
fna-workbench Git Source Tree


File Age Message Size
blob fna.ignore 9 years 1 day Ethan Lee: 15.12.21 257 bytes
blob mojoshader.ignore 9 years 1 day Ethan Lee: 15.12.21 20.14 kB
blob openal.ignore 8 years 10 months Ethan Lee: DynamicSoundEffectInstance - SetFloatBufferEXT with offset/count IALDevice - Offsets are now read in SetBufferData Submodules - Update SDL2# and OpenAL# 23.64 kB
blob runGendarme.sh 9 years 1 day Ethan Lee: 15.12.21 239 bytes
blob sdl2.ignore 8 years 10 months Ethan Lee: DynamicSoundEffectInstance - SetFloatBufferEXT with offset/count IALDevice - Offsets are now read in SetBufferData Submodules - Update SDL2# and OpenAL# 104.43 kB
blob theoraplay.ignore 9 years 1 day Ethan Lee: 15.12.21 3.24 kB
blob vorbisfile.ignore 9 years 1 day Ethan Lee: 15.12.21 4.65 kB

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