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namespace Jeremeamia\SuperClosure;

use Jeremeamia\SuperClosure\Visitor\ClosureFinderVisitor;
use Jeremeamia\SuperClosure\Visitor\MagicConstantVisitor;

 * Parses a closure from its reflection such that the code and used (closed upon) variables are accessible. The
 * ClosureParser uses the fabulous nikic/php-parser library which creates abstract syntax trees (AST) of the code.
 * @copyright Jeremy Lindblom 2010-2013
class ClosureParser
     * @var array
    protected static $cache = array();

     * @var \ReflectionFunction The reflection of the closure being parsed
    protected $reflection;

     * @var \PHPParser_Node An abstract syntax tree defining the code of the closure
    protected $abstractSyntaxTree;

     * @var array The variables used (closed upon) by the closure and their values
    protected $usedVariables;

     * @var  string The closure's code
    protected $code;

     * Creates a ClosureParser for the provided closure
     * @param \Closure $closure
     * @return ClosureParser
    public static function fromClosure(\Closure $closure)
        return new self(new \ReflectionFunction($closure));

     * Clears the internal cache of file ASTs.
     * ASTs are stored for any file that is parsed to speed up multiple
     * parsings of the same file. If you are worried about the memory consumption of files the ClosureParser has already
     * parsed, you can call this function to clear the cache. The cache is not persistent and stores ASTs from the
     * current process
    public static function clearCache()
        self::$cache = array();

     * @param \ReflectionFunction $reflection
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function __construct(\ReflectionFunction $reflection)
        if (!$reflection->isClosure()) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('You must provide the reflection of a closure.');

        $this->reflection = $reflection;

     * Returns the reflection of the closure
     * @return \ReflectionFunction
    public function getReflection()
        return $this->reflection;

     * Returns the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the closure's code. Class names are resolved to their fully-qualified
     * class names (FQCN) and magic constants are resolved to their values as they would be in the context of the
     * closure.
     * @return \PHPParser_Node_Expr_Closure
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function getClosureAbstractSyntaxTree()
        if (!$this->abstractSyntaxTree) {
            try {
                // Parse the code from the file containing the closure and create an AST with FQCN resolved
                $fileAst = $this->getFileAbstractSyntaxTree();
                $closureFinder = new ClosureFinderVisitor($this->reflection);
                $fileTraverser = new \PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
                $fileTraverser->addVisitor(new \PHPParser_NodeVisitor_NameResolver);
            } catch (\PHPParser_Error $e) {
                // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('There was an error parsing the file containing the closure.');
                // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

            // Find the first closure defined in the AST that is on the line where the closure is located
            $closureAst = $closureFinder->getClosureNode();
            if (!$closureAst) {
                // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
                throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The closure was not found within the abstract syntax tree.');
                // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd

            // Resolve additional nodes by making a second pass through just the closure's nodes
            $closureTraverser = new \PHPParser_NodeTraverser();
            $closureTraverser->addVisitor(new MagicConstantVisitor($closureFinder->getLocation()));
            $closureAst = $closureTraverser->traverse(array($closureAst));
            $this->abstractSyntaxTree = $closureAst[0];

        return $this->abstractSyntaxTree;

     * Returns the variables that in the "use" clause of the closure definition. These are referred to as the "used
     * variables", "static variables", or "closed upon variables", "context" of the closure.
     * @return array
    public function getUsedVariables()
        if (!$this->usedVariables) {
            // Get the variable names defined in the AST
            $usedVarNames = array_map(function ($usedVar) {
                return $usedVar->var;
            }, $this->getClosureAbstractSyntaxTree()->uses);

            // Get the variable names and values using reflection
            $usedVarValues = $this->reflection->getStaticVariables();

            // Combine the two arrays to create a canonical hash of variable names and values
            $this->usedVariables = array();
            foreach ($usedVarNames as $name) {
                if (isset($usedVarValues[$name])) {
                    $this->usedVariables[$name] = $usedVarValues[$name];

        return $this->usedVariables;

     * Returns the formatted code of the closure
     * @return string
    public function getCode()
        if (!$this->code) {
            // Use the pretty printer to print the closure code from the AST
            $printer = new \PHPParser_PrettyPrinter_Default();
            $this->code = $printer->prettyPrint(array($this->getClosureAbstractSyntaxTree()));

        return $this->code;

     * Loads the PHP file and produces an abstract syntax tree (AST) of the code. This is stored in an internal cache by
     * the filename for memoization within the same process
     * @return array
    protected function getFileAbstractSyntaxTree()
        $filename = $this->reflection->getFileName();

        if (!isset(self::$cache[$filename])) {
            $parser = new \PHPParser_Parser(new \PHPParser_Lexer_Emulative);
            self::$cache[$filename] = $parser->parse(file_get_contents($filename));

        return self::$cache[$filename];

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