#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Utilities; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content { public partial class ContentManager : IDisposable { #region Public ServiceProvider Property public IServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get ; private set ; } #endregion #region Public RootDirectory Property public string RootDirectory { get ; set ; } #endregion #region Internal Root Directory Path Property internal string RootDirectoryFullPath { get { if (Path.IsPathRooted(RootDirectory)) { return RootDirectory; } return Path.Combine(TitleContainer.Location, RootDirectory); } } #endregion #region Private Variables private IGraphicsDeviceService graphicsDeviceService; private Dictionary< string , object > loadedAssets = new Dictionary< string , object >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); private List<IDisposable> disposableAssets = new List<IDisposable>(); private bool disposed; #endregion #region Private Static Variables private static object ContentManagerLock = new object (); private static List<WeakReference> ContentManagers = new List<WeakReference>(); private static readonly byte [] xnbHeader = new byte [4]; private static List< char > targetPlatformIdentifiers = new List< char >() { 'w' , // Windows (DirectX) 'x' , // Xbox360 'm' , // WindowsPhone 'i' , // iOS 'a' , // Android 'd' , // DesktopGL 'X' , // MacOSX 'W' , // WindowsStoreApp 'n' , // NativeClient 'u' , // Ouya 'p' , // PlayStationMobile 'M' , // WindowsPhone8 'r' , // RaspberryPi 'P' , // Playstation 4 'g' , // WindowsGL (deprecated for DesktopGL) 'l' , // Linux (deprecated for DesktopGL) }; #endregion #region Public Constructors public ContentManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (serviceProvider == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "serviceProvider" ); } ServiceProvider = serviceProvider; RootDirectory = string .Empty; AddContentManager( this ); } public ContentManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, string rootDirectory) { if (serviceProvider == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "serviceProvider" ); } if (rootDirectory == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "rootDirectory" ); } ServiceProvider = serviceProvider; RootDirectory = rootDirectory; AddContentManager( this ); } #endregion #region Destructor /* Use C# destructor syntax for finalization code. * This destructor will run only if the Dispose method * does not get called. * It gives your base class the opportunity to finalize. * Do not provide destructors in types derived from this class. */ ~ContentManager() { /* Do not re-create Dispose clean-up code here. * Calling Dispose(false) is optimal in terms of * readability and maintainability. */ Dispose( false ); } #endregion #region Dispose Methods public void Dispose() { Dispose( true ); /* Tell the garbage collector not to call the finalizer * since all the cleanup will already be done. */ GC.SuppressFinalize( this ); // Once disposed, content manager wont be used again RemoveContentManager( this ); } /* If disposing is true, it was called explicitly and we should dispose managed * objects. If disposing is false, it was called by the finalizer and managed * objects should not be disposed. */ protected virtual void Dispose( bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { if (disposing) { Unload(); } disposed = true ; } } #endregion #region Public Methods public virtual T Load<T>( string assetName) { if ( string .IsNullOrEmpty(assetName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "assetName" ); } if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException( "ContentManager" ); } T result = default (T); /* On some platforms, name and slash direction matter. * We store the asset by a /-separating key rather than * how the path to the file was passed to us to avoid * loading "content/asset1.xnb" and "content\\ASSET1.xnb" * as if they were two different files. this matches * stock XNA behavior. The Dictionary will ignore case * differences. */ string key = assetName.Replace( '\\' , '/' ); // Check for a previously loaded asset first object asset = null ; if (loadedAssets.TryGetValue(key, out asset)) { if (asset is T) { return (T) asset; } } // Load the asset. result = ReadAsset<T>(assetName, null ); loadedAssets[key] = result; return result; } public virtual void Unload() { // Look for disposable assets. foreach (IDisposable disposable in disposableAssets) { if (disposable != null ) { disposable.Dispose(); } } disposableAssets.Clear(); loadedAssets.Clear(); } #endregion #region Protected Methods protected virtual Stream OpenStream( string assetName) { Stream stream; try { stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream( Path.Combine(RootDirectory, assetName) + ".xnb" ); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFound) { throw new ContentLoadException( "The content file was not found." , fileNotFound); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException directoryNotFound) { throw new ContentLoadException( "The directory was not found." , directoryNotFound); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new ContentLoadException( "Opening stream error." , exception); } return stream; } protected T ReadAsset<T>( string assetName, Action<IDisposable> recordDisposableObject) { if ( string .IsNullOrEmpty(assetName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "assetName" ); } if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException( "ContentManager" ); } object result = null ; // FIXME: Should this block be here? -flibit if (graphicsDeviceService == null ) { graphicsDeviceService = ServiceProvider.GetService( typeof (IGraphicsDeviceService)) as IGraphicsDeviceService; if (graphicsDeviceService == null ) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "No Graphics Device Service" ); } } Stream stream = null ; string modifiedAssetName = String.Empty; // Will be used if we have to guess a filename try { stream = OpenStream(assetName); } catch (Exception e) { // Okay, so we couldn't open it. Maybe it needs a different extension? // FIXME: This only works for files on the disk, what about custom streams? -flibit modifiedAssetName = FileHelpers.NormalizeFilePathSeparators( Path.Combine(RootDirectoryFullPath, assetName) ); if ( typeof (T) == typeof (Texture2D) || typeof (T) == typeof (Texture)) { modifiedAssetName = Texture2DReader.Normalize(modifiedAssetName); } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (SoundEffect))) { modifiedAssetName = SoundEffectReader.Normalize(modifiedAssetName); } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (Effect))) { modifiedAssetName = EffectReader.Normalize(modifiedAssetName); } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (Song))) { modifiedAssetName = SongReader.Normalize(modifiedAssetName); } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (Video))) { modifiedAssetName = VideoReader.Normalize(modifiedAssetName); } // Did we get anything...? if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(modifiedAssetName)) { // Nope, nothing we're aware of! throw new ContentLoadException( "Could not load asset " + assetName + "! Error: " + e.Message, e ); } stream = TitleContainer.OpenStream(modifiedAssetName); } // Check for XNB header stream.Read(xnbHeader, 0, xnbHeader.Length); if ( xnbHeader[0] == 'X' && xnbHeader[1] == 'N' && xnbHeader[2] == 'B' && targetPlatformIdentifiers.Contains(( char ) xnbHeader[3]) ) { using (BinaryReader xnbReader = new BinaryReader(stream)) using (ContentReader reader = GetContentReaderFromXnb(assetName, ref stream, xnbReader, recordDisposableObject)) { result = reader.ReadAsset<T>(); GraphicsResource resource = result as GraphicsResource; if (resource != null ) { resource.Name = assetName; } } } else { // It's not an XNB file. Try to load as a raw asset instead. // FIXME: Assuming seekable streams! -flibit stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); if ( typeof (T) == typeof (Texture2D) || typeof (T) == typeof (Texture)) { Texture2D texture = Texture2D.FromStream( graphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice, stream ); texture.Name = assetName; result = texture; } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (SoundEffect))) { result = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream); } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (Effect))) { byte [] data = new byte [stream.Length]; stream.Read(data, 0, ( int ) stream.Length); result = new Effect(graphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice, data); } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (Song))) { // FIXME: Not using the stream! -flibit result = new Song(modifiedAssetName); } else if (( typeof (T) == typeof (Video))) { // FIXME: Not using the stream! -flibit result = new Video(modifiedAssetName); } else { stream.Close(); throw new ContentLoadException( "Could not load " + assetName + " asset!" ); } /* Because Raw Assets skip the ContentReader step, they need to have their * disposables recorded here. Doing it outside of this catch will * result in disposables being logged twice. */ IDisposable disposableResult = result as IDisposable; if (disposableResult != null ) { if (recordDisposableObject != null ) { recordDisposableObject(disposableResult); } else { disposableAssets.Add(disposableResult); } } /* Because we're not using a BinaryReader for raw assets, we * need to close the stream ourselves. * -flibit */ stream.Close(); } return (T) result; } #endregion #region Internal Methods internal void RecordDisposable(IDisposable disposable) { Debug.Assert(disposable != null , "The disposable is null!" ); /* Avoid recording disposable objects twice. ReloadAsset will try to record * the disposables again. We don't know which asset recorded which * disposable so just guard against storing multiple of the same instance. */ if (!disposableAssets.Contains(disposable)) { disposableAssets.Add(disposable); } } #endregion #region Private Methods private ContentReader GetContentReaderFromXnb( string originalAssetName, ref Stream stream, BinaryReader xnbReader, Action<IDisposable> recordDisposableObject) { byte version = xnbReader.ReadByte(); byte flags = xnbReader.ReadByte(); bool compressed = (flags & 0x80) != 0; if (version != 5 && version != 4) { throw new ContentLoadException( "Invalid XNB version" ); } // The next int32 is the length of the XNB file int xnbLength = xnbReader.ReadInt32(); ContentReader reader; if (compressed) { /* Decompress the XNB * Thanks to ShinAli ( */ int compressedSize = xnbLength - 14; int decompressedSize = xnbReader.ReadInt32(); MemoryStream decompressedStream = new MemoryStream( new byte [decompressedSize], 0, decompressedSize, true , true // This MUST be true! We may need GetBuffer()! ); // Default window size for XNB encoded files is 64Kb (need 16 bits to represent it) LzxDecoder dec = new LzxDecoder(16); int decodedBytes = 0; long startPos = stream.Position; long pos = startPos; while (pos - startPos < compressedSize) { /* The compressed stream is separated into blocks that will * decompress into 32kB or some other size if specified. * Normal, 32kB output blocks will have a short indicating * the size of the block before the block starts. Blocks * that have a defined output will be preceded by a byte of * value 0xFF (255), then a short indicating the output size * and another for the block size. All shorts for these * cases are encoded in big endian order. */ int hi = stream.ReadByte(); int lo = stream.ReadByte(); int block_size = (hi << 8) | lo; int frame_size = 0x8000; // Frame size is 32kB by default // Does this block define a frame size? if (hi == 0xFF) { hi = lo; lo = ( byte ) stream.ReadByte(); frame_size = (hi << 8) | lo; hi = ( byte ) stream.ReadByte(); lo = ( byte ) stream.ReadByte(); block_size = (hi << 8) | lo; pos += 5; } else { pos += 2; } // Either says there is nothing to decode if (block_size == 0 || frame_size == 0) { break ; } dec.Decompress(stream, block_size, decompressedStream, frame_size); pos += block_size; decodedBytes += frame_size; /* Reset the position of the input just in case the bit * buffer read in some unused bytes. */ stream.Seek(pos, SeekOrigin.Begin); } if (decompressedStream.Position != decompressedSize) { throw new ContentLoadException( "Decompression of " + originalAssetName + " failed. " ); } decompressedStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); reader = new ContentReader( this , decompressedStream, graphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice, originalAssetName, version, recordDisposableObject ); } else { reader = new ContentReader( this , stream, graphicsDeviceService.GraphicsDevice, originalAssetName, version, recordDisposableObject ); } return reader; } #endregion #region Private Static Methods private static void AddContentManager(ContentManager contentManager) { lock (ContentManagerLock) { /* Check if the list contains this content manager already. Also take * the opportunity to prune the list of any finalized content managers. */ bool contains = false ; for ( int i = ContentManagers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { WeakReference contentRef = ContentManagers[i]; if (ReferenceEquals(contentRef.Target, contentManager)) { contains = true ; } if (!contentRef.IsAlive) { ContentManagers.RemoveAt(i); } } if (!contains) { ContentManagers.Add( new WeakReference(contentManager)); } } } private static void RemoveContentManager(ContentManager contentManager) { lock (ContentManagerLock) { /* Check if the list contains this content manager and remove it. Also * take the opportunity to prune the list of any finalized content managers. */ for ( int i = ContentManagers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { WeakReference contentRef = ContentManagers[i]; if (!contentRef.IsAlive || ReferenceEquals(contentRef.Target, contentManager)) { ContentManagers.RemoveAt(i); } } } } #endregion } } |