'",
        // Default sort order
        'default_sortdir' => "varchar(5) NOT NULL",
        'default_sortby' => "varchar(20) NOT NULL",
        // Add field for admin email
        'admin_email' => "varchar(50) NOT NULL",
        // Disable link to full size pic
        'allow_fullpic' => "tinyint NOT NULL default '1'",
        // Comment notify
        'comments_notify' => "tinyint NOT NULL",
        // Comment moderation
        'comments_moderate' => "tinyint NOT NULL default 0",
        // User definable theme directory
        'theme_dir' => "varchar(128) NOT NULL",
        // Add support for user defined sort order for albums and collections
        'album_sortby' => "varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'id'",
        'album_sortdir' => "varchar(5) NOT NULL default 'DESC'",
        'collection_sortby' => "varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'id'",
        'collection_sortdir' => "varchar(5) NOT NULL default 'DESC'",
        // Add support for thumbnail configuration
        'thumb_nav_range' => "int(11) NOT NULL default 0",
        // Add reset password activation key
        'activation_key' => "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''"
    foreach ($config_add_list as $key => $value) {
        $result = maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'config', $key, $value);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $output[] = $result;
    // Insert the gallery_url if not already set
    if (!isset($config['gallery_url']) || empty($config['gallery_url'])) {
        $config['baseurl'] = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].dirname(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])).'/';
        $output[] = plog_tr('Setting gallery url to ').$config['baseurl'];
        $sql = "UPDATE `".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."config` SET gallery_url = '".$config['baseurl']."'";
    // Insert default theme directory if not already set
    if (!isset($config['theme_dir']) || empty($config['theme_dir'])) {
        $output[] = plog_tr('Setting default theme directory to \'default\'');
        $sql = "UPDATE ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."config SET `theme_dir` = 'default' WHERE 1";
/** plogger_collections **/
    $collections_add_list = array(
        // Selectable thumbnails
        'thumbnail_id' => "int(11) NOT NULL default 0",
        // Add the path column
        'path' => "varchar(255) NOT NULL"
    foreach ($collections_add_list as $key => $value) {
        $result = maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'collections', $key, $value);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $output[] = $result;
/** plogger_albums **/
    $albums_add_list = array(
        // Selectable thumbnails
        'thumbnail_id' => "int(11) NOT NULL default 0",
        // Add the path column
        'path' => "varchar(255) NOT NULL"
    foreach ($albums_add_list as $key => $value) {
        $result = maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'albums', $key, $value);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $output[] = $result;
/** plogger_pictures **/
    $pictures_add_list = array(
        // Add description
        'description' => "text",
        'EXIF_iso' => "varchar(64) NOT NULL default ''"
    foreach ($pictures_add_list as $key => $value) {
        $result = maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'pictures', $key, $value);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $output[] = $result;
/** plogger_comments **/
    $comments_add_list = array(
        // Add ip and approved fields to comments table
        'ip' => "char(64)",
        'approved' => "tinyint default 1"
    foreach ($comments_add_list as $key => $value) {
        $result = maybe_add_column(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'comments', $key, $value);
        if (!empty($result)) {
            $output[] = $result;
        /*$output[] = maybe_add_table(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'tag2picture',"
        `tag_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
        `picture_id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
        `tagdate` datetime default NULL,
        KEY `tag_id` (`tag_id`),
        KEY `picture_id` (`picture_id`)
    $output[] = maybe_add_table(PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'tags',"
        `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
        `tag` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
        `tagdate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
        `urlified` char(50) NOT NULL default '',
        PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
        UNIQUE `tag` (`tag`),
        UNIQUE `urlified` (`urlified`)
    $sql = 'ALTER TABLE '.PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'comments ADD INDEX approved_idx (`approved`)';
    // Add ip and approved fields to comments table
    $sql = 'ALTER TABLE '.PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.'comments CHANGE `date` `date` datetime';
    // Convert charsets
    // Since 4.1 MySQL has support for specifying character encoding for tables
    // and I really want to use it if available. So we need figure out what version
    // we are running on and to the right hting
    $mysql_version = mysqli_get_server_info($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"]);
    $mysql_charset_support = '4.1';
    $default_charset = '';
    if (1 == version_compare($mysql_version,$mysql_charset_support)) {
        $charset = 'utf8';
        $tables = array('collections', 'albums', 'pictures', 'comments', 'config', 'thumbnail_config');
        foreach($tables as $table) {
            $tablename = PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX.$table;
            $sql = "ALTER TABLE $tablename DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $charset";
            if (!mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$sql)) {
                $output[] = "failed to convert $tablename to $charset<br />".mysqli_error($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"]);
    return $output;
function upgrade_image_list() {
    $list = array();
    $total = 0;
    // Strip 'images/' prefix from pictures table
    $sql = "UPDATE ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."pictures SET path = SUBSTRING(path,8) WHERE SUBSTRING(path,1,7) = 'images/'";
    // Update 'path' for collections table
    $sql = "SELECT id,name FROM ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."collections";
    $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$sql);
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $sql = "UPDATE ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."collections SET path = '".strtolower(sanitize_filename($row['name']))."' WHERE id = ".$row['id'];
        if (!file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images/'.strtolower(sanitize_filename($row['name'])))) {
            $list[$total] = array('container' => 1, 'new_path' => 'plog-content/images/'.strtolower(sanitize_filename($row['name'])));
    // Update 'path' for albums table
    $sql = "SELECT AS id, AS name, c.path AS collection_path
                    FROM ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."albums a, ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."collections c
                    WHERE a.parent_id =";
    $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$sql);
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $sql = "UPDATE ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."albums SET path = '".strtolower(sanitize_filename($row['name']))."' WHERE id = ".$row['id'];
        if (!file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images/'.$row['collection_path'].'/'.strtolower(sanitize_filename($row['name'])))) {
            $list[$total] = array('container' => 1, 'new_path' => 'plog-content/images/'.$row['collection_path'].'/'.strtolower(sanitize_filename($row['name'])));
    // Loop through each image from the pictures table, get its parent album name and parent collection
    $sql = "SELECT p.path AS path, AS pid,c.path AS collection_path, a.path AS album_path
            FROM ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."albums a, ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."pictures p, ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."collections c
            WHERE p.parent_album = AND p.parent_collection =";
    $result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$sql);
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $filename = sanitize_filename(basename($row['path']));
        $c_directory = $row['collection_path'].'/';
        $a_directory = $row['collection_path'].'/'.$row['album_path'].'/';
        $new_path = $row['collection_path'].'/'.$row['album_path'].'/'.$filename;
        // If the file exists, grab the information and add to the total
        if (!file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images/'.$new_path)) {
            // First see if it's in the old directory structure
            if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'images/'.$row['path'])) {
                $path = 'images/';
            // Next check the temporary folder location for closing folder permissions
            } else if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images-old/'.$row['path'])) {
                $path = 'plog-content/images-old/';
            // Otherwise check if it's in the new structure, but set up without new sanitized paths
            } else if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images/'.$row['path'])) {
                $path = 'plog-content/images/';
            } else {
                // Have no idea where the old image is
                $path = '';
            $list[$total] = array('id' => $row['pid'], 'old_path' => $path.$row['path'], 'new_path' => $new_path);
    // Add any photos from the uploads directory
    if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'uploads/')) {
        $old_uploads = get_files(PLOGGER_DIR.'uploads/', false, false, dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/uploads/');
        $new_uploads = get_files(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/uploads/', false, false, dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/plog-content/uploads/');
        // Compare the two paths for differences
        $compare_uploads = array_diff($old_uploads, $new_uploads);
        foreach ($compare_uploads as $uploads) {
            $list[$total] = array('uploads' => 1, 'old_path' => 'uploads/'.$uploads, 'new_path' => 'plog-content/uploads/'.$uploads);
    $list['total'] = $total;
    return $list;
function upgrade_images($num, $list) {
    $output = array();
    $errors = array();
    $count = 0;
    $list = array_slice($list, 0, $num);
    foreach ($list as $image) {
        if (!empty($image['id'])) {
            // Work on the images - move physical file, create directory if necessary and update path in database
            if (!makeDirs(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images/'.dirname($image['new_path'].'/'))) {
                $errors[] = plog_tr('Could not create directory').': '.PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images/'.$image['new_path'];
            } else {
                if (!move_this(PLOGGER_DIR.$image['old_path'], PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-content/images/'.$image['new_path'])) {
                    $errors[] = plog_tr('Could not move file').': '.PLOGGER_DIR.$image['old_path'];
                } else {
                    @chmod(PLOGGER_DIR.$new_path, PLOGGER_CHMOD_DIR);
                    $output[] = sprintf(plog_tr('Moved file %s -> %s'), '<strong>'.$image['old_path'].'</strong>', '<strong>'.'plog-content/images/'.$image['new_path'].'</strong>');
                    // Update database
                    $sql = "UPDATE ".PLOGGER_TABLE_PREFIX."pictures SET path = '".mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["PLOGGER_DBH"],$image['new_path'])."' WHERE id = '".$image['id']."'";
                    // Generate a new small thumbnail after database has been updated in case script times out
                    $thumbpath = generate_thumb($image['new_path'], $image['id'], THUMB_SMALL);
        } else if (!empty($image['uploads'])) {
            // Work on the uploads - move physical file and create directory in the uploads folder if necessary and update path in database
            if (!makeDirs(PLOGGER_DIR.dirname($image['new_path'].'/'))) {
                $errors[] = plog_tr('Could not create directory').': '.PLOGGER_DIR.$image['new_path'];
            } else {
                if (!move_this(PLOGGER_DIR.$image['old_path'], PLOGGER_DIR.$image['new_path'])) {
                    $errors[] = plog_tr('Could not move file').': '.PLOGGER_DIR.$image['old_path'];
                } else {
                    @chmod(PLOGGER_DIR.$new_path, PLOGGER_CHMOD_DIR);
                    $output[] = sprintf(plog_tr('Moved file %s -> %s'), '<strong>'.$image['old_path'].'</strong>', '<strong>'.$image['new_path'].'</strong>');
        } else if (!empty($image['container'])) {
            // Create the collection and album directory structure
            if (!makeDirs(PLOGGER_DIR.$image['new_path'].'/')) {
                $errors[] = plog_tr('Could not create directory').': '.PLOGGER_DIR.$image['new_path'];
            } else {
                $output[] = sprintf(plog_tr('Created directory %s'), '<strong>'.$image['new_path'].'</strong>');
    return array('errors' => $errors, 'output' => $output, 'count' => $count);
function check_list() {
    $themes = array();
    $translations = array();
    // See if there are any old themes
    if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'themes/')) {
        $themes_old = get_files(PLOGGER_DIR.'themes/', true, false, dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/themes/');
        if (!empty($themes_old)) {
            foreach ($themes_old as $theme) {
                if (!empty($theme) && $theme != 'index.php') {
                    $theme_parts = explode('/', $theme);
                    $themes[] = $theme_parts[0].'/';
            $themes = array_unique($themes);
    // See if there are any old translations
    if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-translations/')) {
        $translations_old = get_files(PLOGGER_DIR.'plog-translations/', true, false, dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))).'/plog-translations/');
        if (!empty($translations_old)) {
            foreach ($translations_old as $trans) {
                if (!empty($trans)) {
                    $translations[] = $trans;
            $translations = array_unique($translations);
    return array('themes' => $themes, 'translations' => $translations);
function cleanup_list() {
    $files = array();
    $folders = array();
    $file_list = array(
    foreach ($file_list as $file) {
        if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.$file)) {
            $files[] = PLOGGER_DIR.$file;
    $folder_list = array(
    foreach ($folder_list as $folder) {
        if (file_exists(PLOGGER_DIR.$folder)) {
            $folders[] = PLOGGER_DIR.$folder;
    return array('files' => $files, 'folders' => $folders);
function cleanup_files($files, $folders) {
    global $config;
    $output = array();
    $errors = array();
    // Delete the files first
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            if (kill_file($file)) {
                $output[] = plog_tr('Plogger found and deleted the file').': '.$file;
            } else {
                $errors[] = plog_tr('Plogger could not delete the file').': '.$file;
    // Remove the folders since there should be no files in them
    foreach ($folders as $folder) {
        if (file_exists($folder)) {
            if (kill_dir($folder)) {
                $output[] = plog_tr('Plogger found and deleted the folder').': '.$folder;
            } else {
                $errors[] = plog_tr('Plogger could not delete the folder').': '.$folder;
    return array('errors' => $errors, 'output' => $output);

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