#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.IO; using System.Threading; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media { public sealed class Video { #region Public Properties public int Width { get ; private set ; } public int Height { get ; private set ; } public float FramesPerSecond { get ; internal set ; } public VideoSoundtrackType VideoSoundtrackType { get ; private set ; } // FIXME: This is hacked, look up "This is a part of the Duration hack!" public TimeSpan Duration { get ; internal set ; } #endregion #region Internal Properties internal bool IsDisposed { get ; private set ; } internal bool AttachedToPlayer { get ; set ; } #endregion #region Internal Variables: TheoraPlay internal IntPtr theoraDecoder; internal IntPtr videoStream; #endregion #region Private Variables private string fileName; #endregion #region Internal Constructors internal Video( string fileName) { this .fileName = fileName; // Set everything to NULL. Yes, this actually matters later. theoraDecoder = IntPtr.Zero; videoStream = IntPtr.Zero; // Initialize the decoder nice and early... IsDisposed = true ; AttachedToPlayer = false ; Initialize(); // FIXME: This is a part of the Duration hack! Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue; } internal Video( string fileName, int durationMS, int width, int height, float framesPerSecond, VideoSoundtrackType soundtrackType ) : this (fileName) { /* If you got here, you've still got the XNB file! Well done! * Except if you're running FNA, you're not using the WMV anymore. * But surely it's the same video, right...? * Well, consider this a check more than anything. If this bothers * you, just remove the XNB file and we'll read the OGV straight up. * -flibit */ if (width != Width || height != Height) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "XNB/OGV width/height mismatch!" ); } if (Math.Abs(FramesPerSecond - framesPerSecond) >= 1.0f) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "XNB/OGV framesPerSecond mismatch!" ); } // FIXME: Oh, hey! I wish we had this info in TheoraPlay! Duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(durationMS); VideoSoundtrackType = soundtrackType; } #endregion #region Internal Dispose Method internal void Dispose() { if (AttachedToPlayer) { return ; // NOPE. VideoPlayer will do the honors. } // Stop and unassign the decoder. if (theoraDecoder != IntPtr.Zero) { TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_stopDecode(theoraDecoder); theoraDecoder = IntPtr.Zero; } // Free and unassign the video stream. if (videoStream != IntPtr.Zero) { TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(videoStream); videoStream = IntPtr.Zero; } IsDisposed = true ; } #endregion #region Internal TheoraPlay Initialization internal void Initialize() { if (!IsDisposed) { Dispose(); // We need to start from the beginning, don't we? :P } // Initialize the decoder. theoraDecoder = TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_startDecodeFile( fileName, 150, // Max frames to buffer. Arbitrarily set 5 seconds, assuming 30fps. TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_VideoFormat.THEORAPLAY_VIDFMT_IYUV ); // Wait until the decoder is ready. while (TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_isInitialized(theoraDecoder) == 0) { Thread.Sleep(10); } // Initialize the video stream pointer and get our first frame. if (TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_hasVideoStream(theoraDecoder) != 0) { while (videoStream == IntPtr.Zero) { videoStream = TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_getVideo(theoraDecoder); Thread.Sleep(10); } TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_VideoFrame frame = TheoraPlay.getVideoFrame(videoStream); // We get the FramesPerSecond from the first frame. FramesPerSecond = ( float ) frame.fps; Width = ( int ) frame.width; Height = ( int ) frame.height; } IsDisposed = false ; } #endregion } } |