#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media { public sealed class VideoPlayer : IDisposable { #region Hardware-accelerated YUV -> RGBA private Effect shaderProgram; private MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_effectStateChanges changes = new MojoShader.MOJOSHADER_effectStateChanges(); private Texture2D[] yuvTextures = new Texture2D[3]; private Viewport viewport; private static VertexPositionTexture[] vertices = new VertexPositionTexture[] { new VertexPositionTexture( new Vector3(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f) ), new VertexPositionTexture( new Vector3(1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f) ), new VertexPositionTexture( new Vector3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f) ), new VertexPositionTexture( new Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), new Vector2(1.0f, 0.0f) ) }; private VertexBufferBinding vertBuffer; // Used to restore our previous GL state. private Texture[] oldTextures= new Texture[3]; private SamplerState[] oldSamplers = new SamplerState[3]; private RenderTargetBinding[] oldTargets; private VertexBufferBinding[] oldBuffers; private BlendState prevBlend; private DepthStencilState prevDepthStencil; private RasterizerState prevRasterizer; private Viewport prevViewport; private void GL_initialize() { // Load the YUV->RGBA Effect shaderProgram = new Effect( currentDevice, Resources.YUVToRGBAEffect ); // Allocate the vertex buffer vertBuffer = new VertexBufferBinding( new VertexBuffer( currentDevice, VertexPositionTexture.VertexDeclaration, 4, BufferUsage.WriteOnly ) ); vertBuffer.VertexBuffer.SetData(vertices); } private void GL_dispose() { // Delete the Effect shaderProgram.Dispose(); // Delete the vertex buffer vertBuffer.VertexBuffer.Dispose(); // Delete the textures if they exist for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { if (yuvTextures[i] != null ) { yuvTextures[i].Dispose(); } } } private void GL_setupTextures( int width, int height) { // Allocate YUV GL textures for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { if (yuvTextures[i] != null ) { yuvTextures[i].Dispose(); } } yuvTextures[0] = new Texture2D( currentDevice, width, height, false , SurfaceFormat.Alpha8 ); yuvTextures[1] = new Texture2D( currentDevice, width / 2, height / 2, false , SurfaceFormat.Alpha8 ); yuvTextures[2] = new Texture2D( currentDevice, width / 2, height / 2, false , SurfaceFormat.Alpha8 ); // Precalculate the viewport viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, width, height); } private void GL_pushState() { // Begin the effect, flagging to restore previous state on end currentDevice.GLDevice.BeginPassRestore(shaderProgram.glEffect, ref changes); // Prep our samplers for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { oldTextures[i] = currentDevice.Textures[i]; oldSamplers[i] = currentDevice.SamplerStates[i]; currentDevice.Textures[i] = yuvTextures[i]; currentDevice.SamplerStates[i] = SamplerState.LinearClamp; } // Prep buffers oldBuffers = currentDevice.GetVertexBuffers(); currentDevice.SetVertexBuffers(vertBuffer); // Prep target bindings oldTargets = currentDevice.GetRenderTargets(); currentDevice.GLDevice.SetRenderTargets( videoTexture, null , DepthFormat.None ); // Prep render state prevBlend = currentDevice.BlendState; prevDepthStencil = currentDevice.DepthStencilState; prevRasterizer = currentDevice.RasterizerState; currentDevice.BlendState = BlendState.Opaque; currentDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.None; currentDevice.RasterizerState = RasterizerState.CullNone; // Prep viewport prevViewport = currentDevice.Viewport; currentDevice.GLDevice.SetViewport(viewport, true ); } private void GL_popState() { // End the effect, restoring the previous shader state currentDevice.GLDevice.EndPassRestore(shaderProgram.glEffect); // Restore GL state currentDevice.BlendState = prevBlend; currentDevice.DepthStencilState = prevDepthStencil; currentDevice.RasterizerState = prevRasterizer; prevBlend = null ; prevDepthStencil = null ; prevRasterizer = null ; /* Restore targets using GLDevice directly. * This prevents accidental clearing of previously bound targets. */ if (oldTargets == null || oldTargets.Length == 0) { currentDevice.GLDevice.SetRenderTargets( null , null , DepthFormat.None ); } else { IRenderTarget oldTarget = oldTargets[0].RenderTarget as IRenderTarget; currentDevice.GLDevice.SetRenderTargets( oldTargets, oldTarget.DepthStencilBuffer, oldTarget.DepthStencilFormat ); } oldTargets = null ; // Set viewport AFTER setting targets! currentDevice.GLDevice.SetViewport( prevViewport, currentDevice.RenderTargetCount > 0 ); // Restore buffers currentDevice.SetVertexBuffers(oldBuffers); oldBuffers = null ; // Restore samplers for ( int i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { currentDevice.Textures[i] = oldTextures[i]; currentDevice.SamplerStates[i] = oldSamplers[i]; oldTextures[i] = null ; oldSamplers[i] = null ; } } #endregion #region Public Member Data: XNA VideoPlayer Implementation public bool IsDisposed { get ; private set ; } public bool IsLooped { get ; set ; } private bool backing_ismuted; public bool IsMuted { get { return backing_ismuted; } set { backing_ismuted = value; UpdateVolume(); } } public TimeSpan PlayPosition { get { return timer.Elapsed; } } public MediaState State { get ; private set ; } public Video Video { get ; private set ; } private float backing_volume; public float Volume { get { return backing_volume; } set { if (value > 1.0f) { backing_volume = 1.0f; } else if (value < 0.0f) { backing_volume = 0.0f; } else { backing_volume = value; } UpdateVolume(); } } #endregion #region Private Member Data: XNA VideoPlayer Implementation // We use this to update our PlayPosition. private Stopwatch timer; // Store this to optimize things on our end. private RenderTargetBinding[] videoTexture; // We need to access the GraphicsDevice frequently. private GraphicsDevice currentDevice; #endregion #region Private Member Data: TheoraPlay // Grabbed from the Video streams. private TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_VideoFrame currentVideo; private TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_VideoFrame nextVideo; private IntPtr previousFrame; #endregion #region Private Member Data: OpenAL private DynamicSoundEffectInstance audioStream; #endregion #region Private Methods: XNA VideoPlayer Implementation private void checkDisposed() { if (IsDisposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException( "VideoPlayer" ); } } #endregion #region Private Methods: OpenAL private void UpdateVolume() { if (audioStream == null ) { return ; } if (IsMuted) { audioStream.Volume = 0.0f; } else { /* FIXME: Works around MasterVolume only temporarily! * Figure out how MasterVolume actually applies to instances, * then deal with this accordingly. * -flibit */ audioStream.Volume = Volume * (1.0f / SoundEffect.MasterVolume); } } #endregion #region Public Methods: XNA VideoPlayer Implementation public VideoPlayer() { // Initialize public members. IsDisposed = false ; IsLooped = false ; IsMuted = false ; State = MediaState.Stopped; Volume = 1.0f; // Initialize private members. timer = new Stopwatch(); // The VideoPlayer will use the GraphicsDevice that is set now. currentDevice = Game.Instance.GraphicsDevice; // Initialize this here to prevent null GetTexture returns. videoTexture = new RenderTargetBinding[1]; videoTexture[0] = new RenderTargetBinding( new RenderTarget2D( currentDevice, 1280, 720, false , SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents ) ); // Initialize the other GL bits. GL_initialize(); } public void Dispose() { // Stop the VideoPlayer. This gets almost everything... Stop(); // Destroy the other GL bits. GL_dispose(); // Dispose the DynamicSoundEffectInstance if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Dispose(); audioStream = null ; } // Dispose the Texture. videoTexture[0].RenderTarget.Dispose(); // Okay, we out. IsDisposed = true ; } public Texture2D GetTexture() { checkDisposed(); // Be sure we can even get something from TheoraPlay... if ( State == MediaState.Stopped || Video.theoraDecoder == IntPtr.Zero || TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_isInitialized(Video.theoraDecoder) == 0 || TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_hasVideoStream(Video.theoraDecoder) == 0 ) { // Screw it, give them the old one. return videoTexture[0].RenderTarget as Texture2D; } // Get the latest video frames. bool missedFrame = false ; while (nextVideo.playms <= timer.ElapsedMilliseconds && !missedFrame) { currentVideo = nextVideo; IntPtr nextFrame = TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_getVideo(Video.theoraDecoder); if (nextFrame != IntPtr.Zero) { TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(previousFrame); previousFrame = Video.videoStream; Video.videoStream = nextFrame; nextVideo = TheoraPlay.getVideoFrame(Video.videoStream); missedFrame = false ; } else { // Don't mind me, just ignoring that complete failure above! missedFrame = true ; } if (TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_isDecoding(Video.theoraDecoder) == 0) { // FIXME: This is part of the Duration hack! Video.Duration = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, ( int ) currentVideo.playms); // Stop and reset the timer. If we're looping, the loop will start it again. timer.Stop(); timer.Reset(); // If looping, go back to the start. Otherwise, we'll be exiting. if (IsLooped && State == MediaState.Playing) { // Kill the audio, no matter what. if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Stop(); audioStream.Dispose(); audioStream = null ; } // Free everything and start over. TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(previousFrame); previousFrame = IntPtr.Zero; Video.AttachedToPlayer = false ; Video.Dispose(); Video.AttachedToPlayer = true ; Video.Initialize(); // Grab the initial audio again. if (TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_hasAudioStream(Video.theoraDecoder) != 0) { InitAudioStream(); } // Grab the initial video again. if (TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_hasVideoStream(Video.theoraDecoder) != 0) { currentVideo = TheoraPlay.getVideoFrame(Video.videoStream); previousFrame = Video.videoStream; do { // The decoder miiight not be ready yet. Video.videoStream = TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_getVideo(Video.theoraDecoder); } while (Video.videoStream == IntPtr.Zero); nextVideo = TheoraPlay.getVideoFrame(Video.videoStream); } // Start! Again! timer.Start(); if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Play(); } } else { // Stop everything, clean up. We out. State = MediaState.Stopped; if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Stop(); audioStream.Dispose(); audioStream = null ; } TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(previousFrame); Video.AttachedToPlayer = false ; Video.Dispose(); // We're done, so give them the last frame. return videoTexture[0].RenderTarget as Texture2D; } } } // Set up an environment to muck about in. GL_pushState(); // Prepare YUV GL textures with our current frame data currentDevice.GLDevice.SetTextureData2DPointer( yuvTextures[0], currentVideo.pixels ); currentDevice.GLDevice.SetTextureData2DPointer( yuvTextures[1], new IntPtr( currentVideo.pixels.ToInt64() + (currentVideo.width * currentVideo.height) ) ); currentDevice.GLDevice.SetTextureData2DPointer( yuvTextures[2], new IntPtr( currentVideo.pixels.ToInt64() + (currentVideo.width * currentVideo.height) + (currentVideo.width / 2 * currentVideo.height / 2) ) ); // Draw the YUV textures to the framebuffer with our shader. currentDevice.DrawPrimitives( PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2 ); // Clean up after ourselves. GL_popState(); // Finally. return videoTexture[0].RenderTarget as Texture2D; } public void Play(Video video) { checkDisposed(); // We need to assign this regardless of what happens next. Video = video; video.AttachedToPlayer = true ; // FIXME: This is a part of the Duration hack! Video.Duration = TimeSpan.MaxValue; // Check the player state before attempting anything. if (State != MediaState.Stopped) { return ; } // Update the player state now, for the thread we're about to make. State = MediaState.Playing; // Start the video if it hasn't been yet. if (Video.IsDisposed) { video.Initialize(); } // Grab the first bit of audio. We're trying to start the decoding ASAP. if (TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_hasAudioStream(Video.theoraDecoder) != 0) { InitAudioStream(); } // Grab the first bit of video, set up the texture. if (TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_hasVideoStream(Video.theoraDecoder) != 0) { currentVideo = TheoraPlay.getVideoFrame(Video.videoStream); previousFrame = Video.videoStream; do { // The decoder miiight not be ready yet. Video.videoStream = TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_getVideo(Video.theoraDecoder); } while (Video.videoStream == IntPtr.Zero); nextVideo = TheoraPlay.getVideoFrame(Video.videoStream); RenderTargetBinding overlap = videoTexture[0]; videoTexture[0] = new RenderTargetBinding( new RenderTarget2D( currentDevice, ( int ) currentVideo.width, ( int ) currentVideo.height, false , SurfaceFormat.Color, DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents ) ); overlap.RenderTarget.Dispose(); GL_setupTextures( ( int ) currentVideo.width, ( int ) currentVideo.height ); } // Initialize the thread! FNAPlatform.Log( "Starting Theora player..." ); timer.Start(); if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Play(); } FNAPlatform.Log( "Started!" ); } public void Stop() { checkDisposed(); // Check the player state before attempting anything. if (State == MediaState.Stopped) { return ; } // Update the player state. State = MediaState.Stopped; // Wait for the player to end if it's still going. FNAPlatform.Log( "Signaled Theora player to stop, waiting..." ); timer.Stop(); timer.Reset(); if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Stop(); audioStream.Dispose(); audioStream = null ; } if (previousFrame != IntPtr.Zero) { TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_freeVideo(previousFrame); } Video.AttachedToPlayer = false ; Video.Dispose(); FNAPlatform.Log( "Stopped!" ); } public void Pause() { checkDisposed(); // Check the player state before attempting anything. if (State != MediaState.Playing) { return ; } // Update the player state. State = MediaState.Paused; // Pause timer, audio. timer.Stop(); if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Pause(); } } public void Resume() { checkDisposed(); // Check the player state before attempting anything. if (State != MediaState.Paused) { return ; } // Update the player state. State = MediaState.Playing; // Unpause timer, audio. timer.Start(); if (audioStream != null ) { audioStream.Resume(); } } #endregion #region Private Theora Audio Stream Methods private bool StreamAudio() { // The size of our abstracted buffer. const int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 2; // Store our abstracted buffer into here. List< float > data = new List< float >(); // We'll store this here, so alBufferData can use it too. TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_AudioPacket currentAudio; currentAudio.channels = 0; currentAudio.freq = 0; // There might be an initial period of silence, so forcibly push through. while ( audioStream.State == SoundState.Stopped && TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_availableAudio(Video.theoraDecoder) == 0 ); // Add to the buffer from the decoder until it's large enough. while ( data.Count < BUFFER_SIZE && TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_availableAudio(Video.theoraDecoder) > 0 ) { IntPtr audioPtr = TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_getAudio(Video.theoraDecoder); currentAudio = TheoraPlay.getAudioPacket(audioPtr); data.AddRange( TheoraPlay.getSamples( currentAudio.samples, currentAudio.frames * currentAudio.channels ) ); TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_freeAudio(audioPtr); } // If we actually got data, buffer it into OpenAL. if (data.Count > 0) { audioStream.SubmitFloatBufferEXT(data.ToArray()); return true ; } return false ; } private void OnBufferRequest( object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!StreamAudio()) { // Okay, we ran out. No need for this! audioStream.BufferNeeded -= OnBufferRequest; } } private void InitAudioStream() { // The number of buffers to queue into the source. const int NUM_BUFFERS = 4; // Generate the source. IntPtr audioPtr = IntPtr.Zero; do { audioPtr = TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_getAudio(Video.theoraDecoder); } while (audioPtr == IntPtr.Zero); TheoraPlay.THEORAPLAY_AudioPacket packet = TheoraPlay.getAudioPacket(audioPtr); audioStream = new DynamicSoundEffectInstance( packet.freq, (AudioChannels) packet.channels ); audioStream.BufferNeeded += OnBufferRequest; UpdateVolume(); // Fill and queue the buffers. for ( int i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; i += 1) { if (!StreamAudio()) { break ; } } } #endregion } } |