#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using SDL2; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework { class SDL2_GameWindow : GameWindow { #region Public GameWindow Properties [DefaultValue( false )] public override bool AllowUserResizing { /* FIXME: This change should happen immediately. However, SDL2 does * not yet have an SDL_SetWindowResizable, so for now this is * basically just a check for when the window is first made. * -flibit */ get { return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "FNA_WORKAROUND_WINDOW_RESIZABLE" ) == "1" ; } set { // No-op. :( } } public override Rectangle ClientBounds { get { Rectangle result; if (INTERNAL_isFullscreen) { /* FIXME: SDL2 bug! * SDL's a little weird about SDL_GetWindowSize. * If you call it early enough (for example, * Game.Initialize()), it reports outdated ints. * So you know what, let's just use this. * -flibit */ SDL.SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode( SDL.SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex( INTERNAL_sdlWindow ), out mode ); result.X = 0; result.Y = 0; result.Width = mode.w; result.Height = mode.h; } else { SDL.SDL_GetWindowPosition( INTERNAL_sdlWindow, out result.X, out result.Y ); SDL.SDL_GetWindowSize( INTERNAL_sdlWindow, out result.Width, out result.Height ); } return result; } } public override DisplayOrientation CurrentOrientation { get { // SDL2 has no orientation. return DisplayOrientation.LandscapeLeft; } } public override IntPtr Handle { get { return INTERNAL_sdlWindow; } } public override bool IsBorderlessEXT { get { return ((SDL.SDL_GetWindowFlags(INTERNAL_sdlWindow) & ( uint ) SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS) != 0); } set { SDL.SDL_SetWindowBordered( INTERNAL_sdlWindow, value ? SDL.SDL_bool.SDL_FALSE : SDL.SDL_bool.SDL_TRUE ); } } public override string ScreenDeviceName { get { return INTERNAL_deviceName; } } #endregion #region Private SDL2 Window Variables private IntPtr INTERNAL_sdlWindow; private bool INTERNAL_isFullscreen; private bool INTERNAL_wantsFullscreen; private string INTERNAL_deviceName; #endregion #region Internal Constructor internal SDL2_GameWindow( bool useES2, bool useCoreProfile) { SDL.SDL_WindowFlags initFlags = ( SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_HIDDEN | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS | SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS ); // FIXME: Once we have SDL_SetWindowResizable, remove this. -flibit if (AllowUserResizing) { initFlags |= SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE; } SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 24); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1); if (useES2) { SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_RETAINED_BACKING, 0 ); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_ACCELERATED_VISUAL, 1 ); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 2 ); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 0 ); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, ( int ) SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES ); } else if (useCoreProfile) { SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION, 3 ); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION, 2 ); SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, ( int ) SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE ); } #if DEBUG SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, ( int ) SDL.SDL_GLcontext.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_FLAG ); #endif string title = MonoGame.Utilities.AssemblyHelper.GetDefaultWindowTitle(); INTERNAL_sdlWindow = SDL.SDL_CreateWindow( title, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, GraphicsDeviceManager.DefaultBackBufferWidth, GraphicsDeviceManager.DefaultBackBufferHeight, initFlags ); INTERNAL_SetIcon(title); INTERNAL_deviceName = SDL.SDL_GetDisplayName( SDL.SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(INTERNAL_sdlWindow) ); INTERNAL_isFullscreen = false ; INTERNAL_wantsFullscreen = false ; } #endregion #region Public GameWindow Methods public override void BeginScreenDeviceChange( bool willBeFullScreen) { INTERNAL_wantsFullscreen = willBeFullScreen; } public override void EndScreenDeviceChange( string screenDeviceName, int clientWidth, int clientHeight ) { // Fullscreen if ( INTERNAL_wantsFullscreen && (SDL.SDL_GetWindowFlags(INTERNAL_sdlWindow) & ( uint ) SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) == 0 ) { /* FIXME: SDL2/OSX bug! * For whatever reason, Spaces windows on OSX * like to be high-DPI if you set fullscreen * while the window is hidden. But, if you just * show the window first, everything is fine. * -flibit */ SDL.SDL_ShowWindow(INTERNAL_sdlWindow); } // When windowed, set the size before moving if (!INTERNAL_wantsFullscreen) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(INTERNAL_sdlWindow, 0); SDL.SDL_SetWindowSize(INTERNAL_sdlWindow, clientWidth, clientHeight); } // Get on the right display! int displayIndex = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < GraphicsAdapter.Adapters.Count; i += 1) { // FIXME: Should be checking Name, not Description! -flibit if (screenDeviceName == GraphicsAdapter.Adapters[i].Description) { displayIndex = i; break ; } } // Just to be sure, become a window first before changing displays if (INTERNAL_deviceName != screenDeviceName) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(INTERNAL_sdlWindow, 0); INTERNAL_deviceName = screenDeviceName; } // Window always gets centered, per XNA behavior int pos = SDL.SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex); SDL.SDL_SetWindowPosition( INTERNAL_sdlWindow, pos, pos ); // Set fullscreen after we've done all the ugly stuff. if (INTERNAL_wantsFullscreen) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen( INTERNAL_sdlWindow, ( uint ) SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP ); } // Current window state has just been updated. INTERNAL_isFullscreen = INTERNAL_wantsFullscreen; } #endregion #region Internal Methods internal void INTERNAL_ClientSizeChanged() { OnClientSizeChanged(); } #endregion #region Protected GameWindow Methods protected internal override void SetSupportedOrientations(DisplayOrientation orientations) { // No-op. SDL2 has no orientation. } protected override void SetTitle( string title) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowTitle( INTERNAL_sdlWindow, title ); } #endregion #region Private Window Icon Method private void INTERNAL_SetIcon( string title) { string fileIn = String.Empty; /* If the game's using SDL2_image, provide the option to use a PNG * instead of a BMP. Nice for anyone who cares about transparency. * -flibit */ try { fileIn = INTERNAL_GetIconName(title, ".png" ); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileIn)) { IntPtr icon = SDL_image.IMG_Load(fileIn); SDL.SDL_SetWindowIcon(INTERNAL_sdlWindow, icon); SDL.SDL_FreeSurface(icon); return ; } } catch (DllNotFoundException) { // Not that big a deal guys. } fileIn = INTERNAL_GetIconName(title, ".bmp" ); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fileIn)) { IntPtr icon = SDL.SDL_LoadBMP(fileIn); SDL.SDL_SetWindowIcon(INTERNAL_sdlWindow, icon); SDL.SDL_FreeSurface(icon); } } #endregion #region Private Static Icon Filename Method private static string INTERNAL_GetIconName( string title, string extension) { string fileIn = String.Empty; if (System.IO.File.Exists(title + extension)) { // If the title and filename work, it just works. Fine. fileIn = title + extension; } else { // But sometimes the title has invalid characters inside. /* In addition to the filesystem's invalid charset, we need to * blacklist the Windows standard set too, no matter what. * -flibit */ char [] hardCodeBadChars = new char [] { '<' , '>' , ':' , '"' , '/' , '\\' , '|' , '?' , '*' }; List< char > badChars = new List< char >(); badChars.AddRange(System.IO.Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()); badChars.AddRange(hardCodeBadChars); string stripChars = title; foreach ( char c in badChars) { stripChars = stripChars.Replace(c.ToString(), "" ); } stripChars += extension; if (System.IO.File.Exists(stripChars)) { fileIn = stripChars; } } return fileIn; } #endregion } } |