

You are looking at an old revision of the page Usage. This revision was created by Natalie Adams.

Table of Contents

How to use the middleware


After you have compiled it you should place it in a location like /usr/bin/

Then add a link to Apache that looks like this:

DefineExternalAuth otpauth pipe /usr/bin/otpcheck

Then for any directive that you want to use OTP auth with just use the following directives:

AuthExternal otpauth
AuthBasicProvider external

All together it should look like the following:

AuthName "Restricted"
AuthType Basic
AuthExternal otpauth
AuthBasicProvider external

Config file

Currently the location of the config file is hardcoded to /etc/apache2/configotp

The config file has the following format:

dbtype mysql
dbhost localhost
dbport 3306
dbuser root
dbpass root
dbtable table
dbname db1

Created: 11 years 4 months ago
by Natalie Adams


Old Revisions

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