
fna-workbench Git Source Tree


#region License
/* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms
 * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team
 * Released under the Microsoft Public License.
 * See LICENSE for details.
/* Derived from code by the Mono.Xna Team (Copyright 2006).
 * Released under the MIT License. See monoxna.LICENSE for details.
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Design;
namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework
    public struct BoundingBox : IEquatable<BoundingBox>
        #region Internal Properties
        internal string DebugDisplayString
                return string.Concat(
                    "Min( ", Min.DebugDisplayString, " ) \r\n",
                    "Max( ", Max.DebugDisplayString, " )"
        #region Public Fields
        public Vector3 Min;
        public Vector3 Max;
        public const int CornerCount = 8;
        #region Private Static Variables
        private static readonly Vector3 MaxVector3 = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
        private static readonly Vector3 MinVector3 = new Vector3(float.MinValue);
        #region Public Constructors
        public BoundingBox(Vector3 min, Vector3 max)
            this.Min = min;
            this.Max = max;
        #region Public Methods
        public void Contains(ref BoundingBox box, out ContainmentType result)
            result = Contains(box);
        public void Contains(ref BoundingSphere sphere, out ContainmentType result)
            result = this.Contains(sphere);
        public ContainmentType Contains(Vector3 point)
            ContainmentType result;
            this.Contains(ref point, out result);
            return result;
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingBox box)
            // Test if all corner is in the same side of a face by just checking min and max
            if (    box.Max.X < Min.X ||
                box.Min.X > Max.X ||
                box.Max.Y < Min.Y ||
                box.Min.Y > Max.Y ||
                box.Max.Z < Min.Z ||
                box.Min.Z > Max.Z   )
                return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
            if (    box.Min.X >= Min.X &&
                box.Max.X <= Max.X &&
                box.Min.Y >= Min.Y &&
                box.Max.Y <= Max.Y &&
                box.Min.Z >= Min.Z &&
                box.Max.Z <= Max.Z  )
                return ContainmentType.Contains;
            return ContainmentType.Intersects;
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingFrustum frustum)
            /* TODO: bad done here need a fix.
             * Because the question is not if frustum contains box but the reverse and
             * this is not the same.
            int i;
            ContainmentType contained;
            Vector3[] corners = frustum.GetCorners();
            // First we check if frustum is in box.
            for (i = 0; i < corners.Length; i += 1)
                this.Contains(ref corners[i], out contained);
                if (contained == ContainmentType.Disjoint)
            // This means we checked all the corners and they were all contain or instersect
            if (i == corners.Length)
                return ContainmentType.Contains;
            // If i is not equal to zero, we can fastpath and say that this box intersects
            if (i != 0)
                return ContainmentType.Intersects;
            /* If we get here, it means the first (and only) point we checked was
             * actually contained in the frustum. So we assume that all other points
             * will also be contained. If one of the points is disjoint, we can
             * exit immediately saying that the result is Intersects
            i += 1;
            for (; i < corners.Length; i += 1)
                this.Contains(ref corners[i], out contained);
                if (contained != ContainmentType.Contains)
                    return ContainmentType.Intersects;
            /* If we get here, then we know all the points were actually contained,
             * therefore result is Contains.
            return ContainmentType.Contains;
        public ContainmentType Contains(BoundingSphere sphere)
            if (    sphere.Center.X - Min.X >= sphere.Radius &&
                sphere.Center.Y - Min.Y >= sphere.Radius &&
                sphere.Center.Z - Min.Z >= sphere.Radius &&
                Max.X - sphere.Center.X >= sphere.Radius &&
                Max.Y - sphere.Center.Y >= sphere.Radius &&
                Max.Z - sphere.Center.Z >= sphere.Radius    )
                return ContainmentType.Contains;
            double dmin = 0;
            double e = sphere.Center.X - Min.X;
            if (e < 0)
                if (e < -sphere.Radius)
                    return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                dmin += e * e;
                e = sphere.Center.X - Max.X;
                if (e > 0)
                    if (e > sphere.Radius)
                        return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                    dmin += e * e;
            e = sphere.Center.Y - Min.Y;
            if (e < 0)
                if (e < -sphere.Radius)
                    return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                dmin += e * e;
                e = sphere.Center.Y - Max.Y;
                if (e > 0)
                    if (e > sphere.Radius)
                        return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                    dmin += e * e;
            e = sphere.Center.Z - Min.Z;
            if (e < 0)
                if (e < -sphere.Radius)
                    return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                dmin += e * e;
                e = sphere.Center.Z - Max.Z;
                if (e > 0)
                    if (e > sphere.Radius)
                        return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
                    dmin += e * e;
            if (dmin <= sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius)
                return ContainmentType.Intersects;
            return ContainmentType.Disjoint;
        public void Contains(ref Vector3 point, out ContainmentType result)
            // First determine if point is outside of this box.
            if (    point.X < this.Min.X ||
                point.X > this.Max.X ||
                point.Y < this.Min.Y ||
                point.Y > this.Max.Y ||
                point.Z < this.Min.Z ||
                point.Z > this.Max.Z    )
                result = ContainmentType.Disjoint;
            // Or, if the point is on box because coordinate is less than or equal.
            else if (   MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(point.X, this.Min.X) ||
                    MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(point.X, this.Max.X) ||
                    MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(point.Y, this.Min.Y) ||
                    MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(point.Y, this.Max.Y) ||
                    MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(point.Z, this.Min.Z) ||
                    MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(point.Z, this.Max.Z)   )
                result = ContainmentType.Intersects;
                result = ContainmentType.Contains;
        public Vector3[] GetCorners()
            return new Vector3[] {
                new Vector3(this.Min.X, this.Max.Y, this.Max.Z),
                new Vector3(this.Max.X, this.Max.Y, this.Max.Z),
                new Vector3(this.Max.X, this.Min.Y, this.Max.Z),
                new Vector3(this.Min.X, this.Min.Y, this.Max.Z),
                new Vector3(this.Min.X, this.Max.Y, this.Min.Z),
                new Vector3(this.Max.X, this.Max.Y, this.Min.Z),
                new Vector3(this.Max.X, this.Min.Y, this.Min.Z),
                new Vector3(this.Min.X, this.Min.Y, this.Min.Z)
        public void GetCorners(Vector3[] corners)
            if (corners == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("corners");
            if (corners.Length < 8)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("corners", "Not Enought Corners");
            corners[0].X = this.Min.X;
            corners[0].Y = this.Max.Y;
            corners[0].Z = this.Max.Z;
            corners[1].X = this.Max.X;
            corners[1].Y = this.Max.Y;
            corners[1].Z = this.Max.Z;
            corners[2].X = this.Max.X;
            corners[2].Y = this.Min.Y;
            corners[2].Z = this.Max.Z;
            corners[3].X = this.Min.X;
            corners[3].Y = this.Min.Y;
            corners[3].Z = this.Max.Z;
            corners[4].X = this.Min.X;
            corners[4].Y = this.Max.Y;
            corners[4].Z = this.Min.Z;
            corners[5].X = this.Max.X;
            corners[5].Y = this.Max.Y;
            corners[5].Z = this.Min.Z;
            corners[6].X = this.Max.X;
            corners[6].Y = this.Min.Y;
            corners[6].Z = this.Min.Z;
            corners[7].X = this.Min.X;
            corners[7].Y = this.Min.Y;
            corners[7].Z = this.Min.Z;
        public Nullable<float> Intersects(Ray ray)
            return ray.Intersects(this);
        public void Intersects(ref Ray ray, out Nullable<float> result)
            result = Intersects(ray);
        public bool Intersects(BoundingFrustum frustum)
            return frustum.Intersects(this);
        public void Intersects(ref BoundingSphere sphere, out bool result)
            result = Intersects(sphere);
        public bool Intersects(BoundingBox box)
            bool result;
            Intersects(ref box, out result);
            return result;
        public PlaneIntersectionType Intersects(Plane plane)
            PlaneIntersectionType result;
            Intersects(ref plane, out result);
            return result;
        public void Intersects(ref BoundingBox box, out bool result)
            if ((this.Max.X >= box.Min.X) && (this.Min.X <= box.Max.X))
                if ((this.Max.Y < box.Min.Y) || (this.Min.Y > box.Max.Y))
                    result = false;
                result = (this.Max.Z >= box.Min.Z) && (this.Min.Z <= box.Max.Z);
            result = false;
        public bool Intersects(BoundingSphere sphere)
            if (    sphere.Center.X - Min.X > sphere.Radius &&
                sphere.Center.Y - Min.Y > sphere.Radius &&
                sphere.Center.Z - Min.Z > sphere.Radius &&
                Max.X - sphere.Center.X > sphere.Radius &&
                Max.Y - sphere.Center.Y > sphere.Radius &&
                Max.Z - sphere.Center.Z > sphere.Radius )
                return true;
            double dmin = 0;
            if (sphere.Center.X - Min.X <= sphere.Radius)
                dmin += (sphere.Center.X - Min.X) * (sphere.Center.X - Min.X);
            else if (Max.X - sphere.Center.X <= sphere.Radius)
                dmin += (sphere.Center.X - Max.X) * (sphere.Center.X - Max.X);
            if (sphere.Center.Y - Min.Y <= sphere.Radius)
                dmin += (sphere.Center.Y - Min.Y) * (sphere.Center.Y - Min.Y);
            else if (Max.Y - sphere.Center.Y <= sphere.Radius)
                dmin += (sphere.Center.Y - Max.Y) * (sphere.Center.Y - Max.Y);
            if (sphere.Center.Z - Min.Z <= sphere.Radius)
                dmin += (sphere.Center.Z - Min.Z) * (sphere.Center.Z - Min.Z);
            else if (Max.Z - sphere.Center.Z <= sphere.Radius)
                dmin += (sphere.Center.Z - Max.Z) * (sphere.Center.Z - Max.Z);
            if (dmin <= sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius)
                return true;
            return false;
        public void Intersects(ref Plane plane, out PlaneIntersectionType result)
            Vector3 positiveVertex;
            Vector3 negativeVertex;
            if (plane.Normal.X >= 0)
                positiveVertex.X = Max.X;
                negativeVertex.X = Min.X;
                positiveVertex.X = Min.X;
                negativeVertex.X = Max.X;
            if (plane.Normal.Y >= 0)
                positiveVertex.Y = Max.Y;
                negativeVertex.Y = Min.Y;
                positiveVertex.Y = Min.Y;
                negativeVertex.Y = Max.Y;
            if (plane.Normal.Z >= 0)
                positiveVertex.Z = Max.Z;
                negativeVertex.Z = Min.Z;
                positiveVertex.Z = Min.Z;
                negativeVertex.Z = Max.Z;
            // Inline Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, negativeVertex) + plane.D;
            float distance = (
                plane.Normal.X * negativeVertex.X +
                plane.Normal.Y * negativeVertex.Y +
                plane.Normal.Z * negativeVertex.Z +
            if (distance > 0)
                result = PlaneIntersectionType.Front;
            // Inline Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, positiveVertex) + plane.D;
            distance = (
                plane.Normal.X * positiveVertex.X +
                plane.Normal.Y * positiveVertex.Y +
                plane.Normal.Z * positiveVertex.Z +
            if (distance < 0)
                result = PlaneIntersectionType.Back;
            result = PlaneIntersectionType.Intersecting;
        public bool Equals(BoundingBox other)
            return (this.Min == other.Min) && (this.Max == other.Max);
        #region Public Static Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a bounding box from the given list of points.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">
        /// The list of Vector3 instances defining the point cloud to bound.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A bounding box that encapsulates the given point cloud.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">
        /// Thrown if the given list has no points.
        /// </exception>
        public static BoundingBox CreateFromPoints(IEnumerable<Vector3> points)
            if (points == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("points");
            bool empty = true;
            Vector3 minVec = MaxVector3;
            Vector3 maxVec = MinVector3;
            foreach (Vector3 ptVector in points)
                minVec.X = (minVec.X < ptVector.X) ? minVec.X : ptVector.X;
                minVec.Y = (minVec.Y < ptVector.Y) ? minVec.Y : ptVector.Y;
                minVec.Z = (minVec.Z < ptVector.Z) ? minVec.Z : ptVector.Z;
                maxVec.X = (maxVec.X > ptVector.X) ? maxVec.X : ptVector.X;
                maxVec.Y = (maxVec.Y > ptVector.Y) ? maxVec.Y : ptVector.Y;
                maxVec.Z = (maxVec.Z > ptVector.Z) ? maxVec.Z : ptVector.Z;
                empty = false;
            if (empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Collection is empty", "points");
            return new BoundingBox(minVec, maxVec);
        public static BoundingBox CreateFromSphere(BoundingSphere sphere)
            BoundingBox result;
            CreateFromSphere(ref sphere, out result);
            return result;
        public static void CreateFromSphere(ref BoundingSphere sphere, out BoundingBox result)
            Vector3 corner = new Vector3(sphere.Radius);
            result.Min = sphere.Center - corner;
            result.Max = sphere.Center + corner;
        public static BoundingBox CreateMerged(BoundingBox original, BoundingBox additional)
            BoundingBox result;
            CreateMerged(ref original, ref additional, out result);
            return result;
        public static void CreateMerged(ref BoundingBox original, ref BoundingBox additional, out BoundingBox result)
            result.Min.X = Math.Min(original.Min.X, additional.Min.X);
            result.Min.Y = Math.Min(original.Min.Y, additional.Min.Y);
            result.Min.Z = Math.Min(original.Min.Z, additional.Min.Z);
            result.Max.X = Math.Max(original.Max.X, additional.Max.X);
            result.Max.Y = Math.Max(original.Max.Y, additional.Max.Y);
            result.Max.Z = Math.Max(original.Max.Z, additional.Max.Z);
        #region Public Static Operators and Override Methods
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            return (obj is BoundingBox) ? this.Equals((BoundingBox)obj) : false;
        public override int GetHashCode()
            return this.Min.GetHashCode() + this.Max.GetHashCode();
        public static bool operator ==(BoundingBox a, BoundingBox b)
            return a.Equals(b);
        public static bool operator !=(BoundingBox a, BoundingBox b)
            return !a.Equals(b);
        public override string ToString()
            return (
                "{{Min:" + Min.ToString() +
                " Max:" + Max.ToString() +

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