#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ /* Derived from code by the Mono.Xna Team (Copyright 2006). * Released under the MIT License. See monoxna.LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content { internal class Texture2DReader : ContentTypeReader<Texture2D> { #region Private Supported File Extensions Variable private static string [] supportedExtensions = new string [] { ".bmp" , ".gif" , ".jpg" , ".jpeg" , ".png" , ".tga" , ".tif" , ".tiff" }; #endregion #region Internal Constructor internal Texture2DReader() { } #endregion #region Internal Filename Normalizer Method internal static string Normalize( string fileName) { return Normalize(fileName, supportedExtensions); } #endregion #region Protected Read Method protected internal override Texture2D Read( ContentReader reader, Texture2D existingInstance ) { Texture2D texture = null ; SurfaceFormat surfaceFormat; if (reader.version < 5) { /* These integer values are based on the enum values * from previous XNA versions. * -flibit */ int legacyFormat = reader.ReadInt32(); if (legacyFormat == 1) { surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; } if (legacyFormat == 28) { surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Dxt1; } else if (legacyFormat == 30) { surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Dxt3; } else if (legacyFormat == 32) { surfaceFormat = SurfaceFormat.Dxt5; } else { throw new NotSupportedException( "Unsupported legacy surface format." ); } } else { surfaceFormat = (SurfaceFormat) reader.ReadInt32(); } int width = reader.ReadInt32(); int height = reader.ReadInt32(); int levelCount = reader.ReadInt32(); int levelCountOutput = levelCount; // Check to see if we need to convert the surface data SurfaceFormat convertedFormat = surfaceFormat; if ( surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat.Dxt1 && !reader.GraphicsDevice.GLDevice.SupportsDxt1 ) { convertedFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; } else if ( ( surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat.Dxt3 || surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat.Dxt5 ) && !reader.GraphicsDevice.GLDevice.SupportsS3tc ) { convertedFormat = SurfaceFormat.Color; } // Check for duplicate instances if (existingInstance == null ) { texture = new Texture2D( reader.GraphicsDevice, width, height, levelCountOutput > 1, convertedFormat ); } else { texture = existingInstance; } for ( int level = 0; level < levelCount; level += 1) { int levelDataSizeInBytes = reader.ReadInt32(); byte [] levelData = null ; // Don't assign this quite yet... int levelWidth = width >> level; int levelHeight = height >> level; if (level >= levelCountOutput) { continue ; } // Convert the image data if required if ( surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat.Dxt1 && !reader.GraphicsDevice.GLDevice.SupportsDxt1 ) { levelData = reader.ReadBytes(levelDataSizeInBytes); levelData = DxtUtil.DecompressDxt1( levelData, levelWidth, levelHeight ); } else if ( surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat.Dxt3 && !reader.GraphicsDevice.GLDevice.SupportsS3tc ) { levelData = reader.ReadBytes(levelDataSizeInBytes); levelData = DxtUtil.DecompressDxt3( levelData, levelWidth, levelHeight ); } else if ( surfaceFormat == SurfaceFormat.Dxt5 && !reader.GraphicsDevice.GLDevice.SupportsS3tc ) { levelData = reader.ReadBytes(levelDataSizeInBytes); levelData = DxtUtil.DecompressDxt5( levelData, levelWidth, levelHeight ); } if ( levelData == null && reader.BaseStream.GetType() != typeof (System.IO.MemoryStream) ) { /* If the ContentReader is not backed by a * MemoryStream, we have to read the data in. */ levelData = reader.ReadBytes(levelDataSizeInBytes); } if (levelData != null ) { /* If we had to convert the data, or get the data from a * non-MemoryStream, we set the data with our levelData * reference. */ texture.SetData(level, null , levelData, 0, levelData.Length); } else { /* Ideally, we didn't have to perform any conversion or * unnecessary reading. Just throw the buffer directly * into SetData, skipping a redundant byte[] copy. */ texture.SetData< byte >( level, null , (((System.IO.MemoryStream) (reader.BaseStream)).GetBuffer()), ( int ) reader.BaseStream.Position, levelDataSizeInBytes ); reader.BaseStream.Seek( levelDataSizeInBytes, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Current ); } } return texture; } #endregion } } |