#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using SDL2; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework { internal static class SDL2_FNAPlatform { #region Static Constants private static readonly string OSVersion = SDL.SDL_GetPlatform(); #endregion #region Public Static Methods public static void ProgramInit() { /* SDL2 might complain if an OS that uses SDL_main has not actually * used SDL_main by the time you initialize SDL2. * The only platform that is affected is Windows, but we can skip * their WinMain. This was only added to prevent iOS from exploding. * -flibit */ SDL.SDL_SetMainReady(); // This _should_ be the first real SDL call we make... SDL.SDL_Init( SDL.SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL.SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK | SDL.SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER | SDL.SDL_INIT_HAPTIC ); // Set any hints to match XNA4 behavior... string hint = SDL.SDL_GetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hint)) { SDL.SDL_SetHint( SDL.SDL_HINT_JOYSTICK_ALLOW_BACKGROUND_EVENTS, "1" ); } // If available, load the SDL_GameControllerDB string mappingsDB = Path.Combine( TitleContainer.Location, "gamecontrollerdb.txt" ); if (File.Exists(mappingsDB)) { SDL.SDL_GameControllerAddMappingsFromFile( mappingsDB ); } } public static void ProgramExit( object sender, EventArgs e) { // This _should_ be the last SDL call we make... SDL.SDL_Quit(); } public static GameWindow CreateWindow() { // GLContext environment variables bool forceES2 = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "FNA_OPENGL_FORCE_ES2" ) == "1" ; bool forceCoreProfile = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "FNA_OPENGL_FORCE_CORE_PROFILE" ) == "1" ; // Set and initialize the SDL2 window GameWindow result = new SDL2_GameWindow( forceES2 || OSVersion.Equals( "Emscripten" ) || OSVersion.Equals( "Android" ) || OSVersion.Equals( "iOS" ), forceCoreProfile ); // Disable the screensaver. SDL.SDL_DisableScreenSaver(); // We hide the mouse cursor by default. SDL.SDL_ShowCursor(0); return result; } public static void DisposeWindow(GameWindow window) { /* Some window managers might try to minimize the window as we're * destroying it. This looks pretty stupid and could cause problems, * so set this hint right before we destroy everything. * -flibit */ SDL.SDL_SetHintWithPriority( SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MINIMIZE_ON_FOCUS_LOSS, "0" , SDL.SDL_HintPriority.SDL_HINT_OVERRIDE ); SDL.SDL_DestroyWindow(window.Handle); } public static void RunLoop(Game game) { SDL.SDL_ShowWindow(game.Window.Handle); // Which display did we end up on? int displayIndex = SDL.SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex( game.Window.Handle ); // OSX has some fancy fullscreen features, let's use them! bool osxUseSpaces; if (OSVersion.Equals( "Mac OS X" )) { string hint = SDL.SDL_GetHint(SDL.SDL_HINT_VIDEO_MAC_FULLSCREEN_SPACES); osxUseSpaces = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hint) || hint.Equals( "1" )); } else { osxUseSpaces = false ; } // Do we want to read keycodes or scancodes? SDL2_KeyboardUtil.UseScancodes = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "FNA_KEYBOARD_USE_SCANCODES" ) == "1" ; if (SDL2_KeyboardUtil.UseScancodes) { FNAPlatform.Log( "Using scancodes instead of keycodes!" ); } // Active Key List List<Keys> keys = new List<Keys>(); /* Setup Text Input Control Character Arrays * (Only 7 control keys supported at this time) */ char [] textInputCharacters = new char [] { ( char ) 2, // Home ( char ) 3, // End ( char ) 8, // Backspace ( char ) 9, // Tab ( char ) 13, // Enter ( char ) 127, // Delete ( char ) 22 // Ctrl+V (Paste) }; Dictionary<Keys, int > textInputBindings = new Dictionary<Keys, int >() { { Keys.Home, 0 }, { Keys.End, 1 }, { Keys.Back, 2 }, { Keys.Tab, 3 }, { Keys.Enter, 4 }, { Keys.Delete, 5 } // Ctrl+V is special! }; bool [] textInputControlDown = new bool [textInputCharacters.Length]; int [] textInputControlRepeat = new int [textInputCharacters.Length]; bool textInputSuppress = false ; SDL.SDL_Event evt; while (game.RunApplication) { while (SDL.SDL_PollEvent( out evt) == 1) { // Keyboard if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYDOWN) { Keys key = SDL2_KeyboardUtil.ToXNA( ref evt.key.keysym); if (!keys.Contains(key)) { keys.Add(key); if (textInputBindings.ContainsKey(key)) { int textIndex = textInputBindings[key]; textInputControlDown[textIndex] = true ; textInputControlRepeat[textIndex] = Environment.TickCount + 400; TextInputEXT.OnTextInput(textInputCharacters[textIndex]); } else if (keys.Contains(Keys.LeftControl) && key == Keys.V) { textInputControlDown[6] = true ; textInputControlRepeat[6] = Environment.TickCount + 400; TextInputEXT.OnTextInput(textInputCharacters[6]); textInputSuppress = true ; } } } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_KEYUP) { Keys key = SDL2_KeyboardUtil.ToXNA( ref evt.key.keysym); if (keys.Remove(key)) { if (textInputBindings.ContainsKey(key)) { textInputControlDown[textInputBindings[key]] = false ; } else if ((!keys.Contains(Keys.LeftControl) && textInputControlDown[3]) || key == Keys.V) { textInputControlDown[6] = false ; textInputSuppress = false ; } } } // Mouse Input else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEMOTION) { Mouse.INTERNAL_IsWarped = false ; } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL) { // 120 units per notch. Because reasons. Mouse.INTERNAL_MouseWheel += evt.wheel.y * 120; } // Various Window Events... else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_WINDOWEVENT) { // Window Focus if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED) { game.IsActive = true ; if (!osxUseSpaces) { // If we alt-tab away, we lose the 'fullscreen desktop' flag on some WMs SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen( game.Window.Handle, game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters.IsFullScreen ? ( uint ) SDL.SDL_WindowFlags.SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP : 0 ); } // Disable the screensaver when we're back. SDL.SDL_DisableScreenSaver(); } else if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST) { game.IsActive = false ; if (!osxUseSpaces) { SDL.SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(game.Window.Handle, 0); } // Give the screensaver back, we're not that important now. SDL.SDL_EnableScreenSaver(); } // Window Resize else if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) { Mouse.INTERNAL_WindowWidth = evt.window.data1; Mouse.INTERNAL_WindowHeight = evt.window.data2; // Should be called on user resize only, NOT ApplyChanges! ((SDL2_GameWindow) game.Window).INTERNAL_ClientSizeChanged(); } else if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_SIZE_CHANGED) { Mouse.INTERNAL_WindowWidth = evt.window.data1; Mouse.INTERNAL_WindowHeight = evt.window.data2; // Need to reset the graphics device any time the window size changes GraphicsDeviceManager gdm = game.Services.GetService( typeof (IGraphicsDeviceService) ) as GraphicsDeviceManager; // FIXME: gdm == null? -flibit if (gdm.IsFullScreen) { GraphicsDevice device = game.GraphicsDevice; gdm.INTERNAL_ResizeGraphicsDevice( device.GLDevice.Backbuffer.Width, device.GLDevice.Backbuffer.Height ); } else { gdm.INTERNAL_ResizeGraphicsDevice( evt.window.data1, evt.window.data2 ); } } // Window Move else if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MOVED) { /* Apparently if you move the window to a new * display, a GraphicsDevice Reset occurs. * -flibit */ int newIndex = SDL.SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex( game.Window.Handle ); if (newIndex != displayIndex) { displayIndex = newIndex; game.GraphicsDevice.Reset( game.GraphicsDevice.PresentationParameters, GraphicsAdapter.Adapters[displayIndex] ); } } // Mouse Focus else if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER) { SDL.SDL_DisableScreenSaver(); } else if (evt.window.windowEvent == SDL.SDL_WindowEventID.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE) { SDL.SDL_EnableScreenSaver(); } } // Controller device management else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED) { INTERNAL_AddInstance(evt.cdevice.which); } else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEREMOVED) { INTERNAL_RemoveInstance(evt.cdevice.which); } // Text Input else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_TEXTINPUT && !textInputSuppress) { string text; // Based on the SDL2# LPUtf8StrMarshaler unsafe { byte * endPtr = evt.text.text; while (*endPtr != 0) { endPtr++; } byte [] bytes = new byte [endPtr - evt.text.text]; Marshal.Copy((IntPtr) evt.text.text, bytes, 0, bytes.Length); text = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); } if (text.Length > 0) { TextInputEXT.OnTextInput(text[0]); } } // Quit else if (evt.type == SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_QUIT) { game.RunApplication = false ; break ; } } // Text Input Controls Key Handling for ( int i = 0; i < textInputCharacters.Length; i += 1) { if (textInputControlDown[i] && textInputControlRepeat[i] <= Environment.TickCount) { TextInputEXT.OnTextInput(textInputCharacters[i]); } } Keyboard.SetKeys(keys); game.Tick(); } // We out. game.Exit(); } public static void BeforeInitialize() { // We want to initialize the controllers ASAP! SDL.SDL_Event[] evt = new SDL.SDL_Event[1]; SDL.SDL_PumpEvents(); // Required to get OSX device events this early. while (SDL.SDL_PeepEvents( evt, 1, SDL.SDL_eventaction.SDL_GETEVENT, SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED, SDL.SDL_EventType.SDL_CONTROLLERDEVICEADDED ) == 1) { INTERNAL_AddInstance(evt[0].cdevice.which); } } public static IGLDevice CreateGLDevice( PresentationParameters presentationParameters ) { // This loads the OpenGL entry points. return new OpenGLDevice(presentationParameters); } public static IALDevice CreateALDevice() { try { return new OpenALDevice(); } catch (DllNotFoundException e) { FNAPlatform.Log( "OpenAL not found! Need FNA.dll.config?" ); throw e; } catch (Exception) { /* We ignore device creation exceptions, * as they are handled down the line with Instance != null */ return null ; } } public static void SetPresentationInterval(PresentInterval interval) { if (interval == PresentInterval.Default || interval == PresentInterval.One) { if (OSVersion.Equals( "Mac OS X" )) { // Apple is a big fat liar about swap_control_tear. Use stock VSync. SDL.SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); } else { if (SDL.SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(-1) != -1) { FNAPlatform.Log( "Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!" ); } else { FNAPlatform.Log( "EXT_swap_control_tear unsupported. Fall back to standard VSync." ); SDL.SDL_ClearError(); SDL.SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(1); } } } else if (interval == PresentInterval.Immediate) { SDL.SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(0); } else if (interval == PresentInterval.Two) { SDL.SDL_GL_SetSwapInterval(2); } else { throw new NotSupportedException( "Unrecognized PresentInterval!" ); } } public static GraphicsAdapter[] GetGraphicsAdapters() { SDL.SDL_DisplayMode filler = new SDL.SDL_DisplayMode(); GraphicsAdapter[] adapters = new GraphicsAdapter[SDL.SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays()]; for ( int i = 0; i < adapters.Length; i += 1) { List<DisplayMode> modes = new List<DisplayMode>(); int numModes = SDL.SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(i); for ( int j = numModes - 1; j >= 0; j -= 1) { SDL.SDL_GetDisplayMode(i, j, out filler); // Check for dupes caused by varying refresh rates. bool dupe = false ; foreach (DisplayMode mode in modes) { if (filler.w == mode.Width && filler.h == mode.Height) { dupe = true ; } } if (!dupe) { modes.Add( new DisplayMode( filler.w, filler.h, SurfaceFormat.Color // FIXME: Assumption! ) ); } } SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(i, out filler); adapters[i] = new GraphicsAdapter( new DisplayMode( filler.w, filler.h, SurfaceFormat.Color // FIXME: Assumption! ), new DisplayModeCollection(modes), SDL.SDL_GetDisplayName(i) ); } return adapters; } public static void GetMouseState( out int x, out int y, out ButtonState left, out ButtonState middle, out ButtonState right, out ButtonState x1, out ButtonState x2 ) { uint flags = SDL.SDL_GetMouseState( out x, out y); left = (ButtonState) (flags & SDL.SDL_BUTTON_LMASK); middle = (ButtonState) ((flags & SDL.SDL_BUTTON_MMASK) >> 1); right = (ButtonState) ((flags & SDL.SDL_BUTTON_RMASK) >> 2); x1 = (ButtonState) ((flags & SDL.SDL_BUTTON_X1MASK) >> 3); x2 = (ButtonState) ((flags & SDL.SDL_BUTTON_X2MASK) >> 4); } public static void OnIsMouseVisibleChanged( bool visible) { SDL.SDL_ShowCursor(visible ? 1 : 0); } public static string GetStorageRoot() { if (OSVersion.Equals( "Windows" )) { return Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "SavedGames" ); } if (OSVersion.Equals( "Mac OS X" )) { string osConfigDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "HOME" ); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(osConfigDir)) { return "." ; // Oh well. } osConfigDir += "/Library/Application Support" ; return osConfigDir; } if (OSVersion.Equals( "Linux" )) { // Assuming a non-OSX Unix platform will follow the XDG. Which it should. string osConfigDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "XDG_DATA_HOME" ); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(osConfigDir)) { osConfigDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "HOME" ); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(osConfigDir)) { return "." ; // Oh well. } osConfigDir += "/.local/share" ; } return osConfigDir; } throw new NotSupportedException( "Unhandled SDL2 platform!" ); } public static bool IsStoragePathConnected( string path) { if ( OSVersion.Equals( "Linux" ) || OSVersion.Equals( "Mac OS X" ) ) { /* Linux and Mac use locally connected storage in the user's * home location, which should always be "connected". */ return true ; } if (OSVersion.Equals( "Windows" )) { try { return new DriveInfo(path).IsReady; } catch { // The storageRoot path is invalid / has been removed. return false ; } } throw new NotSupportedException( "Unhandled SDL2 platform" ); } public static void ShowRuntimeError( string title, string message) { SDL.SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox( SDL.SDL_MessageBoxFlags.SDL_MESSAGEBOX_ERROR, title, message, IntPtr.Zero ); } public static void TextureDataFromStream( Stream stream, out int width, out int height, out byte [] pixels, int reqWidth = -1, int reqHeight = -1, bool zoom = false ) { // Load the Stream into an SDL_RWops* byte [] mem = new byte [stream.Length]; GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(mem, GCHandleType.Pinned); stream.Read(mem, 0, mem.Length); IntPtr rwops = SDL.SDL_RWFromMem(mem, mem.Length); // Load the SDL_Surface* from RWops, get the image data IntPtr surface = SDL_image.IMG_Load_RW(rwops, 1); handle.Free(); if (surface == IntPtr.Zero) { // File not found, supported, etc. width = 0; height = 0; pixels = null ; return ; } surface = INTERNAL_convertSurfaceFormat(surface); // Image scaling, if applicable if (reqWidth != -1 && reqHeight != -1) { // Get the file surface dimensions now... int rw; int rh; unsafe { SDL.SDL_Surface* surPtr = (SDL.SDL_Surface*) surface; rw = surPtr->w; rh = surPtr->h; } // Calculate the image scale factor bool scaleWidth; if (zoom) { scaleWidth = rw < rh; } else { scaleWidth = rw > rh; } float scale; if (scaleWidth) { scale = reqWidth / ( float ) rw; } else { scale = reqHeight / ( float ) rh; } // Calculate the scaled image size, crop if zoomed int resultWidth; int resultHeight; SDL.SDL_Rect crop = new SDL.SDL_Rect(); if (zoom) { resultWidth = reqWidth; resultHeight = reqHeight; if (scaleWidth) { crop.x = 0; crop.w = rw; crop.y = ( int ) (rh / 2 - (reqHeight / scale) / 2); crop.h = ( int ) (reqHeight / scale); } else { crop.y = 0; crop.h = rh; crop.x = ( int ) (rw / 2 - (reqWidth / scale) / 2); crop.w = ( int ) (reqWidth / scale); } } else { resultWidth = ( int ) (rw * scale); resultHeight = ( int ) (rh * scale); } // Alloc surface, blit! IntPtr newSurface = SDL.SDL_CreateRGBSurface( 0, resultWidth, resultHeight, 32, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000 ); SDL.SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode( surface, SDL.SDL_BlendMode.SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE ); if (zoom) { SDL.SDL_BlitScaled( surface, ref crop, newSurface, IntPtr.Zero ); } else { SDL.SDL_BlitScaled( surface, IntPtr.Zero, newSurface, IntPtr.Zero ); } SDL.SDL_FreeSurface(surface); surface = newSurface; } // Copy surface data to output managed byte array unsafe { SDL.SDL_Surface* surPtr = (SDL.SDL_Surface*) surface; width = surPtr->w; height = surPtr->h; pixels = new byte [width * height * 4]; // MUST be SurfaceFormat.Color! Marshal.Copy(surPtr->pixels, pixels, 0, pixels.Length); } SDL.SDL_FreeSurface(surface); /* Ensure that the alpha pixels are... well, actual alpha. * You think this looks stupid, but be assured: Your paint program is * almost certainly even stupider. * -flibit */ for ( int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i += 4) { if (pixels[i + 3] == 0) { pixels[i] = 0; pixels[i + 1] = 0; pixels[i + 2] = 0; } } } public static void SavePNG( Stream stream, int width, int height, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, byte [] data ) { // Create an SDL_Surface*, write the pixel data IntPtr surface = SDL.SDL_CreateRGBSurface( 0, imgWidth, imgHeight, 32, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000 ); SDL.SDL_LockSurface(surface); unsafe { SDL.SDL_Surface* surPtr = (SDL.SDL_Surface*) surface; Marshal.Copy( data, 0, surPtr->pixels, data.Length ); } SDL.SDL_UnlockSurface(surface); data = null ; // We're done with the original pixel data. // Blit to a scaled surface of the size we want, if needed. if (width != imgWidth || height != imgHeight) { IntPtr scaledSurface = SDL.SDL_CreateRGBSurface( 0, width, height, 32, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000 ); SDL.SDL_BlitScaled( surface, IntPtr.Zero, scaledSurface, IntPtr.Zero ); SDL.SDL_FreeSurface(surface); surface = scaledSurface; } // Create an SDL_RWops*, save PNG to RWops const int pngHeaderSize = 41; const int pngFooterSize = 57; byte [] pngOut = new byte [ (width * height * 4) + pngHeaderSize + pngFooterSize + 256 // FIXME: Arbitrary zlib data padding for low-res images ]; // Max image size IntPtr dst = SDL.SDL_RWFromMem(pngOut, pngOut.Length); SDL_image.IMG_SavePNG_RW(surface, dst, 1); SDL.SDL_FreeSurface(surface); // We're done with the surface. // Get PNG size, write to Stream int size = ( (pngOut[33] << 24) | (pngOut[34] << 16) | (pngOut[35] << 8) | (pngOut[36]) ) + pngHeaderSize + pngFooterSize; stream.Write(pngOut, 0, size); } #endregion #region GamePad Backend private enum HapticType { Simple = 0, LeftRight = 1, LeftRightMacHack = 2 } // Controller device information private static IntPtr[] INTERNAL_devices = new IntPtr[GamePad.GAMEPAD_COUNT]; private static Dictionary< int , int > INTERNAL_instanceList = new Dictionary< int , int >(); private static string [] INTERNAL_guids = GenStringArray(); // Haptic device information private static IntPtr[] INTERNAL_haptics = new IntPtr[GamePad.GAMEPAD_COUNT]; private static HapticType[] INTERNAL_hapticTypes = new HapticType[GamePad.GAMEPAD_COUNT]; // Light bar information private static string [] INTERNAL_lightBars = GenStringArray(); // Cached GamePadStates/Capabilities private static GamePadState[] INTERNAL_states = new GamePadState[GamePad.GAMEPAD_COUNT]; private static GamePadCapabilities[] INTERNAL_capabilities = new GamePadCapabilities[GamePad.GAMEPAD_COUNT]; // We use this to apply XInput-like rumble effects. private static SDL.SDL_HapticEffect INTERNAL_leftRightEffect = new SDL.SDL_HapticEffect { type = SDL.SDL_HAPTIC_LEFTRIGHT, leftright = new SDL.SDL_HapticLeftRight { type = SDL.SDL_HAPTIC_LEFTRIGHT, length = SDL.SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY, large_magnitude = ushort .MaxValue, small_magnitude = ushort .MaxValue } }; // We use this to get left/right support on OSX via a nice driver workaround! private static ushort [] leftRightMacHackData = {0, 0}; private static GCHandle leftRightMacHackPArry = GCHandle.Alloc(leftRightMacHackData, GCHandleType.Pinned); private static IntPtr leftRightMacHackPtr = leftRightMacHackPArry.AddrOfPinnedObject(); private static SDL.SDL_HapticEffect INTERNAL_leftRightMacHackEffect = new SDL.SDL_HapticEffect { type = SDL.SDL_HAPTIC_CUSTOM, custom = new SDL.SDL_HapticCustom { type = SDL.SDL_HAPTIC_CUSTOM, length = SDL.SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY, channels = 2, period = 1, samples = 2, data = leftRightMacHackPtr } }; // FIXME: SDL_GameController config input inversion! private static float invertAxis = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable( "FNA_WORKAROUND_INVERT_YAXIS" ) == "1" ? -1.0f : 1.0f; public static GamePadCapabilities GetGamePadCapabilities( int index) { if (INTERNAL_devices[index] == IntPtr.Zero) { return new GamePadCapabilities(); } return INTERNAL_capabilities[index]; } public static GamePadState GetGamePadState( int index, GamePadDeadZone deadZoneMode) { IntPtr device = INTERNAL_devices[index]; if (device == IntPtr.Zero) { return new GamePadState(); } // Do not attempt to understand this number at all costs! const float DeadZoneSize = 0.27f; // The "master" button state is built from this. Buttons gc_buttonState = (Buttons) 0; // Sticks GamePadThumbSticks gc_sticks = new GamePadThumbSticks( new Vector2( ( float ) SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetAxis( device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerAxis.SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX ) / 32768.0f, ( float ) SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetAxis( device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerAxis.SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTY ) / -32768.0f * invertAxis ), new Vector2( ( float ) SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetAxis( device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerAxis.SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX ) / 32768.0f, ( float ) SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetAxis( device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerAxis.SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY ) / -32768.0f * invertAxis ), deadZoneMode ); gc_buttonState |= READ_StickToButtons( gc_sticks.Left, Buttons.LeftThumbstickLeft, Buttons.LeftThumbstickRight, Buttons.LeftThumbstickUp, Buttons.LeftThumbstickDown, DeadZoneSize ); gc_buttonState |= READ_StickToButtons( gc_sticks.Right, Buttons.RightThumbstickLeft, Buttons.RightThumbstickRight, Buttons.RightThumbstickUp, Buttons.RightThumbstickDown, DeadZoneSize ); // Triggers GamePadTriggers gc_triggers = new GamePadTriggers( ( float ) SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetAxis( device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerAxis.SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERLEFT ) / 32768.0f, ( float ) SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetAxis( device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerAxis.SDL_CONTROLLER_AXIS_TRIGGERRIGHT ) / 32768.0f ); gc_buttonState |= READ_TriggerToButton( gc_triggers.Left, Buttons.LeftTrigger, DeadZoneSize ); gc_buttonState |= READ_TriggerToButton( gc_triggers.Right, Buttons.RightTrigger, DeadZoneSize ); // Buttons if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_A) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.A; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_B) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.B; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_X) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.X; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_Y) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.Y; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_BACK) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.Back; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_GUIDE) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.BigButton; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_START) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.Start; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSTICK) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.LeftStick; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSTICK) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.RightStick; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_LEFTSHOULDER) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.LeftShoulder; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_RIGHTSHOULDER) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.RightShoulder; } // DPad GamePadDPad gc_dpad; if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_UP) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.DPadUp; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.DPadDown; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.DPadLeft; } if (SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetButton(device, SDL.SDL_GameControllerButton.SDL_CONTROLLER_BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT) != 0) { gc_buttonState |= Buttons.DPadRight; } gc_dpad = new GamePadDPad(gc_buttonState); // Compile the master buttonstate GamePadButtons gc_buttons = new GamePadButtons(gc_buttonState); // Build the GamePadState, increment PacketNumber if state changed. GamePadState gc_builtState = new GamePadState( gc_sticks, gc_triggers, gc_buttons, gc_dpad ); gc_builtState.IsConnected = true ; gc_builtState.PacketNumber = INTERNAL_states[index].PacketNumber; if (gc_builtState != INTERNAL_states[index]) { gc_builtState.PacketNumber += 1; INTERNAL_states[index] = gc_builtState; } return gc_builtState; } public static bool SetGamePadVibration( int index, float leftMotor, float rightMotor) { IntPtr haptic = INTERNAL_haptics[index]; HapticType type = INTERNAL_hapticTypes[index]; if (haptic == IntPtr.Zero) { return false ; } if (leftMotor <= 0.0f && rightMotor <= 0.0f) { SDL.SDL_HapticStopAll(haptic); } else if (type == HapticType.LeftRight) { INTERNAL_leftRightEffect.leftright.large_magnitude = ( ushort ) (65535.0f * leftMotor); INTERNAL_leftRightEffect.leftright.small_magnitude = ( ushort ) (65535.0f * rightMotor); SDL.SDL_HapticUpdateEffect( haptic, 0, ref INTERNAL_leftRightEffect ); SDL.SDL_HapticRunEffect( haptic, 0, 1 ); } else if (type == HapticType.LeftRightMacHack) { leftRightMacHackData[0] = ( ushort ) (65535.0f * leftMotor); leftRightMacHackData[1] = ( ushort ) (65535.0f * rightMotor); SDL.SDL_HapticUpdateEffect( haptic, 0, ref INTERNAL_leftRightMacHackEffect ); SDL.SDL_HapticRunEffect( haptic, 0, 1 ); } else { SDL.SDL_HapticRumblePlay( haptic, Math.Max(leftMotor, rightMotor), SDL.SDL_HAPTIC_INFINITY // Oh dear... ); } return true ; } public static string GetGamePadGUID( int index) { return INTERNAL_guids[index]; } public static void SetGamePadLightBar( int index, Color color) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(INTERNAL_lightBars[index])) { return ; } string baseDir = INTERNAL_lightBars[index]; try { File.WriteAllText(baseDir + "red/brightness" , color.R.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(baseDir + "green/brightness" , color.G.ToString()); File.WriteAllText(baseDir + "blue/brightness" , color.B.ToString()); } catch { // If something went wrong, assume the worst and just remove it. INTERNAL_lightBars[index] = String.Empty; } } private static void INTERNAL_AddInstance( int dev) { int which = -1; for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_devices.Length; i += 1) { if (INTERNAL_devices[i] == IntPtr.Zero) { which = i; break ; } } if (which == -1) { return ; // Ignoring more than 4 controllers. } // Clear the error buffer. We're about to do a LOT of dangerous stuff. SDL.SDL_ClearError(); // Open the device! INTERNAL_devices[which] = SDL.SDL_GameControllerOpen(dev); // We use this when dealing with Haptic/GUID initialization. IntPtr thisJoystick = SDL.SDL_GameControllerGetJoystick(INTERNAL_devices[which]); // Pair up the instance ID to the player index. // FIXME: Remove check after 2.0.4? -flibit int thisInstance = SDL.SDL_JoystickInstanceID(thisJoystick); if (INTERNAL_instanceList.ContainsKey(thisInstance)) { // Duplicate? Usually this is OSX being dumb, but...? INTERNAL_devices[which] = IntPtr.Zero; return ; } INTERNAL_instanceList.Add(thisInstance, which); // Start with a fresh state. INTERNAL_states[which] = new GamePadState(); INTERNAL_states[which].IsConnected = true ; // Initialize the haptics for the joystick, if applicable. if (SDL.SDL_JoystickIsHaptic(thisJoystick) == 1) { INTERNAL_haptics[which] = SDL.SDL_HapticOpenFromJoystick(thisJoystick); if (INTERNAL_haptics[which] == IntPtr.Zero) { FNAPlatform.Log( "HAPTIC OPEN ERROR: " + SDL.SDL_GetError()); } } if (INTERNAL_haptics[which] != IntPtr.Zero) { if ( OSVersion.Equals( "Mac OS X" ) && SDL.SDL_HapticEffectSupported(INTERNAL_haptics[which], ref INTERNAL_leftRightMacHackEffect) == 1 ) { INTERNAL_hapticTypes[which] = HapticType.LeftRightMacHack; SDL.SDL_HapticNewEffect(INTERNAL_haptics[which], ref INTERNAL_leftRightMacHackEffect); } else if ( !OSVersion.Equals( "Mac OS X" ) && SDL.SDL_HapticEffectSupported(INTERNAL_haptics[which], ref INTERNAL_leftRightEffect) == 1 ) { INTERNAL_hapticTypes[which] = HapticType.LeftRight; SDL.SDL_HapticNewEffect(INTERNAL_haptics[which], ref INTERNAL_leftRightEffect); } else if (SDL.SDL_HapticRumbleSupported(INTERNAL_haptics[which]) == 1) { INTERNAL_hapticTypes[which] = HapticType.Simple; SDL.SDL_HapticRumbleInit(INTERNAL_haptics[which]); } else { // We can't even play simple rumble, this haptic device is useless to us. SDL.SDL_HapticClose(INTERNAL_haptics[which]); INTERNAL_haptics[which] = IntPtr.Zero; } } // An SDL_GameController _should_ always be complete... INTERNAL_capabilities[which] = new GamePadCapabilities() { IsConnected = true , HasAButton = true , HasBButton = true , HasXButton = true , HasYButton = true , HasBackButton = true , HasStartButton = true , HasDPadDownButton = true , HasDPadLeftButton = true , HasDPadRightButton = true , HasDPadUpButton = true , HasLeftShoulderButton = true , HasRightShoulderButton = true , HasLeftStickButton = true , HasRightStickButton = true , HasLeftTrigger = true , HasRightTrigger = true , HasLeftXThumbStick = true , HasLeftYThumbStick = true , HasRightXThumbStick = true , HasRightYThumbStick = true , HasBigButton = true , HasLeftVibrationMotor = INTERNAL_haptics[which] != IntPtr.Zero, HasRightVibrationMotor = INTERNAL_haptics[which] != IntPtr.Zero, HasVoiceSupport = false }; // Store the GUID string for this device StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); byte [] resChar = new byte [33]; // FIXME: Sort of arbitrary. SDL.SDL_JoystickGetGUIDString( SDL.SDL_JoystickGetGUID(thisJoystick), resChar, resChar.Length ); if (OSVersion.Equals( "Linux" )) { result.Append(( char ) resChar[8]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[9]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[10]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[11]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[16]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[17]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[18]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[19]); } else if (OSVersion.Equals( "Mac OS X" )) { result.Append(( char ) resChar[0]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[1]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[2]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[3]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[16]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[17]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[18]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[19]); } else if (OSVersion.Equals( "Windows" )) { bool isXInput = true ; foreach ( byte b in resChar) { if ((( char ) b) != '0' && b != 0) { isXInput = false ; break ; } } if (isXInput) { result.Append( "xinput" ); } else { result.Append(( char ) resChar[0]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[1]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[2]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[3]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[4]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[5]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[6]); result.Append(( char ) resChar[7]); } } else { throw new NotSupportedException( "Unhandled SDL2 platform!" ); } INTERNAL_guids[which] = result.ToString(); // Initialize light bar if ( OSVersion.Equals( "Linux" ) && INTERNAL_guids[which].Equals( "4c05c405" ) ) { // Get all of the individual PS4 LED instances List< string > ledList = new List< string >(); string [] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories( "/sys/class/leds/" ); foreach ( string dir in dirs) { if ( dir.Contains( "054C:05C4" ) && dir.EndsWith( "blue" ) ) { ledList.Add(dir.Substring(0, dir.LastIndexOf( ':' ) + 1)); } } // Find how many of these are already in use int numLights = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_lightBars.Length; i += 1) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(INTERNAL_lightBars[i])) { numLights += 1; } } // If all are not already in use, use the first unused light if (numLights < ledList.Count) { INTERNAL_lightBars[which] = ledList[numLights]; } } // Print controller information to stdout. FNAPlatform.Log( "Controller " + which.ToString() + ": " + SDL.SDL_GameControllerName(INTERNAL_devices[which]) ); } private static void INTERNAL_RemoveInstance( int dev) { int output; if (!INTERNAL_instanceList.TryGetValue(dev, out output)) { // Odds are, this is controller 5+ getting removed. return ; } INTERNAL_instanceList.Remove(dev); if (INTERNAL_haptics[output] != IntPtr.Zero) { SDL.SDL_HapticClose(INTERNAL_haptics[output]); INTERNAL_haptics[output] = IntPtr.Zero; } SDL.SDL_GameControllerClose(INTERNAL_devices[output]); INTERNAL_devices[output] = IntPtr.Zero; INTERNAL_states[output] = new GamePadState(); INTERNAL_guids[output] = String.Empty; // A lot of errors can happen here, but honestly, they can be ignored... SDL.SDL_ClearError(); FNAPlatform.Log( "Removed device, player: " + output.ToString()); } // GetState can convert stick values to button values private static Buttons READ_StickToButtons(Vector2 stick, Buttons left, Buttons right, Buttons up , Buttons down, float DeadZoneSize) { Buttons b = (Buttons) 0; if (stick.X > DeadZoneSize) { b |= right; } if (stick.X < -DeadZoneSize) { b |= left; } if (stick.Y > DeadZoneSize) { b |= up; } if (stick.Y < -DeadZoneSize) { b |= down; } return b; } // GetState can convert trigger values to button values private static Buttons READ_TriggerToButton( float trigger, Buttons button, float DeadZoneSize) { Buttons b = (Buttons) 0; if (trigger > DeadZoneSize) { b |= button; } return b; } private static string [] GenStringArray() { string [] result = new string [GamePad.GAMEPAD_COUNT]; for ( int i = 0; i < result.Length; i += 1) { result[i] = String.Empty; } return result; } #endregion #region Private Static SDL_Surface Interop private static unsafe IntPtr INTERNAL_convertSurfaceFormat(IntPtr surface) { IntPtr result = surface; unsafe { SDL.SDL_Surface* surPtr = (SDL.SDL_Surface*) surface; SDL.SDL_PixelFormat* pixelFormatPtr = (SDL.SDL_PixelFormat*) surPtr->format; // SurfaceFormat.Color is SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888 if (pixelFormatPtr->format != SDL.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888) { // Create a properly formatted copy, free the old surface result = SDL.SDL_ConvertSurfaceFormat(surface, SDL.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, 0); SDL.SDL_FreeSurface(surface); } } return result; } #endregion } } |