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Why does the generated OTP not work?

The most common reason why this doesn't work is because time is off. Even if the minutes match on your phone and computer - it may be seconds off. This will affect the time based OTP generation.

Do a time sync and try again. If you are in a virtual machine - update the hosts time because sometimes VM integration tools sync time from the host to the guests.


Comment by larry.ellis

There is more to it than this. There are bugs in the .Net date library that can cause the Unix timestamp to be incorrect. I believe this has to do with DST time (in my case, the timestamp was off by 60 minutes).

I believe the code here can be adjusted to avoid the problem.

See the issue I posted on this date.

Note: This issue has been fixed.

Created: 10 years 5 months ago
by Natalie Adams


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