#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region THREADED_GL Option // #define THREADED_GL /* Ah, so I see you've run into some issues with threaded GL... * * This class is designed to handle rendering coming from multiple threads, but * if you're too wreckless with how many threads are calling the GL, this will * hang. * * With THREADED_GL we instead allow you to run threaded rendering using * multiple GL contexts. This is more flexible, but much more dangerous. * * Basically, if you have to enable this, you should feel very bad. * -flibit */ #endregion #region DISABLE_THREADING Option // #define DISABLE_THREADING /* Perhaps you read the above option and thought to yourself: * "Wow, only an idiot would need threads for their graphics code!" * * For those of you who are particularly well-behaved with your renderer and * don't ever call anything on a thread at all, you can enable this define and * cut out a _ton_ of garbage generation that's caused by our attempt to force * things to the main thread. * * Enjoy the boost, you've earned it. * -flibit */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using SDL2; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics { internal partial class OpenGLDevice : IGLDevice { #region OpenGL Texture Container Class private class OpenGLTexture : IGLTexture { public uint Handle { get ; private set ; } public GLenum Target { get ; private set ; } public bool HasMipmaps { get ; private set ; } public TextureAddressMode WrapS; public TextureAddressMode WrapT; public TextureAddressMode WrapR; public TextureFilter Filter; public float Anistropy; public int MaxMipmapLevel; public float LODBias; public OpenGLTexture( uint handle, GLenum target, int levelCount ) { Handle = handle; Target = target; HasMipmaps = levelCount > 1; WrapS = TextureAddressMode.Wrap; WrapT = TextureAddressMode.Wrap; WrapR = TextureAddressMode.Wrap; Filter = TextureFilter.Linear; Anistropy = 4.0f; MaxMipmapLevel = 0; LODBias = 0.0f; } // We can't set a SamplerState Texture to null, so use this. private OpenGLTexture() { Handle = 0; Target = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D; // FIXME: Assumption! -flibit } public static readonly OpenGLTexture NullTexture = new OpenGLTexture(); } #endregion #region OpenGL Renderbuffer Container Class private class OpenGLRenderbuffer : IGLRenderbuffer { public uint Handle { get ; private set ; } public OpenGLRenderbuffer( uint handle) { Handle = handle; } } #endregion #region OpenGL Buffer Container Class private class OpenGLBuffer : IGLBuffer { public uint Handle { get ; private set ; } public IntPtr BufferSize { get ; private set ; } public GLenum Dynamic { get ; private set ; } public OpenGLBuffer( uint handle, IntPtr bufferSize, GLenum dynamic ) { Handle = handle; BufferSize = bufferSize; Dynamic = dynamic; } private OpenGLBuffer() { Handle = 0; } public static readonly OpenGLBuffer NullBuffer = new OpenGLBuffer(); } #endregion #region OpenGL Effect Container Class private class OpenGLEffect : IGLEffect { public IntPtr EffectData { get ; private set ; } public IntPtr GLEffectData { get ; private set ; } public OpenGLEffect(IntPtr effect, IntPtr glEffect) { EffectData = effect; GLEffectData = glEffect; } } #endregion #region OpenGL Query Container Class private class OpenGLQuery : IGLQuery { public uint Handle { get ; private set ; } public OpenGLQuery( uint handle) { Handle = handle; } } #endregion #region Blending State Variables public Color BlendFactor { get { return blendColor; } set { if (value != blendColor) { blendColor = value; glBlendColor( blendColor.R / 255.0f, blendColor.G / 255.0f, blendColor.B / 255.0f, blendColor.A / 255.0f ); } } } public int MultiSampleMask { get { return multisampleMask; } set { if (value != multisampleMask && supportsMultisampling) { if (value == -1) { glDisable(GLenum.GL_SAMPLE_MASK); } else { if (multisampleMask == -1) { glEnable(GLenum.GL_SAMPLE_MASK); } // FIXME: index...? -flibit glSampleMaski(0, ( uint ) value); } multisampleMask = value; } } } private bool alphaBlendEnable = false ; private Color blendColor = Color.Transparent; private BlendFunction blendOp = BlendFunction.Add; private BlendFunction blendOpAlpha = BlendFunction.Add; private Blend srcBlend = Blend.One; private Blend dstBlend = Blend.Zero; private Blend srcBlendAlpha = Blend.One; private Blend dstBlendAlpha = Blend.Zero; private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable = ColorWriteChannels.All; private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable1 = ColorWriteChannels.All; private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable2 = ColorWriteChannels.All; private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable3 = ColorWriteChannels.All; private int multisampleMask = -1; // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF #endregion #region Depth State Variables private bool zEnable = false ; private bool zWriteEnable = false ; private CompareFunction depthFunc = CompareFunction.Less; #endregion #region Stencil State Variables public int ReferenceStencil { get { return stencilRef; } set { if (value != stencilRef) { stencilRef = value; if (separateStencilEnable) { glStencilFuncSeparate( GLenum.GL_FRONT, XNAToGL.CompareFunc[( int ) stencilFunc], stencilRef, stencilMask ); glStencilFuncSeparate( GLenum.GL_BACK, XNAToGL.CompareFunc[( int ) ccwStencilFunc], stencilRef, stencilMask ); } else { glStencilFunc( XNAToGL.CompareFunc[( int ) stencilFunc], stencilRef, stencilMask ); } } } } private bool stencilEnable = false ; private int stencilWriteMask = -1; // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit private bool separateStencilEnable = false ; private int stencilRef = 0; private int stencilMask = -1; // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit private CompareFunction stencilFunc = CompareFunction.Always; private StencilOperation stencilFail = StencilOperation.Keep; private StencilOperation stencilZFail = StencilOperation.Keep; private StencilOperation stencilPass = StencilOperation.Keep; private CompareFunction ccwStencilFunc = CompareFunction.Always; private StencilOperation ccwStencilFail = StencilOperation.Keep; private StencilOperation ccwStencilZFail = StencilOperation.Keep; private StencilOperation ccwStencilPass = StencilOperation.Keep; #endregion #region Rasterizer State Variables private bool scissorTestEnable = false ; private CullMode cullFrontFace = CullMode.None; private FillMode fillMode = FillMode.Solid; private float depthBias = 0.0f; private float slopeScaleDepthBias = 0.0f; private bool multiSampleEnable = true ; #endregion #region Viewport State Variables /* These two aren't actually empty rects by default in OpenGL, * but we don't _really_ know the starting window size, so * force apply this when the GraphicsDevice is initialized. * -flibit */ private Rectangle scissorRectangle = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); private Rectangle viewport = new Rectangle( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); private float depthRangeMin = 0.0f; private float depthRangeMax = 1.0f; #endregion #region Texture Collection Variables private OpenGLTexture[] Textures; #endregion #region Buffer Binding Cache Variables private uint currentVertexBuffer = 0; private uint currentIndexBuffer = 0; // ld, or LastDrawn, effect/vertex attributes private int ldBaseVertex = -1; private VertexDeclaration ldVertexDeclaration = null ; private IntPtr ldPointer = IntPtr.Zero; private IntPtr ldEffect = IntPtr.Zero; private IntPtr ldTechnique = IntPtr.Zero; private uint ldPass = 0; #endregion #region Render Target Cache Variables private uint currentReadFramebuffer = 0; private uint currentDrawFramebuffer = 0; private uint targetFramebuffer = 0; private uint resolveFramebufferRead = 0; private uint resolveFramebufferDraw = 0; private uint [] currentAttachments; private GLenum[] currentAttachmentTypes; private int currentDrawBuffers; private GLenum[] drawBuffersArray; private uint currentRenderbuffer; private DepthFormat currentDepthStencilFormat; #endregion #region Clear Cache Variables private Vector4 currentClearColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0); private float currentClearDepth = 1.0f; private int currentClearStencil = 0; #endregion #region Private OpenGL Context Variable private IntPtr glContext; #endregion #region Faux-Backbuffer Variable public IGLBackbuffer Backbuffer { get ; private set ; } #endregion #region OpenGL Device Capabilities public bool SupportsDxt1 { get ; private set ; } public bool SupportsS3tc { get ; private set ; } public bool SupportsHardwareInstancing { get ; private set ; } public int MaxTextureSlots { get ; private set ; } public int MaxMultiSampleCount { get ; private set ; } private bool supportsMultisampling; private bool supportsFauxBackbuffer; private bool supportsBaseVertex; #endregion #region Private Vertex Attribute Cache private class VertexAttribute { public uint CurrentBuffer; public IntPtr CurrentPointer; public VertexElementFormat CurrentFormat; public bool CurrentNormalized; public int CurrentStride; public VertexAttribute() { CurrentBuffer = 0; CurrentPointer = IntPtr.Zero; CurrentFormat = VertexElementFormat.Single; CurrentNormalized = false ; CurrentStride = 0; } } private VertexAttribute[] attributes; private bool [] attributeEnabled; private bool [] previousAttributeEnabled; private int [] attributeDivisor; private int [] previousAttributeDivisor; #endregion #region Private MojoShader Interop private string shaderProfile; private IntPtr shaderContext; private IntPtr currentEffect = IntPtr.Zero; private IntPtr currentTechnique = IntPtr.Zero; private uint currentPass = 0; private int flipViewport = 1; private bool effectApplied = false ; private static IntPtr glGetProcAddress( string name, IntPtr d) { return SDL.SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(name); } private static MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetProcAddress GLGetProcAddress = glGetProcAddress; #endregion #region Private Graphics Object Disposal Queues private ConcurrentQueue<IGLTexture> GCTextures = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLTexture>(); private ConcurrentQueue<IGLRenderbuffer> GCDepthBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLRenderbuffer>(); private ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer> GCVertexBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer>(); private ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer> GCIndexBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer>(); private ConcurrentQueue<IGLEffect> GCEffects = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLEffect>(); private ConcurrentQueue<IGLQuery> GCQueries = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLQuery>(); #endregion #region Private Profile-specific Variables private bool useES2; private bool useCoreProfile; private uint vao; #endregion #region Private Static SDL2 Bug Workaround private static void GetWindowDimensions( PresentationParameters presentationParameters, out int width, out int height ) { if (presentationParameters.IsFullScreen) { /* FIXME: SDL2 bug! * SDL's a little weird about SDL_GetWindowSize. * If you call it early enough (for example, * Game.Initialize()), it reports outdated ints. * So you know what, let's just use this. * -flibit */ SDL.SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL.SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode( SDL.SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex( presentationParameters.DeviceWindowHandle ), out mode ); width = mode.w; height = mode.h; } else { SDL.SDL_GetWindowSize( presentationParameters.DeviceWindowHandle, out width, out height ); } } #endregion #region Public Constructor public OpenGLDevice( PresentationParameters presentationParameters ) { // Create OpenGL context glContext = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext( presentationParameters.DeviceWindowHandle ); // Check for a possible ES context int flags; int es2Flag = ( int ) SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES; SDL.SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, out flags); useES2 = (flags & es2Flag) == es2Flag; // Check for a possible Core context int coreFlag = ( int ) SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE; useCoreProfile = (flags & coreFlag) == coreFlag; // Init threaded GL crap where applicable InitThreadedGL( presentationParameters.DeviceWindowHandle ); // Initialize entry points LoadGLEntryPoints(); shaderProfile = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glBestProfile( GLGetProcAddress, IntPtr.Zero, null , null , IntPtr.Zero ); shaderContext = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glCreateContext( shaderProfile, GLGetProcAddress, IntPtr.Zero, null , null , IntPtr.Zero ); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glMakeContextCurrent(shaderContext); // Print GL information FNAPlatform.Log( "OpenGL Device: " + glGetString(GLenum.GL_RENDERER)); FNAPlatform.Log( "OpenGL Driver: " + glGetString(GLenum.GL_VERSION)); FNAPlatform.Log( "OpenGL Vendor: " + glGetString(GLenum.GL_VENDOR)); FNAPlatform.Log( "MojoShader Profile: " + shaderProfile); // Load the extension list, initialize extension-dependent components string extensions; if (useCoreProfile) { extensions = string .Empty; int numExtensions; glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, out numExtensions); for ( uint i = 0; i < numExtensions; i += 1) { extensions += glGetStringi(GLenum.GL_EXTENSIONS, i) + " " ; } } else { extensions = glGetString(GLenum.GL_EXTENSIONS); } SupportsS3tc = ( extensions.Contains( "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc" ) || extensions.Contains( "GL_OES_texture_compression_S3TC" ) || extensions.Contains( "GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt3" ) || extensions.Contains( "GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt5" ) ); SupportsDxt1 = ( SupportsS3tc || extensions.Contains( "GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1" ) ); /* Check the max multisample count, override parameters if necessary */ int maxSamples = 0; if (supportsMultisampling) { glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_SAMPLES, out maxSamples); } MaxMultiSampleCount = maxSamples; presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount = Math.Min( presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount, MaxMultiSampleCount ); // Initialize the faux-backbuffer int winWidth, winHeight; GetWindowDimensions( presentationParameters, out winWidth, out winHeight ); if ( winWidth != presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth || winHeight != presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight || presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount > 0 ) { if (!supportsFauxBackbuffer) { throw new NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException( "Your hardware does not support the faux-backbuffer!" + "\n\nKeep the window/backbuffer resolution the same." ); } Backbuffer = new OpenGLBackbuffer( this , presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth, presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight, presentationParameters.DepthStencilFormat, presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount ); } else { Backbuffer = new NullBackbuffer( presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth, presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight ); } // Initialize texture collection array int numSamplers; glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, out numSamplers); Textures = new OpenGLTexture[numSamplers]; for ( int i = 0; i < numSamplers; i += 1) { Textures[i] = OpenGLTexture.NullTexture; } MaxTextureSlots = numSamplers; // Initialize vertex attribute state arrays int numAttributes; glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, out numAttributes); attributes = new VertexAttribute[numAttributes]; attributeEnabled = new bool [numAttributes]; previousAttributeEnabled = new bool [numAttributes]; attributeDivisor = new int [numAttributes]; previousAttributeDivisor = new int [numAttributes]; for ( int i = 0; i < numAttributes; i += 1) { attributes[i] = new VertexAttribute(); attributeEnabled[i] = false ; previousAttributeEnabled[i] = false ; attributeDivisor[i] = 0; previousAttributeDivisor[i] = 0; } // Initialize render target FBO and state arrays int numAttachments; glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS, out numAttachments); currentAttachments = new uint [numAttachments]; currentAttachmentTypes = new GLenum[numAttachments]; drawBuffersArray = new GLenum[numAttachments]; for ( int i = 0; i < numAttachments; i += 1) { currentAttachments[i] = 0; currentAttachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D; drawBuffersArray[i] = GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i; } currentDrawBuffers = 0; currentRenderbuffer = 0; currentDepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.None; glGenFramebuffers(1, out targetFramebuffer); glGenFramebuffers(1, out resolveFramebufferRead); glGenFramebuffers(1, out resolveFramebufferDraw); // Generate and bind a VAO, to shut Core up if (useCoreProfile) { glGenVertexArrays(1, out vao); glBindVertexArray(vao); } } #endregion #region Dispose Method public void Dispose() { if (useCoreProfile) { glBindVertexArray(0); glDeleteVertexArrays(1, ref vao); } glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref resolveFramebufferRead); resolveFramebufferRead = 0; glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref resolveFramebufferDraw); resolveFramebufferDraw = 0; glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref targetFramebuffer); targetFramebuffer = 0; if (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer) { (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Dispose(); } Backbuffer = null ; MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glMakeContextCurrent(IntPtr.Zero); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glDestroyContext(shaderContext); #if THREADED_GL SDL.SDL_GL_DeleteContext(BackgroundContext.context); #endif SDL.SDL_GL_DeleteContext(glContext); } #endregion #region Window Backbuffer Reset Method public void ResetBackbuffer( PresentationParameters presentationParameters, bool renderTargetBound ) { int winWidth, winHeight; GetWindowDimensions( presentationParameters, out winWidth, out winHeight ); bool useFauxBackbuffer = ( winWidth != presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth || winHeight != presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight || presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount > 0 ); if (useFauxBackbuffer) { if (Backbuffer is NullBackbuffer) { if (!supportsFauxBackbuffer) { throw new NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException( "Your hardware does not support the faux-backbuffer!" + "\n\nKeep the window/backbuffer resolution the same." ); } Backbuffer = new OpenGLBackbuffer( this , presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth, presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight, presentationParameters.DepthStencilFormat, presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount ); } else { Backbuffer.ResetFramebuffer( presentationParameters, renderTargetBound ); } } else { if (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer) { (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Dispose(); Backbuffer = new NullBackbuffer( presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth, presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight ); } else { Backbuffer.ResetFramebuffer( presentationParameters, renderTargetBound ); } } } #endregion #region Window SwapBuffers Method public void SwapBuffers( Rectangle? sourceRectangle, Rectangle? destinationRectangle, IntPtr overrideWindowHandle ) { /* Only the faux-backbuffer supports presenting * specific regions given to Present(). * -flibit */ if (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer) { int srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH; int dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH; if (sourceRectangle.HasValue) { srcX = sourceRectangle.Value.X; srcY = sourceRectangle.Value.Y; srcW = sourceRectangle.Value.Width; srcH = sourceRectangle.Value.Height; } else { srcX = 0; srcY = 0; srcW = Backbuffer.Width; srcH = Backbuffer.Height; } if (destinationRectangle.HasValue) { dstX = destinationRectangle.Value.X; dstY = destinationRectangle.Value.Y; dstW = destinationRectangle.Value.Width; dstH = destinationRectangle.Value.Height; } else { dstX = 0; dstY = 0; SDL.SDL_GetWindowSize( overrideWindowHandle, out dstW, out dstH ); } if (scissorTestEnable) { glDisable(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } if ( Backbuffer.MultiSampleCount > 0 && (srcX != dstX || srcY != dstY || srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH) ) { /* We have to resolve the renderbuffer to a texture first. * For whatever reason, we can't blit a multisample renderbuffer * to the backbuffer. Not sure why, but oh well. * -flibit */ OpenGLBackbuffer glBack = Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer; if (glBack.Texture == 0) { glGenTextures(1, out glBack.Texture); glBindTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, glBack.Texture); glTexImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, ( int ) GLenum.GL_RGBA, glBack.Width, glBack.Height, 0, GLenum.GL_RGBA, GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, IntPtr.Zero ); glBindTexture(Textures[0].Target, Textures[0].Handle); } BindFramebuffer(resolveFramebufferDraw); glFramebufferTexture2D( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, glBack.Texture, 0 ); BindReadFramebuffer(glBack.Handle); glBlitFramebuffer( 0, 0, glBack.Width, glBack.Height, 0, 0, glBack.Width, glBack.Height, GLenum.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GLenum.GL_LINEAR ); BindReadFramebuffer(resolveFramebufferDraw); } else { BindReadFramebuffer((Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle); } BindDrawFramebuffer(0); glBlitFramebuffer( srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH, dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH, GLenum.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GLenum.GL_LINEAR ); BindFramebuffer(0); if (scissorTestEnable) { glEnable(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } SDL.SDL_GL_SwapWindow( overrideWindowHandle ); BindFramebuffer((Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle); } else { // Nothing left to do, just swap! SDL.SDL_GL_SwapWindow( overrideWindowHandle ); } #if !DISABLE_THREADING && !THREADED_GL RunActions(); #endif IGLTexture gcTexture; while (GCTextures.TryDequeue( out gcTexture)) { DeleteTexture(gcTexture); } IGLRenderbuffer gcDepthBuffer; while (GCDepthBuffers.TryDequeue( out gcDepthBuffer)) { DeleteRenderbuffer(gcDepthBuffer); } IGLBuffer gcBuffer; while (GCVertexBuffers.TryDequeue( out gcBuffer)) { DeleteVertexBuffer(gcBuffer); } while (GCIndexBuffers.TryDequeue( out gcBuffer)) { DeleteIndexBuffer(gcBuffer); } IGLEffect gcEffect; while (GCEffects.TryDequeue( out gcEffect)) { DeleteEffect(gcEffect); } IGLQuery gcQuery; while (GCQueries.TryDequeue( out gcQuery)) { DeleteQuery(gcQuery); } } #endregion #region GL Object Disposal Wrappers public void AddDisposeTexture(IGLTexture texture) { if (IsOnMainThread()) { DeleteTexture(texture); } else { GCTextures.Enqueue(texture); } } public void AddDisposeRenderbuffer(IGLRenderbuffer renderbuffer) { if (IsOnMainThread()) { DeleteRenderbuffer(renderbuffer); } else { GCDepthBuffers.Enqueue(renderbuffer); } } public void AddDisposeVertexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer) { if (IsOnMainThread()) { DeleteVertexBuffer(buffer); } else { GCVertexBuffers.Enqueue(buffer); } } public void AddDisposeIndexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer) { if (IsOnMainThread()) { DeleteIndexBuffer(buffer); } else { GCIndexBuffers.Enqueue(buffer); } } public void AddDisposeEffect(IGLEffect effect) { if (IsOnMainThread()) { DeleteEffect(effect); } else { GCEffects.Enqueue(effect); } } public void AddDisposeQuery(IGLQuery query) { if (IsOnMainThread()) { DeleteQuery(query); } else { GCQueries.Enqueue(query); } } #endregion #region String Marker Method public void SetStringMarker( string text) { #if DEBUG byte [] chars = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text); glStringMarkerGREMEDY(chars.Length, chars); #endif } #endregion #region Drawing Methods public void DrawIndexedPrimitives( PrimitiveType primitiveType, int baseVertex, int minVertexIndex, int numVertices, int startIndex, int primitiveCount, IndexBuffer indices ) { // Unsigned short or unsigned int? bool shortIndices = indices.IndexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits; // Bind the index buffer BindIndexBuffer(indices.buffer); // Draw! glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex( XNAToGL.Primitive[( int ) primitiveType], minVertexIndex, minVertexIndex + numVertices - 1, XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount), shortIndices ? GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT : GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (IntPtr) (startIndex * (shortIndices ? 2 : 4)), baseVertex ); } public void DrawInstancedPrimitives( PrimitiveType primitiveType, int baseVertex, int minVertexIndex, int numVertices, int startIndex, int primitiveCount, int instanceCount, IndexBuffer indices ) { // Note that minVertexIndex and numVertices are NOT used! // Bind the index buffer BindIndexBuffer(indices.buffer); // Unsigned short or unsigned int? bool shortIndices = indices.IndexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits; // Draw! glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex( XNAToGL.Primitive[( int ) primitiveType], XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount), shortIndices ? GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT : GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (IntPtr) (startIndex * (shortIndices ? 2 : 4)), instanceCount, baseVertex ); } public void DrawPrimitives( PrimitiveType primitiveType, int vertexStart, int primitiveCount ) { // Draw! glDrawArrays( XNAToGL.Primitive[( int ) primitiveType], vertexStart, XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount) ); } public void DrawUserIndexedPrimitives( PrimitiveType primitiveType, IntPtr vertexData, int vertexOffset, int numVertices, IntPtr indexData, int indexOffset, IndexElementSize indexElementSize, int primitiveCount ) { // Unbind current index buffer. BindIndexBuffer(OpenGLBuffer.NullBuffer); // Unsigned short or unsigned int? bool shortIndices = indexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits; // Draw! glDrawRangeElements( XNAToGL.Primitive[( int ) primitiveType], 0, numVertices - 1, XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount), shortIndices ? GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT : GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, (IntPtr) ( indexData.ToInt64() + (indexOffset * (shortIndices ? 2 : 4)) ) ); } public void DrawUserPrimitives( PrimitiveType primitiveType, IntPtr vertexData, int vertexOffset, int primitiveCount ) { // Draw! glDrawArrays( XNAToGL.Primitive[( int ) primitiveType], vertexOffset, XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount) ); } #endregion #region State Management Methods public void SetViewport(Viewport vp, bool renderTargetBound) { // Flip viewport when target is not bound if (!renderTargetBound) { vp.Y = Backbuffer.Height - vp.Y - vp.Height; } if (vp.Bounds != viewport) { viewport = vp.Bounds; glViewport( viewport.X, viewport.Y, viewport.Width, viewport.Height ); } if (vp.MinDepth != depthRangeMin || vp.MaxDepth != depthRangeMax) { depthRangeMin = vp.MinDepth; depthRangeMax = vp.MaxDepth; glDepthRange(( double ) depthRangeMin, ( double ) depthRangeMax); } } public void SetScissorRect( Rectangle scissorRect, bool renderTargetBound ) { // Flip rectangle when target is not bound if (!renderTargetBound) { scissorRect.Y = viewport.Height - scissorRect.Y - scissorRect.Height; } if (scissorRect != scissorRectangle) { scissorRectangle = scissorRect; glScissor( scissorRectangle.X, scissorRectangle.Y, scissorRectangle.Width, scissorRectangle.Height ); } } public void SetBlendState(BlendState blendState) { bool newEnable = ( !( blendState.ColorSourceBlend == Blend.One && blendState.ColorDestinationBlend == Blend.Zero && blendState.AlphaSourceBlend == Blend.One && blendState.AlphaDestinationBlend == Blend.Zero ) ); if (newEnable != alphaBlendEnable) { alphaBlendEnable = newEnable; ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_BLEND, alphaBlendEnable); } if (alphaBlendEnable) { if (blendState.BlendFactor != blendColor) { blendColor = blendState.BlendFactor; glBlendColor( blendColor.R / 255.0f, blendColor.G / 255.0f, blendColor.B / 255.0f, blendColor.A / 255.0f ); } if ( blendState.ColorSourceBlend != srcBlend || blendState.ColorDestinationBlend != dstBlend || blendState.AlphaSourceBlend != srcBlendAlpha || blendState.AlphaDestinationBlend != dstBlendAlpha ) { srcBlend = blendState.ColorSourceBlend; dstBlend = blendState.ColorDestinationBlend; srcBlendAlpha = blendState.AlphaSourceBlend; dstBlendAlpha = blendState.AlphaDestinationBlend; glBlendFuncSeparate( XNAToGL.BlendMode[( int ) srcBlend], XNAToGL.BlendMode[( int ) dstBlend], XNAToGL.BlendMode[( int ) srcBlendAlpha], XNAToGL.BlendMode[( int ) dstBlendAlpha] ); } if ( blendState.ColorBlendFunction != blendOp || blendState.AlphaBlendFunction != blendOpAlpha ) { blendOp = blendState.ColorBlendFunction; blendOpAlpha = blendState.AlphaBlendFunction; glBlendEquationSeparate( XNAToGL.BlendEquation[( int ) blendOp], XNAToGL.BlendEquation[( int ) blendOpAlpha] ); } } if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels != colorWriteEnable) { colorWriteEnable = blendState.ColorWriteChannels; glColorMask( (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0, (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0, (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0, (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0 ); } /* FIXME: So how exactly do we factor in * COLORWRITEENABLE for buffer 0? Do we just assume that * the default is just buffer 0, and all other calls * update the other write masks afterward? Or do we * assume that COLORWRITEENABLE only touches 0, and the * other 3 buffers are left alone unless we don't have * EXT_draw_buffers2? * -flibit */ if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels1 != colorWriteEnable1) { colorWriteEnable1 = blendState.ColorWriteChannels1; glColorMaskIndexedEXT( 1, (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0, (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0, (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0, (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0 ); } if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels2 != colorWriteEnable2) { colorWriteEnable2 = blendState.ColorWriteChannels2; glColorMaskIndexedEXT( 2, (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0, (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0, (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0, (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0 ); } if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels3 != colorWriteEnable3) { colorWriteEnable3 = blendState.ColorWriteChannels3; glColorMaskIndexedEXT( 3, (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0, (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0, (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0, (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0 ); } if (blendState.MultiSampleMask != multisampleMask && supportsMultisampling) { if (blendState.MultiSampleMask == -1) { glDisable(GLenum.GL_SAMPLE_MASK); } else { if (multisampleMask == -1) { glEnable(GLenum.GL_SAMPLE_MASK); } // FIXME: index...? -flibit glSampleMaski(0, ( uint ) blendState.MultiSampleMask); } multisampleMask = blendState.MultiSampleMask; } } public void SetDepthStencilState(DepthStencilState depthStencilState) { if (depthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable != zEnable) { zEnable = depthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable; ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_DEPTH_TEST, zEnable); } if (zEnable) { if (depthStencilState.DepthBufferWriteEnable != zWriteEnable) { zWriteEnable = depthStencilState.DepthBufferWriteEnable; glDepthMask(zWriteEnable); } if (depthStencilState.DepthBufferFunction != depthFunc) { depthFunc = depthStencilState.DepthBufferFunction; glDepthFunc(XNAToGL.CompareFunc[( int ) depthFunc]); } } if (depthStencilState.StencilEnable != stencilEnable) { stencilEnable = depthStencilState.StencilEnable; ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_STENCIL_TEST, stencilEnable); } if (stencilEnable) { if (depthStencilState.StencilWriteMask != stencilWriteMask) { stencilWriteMask = depthStencilState.StencilWriteMask; glStencilMask(stencilWriteMask); } // TODO: Can we split StencilFunc/StencilOp up nicely? -flibit if ( depthStencilState.TwoSidedStencilMode != separateStencilEnable || depthStencilState.ReferenceStencil != stencilRef || depthStencilState.StencilMask != stencilMask || depthStencilState.StencilFunction != stencilFunc || depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFunction != ccwStencilFunc || depthStencilState.StencilFail != stencilFail || depthStencilState.StencilDepthBufferFail != stencilZFail || depthStencilState.StencilPass != stencilPass || depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFail != ccwStencilFail || depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilDepthBufferFail != ccwStencilZFail || depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilPass != ccwStencilPass ) { separateStencilEnable = depthStencilState.TwoSidedStencilMode; stencilRef = depthStencilState.ReferenceStencil; stencilMask = depthStencilState.StencilMask; stencilFunc = depthStencilState.StencilFunction; stencilFail = depthStencilState.StencilFail; stencilZFail = depthStencilState.StencilDepthBufferFail; stencilPass = depthStencilState.StencilPass; if (separateStencilEnable) { ccwStencilFunc = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFunction; ccwStencilFail = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFail; ccwStencilZFail = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilDepthBufferFail; ccwStencilPass = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilPass; glStencilFuncSeparate( GLenum.GL_FRONT, XNAToGL.CompareFunc[( int ) stencilFunc], stencilRef, stencilMask ); glStencilFuncSeparate( GLenum.GL_BACK, XNAToGL.CompareFunc[( int ) ccwStencilFunc], stencilRef, stencilMask ); glStencilOpSeparate( GLenum.GL_FRONT, XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) stencilFail], XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) stencilZFail], XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) stencilPass] ); glStencilOpSeparate( GLenum.GL_BACK, XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) ccwStencilFail], XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) ccwStencilZFail], XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) ccwStencilPass] ); } else { glStencilFunc( XNAToGL.CompareFunc[( int ) stencilFunc], stencilRef, stencilMask ); glStencilOp( XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) stencilFail], XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) stencilZFail], XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[( int ) stencilPass] ); } } } } public void ApplyRasterizerState( RasterizerState rasterizerState, bool renderTargetBound ) { if (rasterizerState.ScissorTestEnable != scissorTestEnable) { scissorTestEnable = rasterizerState.ScissorTestEnable; ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST, scissorTestEnable); } CullMode actualMode; if (renderTargetBound) { actualMode = rasterizerState.CullMode; } else { // When not rendering offscreen the faces change order. if (rasterizerState.CullMode == CullMode.None) { actualMode = rasterizerState.CullMode; } else { actualMode = ( rasterizerState.CullMode == CullMode.CullClockwiseFace ? CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace : CullMode.CullClockwiseFace ); } } if (actualMode != cullFrontFace) { if ((actualMode == CullMode.None) != (cullFrontFace == CullMode.None)) { ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_CULL_FACE, actualMode != CullMode.None); } cullFrontFace = actualMode; if (cullFrontFace != CullMode.None) { glFrontFace(XNAToGL.FrontFace[( int ) cullFrontFace]); } } if (rasterizerState.FillMode != fillMode) { fillMode = rasterizerState.FillMode; glPolygonMode( GLenum.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, XNAToGL.GLFillMode[( int ) fillMode] ); } // FIXME: Floating point equality comparisons used for speed -flibit float realDepthBias = rasterizerState.DepthBias * XNAToGL.DepthBiasScale[ renderTargetBound ? ( int ) currentDepthStencilFormat : ( int ) Backbuffer.DepthFormat ]; if ( realDepthBias != depthBias || rasterizerState.SlopeScaleDepthBias != slopeScaleDepthBias ) { if ( realDepthBias == 0.0f && rasterizerState.SlopeScaleDepthBias == 0.0f) { // We're changing to disabled bias, disable! glDisable(GLenum.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } else { if (depthBias == 0.0f && slopeScaleDepthBias == 0.0f) { // We're changing away from disabled bias, enable! glEnable(GLenum.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } glPolygonOffset( rasterizerState.SlopeScaleDepthBias, realDepthBias ); } depthBias = realDepthBias; slopeScaleDepthBias = rasterizerState.SlopeScaleDepthBias; } /* FIXME: This doesn't actually work on like 99% of setups! * For whatever reason people decided that they didn't have to obey * GL_MULTISAMPLE's value when it was disabled. * * If they could do it for D3D9 I fail to see why they couldn't for * OpenGL. Idiots. * * -flibit */ if (rasterizerState.MultiSampleAntiAlias != multiSampleEnable) { multiSampleEnable = rasterizerState.MultiSampleAntiAlias; ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_MULTISAMPLE, multiSampleEnable); } } public void VerifySampler( int index, Texture texture, SamplerState sampler) { if (texture == null ) { if (Textures[index] != OpenGLTexture.NullTexture) { if (index != 0) { glActiveTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE0 + index); } glBindTexture(Textures[index].Target, 0); if (index != 0) { // Keep this state sane. -flibit glActiveTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE0); } Textures[index] = OpenGLTexture.NullTexture; } return ; } OpenGLTexture tex = texture.texture as OpenGLTexture; if ( tex == Textures[index] && sampler.AddressU == tex.WrapS && sampler.AddressV == tex.WrapT && sampler.AddressW == tex.WrapR && sampler.Filter == tex.Filter && sampler.MaxAnisotropy == tex.Anistropy && sampler.MaxMipLevel == tex.MaxMipmapLevel && sampler.MipMapLevelOfDetailBias == tex.LODBias ) { // Nothing's changing, forget it. return ; } // Set the active texture slot if (index != 0) { glActiveTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE0 + index); } // Bind the correct texture if (tex != Textures[index]) { if (tex.Target != Textures[index].Target) { // If we're changing targets, unbind the old texture first! glBindTexture(Textures[index].Target, 0); } glBindTexture(tex.Target, tex.Handle); Textures[index] = tex; } // Apply the sampler states to the GL texture if (sampler.AddressU != tex.WrapS) { tex.WrapS = sampler.AddressU; glTexParameteri( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, XNAToGL.Wrap[( int ) tex.WrapS] ); } if (sampler.AddressV != tex.WrapT) { tex.WrapT = sampler.AddressV; glTexParameteri( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, XNAToGL.Wrap[( int ) tex.WrapT] ); } if (sampler.AddressW != tex.WrapR) { tex.WrapR = sampler.AddressW; glTexParameteri( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, XNAToGL.Wrap[( int ) tex.WrapR] ); } if ( sampler.Filter != tex.Filter || sampler.MaxAnisotropy != tex.Anistropy ) { tex.Filter = sampler.Filter; tex.Anistropy = sampler.MaxAnisotropy; glTexParameteri( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, XNAToGL.MagFilter[( int ) tex.Filter] ); glTexParameteri( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, tex.HasMipmaps ? XNAToGL.MinMipFilter[( int ) tex.Filter] : XNAToGL.MinFilter[( int ) tex.Filter] ); glTexParameterf( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, (tex.Filter == TextureFilter.Anisotropic) ? Math.Max(tex.Anistropy, 1.0f) : 1.0f ); } if (sampler.MaxMipLevel != tex.MaxMipmapLevel) { tex.MaxMipmapLevel = sampler.MaxMipLevel; glTexParameteri( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, tex.MaxMipmapLevel ); } if (sampler.MipMapLevelOfDetailBias != tex.LODBias) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!useES2); tex.LODBias = sampler.MipMapLevelOfDetailBias; glTexParameterf( tex.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, tex.LODBias ); } if (index != 0) { // Keep this state sane. -flibit glActiveTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE0); } } #endregion #region Effect Methods public IGLEffect CreateEffect( byte [] effectCode) { IntPtr effect = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr glEffect = IntPtr.Zero; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif effect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_parseEffect( shaderProfile, effectCode, ( uint ) effectCode.Length, null , 0, null , 0, null , null , IntPtr.Zero ); glEffect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glCompileEffect(effect); if (glEffect == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException( MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetError() ); } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return new OpenGLEffect(effect, glEffect); } private void DeleteEffect(IGLEffect effect) { IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData; if (glEffectData == currentEffect) { MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectEndPass(currentEffect); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectEnd(currentEffect); currentEffect = IntPtr.Zero; currentTechnique = IntPtr.Zero; currentPass = 0; } MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glDeleteEffect(glEffectData); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_freeEffect(effect.EffectData); } public IGLEffect CloneEffect(IGLEffect cloneSource) { IntPtr effect = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr glEffect = IntPtr.Zero; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif effect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_cloneEffect(cloneSource.EffectData); glEffect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glCompileEffect(effect); if (glEffect == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException( MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetError() ); } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return new OpenGLEffect(effect, glEffect); } public void ApplyEffect( IGLEffect effect, IntPtr technique, uint pass, ref MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_effectStateChanges stateChanges ) { effectApplied = true ; IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData; if (glEffectData == currentEffect) { if (technique == currentTechnique && pass == currentPass) { MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectCommitChanges(currentEffect); return ; } MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectEndPass(currentEffect); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectBeginPass(currentEffect, pass); currentTechnique = technique; currentPass = pass; return ; } else if (currentEffect != IntPtr.Zero) { MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectEndPass(currentEffect); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectEnd(currentEffect); } uint whatever; MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectBegin( glEffectData, out whatever, 0, ref stateChanges ); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectBeginPass( glEffectData, pass ); currentEffect = glEffectData; currentTechnique = technique; currentPass = pass; } public void BeginPassRestore( IGLEffect effect, ref MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_effectStateChanges changes ) { IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData; uint whatever; MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectBegin( glEffectData, out whatever, 1, ref changes ); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectBeginPass( glEffectData, 0 ); effectApplied = true ; } public void EndPassRestore(IGLEffect effect) { IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData; MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectEndPass(glEffectData); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectEnd(glEffectData); effectApplied = true ; } #endregion #region glVertexAttribPointer/glVertexAttribDivisor Methods public void ApplyVertexAttributes( VertexBufferBinding[] bindings, int numBindings, bool bindingsUpdated, int baseVertex ) { if (supportsBaseVertex) { baseVertex = 0; } if ( bindingsUpdated || baseVertex != ldBaseVertex || currentEffect != ldEffect || currentTechnique != ldTechnique || currentPass != ldPass || effectApplied ) { /* There's this weird case where you can have multiple vertbuffers, * but they will have overlapping attributes. It seems like the * first buffer gets priority, so start with the last one so the * first buffer's attributes are what's bound at the end. * -flibit */ for ( int i = numBindings - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { BindVertexBuffer(bindings[i].VertexBuffer.buffer); VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration = bindings[i].VertexBuffer.VertexDeclaration; IntPtr basePtr = (IntPtr) ( vertexDeclaration.VertexStride * (bindings[i].VertexOffset + baseVertex) ); foreach (VertexElement element in vertexDeclaration.elements) { int attribLoc = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetVertexAttribLocation( XNAToGL.VertexAttribUsage[( int ) element.VertexElementUsage], element.UsageIndex ); if (attribLoc == -1) { // Stream not in use! continue ; } attributeEnabled[attribLoc] = true ; VertexAttribute attr = attributes[attribLoc]; uint buffer = (bindings[i].VertexBuffer.buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle; IntPtr ptr = basePtr + element.Offset; VertexElementFormat format = element.VertexElementFormat; bool normalized = XNAToGL.VertexAttribNormalized(element); if ( attr.CurrentBuffer != buffer || attr.CurrentPointer != ptr || attr.CurrentFormat != element.VertexElementFormat || attr.CurrentNormalized != normalized || attr.CurrentStride != vertexDeclaration.VertexStride ) { glVertexAttribPointer( attribLoc, XNAToGL.VertexAttribSize[( int ) format], XNAToGL.VertexAttribType[( int ) format], normalized, vertexDeclaration.VertexStride, ptr ); attr.CurrentBuffer = buffer; attr.CurrentPointer = ptr; attr.CurrentFormat = format; attr.CurrentNormalized = normalized; attr.CurrentStride = vertexDeclaration.VertexStride; } if (SupportsHardwareInstancing) { attributeDivisor[attribLoc] = bindings[i].InstanceFrequency; } } } FlushGLVertexAttributes(); ldBaseVertex = baseVertex; ldEffect = currentEffect; ldTechnique = currentTechnique; ldPass = currentPass; effectApplied = false ; ldVertexDeclaration = null ; ldPointer = IntPtr.Zero; } MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glProgramReady(); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glProgramViewportFlip(flipViewport); } public void ApplyVertexAttributes( VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration, IntPtr ptr, int vertexOffset ) { BindVertexBuffer(OpenGLBuffer.NullBuffer); IntPtr basePtr = ptr + (vertexDeclaration.VertexStride * vertexOffset); if ( vertexDeclaration != ldVertexDeclaration || basePtr != ldPointer || currentEffect != ldEffect || currentTechnique != ldTechnique || currentPass != ldPass || effectApplied ) { foreach (VertexElement element in vertexDeclaration.elements) { int attribLoc = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetVertexAttribLocation( XNAToGL.VertexAttribUsage[( int ) element.VertexElementUsage], element.UsageIndex ); if (attribLoc == -1) { // Stream not used! continue ; } attributeEnabled[attribLoc] = true ; VertexAttribute attr = attributes[attribLoc]; IntPtr finalPtr = basePtr + element.Offset; bool normalized = XNAToGL.VertexAttribNormalized(element); if ( attr.CurrentBuffer != 0 || attr.CurrentPointer != finalPtr || attr.CurrentFormat != element.VertexElementFormat || attr.CurrentNormalized != normalized || attr.CurrentStride != vertexDeclaration.VertexStride ) { glVertexAttribPointer( attribLoc, XNAToGL.VertexAttribSize[( int ) element.VertexElementFormat], XNAToGL.VertexAttribType[( int ) element.VertexElementFormat], normalized, vertexDeclaration.VertexStride, finalPtr ); attr.CurrentBuffer = 0; attr.CurrentPointer = finalPtr; attr.CurrentFormat = element.VertexElementFormat; attr.CurrentNormalized = normalized; attr.CurrentStride = vertexDeclaration.VertexStride; } if (SupportsHardwareInstancing) { attributeDivisor[attribLoc] = 0; } } FlushGLVertexAttributes(); ldVertexDeclaration = vertexDeclaration; ldPointer = ptr; ldEffect = currentEffect; ldTechnique = currentTechnique; ldPass = currentPass; effectApplied = false ; ldBaseVertex = -1; } MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glProgramReady(); MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glProgramViewportFlip(flipViewport); } private void FlushGLVertexAttributes() { for ( int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i += 1) { if (attributeEnabled[i]) { attributeEnabled[i] = false ; if (!previousAttributeEnabled[i]) { glEnableVertexAttribArray(i); previousAttributeEnabled[i] = true ; } } else if (previousAttributeEnabled[i]) { glDisableVertexAttribArray(i); previousAttributeEnabled[i] = false ; } int divisor = attributeDivisor[i]; if (divisor != previousAttributeDivisor[i]) { glVertexAttribDivisor(i, divisor); previousAttributeDivisor[i] = divisor; } } } #endregion #region glGenBuffers Methods public IGLBuffer GenVertexBuffer( bool dynamic, int vertexCount, int vertexStride ) { OpenGLBuffer result = null ; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif uint handle; glGenBuffers(1, out handle); result = new OpenGLBuffer( handle, (IntPtr) (vertexStride * vertexCount), dynamic ? GLenum.GL_STREAM_DRAW : GLenum.GL_STATIC_DRAW ); BindVertexBuffer(result); glBufferData( GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, result.BufferSize, IntPtr.Zero, result.Dynamic ); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return result; } public IGLBuffer GenIndexBuffer( bool dynamic, int indexCount, IndexElementSize indexElementSize ) { OpenGLBuffer result = null ; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif uint handle; glGenBuffers(1, out handle); result = new OpenGLBuffer( handle, (IntPtr) (indexCount * (indexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits ? 2 : 4)), dynamic ? GLenum.GL_STREAM_DRAW : GLenum.GL_STATIC_DRAW ); BindIndexBuffer(result); glBufferData( GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, result.BufferSize, IntPtr.Zero, result.Dynamic ); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return result; } #endregion #region glBindBuffer Methods private void BindVertexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer) { uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle; if (handle != currentVertexBuffer) { glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, handle); currentVertexBuffer = handle; } } private void BindIndexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer) { uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle; if (handle != currentIndexBuffer) { glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, handle); currentIndexBuffer = handle; } } #endregion #region glSetBufferData Methods public void SetVertexBufferData<T>( IGLBuffer buffer, int elementSizeInBytes, int offsetInBytes, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount, SetDataOptions options ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindVertexBuffer(buffer); if (options == SetDataOptions.Discard) { glBufferData( GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.BufferSize, IntPtr.Zero, (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Dynamic ); } GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); glBufferSubData( GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (IntPtr) offsetInBytes, (IntPtr) (elementSizeInBytes * elementCount), (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startIndex * elementSizeInBytes) ); dataHandle.Free(); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } public void SetIndexBufferData<T>( IGLBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount, SetDataOptions options ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindIndexBuffer(buffer); if (options == SetDataOptions.Discard) { glBufferData( GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer.BufferSize, IntPtr.Zero, (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Dynamic ); } GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); int elementSizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof (T)); glBufferSubData( GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, (IntPtr) offsetInBytes, (IntPtr) (elementSizeInBytes * elementCount), (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startIndex * elementSizeInBytes) ); dataHandle.Free(); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } #endregion #region glGetBufferData Methods public void GetVertexBufferData<T>( IGLBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount, int vertexStride ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindVertexBuffer(buffer); GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); glGetBufferSubData( GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, (IntPtr) offsetInBytes, (IntPtr) (elementCount * vertexStride), dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (startIndex * Marshal.SizeOf( typeof (T))) ); dataHandle.Free(); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } public void GetIndexBufferData<T>( IGLBuffer buffer, int offsetInBytes, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindIndexBuffer(buffer); GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); int typeSize = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof (T)); glGetBufferSubData( GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, (IntPtr) offsetInBytes, (IntPtr) (elementCount * typeSize), dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (startIndex * typeSize) ); dataHandle.Free(); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } #endregion #region glDeleteBuffers Methods private void DeleteVertexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer) { uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle; if (handle == currentVertexBuffer) { glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); currentVertexBuffer = 0; } for ( int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i += 1) { if (handle == attributes[i].CurrentBuffer) { // Force the next vertex attrib update! attributes[i].CurrentBuffer = uint .MaxValue; } } glDeleteBuffers(1, ref handle); } private void DeleteIndexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer) { uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle; if (handle == currentIndexBuffer) { glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0); currentIndexBuffer = 0; } glDeleteBuffers(1, ref handle); } #endregion #region glCreateTexture Methods private OpenGLTexture CreateTexture( GLenum target, int levelCount ) { uint handle; glGenTextures(1, out handle); OpenGLTexture result = new OpenGLTexture( handle, target, levelCount ); BindTexture(result); glTexParameteri( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, XNAToGL.Wrap[( int ) result.WrapS] ); glTexParameteri( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, XNAToGL.Wrap[( int ) result.WrapT] ); glTexParameteri( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_R, XNAToGL.Wrap[( int ) result.WrapR] ); glTexParameteri( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, XNAToGL.MagFilter[( int ) result.Filter] ); glTexParameteri( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, result.HasMipmaps ? XNAToGL.MinMipFilter[( int ) result.Filter] : XNAToGL.MinFilter[( int ) result.Filter] ); glTexParameterf( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, (result.Filter == TextureFilter.Anisotropic) ? Math.Max(result.Anistropy, 1.0f) : 1.0f ); glTexParameteri( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL, result.MaxMipmapLevel ); if (!useES2) { glTexParameterf( result.Target, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS, result.LODBias ); } return result; } public IGLTexture CreateTexture2D( SurfaceFormat format, int width, int height, int levelCount ) { OpenGLTexture result = null ; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif result = CreateTexture( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, levelCount ); GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format]; GLenum glInternalFormat = XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[( int ) format]; if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS) { for ( int i = 0; i < levelCount; i += 1) { int levelWidth = Math.Max(width >> i, 1); int levelHeight = Math.Max(height >> i, 1); glCompressedTexImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, ( int ) glInternalFormat, levelWidth, levelHeight, 0, ((levelWidth + 3) / 4) * ((levelHeight + 3) / 4) * Texture.GetFormatSize(format), IntPtr.Zero ); } } else { GLenum glType = XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format]; for ( int i = 0; i < levelCount; i += 1) { glTexImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, i, ( int ) glInternalFormat, Math.Max(width >> i, 1), Math.Max(height >> i, 1), 0, glFormat, glType, IntPtr.Zero ); } } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return result; } public IGLTexture CreateTexture3D( SurfaceFormat format, int width, int height, int depth, int levelCount ) { OpenGLTexture result = null ; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif result = CreateTexture( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_3D, levelCount ); GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format]; GLenum glInternalFormat = XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[( int ) format]; GLenum glType = XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format]; for ( int i = 0; i < levelCount; i += 1) { glTexImage3D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_3D, i, ( int ) glInternalFormat, Math.Max(width >> i, 1), Math.Max(height >> i, 1), Math.Max(depth >> i, 1), 0, glFormat, glType, IntPtr.Zero ); } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return result; } public IGLTexture CreateTextureCube( SurfaceFormat format, int size, int levelCount ) { OpenGLTexture result = null ; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif result = CreateTexture( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, levelCount ); GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format]; GLenum glInternalFormat = XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[( int ) format]; if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS) { for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) { for ( int l = 0; l < levelCount; l += 1) { int levelSize = Math.Max(size >> l, 1); glCompressedTexImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, l, ( int ) glInternalFormat, levelSize, levelSize, 0, ((levelSize + 3) / 4) * ((levelSize + 3) / 4) * Texture.GetFormatSize(format), IntPtr.Zero ); } } } else { GLenum glType = XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format]; for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1) { for ( int l = 0; l < levelCount; l += 1) { int levelSize = Math.Max(size >> l, 1); glTexImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, l, ( int ) glInternalFormat, levelSize, levelSize, 0, glFormat, glType, IntPtr.Zero ); } } } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return result; } #endregion #region glTexSubImage Methods public void SetTextureData2D<T>( IGLTexture texture, SurfaceFormat format, int x, int y, int w, int h, int level, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindTexture(texture); GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); int elementSizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof (T)); int startByte = startIndex * elementSizeInBytes; IntPtr dataPtr = (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startByte); GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format]; try { if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS) { int dataLength; if (elementCount > 0) { dataLength = elementCount * elementSizeInBytes; } else { dataLength = data.Length - startByte; } /* Note that we're using glInternalFormat, not glFormat. * In this case, they should actually be the same thing, * but we use glFormat somewhat differently for * compressed textures. * -flibit */ glCompressedTexSubImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, x, y, w, h, XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[( int ) format], dataLength, dataPtr ); } else { // Set pixel alignment to match texel size in bytes int packSize = Texture.GetFormatSize(format); if (packSize != 4) { glPixelStorei( GLenum.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, packSize ); } glTexSubImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, x, y, w, h, glFormat, XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format], dataPtr ); // Keep this state sane -flibit if (packSize != 4) { glPixelStorei( GLenum.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4 ); } } } finally { dataHandle.Free(); } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } public void SetTextureData3D<T>( IGLTexture texture, SurfaceFormat format, int level, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int front, int back, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindTexture(texture); GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { glTexSubImage3D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_3D, level, left, top, front, right - left, bottom - top, back - front, XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format], XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format], (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startIndex * Marshal.SizeOf( typeof (T))) ); } finally { dataHandle.Free(); } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } public void SetTextureDataCube<T>( IGLTexture texture, SurfaceFormat format, int xOffset, int yOffset, int width, int height, CubeMapFace cubeMapFace, int level, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindTexture(texture); GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); int elementSizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf( typeof (T)); int startByte = startIndex * elementSizeInBytes; IntPtr dataPtr = (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startByte); GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format]; try { if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS) { int dataLength; if (elementCount > 0) { dataLength = elementCount * elementSizeInBytes; } else { dataLength = data.Length - startByte; } /* Note that we're using glInternalFormat, not glFormat. * In this case, they should actually be the same thing, * but we use glFormat somewhat differently for * compressed textures. * -flibit */ glCompressedTexSubImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + ( int ) cubeMapFace, level, xOffset, yOffset, width, height, XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[( int ) format], dataLength, dataPtr ); } else { glTexSubImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + ( int ) cubeMapFace, level, xOffset, yOffset, width, height, glFormat, XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format], dataPtr ); } } finally { dataHandle.Free(); } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } public void SetTextureData2DPointer( Texture2D texture, IntPtr ptr ) { BindTexture(texture.texture); // Set pixel alignment to match texel size in bytes int packSize = Texture.GetFormatSize(texture.Format); if (packSize != 4) { glPixelStorei( GLenum.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, packSize ); } glTexSubImage2D( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, texture.Width, texture.Height, XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) texture.Format], XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) texture.Format], ptr ); // Keep this state sane -flibit if (packSize != 4) { glPixelStorei(GLenum.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); } } #endregion #region glGetTexImage Methods public void GetTextureData2D<T>( IGLTexture texture, SurfaceFormat format, int width, int height, int level, Rectangle? rect, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif if (ReadTargetIfApplicable( texture, width, height, level, data, rect )) { return ; } BindTexture(texture); GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format]; if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS) { throw new NotImplementedException( "GetData, CompressedTexture" ); } else if (rect == null ) { // Just throw the whole texture into the user array. GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { glGetTexImage( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format], ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); } finally { ptr.Free(); } } else { // Get the whole texture... T[] texData = new T[width * height]; GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(texData, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { glGetTexImage( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, glFormat, XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format], ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); } finally { ptr.Free(); } // Now, blit the rect region into the user array. Rectangle region = rect.Value; int curPixel = -1; for ( int row = region.Y; row < region.Y + region.Height; row += 1) { for ( int col = region.X; col < region.X + region.Width; col += 1) { curPixel += 1; if (curPixel < startIndex) { // If we're not at the start yet, just keep going... continue ; } if (curPixel > elementCount) { // If we're past the end, we're done! return ; } data[curPixel - startIndex] = texData[(row * width) + col]; } } } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } public void GetTextureDataCube<T>( IGLTexture texture, SurfaceFormat format, int size, CubeMapFace cubeMapFace, int level, Rectangle? rect, T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount ) where T : struct { #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif BindTexture(texture); GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[( int ) format]; if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS) { throw new NotImplementedException( "GetData, CompressedTexture" ); } else if (rect == null ) { // Just throw the whole texture into the user array. GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { glGetTexImage( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + ( int ) cubeMapFace, 0, glFormat, XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format], ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); } finally { ptr.Free(); } } else { // Get the whole texture... T[] texData = new T[size * size]; GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(texData, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { glGetTexImage( GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + ( int ) cubeMapFace, 0, glFormat, XNAToGL.TextureDataType[( int ) format], ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); } finally { ptr.Free(); } // Now, blit the rect region into the user array. Rectangle region = rect.Value; int curPixel = -1; for ( int row = region.Y; row < region.Y + region.Height; row += 1) { for ( int col = region.X; col < region.X + region.Width; col += 1) { curPixel += 1; if (curPixel < startIndex) { // If we're not at the start yet, just keep going... continue ; } if (curPixel > elementCount) { // If we're past the end, we're done! return ; } data[curPixel - startIndex] = texData[(row * size) + col]; } } } #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif } #endregion #region glBindTexture Method private void BindTexture(IGLTexture texture) { OpenGLTexture tex = texture as OpenGLTexture; if (tex.Target != Textures[0].Target) { glBindTexture(Textures[0].Target, 0); } if (tex != Textures[0]) { glBindTexture( tex.Target, tex.Handle ); } Textures[0] = tex; } #endregion #region glDeleteTexture Method private void DeleteTexture(IGLTexture texture) { uint handle = (texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle; for ( int i = 0; i < currentAttachments.Length; i += 1) { if (handle == currentAttachments[i]) { // Force an attachment update, this no longer exists! currentAttachments[i] = uint .MaxValue; } } glDeleteTextures(1, ref handle); } #endregion #region glReadPixels Methods public void ReadBackbuffer<T>( T[] data, int startIndex, int elementCount, Rectangle? rect ) where T : struct { if (startIndex > 0 || elementCount != data.Length) { throw new NotImplementedException( "ReadBackbuffer startIndex/elementCount" ); } uint prevReadBuffer = currentReadFramebuffer; BindReadFramebuffer( (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer) ? (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle : 0 ); int x; int y; int w; int h; if (rect != null ) { x = rect.Value.X; y = rect.Value.Y; w = rect.Value.Width; h = rect.Value.Height; } else { x = 0; y = 0; w = Backbuffer.Width; h = Backbuffer.Height; } GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { glReadPixels( x, y, w, h, GLenum.GL_RGBA, GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); } finally { handle.Free(); } BindReadFramebuffer(prevReadBuffer); // Now we get to do a software-based flip! Yes, really! -flibit int pitch = w * 4 / Marshal.SizeOf( typeof (T)); T[] tempRow = new T[pitch]; for ( int row = 0; row < h / 2; row += 1) { Array.Copy(data, row * pitch, tempRow, 0, pitch); Array.Copy(data, (h - row - 1) * pitch, data, row * pitch, pitch); Array.Copy(tempRow, 0, data, (h - row - 1) * pitch, pitch); } } /// <summary> /// Attempts to read the texture data directly from the FBO using glReadPixels /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Texture data type</typeparam> /// <param name="texture">The texture to read from</param> /// <param name="width">The texture width</param> /// <param name="height">The texture height</param> /// <param name="level">The texture level</param> /// <param name="data">The texture data array</param> /// <param name="rect">The portion of the image to read from</param> /// <returns>True if we successfully read the texture data</returns> private bool ReadTargetIfApplicable<T>( IGLTexture texture, int width, int height, int level, T[] data, Rectangle? rect ) where T : struct { bool texUnbound = ( currentDrawBuffers != 1 || currentAttachments[0] != (texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle ); if (texUnbound && !useES2) { return false ; } int x; int y; int w; int h; if (rect.HasValue) { x = rect.Value.X; y = rect.Value.Y; w = rect.Value.Width; h = rect.Value.Height; } else { x = 0; y = 0; w = width; h = height; } uint prevReadBuffer = currentReadFramebuffer; uint prevWriteBuffer = currentDrawFramebuffer; if (texUnbound) { BindFramebuffer(resolveFramebufferRead); glFramebufferTexture2D( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, (texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle, level ); } else { BindReadFramebuffer(targetFramebuffer); } /* glReadPixels should be faster than reading * back from the render target if we are already bound. */ GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned); try { glReadPixels( x, y, w, h, GLenum.GL_RGBA, // FIXME: Assumption! GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() ); } finally { handle.Free(); } if (texUnbound) { if (prevReadBuffer == prevWriteBuffer) { BindFramebuffer(prevReadBuffer); } else { BindReadFramebuffer(prevReadBuffer); BindDrawFramebuffer(prevWriteBuffer); } } else { BindReadFramebuffer(prevReadBuffer); } return true ; } #endregion #region RenderTarget->Texture Method public void ResolveTarget(RenderTargetBinding target) { if ((target.RenderTarget as IRenderTarget).MultiSampleCount > 0) { uint prevBuffer = currentDrawFramebuffer; // Set up the texture framebuffer GLenum textureTarget; int width, height; if (target.RenderTarget is RenderTarget2D) { textureTarget = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D; Texture2D target2D = (target.RenderTarget as Texture2D); width = target2D.Width; height = target2D.Height; } else { textureTarget = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + ( int ) target.CubeMapFace; TextureCube targetCube = (target.RenderTarget as TextureCube); width = targetCube.Size; height = targetCube.Size; } BindFramebuffer(resolveFramebufferDraw); glFramebufferTexture2D( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, textureTarget, (target.RenderTarget.texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle, 0 ); // Set up the renderbuffer framebuffer BindFramebuffer(resolveFramebufferRead); glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, ((target.RenderTarget as IRenderTarget).ColorBuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle ); // Blit! if (scissorTestEnable) { glDisable(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } BindDrawFramebuffer(resolveFramebufferDraw); glBlitFramebuffer( 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, width, height, GLenum.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GLenum.GL_LINEAR ); if (scissorTestEnable) { glEnable(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } BindFramebuffer(prevBuffer); } // If the target has mipmaps, regenerate them now if (target.RenderTarget.LevelCount > 1) { OpenGLTexture prevTex = Textures[0]; BindTexture(target.RenderTarget.texture); glGenerateMipmap((target.RenderTarget.texture as OpenGLTexture).Target); BindTexture(prevTex); } } #endregion #region Framebuffer Methods private void BindFramebuffer( uint handle) { if ( currentReadFramebuffer != handle && currentDrawFramebuffer != handle ) { glBindFramebuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, handle ); currentReadFramebuffer = handle; currentDrawFramebuffer = handle; } else if (currentReadFramebuffer != handle) { BindReadFramebuffer(handle); } else if (currentDrawFramebuffer != handle) { BindDrawFramebuffer(handle); } } private void BindReadFramebuffer( uint handle) { if (handle == currentReadFramebuffer) { return ; } glBindFramebuffer( GLenum.GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, handle ); currentReadFramebuffer = handle; } private void BindDrawFramebuffer( uint handle) { if (handle == currentDrawFramebuffer) { return ; } glBindFramebuffer( GLenum.GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, handle ); currentDrawFramebuffer = handle; } #endregion #region Renderbuffer Methods public IGLRenderbuffer GenRenderbuffer( int width, int height, SurfaceFormat format, int multiSampleCount ) { uint handle = 0; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif glGenRenderbuffers(1, out handle); glBindRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, handle ); if (multiSampleCount > 0) { glRenderbufferStorageMultisample( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, multiSampleCount, XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[( int ) format], width, height ); } else { glRenderbufferStorage( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[( int ) format], width, height ); } glBindRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return new OpenGLRenderbuffer(handle); } public IGLRenderbuffer GenRenderbuffer( int width, int height, DepthFormat format, int multiSampleCount ) { uint handle = 0; #if !DISABLE_THREADING ForceToMainThread(() => { #endif glGenRenderbuffers(1, out handle); glBindRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, handle ); if (multiSampleCount > 0) { glRenderbufferStorageMultisample( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, multiSampleCount, XNAToGL.DepthStorage[( int ) format], width, height ); } else { glRenderbufferStorage( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, XNAToGL.DepthStorage[( int ) format], width, height ); } glBindRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); #if !DISABLE_THREADING }); #endif return new OpenGLRenderbuffer(handle); } private void DeleteRenderbuffer(IGLRenderbuffer renderbuffer) { uint handle = (renderbuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle; if (handle == currentRenderbuffer) { // Force a renderbuffer update, this no longer exists! currentRenderbuffer = uint .MaxValue; } glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref handle); } #endregion #region glEnable/glDisable Method private void ToggleGLState(GLenum feature, bool enable) { if (enable) { glEnable(feature); } else { glDisable(feature); } } #endregion #region glClear Method public void Clear(ClearOptions options, Vector4 color, float depth, int stencil) { // glClear depends on the scissor rectangle! if (scissorTestEnable) { glDisable(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } bool clearTarget = (options & ClearOptions.Target) == ClearOptions.Target; bool clearDepth = (options & ClearOptions.DepthBuffer) == ClearOptions.DepthBuffer; bool clearStencil = (options & ClearOptions.Stencil) == ClearOptions.Stencil; // Get the clear mask, set the clear properties if needed GLenum clearMask = GLenum.GL_ZERO; if (clearTarget) { clearMask |= GLenum.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT; if (!color.Equals(currentClearColor)) { glClearColor( color.X, color.Y, color.Z, color.W ); currentClearColor = color; } // glClear depends on the color write mask! if (colorWriteEnable != ColorWriteChannels.All) { // FIXME: ColorWriteChannels1/2/3? -flibit glColorMask( true , true , true , true ); } } if (clearDepth) { clearMask |= GLenum.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT; if (depth != currentClearDepth) { glClearDepth(( double ) depth); currentClearDepth = depth; } // glClear depends on the depth write mask! if (!zWriteEnable) { glDepthMask( true ); } } if (clearStencil) { clearMask |= GLenum.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT; if (stencil != currentClearStencil) { glClearStencil(stencil); currentClearStencil = stencil; } // glClear depends on the stencil write mask! if (stencilWriteMask != -1) { // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit glStencilMask(-1); } } // CLEAR! glClear(clearMask); // Clean up after ourselves. if (scissorTestEnable) { glEnable(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } if (clearTarget && colorWriteEnable != ColorWriteChannels.All) { // FIXME: ColorWriteChannels1/2/3? -flibit glColorMask( (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0, (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0, (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0, (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0 ); } if (clearDepth && !zWriteEnable) { glDepthMask( false ); } if (clearStencil && stencilWriteMask != -1) // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit { glStencilMask(stencilWriteMask); } } #endregion #region SetRenderTargets Method public void SetRenderTargets( RenderTargetBinding[] renderTargets, IGLRenderbuffer renderbuffer, DepthFormat depthFormat ) { // Bind the right framebuffer, if needed if (renderTargets == null ) { BindFramebuffer( (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer) ? (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle : 0 ); flipViewport = 1; return ; } else { BindFramebuffer(targetFramebuffer); flipViewport = -1; } int i; uint [] attachments = new uint [renderTargets.Length]; GLenum[] attachmentTypes = new GLenum[renderTargets.Length]; for (i = 0; i < renderTargets.Length; i += 1) { IGLRenderbuffer colorBuffer = (renderTargets[i].RenderTarget as IRenderTarget).ColorBuffer; if (colorBuffer != null ) { attachments[i] = (colorBuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle; attachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER; } else { attachments[i] = (renderTargets[i].RenderTarget.texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle; if (renderTargets[i].RenderTarget is RenderTarget2D) { attachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D; } else { attachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + ( int ) renderTargets[i].CubeMapFace; } } } // Update the color attachments, DrawBuffers state for (i = 0; i < attachments.Length; i += 1) { if (attachments[i] != currentAttachments[i]) { if (currentAttachments[i] != 0) { if ( attachmentTypes[i] != GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER && currentAttachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER ) { glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); } else if ( attachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER && currentAttachmentTypes[i] != GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER ) { glFramebufferTexture2D( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, currentAttachmentTypes[i], 0, 0 ); } } if (attachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER) { glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, attachments[i] ); } else { glFramebufferTexture2D( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, attachmentTypes[i], attachments[i], 0 ); } currentAttachments[i] = attachments[i]; currentAttachmentTypes[i] = attachmentTypes[i]; } else if (attachmentTypes[i] != currentAttachmentTypes[i]) { // Texture cube face change! glFramebufferTexture2D( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, attachmentTypes[i], attachments[i], 0 ); currentAttachmentTypes[i] = attachmentTypes[i]; } } while (i < currentAttachments.Length) { if (currentAttachments[i] != 0) { if (currentAttachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER) { glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); } else { glFramebufferTexture2D( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, currentAttachmentTypes[i], 0, 0 ); } currentAttachments[i] = 0; currentAttachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D; } i += 1; } if (attachments.Length != currentDrawBuffers) { glDrawBuffers(attachments.Length, drawBuffersArray); currentDrawBuffers = attachments.Length; } // Update the depth/stencil attachment /* FIXME: Notice that we do separate attach calls for the stencil. * We _should_ be able to do a single attach for depthstencil, but * some drivers (like Mesa) cannot into GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT. * Use XNAToGL.DepthStencilAttachment when this isn't a problem. * -flibit */ uint handle; if (renderbuffer == null ) { handle = 0; } else { handle = (renderbuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle; } if (handle != currentRenderbuffer) { if (currentDepthStencilFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) { glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); } currentDepthStencilFormat = depthFormat; glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, handle ); if (currentDepthStencilFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) { glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, handle ); } currentRenderbuffer = handle; } } #endregion #region Query Object Methods public IGLQuery CreateQuery() { uint handle; glGenQueries(1, out handle); return new OpenGLQuery(handle); } private void DeleteQuery(IGLQuery query) { uint handle = (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle; glDeleteQueries( 1, ref handle ); } public void QueryBegin(IGLQuery query) { glBeginQuery( GLenum.GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle ); } public void QueryEnd(IGLQuery query) { // May need to check active queries...? glEndQuery( GLenum.GL_SAMPLES_PASSED ); } public bool QueryComplete(IGLQuery query) { uint result; glGetQueryObjectuiv( (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle, GLenum.GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, out result ); return result != 0; } public int QueryPixelCount(IGLQuery query) { uint result; glGetQueryObjectuiv( (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle, GLenum.GL_QUERY_RESULT, out result ); return ( int ) result; } #endregion #region XNA->GL Enum Conversion Class private static class XNAToGL { public static readonly GLenum[] TextureFormat = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_RGBA, // SurfaceFormat.Color GLenum.GL_RGB, // SurfaceFormat.Bgr565 GLenum.GL_BGRA, // SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551 GLenum.GL_BGRA, // SurfaceFormat.Bgra4444 GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, // SurfaceFormat.Dxt1 GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, // SurfaceFormat.Dxt3 GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, // SurfaceFormat.Dxt5 GLenum.GL_RG, // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte2 GLenum.GL_RGBA, // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte4 GLenum.GL_RGBA, // SurfaceFormat.Rgba1010102 GLenum.GL_RG, // SurfaceFormat.Rg32 GLenum.GL_RGBA, // SurfaceFormat.Rgba64 GLenum.GL_LUMINANCE, // SurfaceFormat.Alpha8 GLenum.GL_RED, // SurfaceFormat.Single GLenum.GL_RG, // SurfaceFormat.Vector2 GLenum.GL_RGBA, // SurfaceFormat.Vector4 GLenum.GL_RED, // SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle GLenum.GL_RG, // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector2 GLenum.GL_RGBA, // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector4 GLenum.GL_RGBA // SurfaceFormat.HdrBlendable }; public static readonly GLenum[] TextureInternalFormat = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_RGBA8, // SurfaceFormat.Color GLenum.GL_RGB8, // SurfaceFormat.Bgr565 GLenum.GL_RGB5_A1, // SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551 GLenum.GL_RGBA4, // SurfaceFormat.Bgra4444 GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT, // SurfaceFormat.Dxt1 GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT, // SurfaceFormat.Dxt3 GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT, // SurfaceFormat.Dxt5 GLenum.GL_RG8, // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte2 GLenum.GL_RGBA8, // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte4 GLenum.GL_RGB10_A2_EXT, // SurfaceFormat.Rgba1010102 GLenum.GL_RG16, // SurfaceFormat.Rg32 GLenum.GL_RGBA16, // SurfaceFormat.Rgba64 GLenum.GL_LUMINANCE8, // SurfaceFormat.Alpha8 GLenum.GL_R32F, // SurfaceFormat.Single GLenum.GL_RG32F, // SurfaceFormat.Vector2 GLenum.GL_RGBA32F, // SurfaceFormat.Vector4 GLenum.GL_R16F, // SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle GLenum.GL_RG16F, // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector2 GLenum.GL_RGBA16F, // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector4 GLenum.GL_RGBA16F // SurfaceFormat.HdrBlendable }; public static readonly GLenum[] TextureDataType = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // SurfaceFormat.Color GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, // SurfaceFormat.Bgr565 GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, // SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551 GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, // SurfaceFormat.Bgra4444 GLenum.GL_ZERO, // NOPE GLenum.GL_ZERO, // NOPE GLenum.GL_ZERO, // NOPE GLenum.GL_BYTE, // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte2 GLenum.GL_BYTE, // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte4 GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2, // SurfaceFormat.Rgba1010102 GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, // SurfaceFormat.Rg32 GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, // SurfaceFormat.Rgba64 GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // SurfaceFormat.Alpha8 GLenum.GL_FLOAT, // SurfaceFormat.Single GLenum.GL_FLOAT, // SurfaceFormat.Vector2 GLenum.GL_FLOAT, // SurfaceFormat.Vector4 GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT, // SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT, // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector2 GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT, // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector4 GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT // SurfaceFormat.HdrBlendable }; public static readonly GLenum[] BlendMode = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_ONE, // Blend.One GLenum.GL_ZERO, // Blend.Zero GLenum.GL_SRC_COLOR, // Blend.SourceColor GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR, // Blend.InverseSourceColor GLenum.GL_SRC_ALPHA, // Blend.SourceAlpha GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, // Blend.InverseSourceAlpha GLenum.GL_DST_COLOR, // Blend.DestinationColor GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR, // Blend.InverseDestinationColor GLenum.GL_DST_ALPHA, // Blend.DestinationAlpha GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, // Blend.InverseDestinationAlpha GLenum.GL_CONSTANT_COLOR, // Blend.BlendFactor GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR, // Blend.InverseBlendFactor GLenum.GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE // Blend.SourceAlphaSaturation }; public static readonly GLenum[] BlendEquation = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_FUNC_ADD, // BlendFunction.Add GLenum.GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT, // BlendFunction.Subtract GLenum.GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT, // BlendFunction.ReverseSubtract GLenum.GL_MAX, // BlendFunction.Max GLenum.GL_MIN // BlendFunction.Min }; public static readonly GLenum[] CompareFunc = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_ALWAYS, // CompareFunction.Always GLenum.GL_NEVER, // CompareFunction.Never GLenum.GL_LESS, // CompareFunction.Less GLenum.GL_LEQUAL, // CompareFunction.LessEqual GLenum.GL_EQUAL, // CompareFunction.Equal GLenum.GL_GEQUAL, // CompareFunction.GreaterEqual GLenum.GL_GREATER, // CompareFunction.Greater GLenum.GL_NOTEQUAL // CompareFunction.NotEqual }; public static readonly GLenum[] GLStencilOp = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_KEEP, // StencilOperation.Keep GLenum.GL_ZERO, // StencilOperation.Zero GLenum.GL_REPLACE, // StencilOperation.Replace GLenum.GL_INCR_WRAP, // StencilOperation.Increment GLenum.GL_DECR_WRAP, // StencilOperation.Decrement GLenum.GL_INCR, // StencilOperation.IncrementSaturation GLenum.GL_DECR, // StencilOperation.DecrementSaturation GLenum.GL_INVERT // StencilOperation.Invert }; public static readonly GLenum[] FrontFace = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_ZERO, // NOPE GLenum.GL_CW, // CullMode.CullClockwiseFace GLenum.GL_CCW // CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace }; public static readonly GLenum[] GLFillMode = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_FILL, // FillMode.Solid GLenum.GL_LINE // FillMode.WireFrame }; public static readonly int [] Wrap = new int [] { ( int ) GLenum.GL_REPEAT, // TextureAddressMode.Wrap ( int ) GLenum.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, // TextureAddressMode.Clamp ( int ) GLenum.GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT // TextureAddressMode.Mirror }; public static readonly int [] MagFilter = new int [] { ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.Linear ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.Point ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.Anisotropic ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.LinearMipPoint ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.PointMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipPoint ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipPoint }; public static readonly int [] MinMipFilter = new int [] { ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.Linear ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.Point ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.Anisotropic ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.LinearMipPoint ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.PointMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipPoint ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipPoint }; public static readonly int [] MinFilter = new int [] { ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.Linear ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.Point ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.Anisotropic ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.LinearMipPoint ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.PointMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_LINEAR, // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipPoint ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipLinear ( int ) GLenum.GL_NEAREST // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipPoint }; public static readonly GLenum[] DepthStencilAttachment = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_ZERO, // NOPE GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, // DepthFormat.Depth16 GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, // DepthFormat.Depth24 GLenum.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT // DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8 }; public static readonly GLenum[] DepthStorage = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_ZERO, // NOPE GLenum.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, // DepthFormat.Depth16 GLenum.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, // DepthFormat.Depth24 GLenum.GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 // DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8 }; public static readonly float [] DepthBiasScale = new float [] { 0.0f, // DepthFormat.None ( float ) ((1 << 16) - 1), // DepthFormat.Depth16 ( float ) ((1 << 24) - 1), // DepthFormat.Depth24 ( float ) ((1 << 24) - 1) // DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8 }; public static readonly MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage[] VertexAttribUsage = new MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage[] { MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POSITION, // VertexElementUsage.Position MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_COLOR, // VertexElementUsage.Color MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TEXCOORD, // VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_NORMAL, // VertexElementUsage.Normal MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_BINORMAL, // VertexElementUsage.Binormal MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TANGENT, // VertexElementUsage.Tangent MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_BLENDINDICES, // VertexElementUsage.BlendIndices MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_BLENDWEIGHT, // VertexElementUsage.BlendWeight MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_DEPTH, // VertexElementUsage.Depth MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_FOG, // VertexElementUsage.Fog MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POINTSIZE, // VertexElementUsage.PointSize MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_SAMPLE, // VertexElementUsage.Sample MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TESSFACTOR // VertexElementUsage.TessellateFactor }; public static readonly int [] VertexAttribSize = new int [] { 1, // VertexElementFormat.Single 2, // VertexElementFormat.Vector2 3, // VertexElementFormat.Vector3 4, // VertexElementFormat.Vector4 4, // VertexElementFormat.Color 4, // VertexElementFormat.Byte4 2, // VertexElementFormat.Short2 4, // VertexElementFormat.Short4 2, // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort2 4, // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort4 2, // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector2 4 // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector4 }; public static readonly GLenum[] VertexAttribType = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_FLOAT, // VertexElementFormat.Single GLenum.GL_FLOAT, // VertexElementFormat.Vector2 GLenum.GL_FLOAT, // VertexElementFormat.Vector3 GLenum.GL_FLOAT, // VertexElementFormat.Vector4 GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // VertexElementFormat.Color GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, // VertexElementFormat.Byte4 GLenum.GL_SHORT, // VertexElementFormat.Short2 GLenum.GL_SHORT, // VertexElementFormat.Short4 GLenum.GL_SHORT, // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort2 GLenum.GL_SHORT, // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort4 GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT, // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector2 GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector4 }; public static bool VertexAttribNormalized(VertexElement element) { return ( element.VertexElementUsage == VertexElementUsage.Color || element.VertexElementFormat == VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort2 || element.VertexElementFormat == VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort4 ); } public static readonly GLenum[] Primitive = new GLenum[] { GLenum.GL_TRIANGLES, // PrimitiveType.TriangleList GLenum.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, // PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip GLenum.GL_LINES, // PrimitiveType.LineList GLenum.GL_LINE_STRIP, // PrimitiveType.LineStrip }; public static int PrimitiveVerts(PrimitiveType primitiveType, int primitiveCount) { switch (primitiveType) { case PrimitiveType.TriangleList: return primitiveCount * 3; case PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip: return primitiveCount + 2; case PrimitiveType.LineList: return primitiveCount * 2; case PrimitiveType.LineStrip: return primitiveCount + 1; } throw new NotSupportedException(); } } #endregion #region The Faux-Backbuffer private class OpenGLBackbuffer : IGLBackbuffer { public uint Handle { get ; private set ; } public int Width { get ; private set ; } public int Height { get ; private set ; } public DepthFormat DepthFormat { get ; private set ; } public int MultiSampleCount { get ; private set ; } public uint Texture; private uint colorAttachment; private uint depthStencilAttachment; private OpenGLDevice glDevice; public OpenGLBackbuffer( OpenGLDevice device, int width, int height, DepthFormat depthFormat, int multiSampleCount ) { Width = width; Height = height; glDevice = device; DepthFormat = depthFormat; MultiSampleCount = multiSampleCount; Texture = 0; // Generate and bind the FBO. uint handle; glDevice.glGenFramebuffers(1, out handle); Handle = handle; glDevice.BindFramebuffer(Handle); // Create and attach the color buffer glDevice.glGenRenderbuffers(1, out colorAttachment); glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorAttachment); if (multiSampleCount > 0) { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, multiSampleCount, GLenum.GL_RGBA8, width, height ); } else { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorage( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, GLenum.GL_RGBA8, width, height ); } glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorAttachment ); if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.None) { // Don't bother creating a depth/stencil buffer. depthStencilAttachment = 0; // Keep this state sane. glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); return ; } // Create and attach the depth/stencil buffer glDevice.glGenRenderbuffers(1, out depthStencilAttachment); glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilAttachment); if (multiSampleCount > 0) { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, multiSampleCount, XNAToGL.DepthStorage[( int ) depthFormat], width, height ); } else { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorage( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, XNAToGL.DepthStorage[( int ) depthFormat], width, height ); } glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilAttachment ); if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) { glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilAttachment ); } // Keep this state sane. glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } public void Dispose() { uint handle = Handle; glDevice.BindFramebuffer(0); glDevice.glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref handle); glDevice.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref colorAttachment); if (depthStencilAttachment != 0) { glDevice.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref depthStencilAttachment); } if (Texture != 0) { glDevice.glDeleteTextures(1, ref Texture); } glDevice = null ; Handle = 0; } public void ResetFramebuffer( PresentationParameters presentationParameters, bool renderTargetBound ) { Width = presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth; Height = presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight; DepthFormat depthFormat = presentationParameters.DepthStencilFormat; MultiSampleCount = presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount; if (Texture != 0) { glDevice.glDeleteTextures(1, ref Texture); Texture = 0; } if (renderTargetBound) { glDevice.glBindFramebuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, Handle ); } // Detach color attachment glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); // Detach depth/stencil attachment, if applicable if (depthStencilAttachment != 0) { glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); if (DepthFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) { glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0 ); } } // Update our color attachment to the new resolution. glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorAttachment ); if (MultiSampleCount > 0) { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, MultiSampleCount, GLenum.GL_RGBA8, Width, Height ); } else { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorage( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, GLenum.GL_RGBA8, Width, Height ); } glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorAttachment ); // Generate/Delete depth/stencil attachment, if needed if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.None) { if (depthStencilAttachment != 0) { glDevice.glDeleteRenderbuffers( 1, ref depthStencilAttachment ); depthStencilAttachment = 0; } } else if (depthStencilAttachment == 0) { glDevice.glGenRenderbuffers( 1, out depthStencilAttachment ); } // Update the depth/stencil buffer, if applicable if (depthStencilAttachment != 0) { glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilAttachment ); if (MultiSampleCount > 0) { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorageMultisample( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, MultiSampleCount, XNAToGL.DepthStorage[( int )depthFormat], Width, Height ); } else { glDevice.glRenderbufferStorage( GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, XNAToGL.DepthStorage[( int )depthFormat], Width, Height ); } glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilAttachment ); if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8) { glDevice.glFramebufferRenderbuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GLenum.GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilAttachment ); } } DepthFormat = depthFormat; if (renderTargetBound) { glDevice.glBindFramebuffer( GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, glDevice.targetFramebuffer ); } // Keep this state sane. glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); } } #endregion #region The Faux-Faux-Backbuffer private class NullBackbuffer : IGLBackbuffer { public int Width { get ; private set ; } public int Height { get ; private set ; } public DepthFormat DepthFormat { get { // Constant, per SDL2_GameWindow return DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8; } } public int MultiSampleCount { get { // Constant, per SDL2_GameWindow return 0; } } public NullBackbuffer( int width, int height) { Width = width; Height = height; } public void ResetFramebuffer( PresentationParameters presentationParameters, bool renderTargetBound ) { Width = presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth; Height = presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight; } } #endregion #region Threaded GL Nonsense private int mainThreadId; private bool IsOnMainThread() { return mainThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; } private void InitThreadedGL(IntPtr window) { mainThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; #if THREADED_GL // Create a background context SDL.SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_SHARE_WITH_CURRENT_CONTEXT, 1); WindowInfo = window; BackgroundContext = new GL_ContextHandle() { context = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(window) }; // Make the foreground context current. SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, glContext); // We're going to need glFlush, so load this entry point. glFlush = (Flush) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer( SDL.SDL_GL_GetProcAddress( "glFlush" ), typeof (Flush) ); #endif } #if !DISABLE_THREADING #if THREADED_GL private class GL_ContextHandle { public IntPtr context; } private GL_ContextHandle BackgroundContext; private IntPtr WindowInfo; private delegate void Flush(); private Flush glFlush; #else private System.Collections.Generic.List<Action> actions = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Action>(); private void RunActions() { lock (actions) { foreach (Action action in actions) { action(); } actions.Clear(); } } #endif private void ForceToMainThread(Action action) { // If we're already on the main thread, just call the action. if (mainThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) { action(); return ; } #if THREADED_GL lock (BackgroundContext) { // Make the context current on this thread. SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(WindowInfo, BackgroundContext.context); // Execute the action. action(); // Must flush the GL calls now before we release the context. glFlush(); // Free the threaded context for the next threaded call... SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(WindowInfo, IntPtr.Zero); } #else ManualResetEventSlim resetEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim( false ); lock (actions) { actions.Add(() => { action(); resetEvent.Set(); }); } resetEvent.Wait(); #endif } #endif // !DISABLE_THREADING #endregion } } |