
mod-python-windows Git Source Tree


# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2013 Gregory Trubetskoy
 # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Apache Software Foundation
 #  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 #  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 #  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 #  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 #  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 #  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 #  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #  limitations under the License.
 # $Id: 475516 2006-11-16 01:12:40Z grahamd $
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import sys
import re
import os.path
if sys.version[0] == '2':
    from commands import getoutput
    from subprocess import getoutput
except NameError:
    __file__ = '.'
def getmp_rootdir():
    """gets the root directory of the mod_python source tree..."""
    return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
def getmp_srcdir():
    """gets the src subdirectory of the mod_python source tree..."""
    return os.path.join(getmp_rootdir(), 'src')
def getmp_includedir():
    """gets the src subdirectory of the mod_python source tree..."""
    return os.path.join(getmp_rootdir(), 'src', 'include')
def getmp_mpdir():
  """gets the mod_python dir"""
  return os.path.join(getmp_rootdir(), 'lib', 'python', 'mod_python')
def getconfigure_option(option_name):
    """gets an option from the config.status file"""
    config_status_file = os.path.join(getmp_rootdir(), 'config.status')
    if not os.path.exists(config_status_file):
        raise AssertionError("config.status not found in expected location (%s)" % config_status_file)
    header = open(config_status_file, 'r')
    r = re.compile(r's,\s*@%s@,\s*(?P<OPTION_STRING>[^,]+),\s*' % (option_name))
    for line in header.readlines():
        m =
        if m is not None:
    raise AssertionError("unable to find @%s@ definition in %s", (option_name, config_status_file))
def getmp_version():
  return getoutput('./')
def getapxs_location():
    """finds the location of apxs from the config.status file"""
    return getconfigure_option("APXS")
def getapxs_option(option):
    APXS = getapxs_location()
    return getoutput("%s -q %s" % (APXS, option))
def getapache_srcdir():
    """returns apache src directory"""
    return os.getenv("APACHESRC")
def getapache_includedir():
    """returns apache include directory"""
    apache_srcdir = getapache_srcdir()
    if apache_srcdir is None:
        return getapxs_option("INCLUDEDIR")
        return os.path.join(getapache_srcdir(), "include")
def getapache_libdir():
    """returns apache lib directory"""
    apache_srcdir = getapache_srcdir()
    if apache_srcdir is None:
        return getapxs_option("LIBDIR")
        return os.path.join(apache_srcdir, "lib")
def generate_version_py():
    with open(os.path.join(getmp_mpdir(), ''), 'w') as version_py:
        version_py.write('# THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY\n\n')
        version_py.write('version = "%s"\n' % getmp_version())
        version_py.write('\n# Some build-time constants:\n')
        version_py.write('HTTPD = "@HTTPD@"\n')
        version_py.write('HTTPD_VERSION = "@HTTPD_VERSION@"\n')
        version_py.write('APR_VERSION = "@APR_VERSION@"\n')
        version_py.write('LIBEXECDIR = "@LIBEXECDIR@"\n')
        version_py.write('SYSCONFDIR = "@SYSCONFDIR@"\n')
        version_py.write('TEST_MOD_PYTHON_SO = "@TEST_MOD_PYTHON_SO@" #NB: This is for only\n')
        version_py.write('TESTHOME = "@TEST_SERVER_ROOT@"\n')
        version_py.write('PYTHON_BIN = "@PYTHON_BIN@"\n')
VER = getmp_version()
# TODO: improve the intelligence here...
winbuild = ("bdist_wininst" in sys.argv) or ( == "nt")
class PSPExtension(Extension):
    """a class that helps build the PSP extension"""
    def __init__(self, source_dir, include_dirs):
        Extension.__init__(self, "mod_python._psp",
                               [os.path.join(source_dir, source_file) for source_file in
                                    ("psp_string.c", "psp_parser.c", "_pspmodule.c")],
        if winbuild:
            self.define_macros.extend([('WIN32', None), ('NDEBUG', None), ('_WINDOWS', None)])
PSPModule = PSPExtension(getmp_srcdir(), [getmp_includedir()])
modpy_src_files = ("mod_python.c", "_apachemodule.c", "connobject.c", "filterobject.c",
                   "hlist.c", "hlistobject.c", "requestobject.c", "serverobject.c", "tableobject.c",
                   "util.c", "finfoobject.c")
class finallist(list):
  """this represents a list that cannot be appended to..."""
  def append(self, object):
class ModPyExtension(Extension):
    """a class that actually builds the extension for Apache (yikes)"""
    def __init__(self, source_dir, include_dirs, library_dirs):
        if winbuild:
            apr1 = 0
            for dir in library_dirs:
                if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir, 'libapr-1.lib')):
                    apr1 = 1
            if apr1:
                libraries = ['libhttpd', 'libapr-1', 'libaprutil-1', 'ws2_32']
                libraries = ['libhttpd', 'libapr', 'libaprutil', 'ws2_32']
            libraries = ['apr-0', 'aprutil-0']
        Extension.__init__(self, "mod_python_so",
            sources = [os.path.join(source_dir, source_file) for source_file in modpy_src_files],
            libraries = libraries,
        if winbuild:
            self.define_macros.extend([('WIN32', None),('NDEBUG', None),('_WINDOWS', None)])
            self.sources.append(os.path.join(source_dir, "Version.rc"))
            # TODO: fix this to autodetect if required...
        # this is a hack to prevent build_ext from trying to append "initmod_python" to the export symbols
        self.export_symbols = finallist(self.export_symbols)
if winbuild:
    # build
    ModPyModule = ModPyExtension(getmp_srcdir(), [getmp_includedir(), getapache_includedir()], [getapache_libdir()])
    scripts = [""]
    # put the file in the Python root ...
    # will pick it up from there...
    # data_files = [("", [(os.path.join(getmp_srcdir(), 'Release', ''))])]
    data_files = []
    ext_modules = [ModPyModule, PSPModule]
    scripts = []
    data_files = []
    ext_modules = [PSPModule]
import string
from distutils import sysconfig
if sys.platform == "darwin":
    if not '-undefined' in sysconfig.get_config_var("LDSHARED").split():
        sysconfig._config_vars["LDSHARED"] = \
                string.replace(sysconfig.get_config_var("LDSHARED"), \
                " -bundle "," -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress ")
        sysconfig._config_vars["BLDSHARED"] = \
                string.replace(sysconfig.get_config_var("BLDSHARED"), \
                " -bundle "," -bundle -flat_namespace -undefined suppress ")
      description="Apache/Python Integration",
      author="Gregory Trubetskoy et al",
      package_dir={'mod_python': os.path.join(getmp_rootdir(), 'lib', 'python', 'mod_python')},
# makes emacs go into python mode
### Local Variables:
### mode:python
### End:

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