
mentors Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
blob .gitkeep 10 years 6 months Right Or Wrong: lots of work added 0 bytes
blob 2014_06_26_234302_create_mc_user_table.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: redesigned tables for users roles and references 673 bytes
blob 2014_06_26_235750_create_mc_role_table.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: redesigned tables for users roles and references 490 bytes
blob 2014_06_27_002502_create_password_reminders_table.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: redesigned tables for users roles and references 552 bytes
blob 2014_06_27_003343_create_user_xref_role_table.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: added some code 735 bytes
blob 2014_06_28_024032_alter_user_table_add_columns.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: alot of code added here 772 bytes
blob 2014_06_29_015251_alter_user_table_replace_column.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: code added migrations refactored 564 bytes
blob 2014_06_29_143038_create_mentor_mentee_match_table.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: added a matches migration for a table 841 bytes
blob 2014_06_29_233811_alter_user_table_add_admin_column.php 10 years 5 months Right Or Wrong: session handling and redirecting users based on whether they are logged in or not 541 bytes

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