* Template file for Whoops's pretty error output.
* Check the $v global variable (stdClass) for what's available
* to work with.
* @var stdClass $v
* @var callable $e
* @var callable $slug
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title><?php echo $e($v->title) ?></title>
<style><?php echo $v->pageStyle ?></style>
<div class="container">
<div class="stack-container">
<div class="frames-container cf <?php echo (!$v->hasFrames ? 'empty' : '') ?>">
<?php /* List file names & line numbers for all stack frames;
clicking these links/buttons will display the code view
for that particular frame */ ?>
<?php foreach($v->frames as $i => $frame): ?>
<?php /** @var \Whoops\Exception\Frame $frame */ ?>
<div class="frame <?php echo ($i == 0 ? 'active' : '') ?>" id="frame-line-<?php echo $i ?>">
<div class="frame-method-info">
<span class="frame-index"><?php echo (count($v->frames) - $i - 1) ?>.</span>
<span class="frame-class"><?php echo $e($frame->getClass() ?: '') ?></span>
<span class="frame-function"><?php echo $e($frame->getFunction() ?: '') ?></span>
<span class="frame-file">
<?php echo ($frame->getFile(true) ?: '<#unknown>') ?><!--
--><span class="frame-line"><?php echo (int) $frame->getLine() ?></span>
<?php endforeach ?>
<div class="details-container cf">
<div class="exception">
<h3 class="exc-title">
<?php foreach($v->name as $i => $nameSection): ?>
<?php if($i == count($v->name) - 1): ?>
<span class="exc-title-primary"><?php echo $e($nameSection) ?></span>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo $e($nameSection) . ' \\' ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<p class="exc-message">
<?php echo $e($v->message) ?>
<?php /* Display a code block for all frames in the stack.
* @todo: This should PROBABLY be done on-demand, lest
* we get 200 frames to process. */ ?>
<div class="frame-code-container <?php echo (!$v->hasFrames ? 'empty' : '') ?>">
<?php foreach($v->frames as $i => $frame): ?>
<?php /** @var \Whoops\Exception\Frame $frame */ ?>
<?php $line = $frame->getLine(); ?>
<div class="frame-code <?php echo ($i == 0 ) ? 'active' : '' ?>" id="frame-code-<?php echo $i ?>">
<div class="frame-file">
<?php $filePath = $frame->getFile(); ?>
<?php if($filePath && $editorHref = $v->handler->getEditorHref($filePath, (int) $line)): ?>
<a href="<?php echo $editorHref ?>" class="editor-link">
<strong><?php echo $e($filePath ?: '<#unknown>') ?></strong>
<?php else: ?>
<strong><?php echo $e($filePath ?: '<#unknown>') ?></strong>
<?php endif ?>
// Do nothing if there's no line to work off
if($line !== null):
// the $line is 1-indexed, we nab -1 where needed to account for this
$range = $frame->getFileLines($line - 8, 10);
$range = array_map(function($line){ return empty($line) ? ' ' : $line;}, $range);
$start = key($range) + 1;
$code = join("\n", $range);
<pre class="code-block prettyprint linenums:<?php echo $start ?>"><?php echo $e($code) ?></pre>
<?php endif ?>
// Append comments for this frame */
$comments = $frame->getComments();
<div class="frame-comments <?php echo empty($comments) ? 'empty' : '' ?>">
<?php foreach($comments as $commentNo => $comment): ?>
* @var string $context
* @var string $comment
<div class="frame-comment" id="comment-<?php echo $i . '-' . $commentNo ?>">
<span class="frame-comment-context"><?php echo $e($context) ?></span>
<?php echo $e($comment, true) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php /* List data-table values, i.e: $_SERVER, $_GET, .... */ ?>
<div class="details">
<div class="data-table-container" id="data-tables">
<?php foreach($v->tables as $label => $data): ?>
<div class="data-table" id="sg-<?php echo $e($slug($label)) ?>">
<label><?php echo $e($label) ?></label>
<?php if(!empty($data)): ?>
<table class="data-table">
<td class="data-table-k">Key</td>
<td class="data-table-v">Value</td>
<?php foreach($data as $k => $value): ?>
<td><?php echo $e($k) ?></td>
<td><?php echo $e(print_r($value, true)) ?></td>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php else: ?>
<span class="empty">empty</span>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php /* List registered handlers, in order of first to last registered */ ?>
<div class="data-table-container" id="handlers">
<label>Registered Handlers</label>
<?php foreach($v->handlers as $i => $handler): ?>
<div class="handler <?php echo ($handler === $v->handler) ? 'active' : ''?>">
<?php echo $i ?>. <?php echo $e(get_class($handler)) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
</div> <!-- .details -->
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prettify/r224/prettify.js"></script>
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$(function() {
var $frameLines = $('[id^="frame-line-"]');
var $activeLine = $('.frames-container .active');
var $activeFrame = $('.active[id^="frame-code-"]').show();
var $container = $('.details-container');
var headerHeight = $('header').css('height');
var highlightCurrentLine = function() {
// Highlight the active and neighboring lines for this frame:
var activeLineNumber = +($activeLine.find('.frame-line').text());
var $lines = $activeFrame.find('.linenums li');
var firstLine = +($lines.first().val());
$($lines[activeLineNumber - firstLine - 1]).addClass('current');
$($lines[activeLineNumber - firstLine]).addClass('current active');
$($lines[activeLineNumber - firstLine + 1]).addClass('current');
// Highlight the active for the first frame:
$frameLines.click(function() {
var $this = $(this);
var id = /frame\-line\-([\d]*)/.exec($this.attr('id'))[1];
var $codeFrame = $('#frame-code-' + id);
if($codeFrame) {
$activeLine = $this;
$activeFrame = $codeFrame;
$container.animate({ scrollTop: headerHeight }, "fast");