
fna-workbench Git Source Tree


#region License
/* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms
 * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team
 * Released under the Microsoft Public License.
 * See LICENSE for details.
#region THREADED_GL Option
// #define THREADED_GL
/* Ah, so I see you've run into some issues with threaded GL...
 * This class is designed to handle rendering coming from multiple threads, but
 * if you're too wreckless with how many threads are calling the GL, this will
 * hang.
 * With THREADED_GL we instead allow you to run threaded rendering using
 * multiple GL contexts. This is more flexible, but much more dangerous.
 * Basically, if you have to enable this, you should feel very bad.
 * -flibit
/* Perhaps you read the above option and thought to yourself:
 * "Wow, only an idiot would need threads for their graphics code!"
 * For those of you who are particularly well-behaved with your renderer and
 * don't ever call anything on a thread at all, you can enable this define and
 * cut out a _ton_ of garbage generation that's caused by our attempt to force
 * things to the main thread.
 * Enjoy the boost, you've earned it.
 * -flibit
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using SDL2;
namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics
    internal partial class OpenGLDevice : IGLDevice
        #region OpenGL Texture Container Class
        private class OpenGLTexture : IGLTexture
            public uint Handle
                private set;
            public GLenum Target
                private set;
            public bool HasMipmaps
                private set;
            public TextureAddressMode WrapS;
            public TextureAddressMode WrapT;
            public TextureAddressMode WrapR;
            public TextureFilter Filter;
            public float Anistropy;
            public int MaxMipmapLevel;
            public float LODBias;
            public OpenGLTexture(
                uint handle,
                GLenum target,
                int levelCount
            ) {
                Handle = handle;
                Target = target;
                HasMipmaps = levelCount > 1;
                WrapS = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;
                WrapT = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;
                WrapR = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;
                Filter = TextureFilter.Linear;
                Anistropy = 4.0f;
                MaxMipmapLevel = 0;
                LODBias = 0.0f;
            // We can't set a SamplerState Texture to null, so use this.
            private OpenGLTexture()
                Handle = 0;
                Target = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D; // FIXME: Assumption! -flibit
            public static readonly OpenGLTexture NullTexture = new OpenGLTexture();
        #region OpenGL Renderbuffer Container Class
        private class OpenGLRenderbuffer : IGLRenderbuffer
            public uint Handle
                private set;
            public OpenGLRenderbuffer(uint handle)
                Handle = handle;
        #region OpenGL Buffer Container Class
        private class OpenGLBuffer : IGLBuffer
            public uint Handle
                private set;
            public IntPtr BufferSize
                private set;
            public GLenum Dynamic
                private set;
            public OpenGLBuffer(
                uint handle,
                IntPtr bufferSize,
                GLenum dynamic
            ) {
                Handle = handle;
                BufferSize = bufferSize;
                Dynamic = dynamic;
            private OpenGLBuffer()
                Handle = 0;
            public static readonly OpenGLBuffer NullBuffer = new OpenGLBuffer();
        #region OpenGL Effect Container Class
        private class OpenGLEffect : IGLEffect
            public IntPtr EffectData
                private set;
            public IntPtr GLEffectData
                private set;
            public OpenGLEffect(IntPtr effect, IntPtr glEffect)
                EffectData = effect;
                GLEffectData = glEffect;
        #region OpenGL Query Container Class
        private class OpenGLQuery : IGLQuery
            public uint Handle
                private set;
            public OpenGLQuery(uint handle)
                Handle = handle;
        #region Blending State Variables
        public Color BlendFactor
                return blendColor;
                if (value != blendColor)
                    blendColor = value;
                        blendColor.R / 255.0f,
                        blendColor.G / 255.0f,
                        blendColor.B / 255.0f,
                        blendColor.A / 255.0f
        public int MultiSampleMask
                return multisampleMask;
                if (value != multisampleMask && supportsMultisampling)
                    if (value == -1)
                        if (multisampleMask == -1)
                        // FIXME: index...? -flibit
                        glSampleMaski(0, (uint) value);
                    multisampleMask = value;
        private bool alphaBlendEnable = false;
        private Color blendColor = Color.Transparent;
        private BlendFunction blendOp = BlendFunction.Add;
        private BlendFunction blendOpAlpha = BlendFunction.Add;
        private Blend srcBlend = Blend.One;
        private Blend dstBlend = Blend.Zero;
        private Blend srcBlendAlpha = Blend.One;
        private Blend dstBlendAlpha = Blend.Zero;
        private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable = ColorWriteChannels.All;
        private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable1 = ColorWriteChannels.All;
        private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable2 = ColorWriteChannels.All;
        private ColorWriteChannels colorWriteEnable3 = ColorWriteChannels.All;
        private int multisampleMask = -1; // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF
        #region Depth State Variables
        private bool zEnable = false;
        private bool zWriteEnable = false;
        private CompareFunction depthFunc = CompareFunction.Less;
        #region Stencil State Variables
        public int ReferenceStencil
                return stencilRef;
                if (value != stencilRef)
                    stencilRef = value;
                    if (separateStencilEnable)
                            XNAToGL.CompareFunc[(int) stencilFunc],
                            XNAToGL.CompareFunc[(int) ccwStencilFunc],
                            XNAToGL.CompareFunc[(int) stencilFunc],
        private bool stencilEnable = false;
        private int stencilWriteMask = -1; // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit
        private bool separateStencilEnable = false;
        private int stencilRef = 0;
        private int stencilMask = -1; // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit
        private CompareFunction stencilFunc = CompareFunction.Always;
        private StencilOperation stencilFail = StencilOperation.Keep;
        private StencilOperation stencilZFail = StencilOperation.Keep;
        private StencilOperation stencilPass = StencilOperation.Keep;
        private CompareFunction ccwStencilFunc = CompareFunction.Always;
        private StencilOperation ccwStencilFail = StencilOperation.Keep;
        private StencilOperation ccwStencilZFail = StencilOperation.Keep;
        private StencilOperation ccwStencilPass = StencilOperation.Keep;
        #region Rasterizer State Variables
        private bool scissorTestEnable = false;
        private CullMode cullFrontFace = CullMode.None;
        private FillMode fillMode = FillMode.Solid;
        private float depthBias = 0.0f;
        private float slopeScaleDepthBias = 0.0f;
        private bool multiSampleEnable = true;
        #region Viewport State Variables
        /* These two aren't actually empty rects by default in OpenGL,
         * but we don't _really_ know the starting window size, so
         * force apply this when the GraphicsDevice is initialized.
         * -flibit
        private Rectangle scissorRectangle =  new Rectangle(
        private Rectangle viewport = new Rectangle(
        private float depthRangeMin = 0.0f;
        private float depthRangeMax = 1.0f;
        #region Texture Collection Variables
        private OpenGLTexture[] Textures;
        #region Buffer Binding Cache Variables
        private uint currentVertexBuffer = 0;
        private uint currentIndexBuffer = 0;
        // ld, or LastDrawn, effect/vertex attributes
        private int ldBaseVertex = -1;
        private VertexDeclaration ldVertexDeclaration = null;
        private IntPtr ldPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
        private IntPtr ldEffect = IntPtr.Zero;
        private IntPtr ldTechnique = IntPtr.Zero;
        private uint ldPass = 0;
        #region Render Target Cache Variables
        private uint currentReadFramebuffer = 0;
        private uint currentDrawFramebuffer = 0;
        private uint targetFramebuffer = 0;
        private uint resolveFramebufferRead = 0;
        private uint resolveFramebufferDraw = 0;
        private uint[] currentAttachments;
        private GLenum[] currentAttachmentTypes;
        private int currentDrawBuffers;
        private GLenum[] drawBuffersArray;
        private uint currentRenderbuffer;
        private DepthFormat currentDepthStencilFormat;
        #region Clear Cache Variables
        private Vector4 currentClearColor = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        private float currentClearDepth = 1.0f;
        private int currentClearStencil = 0;
        #region Private OpenGL Context Variable
        private IntPtr glContext;
        #region Faux-Backbuffer Variable
        public IGLBackbuffer Backbuffer
            private set;
        #region OpenGL Device Capabilities
        public bool SupportsDxt1
            private set;
        public bool SupportsS3tc
            private set;
        public bool SupportsHardwareInstancing
            private set;
        public int MaxTextureSlots
            private set;
        public int MaxMultiSampleCount
            private set;
        private bool supportsMultisampling;
        private bool supportsFauxBackbuffer;
        private bool supportsBaseVertex;
        #region Private Vertex Attribute Cache
        private class VertexAttribute
            public uint CurrentBuffer;
            public IntPtr CurrentPointer;
            public VertexElementFormat CurrentFormat;
            public bool CurrentNormalized;
            public int CurrentStride;
            public VertexAttribute()
                CurrentBuffer = 0;
                CurrentPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
                CurrentFormat = VertexElementFormat.Single;
                CurrentNormalized = false;
                CurrentStride = 0;
        private VertexAttribute[] attributes;
        private bool[] attributeEnabled;
        private bool[] previousAttributeEnabled;
        private int[] attributeDivisor;
        private int[] previousAttributeDivisor;
        #region Private MojoShader Interop
        private string shaderProfile;
        private IntPtr shaderContext;
        private IntPtr currentEffect = IntPtr.Zero;
        private IntPtr currentTechnique = IntPtr.Zero;
        private uint currentPass = 0;
        private int flipViewport = 1;
        private bool effectApplied = false;
        private static IntPtr glGetProcAddress(string name, IntPtr d)
            return SDL.SDL_GL_GetProcAddress(name);
        private static MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetProcAddress GLGetProcAddress = glGetProcAddress;
        #region Private Graphics Object Disposal Queues
        private ConcurrentQueue<IGLTexture> GCTextures = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLTexture>();
        private ConcurrentQueue<IGLRenderbuffer> GCDepthBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLRenderbuffer>();
        private ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer> GCVertexBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer>();
        private ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer> GCIndexBuffers = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLBuffer>();
        private ConcurrentQueue<IGLEffect> GCEffects = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLEffect>();
        private ConcurrentQueue<IGLQuery> GCQueries = new ConcurrentQueue<IGLQuery>();
        #region Private Profile-specific Variables
        private bool useES2;
        private bool useCoreProfile;
        private uint vao;
        #region Private Static SDL2 Bug Workaround
        private static void GetWindowDimensions(
            PresentationParameters presentationParameters,
            out int width,
            out int height
        ) {
            if (presentationParameters.IsFullScreen)
                /* FIXME: SDL2 bug!
                 * SDL's a little weird about SDL_GetWindowSize.
                 * If you call it early enough (for example,
                 * Game.Initialize()), it reports outdated ints.
                 * So you know what, let's just use this.
                 * -flibit
                SDL.SDL_DisplayMode mode;
                    out mode
                width = mode.w;
                height = mode.h;
                    out width,
                    out height
        #region Public Constructor
        public OpenGLDevice(
            PresentationParameters presentationParameters
        ) {
            // Create OpenGL context
            glContext = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(
            // Check for a possible ES context
            int flags;
            int es2Flag = (int) SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_ES;
            SDL.SDL_GL_GetAttribute(SDL.SDL_GLattr.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, out flags);
            useES2 = (flags & es2Flag) == es2Flag;
            // Check for a possible Core context
            int coreFlag = (int) SDL.SDL_GLprofile.SDL_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_CORE;
            useCoreProfile = (flags & coreFlag) == coreFlag;
            // Init threaded GL crap where applicable
            // Initialize entry points
            shaderProfile = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glBestProfile(
            shaderContext = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glCreateContext(
            // Print GL information
            FNAPlatform.Log("OpenGL Device: " + glGetString(GLenum.GL_RENDERER));
            FNAPlatform.Log("OpenGL Driver: " + glGetString(GLenum.GL_VERSION));
            FNAPlatform.Log("OpenGL Vendor: " + glGetString(GLenum.GL_VENDOR));
            FNAPlatform.Log("MojoShader Profile: " + shaderProfile);
            // Load the extension list, initialize extension-dependent components
            string extensions;
            if (useCoreProfile)
                extensions = string.Empty;
                int numExtensions;
                glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, out numExtensions);
                for (uint i = 0; i < numExtensions; i += 1)
                    extensions += glGetStringi(GLenum.GL_EXTENSIONS, i) + " ";
                extensions = glGetString(GLenum.GL_EXTENSIONS);
            SupportsS3tc = (
                extensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc") ||
                extensions.Contains("GL_OES_texture_compression_S3TC") ||
                extensions.Contains("GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt3") ||
            SupportsDxt1 = (
                SupportsS3tc ||
            /* Check the max multisample count, override parameters if necessary */
            int maxSamples = 0;
            if (supportsMultisampling)
                glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_SAMPLES, out maxSamples);
            MaxMultiSampleCount = maxSamples;
            presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount = Math.Min(
            // Initialize the faux-backbuffer
            int winWidth, winHeight;
                out winWidth,
                out winHeight
            if (    winWidth != presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth ||
                winHeight != presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight ||
                presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount > 0 )
                if (!supportsFauxBackbuffer)
                    throw new NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException(
                        "Your hardware does not support the faux-backbuffer!" +
                        "\n\nKeep the window/backbuffer resolution the same."
                Backbuffer = new OpenGLBackbuffer(
                Backbuffer = new NullBackbuffer(
            // Initialize texture collection array
            int numSamplers;
            glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, out numSamplers);
            Textures = new OpenGLTexture[numSamplers];
            for (int i = 0; i < numSamplers; i += 1)
                Textures[i] = OpenGLTexture.NullTexture;
            MaxTextureSlots = numSamplers;
            // Initialize vertex attribute state arrays
            int numAttributes;
            glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, out numAttributes);
            attributes = new VertexAttribute[numAttributes];
            attributeEnabled = new bool[numAttributes];
            previousAttributeEnabled = new bool[numAttributes];
            attributeDivisor = new int[numAttributes];
            previousAttributeDivisor = new int[numAttributes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numAttributes; i += 1)
                attributes[i] = new VertexAttribute();
                attributeEnabled[i] = false;
                previousAttributeEnabled[i] = false;
                attributeDivisor[i] = 0;
                previousAttributeDivisor[i] = 0;
            // Initialize render target FBO and state arrays
            int numAttachments;
            glGetIntegerv(GLenum.GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS, out numAttachments);
            currentAttachments = new uint[numAttachments];
            currentAttachmentTypes = new GLenum[numAttachments];
            drawBuffersArray = new GLenum[numAttachments];
            for (int i = 0; i < numAttachments; i += 1)
                currentAttachments[i] = 0;
                currentAttachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
                drawBuffersArray[i] = GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i;
            currentDrawBuffers = 0;
            currentRenderbuffer = 0;
            currentDepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.None;
            glGenFramebuffers(1, out targetFramebuffer);
            glGenFramebuffers(1, out resolveFramebufferRead);
            glGenFramebuffers(1, out resolveFramebufferDraw);
            // Generate and bind a VAO, to shut Core up
            if (useCoreProfile)
                glGenVertexArrays(1, out vao);
        #region Dispose Method
        public void Dispose()
            if (useCoreProfile)
                glDeleteVertexArrays(1, ref vao);
            glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref resolveFramebufferRead);
            resolveFramebufferRead = 0;
            glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref resolveFramebufferDraw);
            resolveFramebufferDraw = 0;
            glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref targetFramebuffer);
            targetFramebuffer = 0;
            if (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer)
                (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Dispose();
            Backbuffer = null;
        #region Window Backbuffer Reset Method
        public void ResetBackbuffer(
            PresentationParameters presentationParameters,
            bool renderTargetBound
        ) {
            int winWidth, winHeight;
                out winWidth,
                out winHeight
            bool useFauxBackbuffer = (  winWidth != presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth ||
                            winHeight != presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight ||
                            presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount > 0 );
            if (useFauxBackbuffer)
                if (Backbuffer is NullBackbuffer)
                    if (!supportsFauxBackbuffer)
                        throw new NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException(
                            "Your hardware does not support the faux-backbuffer!" +
                            "\n\nKeep the window/backbuffer resolution the same."
                    Backbuffer = new OpenGLBackbuffer(
                if (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer)
                    (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Dispose();
                    Backbuffer = new NullBackbuffer(
        #region Window SwapBuffers Method
        public void SwapBuffers(
            Rectangle? sourceRectangle,
            Rectangle? destinationRectangle,
            IntPtr overrideWindowHandle
        ) {
            /* Only the faux-backbuffer supports presenting
             * specific regions given to Present().
             * -flibit
            if (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer)
                int srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH;
                int dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH;
                if (sourceRectangle.HasValue)
                    srcX = sourceRectangle.Value.X;
                    srcY = sourceRectangle.Value.Y;
                    srcW = sourceRectangle.Value.Width;
                    srcH = sourceRectangle.Value.Height;
                    srcX = 0;
                    srcY = 0;
                    srcW = Backbuffer.Width;
                    srcH = Backbuffer.Height;
                if (destinationRectangle.HasValue)
                    dstX = destinationRectangle.Value.X;
                    dstY = destinationRectangle.Value.Y;
                    dstW = destinationRectangle.Value.Width;
                    dstH = destinationRectangle.Value.Height;
                    dstX = 0;
                    dstY = 0;
                        out dstW,
                        out dstH
                if (scissorTestEnable)
                if (    Backbuffer.MultiSampleCount > 0 &&
                    (srcX != dstX || srcY != dstY || srcW != dstW || srcH != dstH)  )
                    /* We have to resolve the renderbuffer to a texture first.
                     * For whatever reason, we can't blit a multisample renderbuffer
                     * to the backbuffer. Not sure why, but oh well.
                     * -flibit
                    OpenGLBackbuffer glBack = Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer;
                    if (glBack.Texture == 0)
                        glGenTextures(1, out glBack.Texture);
                        glBindTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D, glBack.Texture);
                            (int) GLenum.GL_RGBA,
                        glBindTexture(Textures[0].Target, Textures[0].Handle);
                        0, 0, glBack.Width, glBack.Height,
                        0, 0, glBack.Width, glBack.Height,
                    BindReadFramebuffer((Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle);
                    srcX, srcY, srcW, srcH,
                    dstX, dstY, dstW, dstH,
                if (scissorTestEnable)
                BindFramebuffer((Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle);
                // Nothing left to do, just swap!
            IGLTexture gcTexture;
            while (GCTextures.TryDequeue(out gcTexture))
            IGLRenderbuffer gcDepthBuffer;
            while (GCDepthBuffers.TryDequeue(out gcDepthBuffer))
            IGLBuffer gcBuffer;
            while (GCVertexBuffers.TryDequeue(out gcBuffer))
            while (GCIndexBuffers.TryDequeue(out gcBuffer))
            IGLEffect gcEffect;
            while (GCEffects.TryDequeue(out gcEffect))
            IGLQuery gcQuery;
            while (GCQueries.TryDequeue(out gcQuery))
        #region GL Object Disposal Wrappers
        public void AddDisposeTexture(IGLTexture texture)
            if (IsOnMainThread())
        public void AddDisposeRenderbuffer(IGLRenderbuffer renderbuffer)
            if (IsOnMainThread())
        public void AddDisposeVertexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer)
            if (IsOnMainThread())
        public void AddDisposeIndexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer)
            if (IsOnMainThread())
        public void AddDisposeEffect(IGLEffect effect)
            if (IsOnMainThread())
        public void AddDisposeQuery(IGLQuery query)
            if (IsOnMainThread())
        #region String Marker Method
        public void SetStringMarker(string text)
            byte[] chars = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(text);
            glStringMarkerGREMEDY(chars.Length, chars);
        #region Drawing Methods
        public void DrawIndexedPrimitives(
            PrimitiveType primitiveType,
            int baseVertex,
            int minVertexIndex,
            int numVertices,
            int startIndex,
            int primitiveCount,
            IndexBuffer indices
        ) {
            // Unsigned short or unsigned int?
            bool shortIndices = indices.IndexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits;
            // Bind the index buffer
            // Draw!
                XNAToGL.Primitive[(int) primitiveType],
                minVertexIndex + numVertices - 1,
                XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount),
                shortIndices ?
                    GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT :
                (IntPtr) (startIndex * (shortIndices ? 2 : 4)),
        public void DrawInstancedPrimitives(
            PrimitiveType primitiveType,
            int baseVertex,
            int minVertexIndex,
            int numVertices,
            int startIndex,
            int primitiveCount,
            int instanceCount,
            IndexBuffer indices
        ) {
            // Note that minVertexIndex and numVertices are NOT used!
            // Bind the index buffer
            // Unsigned short or unsigned int?
            bool shortIndices = indices.IndexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits;
            // Draw!
                XNAToGL.Primitive[(int) primitiveType],
                XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount),
                shortIndices ?
                    GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT :
                (IntPtr) (startIndex * (shortIndices ? 2 : 4)),
        public void DrawPrimitives(
            PrimitiveType primitiveType,
            int vertexStart,
            int primitiveCount
        ) {
            // Draw!
                XNAToGL.Primitive[(int) primitiveType],
                XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount)
        public void DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(
            PrimitiveType primitiveType,
            IntPtr vertexData,
            int vertexOffset,
            int numVertices,
            IntPtr indexData,
            int indexOffset,
            IndexElementSize indexElementSize,
            int primitiveCount
        ) {
            // Unbind current index buffer.
            // Unsigned short or unsigned int?
            bool shortIndices = indexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits;
            // Draw!
                XNAToGL.Primitive[(int) primitiveType],
                numVertices - 1,
                XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount),
                shortIndices ?
                    GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT :
                (IntPtr) (
                    indexData.ToInt64() +
                    (indexOffset * (shortIndices ? 2 : 4))
        public void DrawUserPrimitives(
            PrimitiveType primitiveType,
            IntPtr vertexData,
            int vertexOffset,
            int primitiveCount
        ) {
            // Draw!
                XNAToGL.Primitive[(int) primitiveType],
                XNAToGL.PrimitiveVerts(primitiveType, primitiveCount)
        #region State Management Methods
        public void SetViewport(Viewport vp, bool renderTargetBound)
            // Flip viewport when target is not bound
            if (!renderTargetBound)
                vp.Y = Backbuffer.Height - vp.Y - vp.Height;
            if (vp.Bounds != viewport)
                viewport = vp.Bounds;
            if (vp.MinDepth != depthRangeMin || vp.MaxDepth != depthRangeMax)
                depthRangeMin = vp.MinDepth;
                depthRangeMax = vp.MaxDepth;
                glDepthRange((double) depthRangeMin, (double) depthRangeMax);
        public void SetScissorRect(
            Rectangle scissorRect,
            bool renderTargetBound
        ) {
            // Flip rectangle when target is not bound
            if (!renderTargetBound)
                scissorRect.Y = viewport.Height - scissorRect.Y - scissorRect.Height;
            if (scissorRect != scissorRectangle)
                scissorRectangle = scissorRect;
        public void SetBlendState(BlendState blendState)
            bool newEnable = (
                !(  blendState.ColorSourceBlend == Blend.One &&
                    blendState.ColorDestinationBlend == Blend.Zero &&
                    blendState.AlphaSourceBlend == Blend.One &&
                    blendState.AlphaDestinationBlend == Blend.Zero  )
            if (newEnable != alphaBlendEnable)
                alphaBlendEnable = newEnable;
                ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_BLEND, alphaBlendEnable);
            if (alphaBlendEnable)
                if (blendState.BlendFactor != blendColor)
                    blendColor = blendState.BlendFactor;
                        blendColor.R / 255.0f,
                        blendColor.G / 255.0f,
                        blendColor.B / 255.0f,
                        blendColor.A / 255.0f
                if (    blendState.ColorSourceBlend != srcBlend ||
                    blendState.ColorDestinationBlend != dstBlend ||
                    blendState.AlphaSourceBlend != srcBlendAlpha ||
                    blendState.AlphaDestinationBlend != dstBlendAlpha   )
                    srcBlend = blendState.ColorSourceBlend;
                    dstBlend = blendState.ColorDestinationBlend;
                    srcBlendAlpha = blendState.AlphaSourceBlend;
                    dstBlendAlpha = blendState.AlphaDestinationBlend;
                        XNAToGL.BlendMode[(int) srcBlend],
                        XNAToGL.BlendMode[(int) dstBlend],
                        XNAToGL.BlendMode[(int) srcBlendAlpha],
                        XNAToGL.BlendMode[(int) dstBlendAlpha]
                if (    blendState.ColorBlendFunction != blendOp ||
                    blendState.AlphaBlendFunction != blendOpAlpha   )
                    blendOp = blendState.ColorBlendFunction;
                    blendOpAlpha = blendState.AlphaBlendFunction;
                        XNAToGL.BlendEquation[(int) blendOp],
                        XNAToGL.BlendEquation[(int) blendOpAlpha]
            if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels != colorWriteEnable)
                colorWriteEnable = blendState.ColorWriteChannels;
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0
            /* FIXME: So how exactly do we factor in
             * COLORWRITEENABLE for buffer 0? Do we just assume that
             * the default is just buffer 0, and all other calls
             * update the other write masks afterward? Or do we
             * assume that COLORWRITEENABLE only touches 0, and the
             * other 3 buffers are left alone unless we don't have
             * EXT_draw_buffers2?
             * -flibit
            if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels1 != colorWriteEnable1)
                colorWriteEnable1 = blendState.ColorWriteChannels1;
                    (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable1 & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0
            if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels2 != colorWriteEnable2)
                colorWriteEnable2 = blendState.ColorWriteChannels2;
                    (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable2 & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0
            if (blendState.ColorWriteChannels3 != colorWriteEnable3)
                colorWriteEnable3 = blendState.ColorWriteChannels3;
                    (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable3 & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0
            if (blendState.MultiSampleMask != multisampleMask && supportsMultisampling)
                if (blendState.MultiSampleMask == -1)
                    if (multisampleMask == -1)
                    // FIXME: index...? -flibit
                    glSampleMaski(0, (uint) blendState.MultiSampleMask);
                multisampleMask = blendState.MultiSampleMask;
        public void SetDepthStencilState(DepthStencilState depthStencilState)
            if (depthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable != zEnable)
                zEnable = depthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable;
                ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_DEPTH_TEST, zEnable);
            if (zEnable)
                if (depthStencilState.DepthBufferWriteEnable != zWriteEnable)
                    zWriteEnable = depthStencilState.DepthBufferWriteEnable;
                if (depthStencilState.DepthBufferFunction != depthFunc)
                    depthFunc = depthStencilState.DepthBufferFunction;
                    glDepthFunc(XNAToGL.CompareFunc[(int) depthFunc]);
            if (depthStencilState.StencilEnable != stencilEnable)
                stencilEnable = depthStencilState.StencilEnable;
                ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_STENCIL_TEST, stencilEnable);
            if (stencilEnable)
                if (depthStencilState.StencilWriteMask != stencilWriteMask)
                    stencilWriteMask = depthStencilState.StencilWriteMask;
                // TODO: Can we split StencilFunc/StencilOp up nicely? -flibit
                if (    depthStencilState.TwoSidedStencilMode != separateStencilEnable ||
                    depthStencilState.ReferenceStencil != stencilRef ||
                    depthStencilState.StencilMask != stencilMask ||
                    depthStencilState.StencilFunction != stencilFunc ||
                    depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFunction != ccwStencilFunc ||
                    depthStencilState.StencilFail != stencilFail ||
                    depthStencilState.StencilDepthBufferFail != stencilZFail ||
                    depthStencilState.StencilPass != stencilPass ||
                    depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFail != ccwStencilFail ||
                    depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilDepthBufferFail != ccwStencilZFail ||
                    depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilPass != ccwStencilPass )
                    separateStencilEnable = depthStencilState.TwoSidedStencilMode;
                    stencilRef = depthStencilState.ReferenceStencil;
                    stencilMask = depthStencilState.StencilMask;
                    stencilFunc = depthStencilState.StencilFunction;
                    stencilFail = depthStencilState.StencilFail;
                    stencilZFail = depthStencilState.StencilDepthBufferFail;
                    stencilPass = depthStencilState.StencilPass;
                    if (separateStencilEnable)
                        ccwStencilFunc = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFunction;
                        ccwStencilFail = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilFail;
                        ccwStencilZFail = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilDepthBufferFail;
                        ccwStencilPass = depthStencilState.CounterClockwiseStencilPass;
                            XNAToGL.CompareFunc[(int) stencilFunc],
                            XNAToGL.CompareFunc[(int) ccwStencilFunc],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) stencilFail],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) stencilZFail],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) stencilPass]
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) ccwStencilFail],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) ccwStencilZFail],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) ccwStencilPass]
                            XNAToGL.CompareFunc[(int) stencilFunc],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) stencilFail],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) stencilZFail],
                            XNAToGL.GLStencilOp[(int) stencilPass]
        public void ApplyRasterizerState(
            RasterizerState rasterizerState,
            bool renderTargetBound
        ) {
            if (rasterizerState.ScissorTestEnable != scissorTestEnable)
                scissorTestEnable = rasterizerState.ScissorTestEnable;
                ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_SCISSOR_TEST, scissorTestEnable);
            CullMode actualMode;
            if (renderTargetBound)
                actualMode = rasterizerState.CullMode;
                // When not rendering offscreen the faces change order.
                if (rasterizerState.CullMode == CullMode.None)
                    actualMode = rasterizerState.CullMode;
                    actualMode = (
                        rasterizerState.CullMode == CullMode.CullClockwiseFace ?
                            CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace :
            if (actualMode != cullFrontFace)
                if ((actualMode == CullMode.None) != (cullFrontFace == CullMode.None))
                    ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_CULL_FACE, actualMode != CullMode.None);
                cullFrontFace = actualMode;
                if (cullFrontFace != CullMode.None)
                    glFrontFace(XNAToGL.FrontFace[(int) cullFrontFace]);
            if (rasterizerState.FillMode != fillMode)
                fillMode = rasterizerState.FillMode;
                    XNAToGL.GLFillMode[(int) fillMode]
            // FIXME: Floating point equality comparisons used for speed -flibit
            float realDepthBias = rasterizerState.DepthBias * XNAToGL.DepthBiasScale[
                renderTargetBound ?
                    (int) currentDepthStencilFormat :
                    (int) Backbuffer.DepthFormat
            if (    realDepthBias != depthBias ||
                rasterizerState.SlopeScaleDepthBias != slopeScaleDepthBias  )
                if (    realDepthBias == 0.0f &&
                    rasterizerState.SlopeScaleDepthBias == 0.0f)
                    // We're changing to disabled bias, disable!
                    if (depthBias == 0.0f && slopeScaleDepthBias == 0.0f)
                        // We're changing away from disabled bias, enable!
                depthBias = realDepthBias;
                slopeScaleDepthBias = rasterizerState.SlopeScaleDepthBias;
            /* FIXME: This doesn't actually work on like 99% of setups!
             * For whatever reason people decided that they didn't have to obey
             * GL_MULTISAMPLE's value when it was disabled.
             * If they could do it for D3D9 I fail to see why they couldn't for
             * OpenGL. Idiots.
             * -flibit
            if (rasterizerState.MultiSampleAntiAlias != multiSampleEnable)
                multiSampleEnable = rasterizerState.MultiSampleAntiAlias;
                ToggleGLState(GLenum.GL_MULTISAMPLE, multiSampleEnable);
        public void VerifySampler(int index, Texture texture, SamplerState sampler)
            if (texture == null)
                if (Textures[index] != OpenGLTexture.NullTexture)
                    if (index != 0)
                        glActiveTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE0 + index);
                    glBindTexture(Textures[index].Target, 0);
                    if (index != 0)
                        // Keep this state sane. -flibit
                    Textures[index] = OpenGLTexture.NullTexture;
            OpenGLTexture tex = texture.texture as OpenGLTexture;
            if (    tex == Textures[index] &&
                sampler.AddressU == tex.WrapS &&
                sampler.AddressV == tex.WrapT &&
                sampler.AddressW == tex.WrapR &&
                sampler.Filter == tex.Filter &&
                sampler.MaxAnisotropy == tex.Anistropy &&
                sampler.MaxMipLevel == tex.MaxMipmapLevel &&
                sampler.MipMapLevelOfDetailBias == tex.LODBias  )
                // Nothing's changing, forget it.
            // Set the active texture slot
            if (index != 0)
                glActiveTexture(GLenum.GL_TEXTURE0 + index);
            // Bind the correct texture
            if (tex != Textures[index])
                if (tex.Target != Textures[index].Target)
                    // If we're changing targets, unbind the old texture first!
                    glBindTexture(Textures[index].Target, 0);
                glBindTexture(tex.Target, tex.Handle);
                Textures[index] = tex;
            // Apply the sampler states to the GL texture
            if (sampler.AddressU != tex.WrapS)
                tex.WrapS = sampler.AddressU;
                    XNAToGL.Wrap[(int) tex.WrapS]
            if (sampler.AddressV != tex.WrapT)
                tex.WrapT = sampler.AddressV;
                    XNAToGL.Wrap[(int) tex.WrapT]
            if (sampler.AddressW != tex.WrapR)
                tex.WrapR = sampler.AddressW;
                    XNAToGL.Wrap[(int) tex.WrapR]
            if (    sampler.Filter != tex.Filter ||
                sampler.MaxAnisotropy != tex.Anistropy  )
                tex.Filter = sampler.Filter;
                tex.Anistropy = sampler.MaxAnisotropy;
                    XNAToGL.MagFilter[(int) tex.Filter]
                    tex.HasMipmaps ?
                        XNAToGL.MinMipFilter[(int) tex.Filter] :
                        XNAToGL.MinFilter[(int) tex.Filter]
                    (tex.Filter == TextureFilter.Anisotropic) ?
                        Math.Max(tex.Anistropy, 1.0f) :
            if (sampler.MaxMipLevel != tex.MaxMipmapLevel)
                tex.MaxMipmapLevel = sampler.MaxMipLevel;
            if (sampler.MipMapLevelOfDetailBias != tex.LODBias)
                tex.LODBias = sampler.MipMapLevelOfDetailBias;
            if (index != 0)
                // Keep this state sane. -flibit
        #region Effect Methods
        public IGLEffect CreateEffect(byte[] effectCode)
            IntPtr effect = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr glEffect = IntPtr.Zero;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            effect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_parseEffect(
                (uint) effectCode.Length,
            glEffect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glCompileEffect(effect);
            if (glEffect == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
            return new OpenGLEffect(effect, glEffect);
        private void DeleteEffect(IGLEffect effect)
            IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData;
            if (glEffectData == currentEffect)
                currentEffect = IntPtr.Zero;
                currentTechnique = IntPtr.Zero;
                currentPass = 0;
        public IGLEffect CloneEffect(IGLEffect cloneSource)
            IntPtr effect = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr glEffect = IntPtr.Zero;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            effect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_cloneEffect(cloneSource.EffectData);
            glEffect = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glCompileEffect(effect);
            if (glEffect == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
            return new OpenGLEffect(effect, glEffect);
        public void ApplyEffect(
            IGLEffect effect,
            IntPtr technique,
            uint pass,
            ref MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_effectStateChanges stateChanges
        ) {
            effectApplied = true;
            IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData;
            if (glEffectData == currentEffect)
                if (technique == currentTechnique && pass == currentPass)
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glEffectBeginPass(currentEffect, pass);
                currentTechnique = technique;
                currentPass = pass;
            else if (currentEffect != IntPtr.Zero)
            uint whatever;
                out whatever,
                ref stateChanges
            currentEffect = glEffectData;
            currentTechnique = technique;
            currentPass = pass;
        public void BeginPassRestore(
            IGLEffect effect,
            ref MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_effectStateChanges changes
        ) {
            IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData;
            uint whatever;
                out whatever,
                ref changes
            effectApplied = true;
        public void EndPassRestore(IGLEffect effect)
            IntPtr glEffectData = (effect as OpenGLEffect).GLEffectData;
            effectApplied = true;
        #region glVertexAttribPointer/glVertexAttribDivisor Methods
        public void ApplyVertexAttributes(
            VertexBufferBinding[] bindings,
            int numBindings,
            bool bindingsUpdated,
            int baseVertex
        ) {
            if (supportsBaseVertex)
                baseVertex = 0;
            if (    bindingsUpdated ||
                baseVertex != ldBaseVertex ||
                currentEffect != ldEffect ||
                currentTechnique != ldTechnique ||
                currentPass != ldPass ||
                effectApplied   )
                /* There's this weird case where you can have multiple vertbuffers,
                 * but they will have overlapping attributes. It seems like the
                 * first buffer gets priority, so start with the last one so the
                 * first buffer's attributes are what's bound at the end.
                 * -flibit
                for (int i = numBindings - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
                    VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration = bindings[i].VertexBuffer.VertexDeclaration;
                    IntPtr basePtr = (IntPtr) (
                        vertexDeclaration.VertexStride *
                        (bindings[i].VertexOffset + baseVertex)
                    foreach (VertexElement element in vertexDeclaration.elements)
                        int attribLoc = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetVertexAttribLocation(
                            XNAToGL.VertexAttribUsage[(int) element.VertexElementUsage],
                        if (attribLoc == -1)
                            // Stream not in use!
                        attributeEnabled[attribLoc] = true;
                        VertexAttribute attr = attributes[attribLoc];
                        uint buffer = (bindings[i].VertexBuffer.buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle;
                        IntPtr ptr = basePtr + element.Offset;
                        VertexElementFormat format = element.VertexElementFormat;
                        bool normalized = XNAToGL.VertexAttribNormalized(element);
                        if (    attr.CurrentBuffer != buffer ||
                            attr.CurrentPointer != ptr ||
                            attr.CurrentFormat != element.VertexElementFormat ||
                            attr.CurrentNormalized != normalized ||
                            attr.CurrentStride != vertexDeclaration.VertexStride    )
                                XNAToGL.VertexAttribSize[(int) format],
                                XNAToGL.VertexAttribType[(int) format],
                            attr.CurrentBuffer = buffer;
                            attr.CurrentPointer = ptr;
                            attr.CurrentFormat = format;
                            attr.CurrentNormalized = normalized;
                            attr.CurrentStride = vertexDeclaration.VertexStride;
                        if (SupportsHardwareInstancing)
                            attributeDivisor[attribLoc] = bindings[i].InstanceFrequency;
                ldBaseVertex = baseVertex;
                ldEffect = currentEffect;
                ldTechnique = currentTechnique;
                ldPass = currentPass;
                effectApplied = false;
                ldVertexDeclaration = null;
                ldPointer = IntPtr.Zero;
        public void ApplyVertexAttributes(
            VertexDeclaration vertexDeclaration,
            IntPtr ptr,
            int vertexOffset
        ) {
            IntPtr basePtr = ptr + (vertexDeclaration.VertexStride * vertexOffset);
            if (    vertexDeclaration != ldVertexDeclaration ||
                basePtr != ldPointer ||
                currentEffect != ldEffect ||
                currentTechnique != ldTechnique ||
                currentPass != ldPass ||
                effectApplied   )
                foreach (VertexElement element in vertexDeclaration.elements)
                    int attribLoc = MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_glGetVertexAttribLocation(
                        XNAToGL.VertexAttribUsage[(int) element.VertexElementUsage],
                    if (attribLoc == -1)
                        // Stream not used!
                    attributeEnabled[attribLoc] = true;
                    VertexAttribute attr = attributes[attribLoc];
                    IntPtr finalPtr = basePtr + element.Offset;
                    bool normalized = XNAToGL.VertexAttribNormalized(element);
                    if (    attr.CurrentBuffer != 0 ||
                        attr.CurrentPointer != finalPtr ||
                        attr.CurrentFormat != element.VertexElementFormat ||
                        attr.CurrentNormalized != normalized ||
                        attr.CurrentStride != vertexDeclaration.VertexStride    )
                            XNAToGL.VertexAttribSize[(int) element.VertexElementFormat],
                            XNAToGL.VertexAttribType[(int) element.VertexElementFormat],
                        attr.CurrentBuffer = 0;
                        attr.CurrentPointer = finalPtr;
                        attr.CurrentFormat = element.VertexElementFormat;
                        attr.CurrentNormalized = normalized;
                        attr.CurrentStride = vertexDeclaration.VertexStride;
                    if (SupportsHardwareInstancing)
                        attributeDivisor[attribLoc] = 0;
                ldVertexDeclaration = vertexDeclaration;
                ldPointer = ptr;
                ldEffect = currentEffect;
                ldTechnique = currentTechnique;
                ldPass = currentPass;
                effectApplied = false;
                ldBaseVertex = -1;
        private void FlushGLVertexAttributes()
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i += 1)
                if (attributeEnabled[i])
                    attributeEnabled[i] = false;
                    if (!previousAttributeEnabled[i])
                        previousAttributeEnabled[i] = true;
                else if (previousAttributeEnabled[i])
                    previousAttributeEnabled[i] = false;
                int divisor = attributeDivisor[i];
                if (divisor != previousAttributeDivisor[i])
                    glVertexAttribDivisor(i, divisor);
                    previousAttributeDivisor[i] = divisor;
        #region glGenBuffers Methods
        public IGLBuffer GenVertexBuffer(
            bool dynamic,
            int vertexCount,
            int vertexStride
        ) {
            OpenGLBuffer result = null;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            uint handle;
            glGenBuffers(1, out handle);
            result = new OpenGLBuffer(
                (IntPtr) (vertexStride * vertexCount),
                dynamic ? GLenum.GL_STREAM_DRAW : GLenum.GL_STATIC_DRAW
            return result;
        public IGLBuffer GenIndexBuffer(
            bool dynamic,
            int indexCount,
            IndexElementSize indexElementSize
        ) {
            OpenGLBuffer result = null;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            uint handle;
            glGenBuffers(1, out handle);
            result = new OpenGLBuffer(
                (IntPtr) (indexCount * (indexElementSize == IndexElementSize.SixteenBits ? 2 : 4)),
                dynamic ? GLenum.GL_STREAM_DRAW : GLenum.GL_STATIC_DRAW
            return result;
        #region glBindBuffer Methods
        private void BindVertexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer)
            uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle;
            if (handle != currentVertexBuffer)
                glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, handle);
                currentVertexBuffer = handle;
        private void BindIndexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer)
            uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle;
            if (handle != currentIndexBuffer)
                glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, handle);
                currentIndexBuffer = handle;
        #region glSetBufferData Methods
        public void SetVertexBufferData<T>(
            IGLBuffer buffer,
            int elementSizeInBytes,
            int offsetInBytes,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount,
            SetDataOptions options
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            if (options == SetDataOptions.Discard)
                    (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Dynamic
            GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                (IntPtr) offsetInBytes,
                (IntPtr) (elementSizeInBytes * elementCount),
                (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startIndex * elementSizeInBytes)
        public void SetIndexBufferData<T>(
            IGLBuffer buffer,
            int offsetInBytes,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount,
            SetDataOptions options
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            if (options == SetDataOptions.Discard)
                    (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Dynamic
            GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            int elementSizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
                (IntPtr) offsetInBytes,
                (IntPtr) (elementSizeInBytes * elementCount),
                (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startIndex * elementSizeInBytes)
        #region glGetBufferData Methods
        public void GetVertexBufferData<T>(
            IGLBuffer buffer,
            int offsetInBytes,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount,
            int vertexStride
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                (IntPtr) offsetInBytes,
                (IntPtr) (elementCount * vertexStride),
                dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (startIndex * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)))
        public void GetIndexBufferData<T>(
            IGLBuffer buffer,
            int offsetInBytes,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            int typeSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
                (IntPtr) offsetInBytes,
                (IntPtr) (elementCount * typeSize),
                dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (startIndex * typeSize)
        #region glDeleteBuffers Methods
        private void DeleteVertexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer)
            uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle;
            if (handle == currentVertexBuffer)
                glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
                currentVertexBuffer = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Length; i += 1)
                if (handle == attributes[i].CurrentBuffer)
                    // Force the next vertex attrib update!
                    attributes[i].CurrentBuffer = uint.MaxValue;
            glDeleteBuffers(1, ref handle);
        private void DeleteIndexBuffer(IGLBuffer buffer)
            uint handle = (buffer as OpenGLBuffer).Handle;
            if (handle == currentIndexBuffer)
                glBindBuffer(GLenum.GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
                currentIndexBuffer = 0;
            glDeleteBuffers(1, ref handle);
        #region glCreateTexture Methods
        private OpenGLTexture CreateTexture(
            GLenum target,
            int levelCount
        ) {
            uint handle;
            glGenTextures(1, out handle);
            OpenGLTexture result = new OpenGLTexture(
                XNAToGL.Wrap[(int) result.WrapS]
                XNAToGL.Wrap[(int) result.WrapT]
                XNAToGL.Wrap[(int) result.WrapR]
                XNAToGL.MagFilter[(int) result.Filter]
                result.HasMipmaps ?
                    XNAToGL.MinMipFilter[(int) result.Filter] :
                    XNAToGL.MinFilter[(int) result.Filter]
                (result.Filter == TextureFilter.Anisotropic) ? Math.Max(result.Anistropy, 1.0f) : 1.0f
            if (!useES2)
            return result;
        public IGLTexture CreateTexture2D(
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int width,
            int height,
            int levelCount
        ) {
            OpenGLTexture result = null;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            result = CreateTexture(
            GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format];
            GLenum glInternalFormat = XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[(int) format];
            if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS)
                for (int i = 0; i < levelCount; i += 1)
                    int levelWidth = Math.Max(width >> i, 1);
                    int levelHeight = Math.Max(height >> i, 1);
                        (int) glInternalFormat,
                        ((levelWidth + 3) / 4) * ((levelHeight + 3) / 4) * Texture.GetFormatSize(format),
                GLenum glType = XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format];
                for (int i = 0; i < levelCount; i += 1)
                        (int) glInternalFormat,
                        Math.Max(width >> i, 1),
                        Math.Max(height >> i, 1),
            return result;
        public IGLTexture CreateTexture3D(
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int width,
            int height,
            int depth,
            int levelCount
        ) {
            OpenGLTexture result = null;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            result = CreateTexture(
            GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format];
            GLenum glInternalFormat = XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[(int) format];
            GLenum glType = XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format];
            for (int i = 0; i < levelCount; i += 1)
                    (int) glInternalFormat,
                    Math.Max(width >> i, 1),
                    Math.Max(height >> i, 1),
                    Math.Max(depth >> i, 1),
            return result;
        public IGLTexture CreateTextureCube(
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int size,
            int levelCount
        ) {
            OpenGLTexture result = null;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            result = CreateTexture(
            GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format];
            GLenum glInternalFormat = XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[(int) format];
            if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS)
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1)
                    for (int l = 0; l < levelCount; l += 1)
                        int levelSize = Math.Max(size >> l, 1);
                            GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i,
                            (int) glInternalFormat,
                            ((levelSize + 3) / 4) * ((levelSize + 3) / 4) * Texture.GetFormatSize(format),
                GLenum glType = XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format];
                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i += 1)
                    for (int l = 0; l < levelCount; l += 1)
                        int levelSize = Math.Max(size >> l, 1);
                            GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i,
                            (int) glInternalFormat,
            return result;
        #region glTexSubImage Methods
        public void SetTextureData2D<T>(
            IGLTexture texture,
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int x,
            int y,
            int w,
            int h,
            int level,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            int elementSizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
            int startByte = startIndex * elementSizeInBytes;
            IntPtr dataPtr = (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startByte);
            GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format];
                if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS)
                    int dataLength;
                    if (elementCount > 0)
                        dataLength = elementCount * elementSizeInBytes;
                        dataLength = data.Length - startByte;
                    /* Note that we're using glInternalFormat, not glFormat.
                     * In this case, they should actually be the same thing,
                     * but we use glFormat somewhat differently for
                     * compressed textures.
                     * -flibit
                        XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[(int) format],
                    // Set pixel alignment to match texel size in bytes
                    int packSize = Texture.GetFormatSize(format);
                    if (packSize != 4)
                        XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],
                    // Keep this state sane -flibit
                    if (packSize != 4)
        public void SetTextureData3D<T>(
            IGLTexture texture,
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int level,
            int left,
            int top,
            int right,
            int bottom,
            int front,
            int back,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    right - left,
                    bottom - top,
                    back - front,
                    XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format],
                    XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],
                    (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startIndex * Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)))
        public void SetTextureDataCube<T>(
            IGLTexture texture,
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int xOffset,
            int yOffset,
            int width,
            int height,
            CubeMapFace cubeMapFace,
            int level,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            GCHandle dataHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            int elementSizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
            int startByte = startIndex * elementSizeInBytes;
            IntPtr dataPtr = (IntPtr) (dataHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToInt64() + startByte);
            GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format];
                if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS)
                    int dataLength;
                    if (elementCount > 0)
                        dataLength = elementCount * elementSizeInBytes;
                        dataLength = data.Length - startByte;
                    /* Note that we're using glInternalFormat, not glFormat.
                     * In this case, they should actually be the same thing,
                     * but we use glFormat somewhat differently for
                     * compressed textures.
                     * -flibit
                        GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,
                        XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[(int) format],
                        GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,
                        XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],
        public void SetTextureData2DPointer(
            Texture2D texture,
            IntPtr ptr
        ) {
            // Set pixel alignment to match texel size in bytes
            int packSize = Texture.GetFormatSize(texture.Format);
            if (packSize != 4)
                XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) texture.Format],
                XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) texture.Format],
            // Keep this state sane -flibit
            if (packSize != 4)
                glPixelStorei(GLenum.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4);
        #region glGetTexImage Methods
        public void GetTextureData2D<T>(
            IGLTexture texture,
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int width,
            int height,
            int level,
            Rectangle? rect,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            if (ReadTargetIfApplicable(
            )) {
            GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format];
            if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS)
                throw new NotImplementedException("GetData, CompressedTexture");
            else if (rect == null)
                // Just throw the whole texture into the user array.
                GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],
                // Get the whole texture...
                T[] texData = new T[width * height];
                GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(texData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],
                // Now, blit the rect region into the user array.
                Rectangle region = rect.Value;
                int curPixel = -1;
                for (int row = region.Y; row < region.Y + region.Height; row += 1)
                    for (int col = region.X; col < region.X + region.Width; col += 1)
                        curPixel += 1;
                        if (curPixel < startIndex)
                            // If we're not at the start yet, just keep going...
                        if (curPixel > elementCount)
                            // If we're past the end, we're done!
                        data[curPixel - startIndex] = texData[(row * width) + col];
        public void GetTextureDataCube<T>(
            IGLTexture texture,
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int size,
            CubeMapFace cubeMapFace,
            int level,
            Rectangle? rect,
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount
        ) where T : struct {
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            GLenum glFormat = XNAToGL.TextureFormat[(int) format];
            if (glFormat == GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS)
                throw new NotImplementedException("GetData, CompressedTexture");
            else if (rect == null)
                // Just throw the whole texture into the user array.
                GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,
                        XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],
                // Get the whole texture...
                T[] texData = new T[size * size];
                GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(texData, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                        GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,
                        XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],
                // Now, blit the rect region into the user array.
                Rectangle region = rect.Value;
                int curPixel = -1;
                for (int row = region.Y; row < region.Y + region.Height; row += 1)
                    for (int col = region.X; col < region.X + region.Width; col += 1)
                        curPixel += 1;
                        if (curPixel < startIndex)
                            // If we're not at the start yet, just keep going...
                        if (curPixel > elementCount)
                            // If we're past the end, we're done!
                        data[curPixel - startIndex] = texData[(row * size) + col];
        #region glBindTexture Method
        private void BindTexture(IGLTexture texture)
            OpenGLTexture tex = texture as OpenGLTexture;
            if (tex.Target != Textures[0].Target)
                glBindTexture(Textures[0].Target, 0);
            if (tex != Textures[0])
            Textures[0] = tex;
        #region glDeleteTexture Method
        private void DeleteTexture(IGLTexture texture)
            uint handle = (texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle;
            for (int i = 0; i < currentAttachments.Length; i += 1)
                if (handle == currentAttachments[i])
                    // Force an attachment update, this no longer exists!
                    currentAttachments[i] = uint.MaxValue;
            glDeleteTextures(1, ref handle);
        #region glReadPixels Methods
        public void ReadBackbuffer<T>(
            T[] data,
            int startIndex,
            int elementCount,
            Rectangle? rect
        ) where T : struct {
            if (startIndex > 0 || elementCount != data.Length)
                throw new NotImplementedException(
                    "ReadBackbuffer startIndex/elementCount"
            uint prevReadBuffer = currentReadFramebuffer;
                (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer) ?
                    (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle :
            int x;
            int y;
            int w;
            int h;
            if (rect != null)
                x = rect.Value.X;
                y = rect.Value.Y;
                w = rect.Value.Width;
                h = rect.Value.Height;
                x = 0;
                y = 0;
                w = Backbuffer.Width;
                h = Backbuffer.Height;
            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            // Now we get to do a software-based flip! Yes, really! -flibit
            int pitch = w * 4 / Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
            T[] tempRow = new T[pitch];
            for (int row = 0; row < h / 2; row += 1)
                Array.Copy(data, row * pitch, tempRow, 0, pitch);
                Array.Copy(data, (h - row - 1) * pitch, data, row * pitch, pitch);
                Array.Copy(tempRow, 0, data, (h - row - 1) * pitch, pitch);
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to read the texture data directly from the FBO using glReadPixels
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Texture data type</typeparam>
        /// <param name="texture">The texture to read from</param>
        /// <param name="width">The texture width</param>
        /// <param name="height">The texture height</param>
        /// <param name="level">The texture level</param>
        /// <param name="data">The texture data array</param>
        /// <param name="rect">The portion of the image to read from</param>
        /// <returns>True if we successfully read the texture data</returns>
        private bool ReadTargetIfApplicable<T>(
            IGLTexture texture,
            int width,
            int height,
            int level,
            T[] data,
            Rectangle? rect
        ) where T : struct {
            bool texUnbound = ( currentDrawBuffers != 1 ||
                        currentAttachments[0] != (texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle  );
            if (texUnbound && !useES2)
                return false;
            int x;
            int y;
            int w;
            int h;
            if (rect.HasValue)
                x = rect.Value.X;
                y = rect.Value.Y;
                w = rect.Value.Width;
                h = rect.Value.Height;
                x = 0;
                y = 0;
                w = width;
                h = height;
            uint prevReadBuffer = currentReadFramebuffer;
            uint prevWriteBuffer = currentDrawFramebuffer;
            if (texUnbound)
                    (texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle,
            /* glReadPixels should be faster than reading
             * back from the render target if we are already bound.
            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                    GLenum.GL_RGBA, // FIXME: Assumption!
            if (texUnbound)
                if (prevReadBuffer == prevWriteBuffer)
            return true;
        #region RenderTarget->Texture Method
        public void ResolveTarget(RenderTargetBinding target)
            if ((target.RenderTarget as IRenderTarget).MultiSampleCount > 0)
                uint prevBuffer = currentDrawFramebuffer;
                // Set up the texture framebuffer
                GLenum textureTarget;
                int width, height;
                if (target.RenderTarget is RenderTarget2D)
                    textureTarget = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
                    Texture2D target2D = (target.RenderTarget as Texture2D);
                    width = target2D.Width;
                    height = target2D.Height;
                    textureTarget = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) target.CubeMapFace;
                    TextureCube targetCube = (target.RenderTarget as TextureCube);
                    width = targetCube.Size;
                    height = targetCube.Size;
                    (target.RenderTarget.texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle,
                // Set up the renderbuffer framebuffer
                    ((target.RenderTarget as IRenderTarget).ColorBuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle
                // Blit!
                if (scissorTestEnable)
                    0, 0, width, height,
                    0, 0, width, height,
                if (scissorTestEnable)
            // If the target has mipmaps, regenerate them now
            if (target.RenderTarget.LevelCount > 1)
                OpenGLTexture prevTex = Textures[0];
                glGenerateMipmap((target.RenderTarget.texture as OpenGLTexture).Target);
        #region Framebuffer Methods
        private void BindFramebuffer(uint handle)
            if (    currentReadFramebuffer != handle &&
                currentDrawFramebuffer != handle    )
                currentReadFramebuffer = handle;
                currentDrawFramebuffer = handle;
            else if (currentReadFramebuffer != handle)
            else if (currentDrawFramebuffer != handle)
        private void BindReadFramebuffer(uint handle)
            if (handle == currentReadFramebuffer)
            currentReadFramebuffer = handle;
        private void BindDrawFramebuffer(uint handle)
            if (handle == currentDrawFramebuffer)
            currentDrawFramebuffer = handle;
        #region Renderbuffer Methods
        public IGLRenderbuffer GenRenderbuffer(
            int width,
            int height,
            SurfaceFormat format,
            int multiSampleCount
        ) {
            uint handle = 0;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            glGenRenderbuffers(1, out handle);
            if (multiSampleCount > 0)
                    XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[(int) format],
                    XNAToGL.TextureInternalFormat[(int) format],
            return new OpenGLRenderbuffer(handle);
        public IGLRenderbuffer GenRenderbuffer(
            int width,
            int height,
            DepthFormat format,
            int multiSampleCount
        ) {
            uint handle = 0;
            ForceToMainThread(() => {
            glGenRenderbuffers(1, out handle);
            if (multiSampleCount > 0)
                    XNAToGL.DepthStorage[(int) format],
                    XNAToGL.DepthStorage[(int) format],
            return new OpenGLRenderbuffer(handle);
        private void DeleteRenderbuffer(IGLRenderbuffer renderbuffer)
            uint handle = (renderbuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle;
            if (handle == currentRenderbuffer)
                // Force a renderbuffer update, this no longer exists!
                currentRenderbuffer = uint.MaxValue;
            glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref handle);
        #region glEnable/glDisable Method
        private void ToggleGLState(GLenum feature, bool enable)
            if (enable)
        #region glClear Method
        public void Clear(ClearOptions options, Vector4 color, float depth, int stencil)
            // glClear depends on the scissor rectangle!
            if (scissorTestEnable)
            bool clearTarget = (options & ClearOptions.Target) == ClearOptions.Target;
            bool clearDepth = (options & ClearOptions.DepthBuffer) == ClearOptions.DepthBuffer;
            bool clearStencil = (options & ClearOptions.Stencil) == ClearOptions.Stencil;
            // Get the clear mask, set the clear properties if needed
            GLenum clearMask = GLenum.GL_ZERO;
            if (clearTarget)
                clearMask |= GLenum.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
                if (!color.Equals(currentClearColor))
                    currentClearColor = color;
                // glClear depends on the color write mask!
                if (colorWriteEnable != ColorWriteChannels.All)
                    // FIXME: ColorWriteChannels1/2/3? -flibit
                    glColorMask(true, true, true, true);
            if (clearDepth)
                clearMask |= GLenum.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
                if (depth != currentClearDepth)
                    glClearDepth((double) depth);
                    currentClearDepth = depth;
                // glClear depends on the depth write mask!
                if (!zWriteEnable)
            if (clearStencil)
                clearMask |= GLenum.GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT;
                if (stencil != currentClearStencil)
                    currentClearStencil = stencil;
                // glClear depends on the stencil write mask!
                if (stencilWriteMask != -1)
                    // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit
            // CLEAR!
            // Clean up after ourselves.
            if (scissorTestEnable)
            if (clearTarget && colorWriteEnable != ColorWriteChannels.All)
                // FIXME: ColorWriteChannels1/2/3? -flibit
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Red) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Blue) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Green) != 0,
                    (colorWriteEnable & ColorWriteChannels.Alpha) != 0
            if (clearDepth && !zWriteEnable)
            if (clearStencil && stencilWriteMask != -1) // AKA 0xFFFFFFFF, ugh -flibit
        #region SetRenderTargets Method
        public void SetRenderTargets(
            RenderTargetBinding[] renderTargets,
            IGLRenderbuffer renderbuffer,
            DepthFormat depthFormat
        ) {
            // Bind the right framebuffer, if needed
            if (renderTargets == null)
                    (Backbuffer is OpenGLBackbuffer) ?
                        (Backbuffer as OpenGLBackbuffer).Handle :
                flipViewport = 1;
                flipViewport = -1;
            int i;
            uint[] attachments = new uint[renderTargets.Length];
            GLenum[] attachmentTypes = new GLenum[renderTargets.Length];
            for (i = 0; i < renderTargets.Length; i += 1)
                IGLRenderbuffer colorBuffer = (renderTargets[i].RenderTarget as IRenderTarget).ColorBuffer;
                if (colorBuffer != null)
                    attachments[i] = (colorBuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle;
                    attachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER;
                    attachments[i] = (renderTargets[i].RenderTarget.texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle;
                    if (renderTargets[i].RenderTarget is RenderTarget2D)
                        attachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
                        attachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) renderTargets[i].CubeMapFace;
            // Update the color attachments, DrawBuffers state
            for (i = 0; i < attachments.Length; i += 1)
                if (attachments[i] != currentAttachments[i])
                    if (currentAttachments[i] != 0)
                        if (    attachmentTypes[i] != GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER &&
                            currentAttachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER )
                                GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i,
                        else if (   attachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER &&
                                currentAttachmentTypes[i] != GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER )
                                GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i,
                    if (attachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER)
                            GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i,
                            GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i,
                    currentAttachments[i] = attachments[i];
                    currentAttachmentTypes[i] = attachmentTypes[i];
                else if (attachmentTypes[i] != currentAttachmentTypes[i])
                    // Texture cube face change!
                        GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i,
                    currentAttachmentTypes[i] = attachmentTypes[i];
            while (i < currentAttachments.Length)
                if (currentAttachments[i] != 0)
                    if (currentAttachmentTypes[i] == GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER)
                            GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i,
                            GLenum.GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i,
                    currentAttachments[i] = 0;
                    currentAttachmentTypes[i] = GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D;
                i += 1;
            if (attachments.Length != currentDrawBuffers)
                glDrawBuffers(attachments.Length, drawBuffersArray);
                currentDrawBuffers = attachments.Length;
            // Update the depth/stencil attachment
            /* FIXME: Notice that we do separate attach calls for the stencil.
             * We _should_ be able to do a single attach for depthstencil, but
             * some drivers (like Mesa) cannot into GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT.
             * Use XNAToGL.DepthStencilAttachment when this isn't a problem.
             * -flibit
            uint handle;
            if (renderbuffer == null)
                handle = 0;
                handle = (renderbuffer as OpenGLRenderbuffer).Handle;
            if (handle != currentRenderbuffer)
                if (currentDepthStencilFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
                currentDepthStencilFormat = depthFormat;
                if (currentDepthStencilFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
                currentRenderbuffer = handle;
        #region Query Object Methods
        public IGLQuery CreateQuery()
            uint handle;
            glGenQueries(1, out handle);
            return new OpenGLQuery(handle);
        private void DeleteQuery(IGLQuery query)
            uint handle = (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle;
                ref handle
        public void QueryBegin(IGLQuery query)
                (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle
        public void QueryEnd(IGLQuery query)
            // May need to check active queries...?
        public bool QueryComplete(IGLQuery query)
            uint result;
                (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle,
                out result
            return result != 0;
        public int QueryPixelCount(IGLQuery query)
            uint result;
                (query as OpenGLQuery).Handle,
                out result
            return (int) result;
        #region XNA->GL Enum Conversion Class
        private static class XNAToGL
            public static readonly GLenum[] TextureFormat = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_RGBA,             // SurfaceFormat.Color
                GLenum.GL_RGB,              // SurfaceFormat.Bgr565
                GLenum.GL_BGRA,             // SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551
                GLenum.GL_BGRA,             // SurfaceFormat.Bgra4444
                GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS,   // SurfaceFormat.Dxt1
                GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS,   // SurfaceFormat.Dxt3
                GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS,   // SurfaceFormat.Dxt5
                GLenum.GL_RG,               // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte2
                GLenum.GL_RGBA,             // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte4
                GLenum.GL_RGBA,             // SurfaceFormat.Rgba1010102
                GLenum.GL_RG,               // SurfaceFormat.Rg32
                GLenum.GL_RGBA,             // SurfaceFormat.Rgba64
                GLenum.GL_LUMINANCE,            // SurfaceFormat.Alpha8
                GLenum.GL_RED,              // SurfaceFormat.Single
                GLenum.GL_RG,               // SurfaceFormat.Vector2
                GLenum.GL_RGBA,             // SurfaceFormat.Vector4
                GLenum.GL_RED,              // SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle
                GLenum.GL_RG,               // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector2
                GLenum.GL_RGBA,             // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector4
                GLenum.GL_RGBA              // SurfaceFormat.HdrBlendable
            public static readonly GLenum[] TextureInternalFormat = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_RGBA8,                // SurfaceFormat.Color
                GLenum.GL_RGB8,                 // SurfaceFormat.Bgr565
                GLenum.GL_RGB5_A1,              // SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551
                GLenum.GL_RGBA4,                // SurfaceFormat.Bgra4444
                GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT,    // SurfaceFormat.Dxt1
                GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT,    // SurfaceFormat.Dxt3
                GLenum.GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT,    // SurfaceFormat.Dxt5
                GLenum.GL_RG8,                  // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte2
                GLenum.GL_RGBA8,                // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte4
                GLenum.GL_RGB10_A2_EXT,             // SurfaceFormat.Rgba1010102
                GLenum.GL_RG16,                 // SurfaceFormat.Rg32
                GLenum.GL_RGBA16,               // SurfaceFormat.Rgba64
                GLenum.GL_LUMINANCE8,               // SurfaceFormat.Alpha8
                GLenum.GL_R32F,                 // SurfaceFormat.Single
                GLenum.GL_RG32F,                // SurfaceFormat.Vector2
                GLenum.GL_RGBA32F,              // SurfaceFormat.Vector4
                GLenum.GL_R16F,                 // SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle
                GLenum.GL_RG16F,                // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector2
                GLenum.GL_RGBA16F,              // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector4
                GLenum.GL_RGBA16F               // SurfaceFormat.HdrBlendable
            public static readonly GLenum[] TextureDataType = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,            // SurfaceFormat.Color
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5,         // SurfaceFormat.Bgr565
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1,       // SurfaceFormat.Bgra5551
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4,       // SurfaceFormat.Bgra4444
                GLenum.GL_ZERO,                 // NOPE
                GLenum.GL_ZERO,                 // NOPE
                GLenum.GL_ZERO,                 // NOPE
                GLenum.GL_BYTE,                 // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte2
                GLenum.GL_BYTE,                 // SurfaceFormat.NormalizedByte4
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10_10_10_2,      // SurfaceFormat.Rgba1010102
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,           // SurfaceFormat.Rg32
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,           // SurfaceFormat.Rgba64
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,            // SurfaceFormat.Alpha8
                GLenum.GL_FLOAT,                // SurfaceFormat.Single
                GLenum.GL_FLOAT,                // SurfaceFormat.Vector2
                GLenum.GL_FLOAT,                // SurfaceFormat.Vector4
                GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT,               // SurfaceFormat.HalfSingle
                GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT,               // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector2
                GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT,               // SurfaceFormat.HalfVector4
                GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT                // SurfaceFormat.HdrBlendable
            public static readonly GLenum[] BlendMode = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_ONE,              // Blend.One
                GLenum.GL_ZERO,             // Blend.Zero
                GLenum.GL_SRC_COLOR,            // Blend.SourceColor
                GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR,      // Blend.InverseSourceColor
                GLenum.GL_SRC_ALPHA,            // Blend.SourceAlpha
                GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,      // Blend.InverseSourceAlpha
                GLenum.GL_DST_COLOR,            // Blend.DestinationColor
                GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR,      // Blend.InverseDestinationColor
                GLenum.GL_DST_ALPHA,            // Blend.DestinationAlpha
                GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA,      // Blend.InverseDestinationAlpha
                GLenum.GL_CONSTANT_COLOR,       // Blend.BlendFactor
                GLenum.GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR, // Blend.InverseBlendFactor
                GLenum.GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE        // Blend.SourceAlphaSaturation
            public static readonly GLenum[] BlendEquation = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_FUNC_ADD,         // BlendFunction.Add
                GLenum.GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT,        // BlendFunction.Subtract
                GLenum.GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT,    // BlendFunction.ReverseSubtract
                GLenum.GL_MAX,              // BlendFunction.Max
                GLenum.GL_MIN               // BlendFunction.Min
            public static readonly GLenum[] CompareFunc = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_ALWAYS,   // CompareFunction.Always
                GLenum.GL_NEVER,    // CompareFunction.Never
                GLenum.GL_LESS,     // CompareFunction.Less
                GLenum.GL_LEQUAL,   // CompareFunction.LessEqual
                GLenum.GL_EQUAL,    // CompareFunction.Equal
                GLenum.GL_GEQUAL,   // CompareFunction.GreaterEqual
                GLenum.GL_GREATER,  // CompareFunction.Greater
                GLenum.GL_NOTEQUAL  // CompareFunction.NotEqual
            public static readonly GLenum[] GLStencilOp = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_KEEP,     // StencilOperation.Keep
                GLenum.GL_ZERO,     // StencilOperation.Zero
                GLenum.GL_REPLACE,  // StencilOperation.Replace
                GLenum.GL_INCR_WRAP,    // StencilOperation.Increment
                GLenum.GL_DECR_WRAP,    // StencilOperation.Decrement
                GLenum.GL_INCR,     // StencilOperation.IncrementSaturation
                GLenum.GL_DECR,     // StencilOperation.DecrementSaturation
                GLenum.GL_INVERT    // StencilOperation.Invert
            public static readonly GLenum[] FrontFace = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_ZERO, // NOPE
                GLenum.GL_CW,   // CullMode.CullClockwiseFace
                GLenum.GL_CCW   // CullMode.CullCounterClockwiseFace
            public static readonly GLenum[] GLFillMode = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_FILL, // FillMode.Solid
                GLenum.GL_LINE  // FillMode.WireFrame
            public static readonly int[] Wrap = new int[]
                (int) GLenum.GL_REPEAT,         // TextureAddressMode.Wrap
                (int) GLenum.GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE,      // TextureAddressMode.Clamp
                (int) GLenum.GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT     // TextureAddressMode.Mirror
            public static readonly int[] MagFilter = new int[]
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.Linear
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST,    // TextureFilter.Point
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.Anisotropic
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.LinearMipPoint
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST,    // TextureFilter.PointMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST,    // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST,    // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipPoint
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR      // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipPoint
            public static readonly int[] MinMipFilter = new int[]
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,   // TextureFilter.Linear
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, // TextureFilter.Point
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,   // TextureFilter.Anisotropic
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST,  // TextureFilter.LinearMipPoint
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR,  // TextureFilter.PointMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,   // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST,  // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipPoint
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR,  // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST  // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipPoint
            public static readonly int[] MinFilter = new int[]
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.Linear
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST,    // TextureFilter.Point
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.Anisotropic
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.LinearMipPoint
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST,    // TextureFilter.PointMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_LINEAR,     // TextureFilter.MinLinearMagPointMipPoint
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST,    // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipLinear
                (int) GLenum.GL_NEAREST     // TextureFilter.MinPointMagLinearMipPoint
            public static readonly GLenum[] DepthStencilAttachment = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_ZERO,             // NOPE
                GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,     // DepthFormat.Depth16
                GLenum.GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT,     // DepthFormat.Depth24
                GLenum.GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT  // DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8
            public static readonly GLenum[] DepthStorage = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_ZERO,         // NOPE
                GLenum.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16,    // DepthFormat.Depth16
                GLenum.GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24,    // DepthFormat.Depth24
                GLenum.GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8  // DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8
            public static readonly float[] DepthBiasScale = new float[]
                0.0f,               // DepthFormat.None
                (float) ((1 << 16) - 1),    // DepthFormat.Depth16
                (float) ((1 << 24) - 1),    // DepthFormat.Depth24
                (float) ((1 << 24) - 1)     // DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8
            public static readonly MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage[] VertexAttribUsage = new MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage[]
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POSITION,      // VertexElementUsage.Position
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_COLOR,     // VertexElementUsage.Color
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TEXCOORD,      // VertexElementUsage.TextureCoordinate
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_NORMAL,        // VertexElementUsage.Normal
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_BINORMAL,      // VertexElementUsage.Binormal
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TANGENT,       // VertexElementUsage.Tangent
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_BLENDINDICES,  // VertexElementUsage.BlendIndices
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_BLENDWEIGHT,   // VertexElementUsage.BlendWeight
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_DEPTH,     // VertexElementUsage.Depth
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_FOG,       // VertexElementUsage.Fog
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_POINTSIZE,     // VertexElementUsage.PointSize
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_SAMPLE,        // VertexElementUsage.Sample
                MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_usage.MOJOSHADER_USAGE_TESSFACTOR     // VertexElementUsage.TessellateFactor
            public static readonly int[] VertexAttribSize = new int[]
                    1,  // VertexElementFormat.Single
                    2,  // VertexElementFormat.Vector2
                    3,  // VertexElementFormat.Vector3
                    4,  // VertexElementFormat.Vector4
                    4,  // VertexElementFormat.Color
                    4,  // VertexElementFormat.Byte4
                    2,  // VertexElementFormat.Short2
                    4,  // VertexElementFormat.Short4
                    2,  // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort2
                    4,  // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort4
                    2,  // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector2
                    4   // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector4
            public static readonly GLenum[] VertexAttribType = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_FLOAT,        // VertexElementFormat.Single
                GLenum.GL_FLOAT,        // VertexElementFormat.Vector2
                GLenum.GL_FLOAT,        // VertexElementFormat.Vector3
                GLenum.GL_FLOAT,        // VertexElementFormat.Vector4
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,    // VertexElementFormat.Color
                GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,    // VertexElementFormat.Byte4
                GLenum.GL_SHORT,        // VertexElementFormat.Short2
                GLenum.GL_SHORT,        // VertexElementFormat.Short4
                GLenum.GL_SHORT,        // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort2
                GLenum.GL_SHORT,        // VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort4
                GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT,       // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector2
                GLenum.GL_HALF_FLOAT        // VertexElementFormat.HalfVector4
            public static bool VertexAttribNormalized(VertexElement element)
                return (    element.VertexElementUsage == VertexElementUsage.Color ||
                        element.VertexElementFormat == VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort2 ||
                        element.VertexElementFormat == VertexElementFormat.NormalizedShort4 );
            public static readonly GLenum[] Primitive = new GLenum[]
                GLenum.GL_TRIANGLES,        // PrimitiveType.TriangleList
                GLenum.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,   // PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip
                GLenum.GL_LINES,        // PrimitiveType.LineList
                GLenum.GL_LINE_STRIP,       // PrimitiveType.LineStrip
            public static int PrimitiveVerts(PrimitiveType primitiveType, int primitiveCount)
                switch (primitiveType)
                    case PrimitiveType.TriangleList:
                        return primitiveCount * 3;
                    case PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip:
                        return primitiveCount + 2;
                    case PrimitiveType.LineList:
                        return primitiveCount * 2;
                    case PrimitiveType.LineStrip:
                        return primitiveCount + 1;
                throw new NotSupportedException();
        #region The Faux-Backbuffer
        private class OpenGLBackbuffer : IGLBackbuffer
            public uint Handle
                private set;
            public int Width
                private set;
            public int Height
                private set;
            public DepthFormat DepthFormat
                private set;
            public int MultiSampleCount
                private set;
            public uint Texture;
            private uint colorAttachment;
            private uint depthStencilAttachment;
            private OpenGLDevice glDevice;
            public OpenGLBackbuffer(
                OpenGLDevice device,
                int width,
                int height,
                DepthFormat depthFormat,
                int multiSampleCount
            ) {
                Width = width;
                Height = height;
                glDevice = device;
                DepthFormat = depthFormat;
                MultiSampleCount = multiSampleCount;
                Texture = 0;
                // Generate and bind the FBO.
                uint handle;
                glDevice.glGenFramebuffers(1, out handle);
                Handle = handle;
                // Create and attach the color buffer
                glDevice.glGenRenderbuffers(1, out colorAttachment);
                glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, colorAttachment);
                if (multiSampleCount > 0)
                if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.None)
                    // Don't bother creating a depth/stencil buffer.
                    depthStencilAttachment = 0;
                    // Keep this state sane.
                    glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0);
                // Create and attach the depth/stencil buffer
                glDevice.glGenRenderbuffers(1, out depthStencilAttachment);
                glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, depthStencilAttachment);
                if (multiSampleCount > 0)
                        XNAToGL.DepthStorage[(int) depthFormat],
                        XNAToGL.DepthStorage[(int) depthFormat],
                if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
                // Keep this state sane.
                glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0);
            public void Dispose()
                uint handle = Handle;
                glDevice.glDeleteFramebuffers(1, ref handle);
                glDevice.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref colorAttachment);
                if (depthStencilAttachment != 0)
                    glDevice.glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref depthStencilAttachment);
                if (Texture != 0)
                    glDevice.glDeleteTextures(1, ref Texture);
                glDevice = null;
                Handle = 0;
            public void ResetFramebuffer(
                PresentationParameters presentationParameters,
                bool renderTargetBound
            ) {
                Width = presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth;
                Height = presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight;
                DepthFormat depthFormat = presentationParameters.DepthStencilFormat;
                MultiSampleCount = presentationParameters.MultiSampleCount;
                if (Texture != 0)
                    glDevice.glDeleteTextures(1, ref Texture);
                    Texture = 0;
                if (renderTargetBound)
                        GLenum.GL_FRAMEBUFFER, Handle
                // Detach color attachment
                // Detach depth/stencil attachment, if applicable
                if (depthStencilAttachment != 0)
                    if (DepthFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
                // Update our color attachment to the new resolution.
                if (MultiSampleCount > 0)
                // Generate/Delete depth/stencil attachment, if needed
                if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.None)
                    if (depthStencilAttachment != 0)
                            ref depthStencilAttachment
                        depthStencilAttachment = 0;
                else if (depthStencilAttachment == 0)
                        out depthStencilAttachment
                // Update the depth/stencil buffer, if applicable
                if (depthStencilAttachment != 0)
                    if (MultiSampleCount > 0)
                    if (depthFormat == DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8)
                DepthFormat = depthFormat;
                if (renderTargetBound)
                // Keep this state sane.
                glDevice.glBindRenderbuffer(GLenum.GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0);
        #region The Faux-Faux-Backbuffer
        private class NullBackbuffer : IGLBackbuffer
            public int Width
                private set;
            public int Height
                private set;
            public DepthFormat DepthFormat
                    // Constant, per SDL2_GameWindow
                    return DepthFormat.Depth24Stencil8;
            public int MultiSampleCount
                    // Constant, per SDL2_GameWindow
                    return 0;
            public NullBackbuffer(int width, int height)
                Width = width;
                Height = height;
            public void ResetFramebuffer(
                PresentationParameters presentationParameters,
                bool renderTargetBound
            ) {
                Width = presentationParameters.BackBufferWidth;
                Height = presentationParameters.BackBufferHeight;
        #region Threaded GL Nonsense
        private int mainThreadId;
        private bool IsOnMainThread()
            return mainThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
        private void InitThreadedGL(IntPtr window)
            mainThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;
            // Create a background context
            WindowInfo = window;
            BackgroundContext = new GL_ContextHandle()
                context = SDL.SDL_GL_CreateContext(window)
            // Make the foreground context current.
            SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, glContext);
            // We're going to need glFlush, so load this entry point.
            glFlush = (Flush) Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(
        private class GL_ContextHandle
            public IntPtr context;
        private GL_ContextHandle BackgroundContext;
        private IntPtr WindowInfo;
        private delegate void Flush();
        private Flush glFlush;
        private System.Collections.Generic.List<Action> actions = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Action>();
        private void RunActions()
            lock (actions)
                foreach (Action action in actions)
        private void ForceToMainThread(Action action)
            // If we're already on the main thread, just call the action.
            if (mainThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId)
            lock (BackgroundContext)
                // Make the context current on this thread.
                SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(WindowInfo, BackgroundContext.context);
                // Execute the action.
                // Must flush the GL calls now before we release the context.
                // Free the threaded context for the next threaded call...
                SDL.SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(WindowInfo, IntPtr.Zero);
            ManualResetEventSlim resetEvent = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
            lock (actions)
                actions.Add(() =>

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