
fna-workbench Git Source Tree


#region License
/* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms
 * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team
 * Released under the Microsoft Public License.
 * See LICENSE for details.
/* OpenAL does not have a function similar to ARB_debug_output. Because of this,
 * we only have alGetError to debug. In DEBUG, we call this once per frame.
 * If you enable this define, we call this after every single AL operation, and
 * throw an Exception when any errors show up. This makes finding problems a lot
 * easier, but calling alGetError so often can slow things down.
 * -flibit
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenAL;
namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio
    internal class OpenALDevice : IALDevice
        #region OpenAL Buffer Container Class
        private class OpenALBuffer : IALBuffer
            public uint Handle
                private set;
            public TimeSpan Duration
                private set;
            public OpenALBuffer(uint handle, TimeSpan duration)
                Handle = handle;
                Duration = duration;
        #region OpenAL Source Container Class
        private class OpenALSource : IALSource
            public uint Handle
                private set;
            public OpenALSource(uint handle)
                Handle = handle;
        #region OpenAL Reverb Effect Container Class
        private class OpenALReverb : IALReverb
            public uint SlotHandle
                private set;
            public uint EffectHandle
                private set;
            public OpenALReverb(uint slot, uint effect)
                SlotHandle = slot;
                EffectHandle = effect;
        #region Private ALC Variables
        // OpenAL Device/Context Handles
        private IntPtr alDevice;
        private IntPtr alContext;
        #region Private EFX Variables
        // OpenAL Filter Handle
        private uint INTERNAL_alFilter;
        #region Public Constructor
        public OpenALDevice()
            string envDevice = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FNA_AUDIO_DEVICE_NAME");
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(envDevice))
                /* Be sure ALC won't explode if the variable doesn't exist.
                 * But, fail if the device name is wrong. The user needs to know
                 * if their environment variable was incorrect.
                 * -flibit
                envDevice = String.Empty;
            alDevice = ALC10.alcOpenDevice(envDevice);
            if (CheckALCError() || alDevice == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not open audio device!");
            int[] attribute = new int[0];
            alContext = ALC10.alcCreateContext(alDevice, attribute);
            if (CheckALCError() || alContext == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not create OpenAL context");
            if (CheckALCError())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not make OpenAL context current");
            float[] ori = new float[]
                0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f
            AL10.alListenerfv(AL10.AL_ORIENTATION, ori);
            AL10.alListener3f(AL10.AL_POSITION, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            AL10.alListener3f(AL10.AL_VELOCITY, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            AL10.alListenerf(AL10.AL_GAIN, 1.0f);
            // We do NOT use automatic attenuation! XNA does not do this!
            EFX.alGenFilters((IntPtr) 1, out INTERNAL_alFilter);
        #region Public Dispose Method
        public void Dispose()
            EFX.alDeleteFilters((IntPtr) 1, ref INTERNAL_alFilter);
            if (alContext != IntPtr.Zero)
                alContext = IntPtr.Zero;
            if (alDevice != IntPtr.Zero)
                alDevice = IntPtr.Zero;
        #region Public Update Method
        public void Update()
        #region OpenAL Buffer Methods
        public IALBuffer GenBuffer()
            uint result;
            AL10.alGenBuffers((IntPtr) 1, out result);
            return new OpenALBuffer(result, TimeSpan.Zero);
        public IALBuffer GenBuffer(
            byte[] data,
            uint sampleRate,
            uint channels,
            uint loopStart,
            uint loopEnd,
            bool isADPCM,
            uint formatParameter
        ) {
            uint result;
            // Generate the buffer now, in case we need to perform alBuffer ops.
            AL10.alGenBuffers((IntPtr) 1, out result);
            int format;
            if (isADPCM)
                format = (channels == 2) ?
                    (int) formatParameter
                if (formatParameter == 1)
                    format = (channels == 2) ?
                    format = (channels == 2) ?
            // Load it!
                (IntPtr) data.Length,
                (IntPtr) sampleRate
            // Calculate the duration now, after we've unpacked the buffer
            int bufLen, bits;
                out bufLen
                out bits
            if (bufLen == 0 || bits == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "OpenAL buffer allocation failed!"
            TimeSpan resultDur = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(
                bufLen /
                (bits / 8) /
                channels /
                ((double) sampleRate)
            // Set the loop points, if applicable
            if (loopStart > 0 || loopEnd > 0)
                    new int[]
                        (int) loopStart,
                        (int) loopEnd
            // Finally.
            return new OpenALBuffer(result, resultDur);
        public void DeleteBuffer(IALBuffer buffer)
            uint handle = (buffer as OpenALBuffer).Handle;
            AL10.alDeleteBuffers((IntPtr) 1, ref handle);
        public void SetBufferData(
            IALBuffer buffer,
            AudioChannels channels,
            byte[] data,
            int offset,
            int count,
            int sampleRate
        ) {
            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                (buffer as OpenALBuffer).Handle,
                XNAToShort[(int) channels],
                handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + offset,
                (IntPtr) count,
                (IntPtr) sampleRate
        public void SetBufferData(
            IALBuffer buffer,
            AudioChannels channels,
            float[] data,
            int offset,
            int count,
            int sampleRate
        ) {
            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);
                (buffer as OpenALBuffer).Handle,
                XNAToFloat[(int) channels],
                handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (offset * 4),
                (IntPtr) (count * 4),
                (IntPtr) sampleRate
        #region OpenAL Source Methods
        public IALSource GenSource()
            uint result;
            AL10.alGenSources((IntPtr) 1, out result);
            if (result == 0)
                return null;
            return new OpenALSource(result);
        public IALSource GenSource(IALBuffer buffer)
            uint result;
            AL10.alGenSources((IntPtr) 1, out result);
            if (result == 0)
                return null;
                (int) (buffer as OpenALBuffer).Handle
            return new OpenALSource(result);
        public void StopAndDisposeSource(IALSource source)
            uint handle = (source as OpenALSource).Handle;
            AL10.alDeleteSources((IntPtr) 1, ref handle);
        public void PlaySource(IALSource source)
            AL10.alSourcePlay((source as OpenALSource).Handle);
        public void PauseSource(IALSource source)
            AL10.alSourcePause((source as OpenALSource).Handle);
        public void ResumeSource(IALSource source)
            AL10.alSourcePlay((source as OpenALSource).Handle);
        public SoundState GetSourceState(IALSource source)
            int state;
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                out state
            if (state == AL10.AL_PLAYING)
                return SoundState.Playing;
            else if (state == AL10.AL_PAUSED)
                return SoundState.Paused;
            return SoundState.Stopped;
        public void SetSourceVolume(IALSource source, float volume)
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                volume * SoundEffect.MasterVolume
        public void SetSourceLooped(IALSource source, bool looped)
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                looped ? 1 : 0
        public void SetSourcePan(IALSource source, float pan)
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (float) Math.Sqrt(1 - Math.Pow(pan, 2))
        public void SetSourcePosition(IALSource source, Vector3 pos)
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
        public void SetSourcePitch(IALSource source, float pitch, bool clamp)
            /* XNA sets pitch bounds to [-1.0f, 1.0f], each end being one octave.
             * OpenAL's AL_PITCH boundaries are (0.0f, INF).
             * Consider the function f(x) = 2 ^ x
             * The domain is (-INF, INF) and the range is (0, INF).
             * 0.0f is the original pitch for XNA, 1.0f is the original pitch for OpenAL.
             * Note that f(0) = 1, f(1) = 2, f(-1) = 0.5, and so on.
             * XNA's pitch values are on the domain, OpenAL's are on the range.
             * Remember: the XNA limit is arbitrarily between two octaves on the domain.
             * To convert, we just plug XNA pitch into f(x).
             * -flibit
            if (clamp && (pitch < -1.0f || pitch > 1.0f))
                throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("XNA PITCH MUST BE WITHIN [-1.0f, 1.0f]!");
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (float) Math.Pow(2, pitch)
        public void SetSourceReverb(IALSource source, IALReverb reverb)
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (int) (reverb as OpenALReverb).SlotHandle,
        public void SetSourceLowPassFilter(IALSource source, float hfGain)
            EFX.alFilterf(INTERNAL_alFilter, EFX.AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF, hfGain);
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (int) INTERNAL_alFilter
        public void SetSourceHighPassFilter(IALSource source, float lfGain)
            EFX.alFilterf(INTERNAL_alFilter, EFX.AL_HIGHPASS_GAINLF, lfGain);
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (int) INTERNAL_alFilter
        public void SetSourceBandPassFilter(IALSource source, float hfGain, float lfGain)
            EFX.alFilterf(INTERNAL_alFilter, EFX.AL_BANDPASS_GAINHF, hfGain);
            EFX.alFilterf(INTERNAL_alFilter, EFX.AL_BANDPASS_GAINLF, lfGain);
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (int) INTERNAL_alFilter
        public void QueueSourceBuffer(IALSource source, IALBuffer buffer)
            uint buf = (buffer as OpenALBuffer).Handle;
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (IntPtr) 1,
                ref buf
        public void DequeueSourceBuffers(
            IALSource source,
            int buffersToDequeue,
            Queue<IALBuffer> errorCheck
        ) {
            uint[] bufs = new uint[buffersToDequeue];
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                (IntPtr) buffersToDequeue,
            // Error check our queuedBuffers list.
            IALBuffer[] sync = errorCheck.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < buffersToDequeue; i += 1)
                if (bufs[i] != (sync[i] as OpenALBuffer).Handle)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Buffer desync!");
        public int CheckProcessedBuffers(IALSource source)
            int result;
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                out result
            return result;
        public void GetBufferData(
            IALSource source,
            IALBuffer[] buffer,
            float[] samples,
            AudioChannels channels
        ) {
            int copySize1 = samples.Length / (int) channels;
            int copySize2 = 0;
            // Where are we now?
            int offset;
                (source as OpenALSource).Handle,
                out offset
            // Is that longer than what the active buffer has left...?
            uint buf = (buffer[0] as OpenALBuffer).Handle;
            int len;
                out len
            len /= 2; // FIXME: Assuming 16-bit!
            len /= (int) channels;
            if (offset > len)
                copySize2 = copySize1;
                copySize1 = 0;
                offset -= len;
            else if (offset + copySize1 > len)
                copySize2 = copySize1 - (len - offset);
                copySize1 = (len - offset);
            // Copy!
            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(samples, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            if (copySize1 > 0)
                    channels == AudioChannels.Stereo ?
                        ALEXT.AL_STEREO_SOFT :
                offset = 0;
            if (buffer.Length > 1 && copySize2 > 0)
                    (buffer[1] as OpenALBuffer).Handle,
                    channels == AudioChannels.Stereo ?
                        ALEXT.AL_STEREO_SOFT :
                    handle.AddrOfPinnedObject() + (copySize1 * (int) channels)
        #region OpenAL Reverb Effect Methods
        public IALReverb GenReverb(DSPParameter[] parameters)
            uint slot, effect;
            EFX.alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots((IntPtr) 1, out slot);
            EFX.alGenEffects((IntPtr) 1, out effect);
            // Set up the Reverb Effect
            IALReverb result = new OpenALReverb(slot, effect);
            // Apply initial values
            SetReverbReflectionsDelay(result, parameters[0].Value);
            SetReverbDelay(result, parameters[1].Value);
            SetReverbPositionLeft(result, parameters[2].Value);
            SetReverbPositionRight(result, parameters[3].Value);
            SetReverbPositionLeftMatrix(result, parameters[4].Value);
            SetReverbPositionRightMatrix(result, parameters[5].Value);
            SetReverbEarlyDiffusion(result, parameters[6].Value);
            SetReverbLateDiffusion(result, parameters[7].Value);
            SetReverbLowEQGain(result, parameters[8].Value);
            SetReverbLowEQCutoff(result, parameters[9].Value);
            SetReverbHighEQGain(result, parameters[10].Value);
            SetReverbHighEQCutoff(result, parameters[11].Value);
            SetReverbRearDelay(result, parameters[12].Value);
            SetReverbRoomFilterFrequency(result, parameters[13].Value);
            SetReverbRoomFilterMain(result, parameters[14].Value);
            SetReverbRoomFilterHighFrequency(result, parameters[15].Value);
            SetReverbReflectionsGain(result, parameters[16].Value);
            SetReverbGain(result, parameters[17].Value);
            SetReverbDecayTime(result, parameters[18].Value);
            SetReverbDensity(result, parameters[19].Value);
            SetReverbRoomSize(result, parameters[20].Value);
            SetReverbWetDryMix(result, parameters[21].Value);
            // Bind the Effect to the EffectSlot. XACT will use the EffectSlot.
                (int) effect
            return result;
        public void DeleteReverb(IALReverb reverb)
            OpenALReverb rv = (reverb as OpenALReverb);
            uint slot = rv.SlotHandle;
            uint effect = rv.EffectHandle;
            EFX.alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots((IntPtr) 1, ref slot);
            EFX.alDeleteEffects((IntPtr) 1, ref effect);
        public void CommitReverbChanges(IALReverb reverb)
            OpenALReverb rv = (reverb as OpenALReverb);
                (int) rv.EffectHandle
        public void SetReverbReflectionsDelay(IALReverb reverb, float value)
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                value / 1000.0f
        public void SetReverbDelay(IALReverb reverb, float value)
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                value / 1000.0f
        public void SetReverbPositionLeft(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbPositionRight(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbPositionLeftMatrix(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbPositionRightMatrix(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbEarlyDiffusion(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // Same as late diffusion, whatever... -flibit
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                value / 15.0f
        public void SetReverbLateDiffusion(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // Same as early diffusion, whatever... -flibit
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                value / 15.0f
        public void SetReverbLowEQGain(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // Cutting off volumes from 0db to 4db! -flibit
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                        value - 8.0f
        public void SetReverbLowEQCutoff(IALReverb reverb, float value)
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                (value * 50.0f) + 50.0f
        public void SetReverbHighEQGain(IALReverb reverb, float value)
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                    value - 8.0f
        public void SetReverbHighEQCutoff(IALReverb reverb, float value)
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                (value * 500.0f) + 1000.0f
        public void SetReverbRearDelay(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbRoomFilterFrequency(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbRoomFilterMain(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbRoomFilterHighFrequency(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbReflectionsGain(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // Cutting off possible float values above 3.16, for EFX -flibit
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
        public void SetReverbGain(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // Cutting off volumes from 0db to 20db! -flibit
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
        public void SetReverbDecayTime(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            /* FIXME: WTF is with this XACT value?
             * XACT: 0-30 equal to 0.1-inf seconds?!
             * EFX: 0.1-20 seconds
             * -flibit
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
        public void SetReverbDensity(IALReverb reverb, float value)
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).EffectHandle,
                value / 100.0f
        public void SetReverbRoomSize(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            // No known mapping :(
        public void SetReverbWetDryMix(IALReverb reverb, float value)
            /* FIXME: Note that were dividing by 200, not 100.
             * For some ridiculous reason the mix is WAY too wet
             * when we actually do the correct math, but cutting
             * the ratio in half mysteriously makes it sound right.
             * Or, well, "more" right. I'm sure we're still off.
             * -flibit
                (reverb as OpenALReverb).SlotHandle,
                value / 200.0f
        #region OpenAL Capture Methods
        public IntPtr StartDeviceCapture(string name, int sampleRate, int bufSize)
            IntPtr result = ALC11.alcCaptureOpenDevice(
                (uint) sampleRate,
                (IntPtr) bufSize
            if (CheckALCError())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AL device error!");
            return result;
        public void StopDeviceCapture(IntPtr handle)
            if (CheckALCError())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AL device error!");
        public int CaptureSamples(IntPtr handle, IntPtr buffer, int count)
            int[] samples = new int[1] { 0 };
                (IntPtr) 1,
            samples[0] = Math.Min(samples[0], count / 2);
            if (samples[0] > 0)
                ALC11.alcCaptureSamples(handle, buffer, (IntPtr) samples[0]);
            if (CheckALCError())
                throw new InvalidOperationException("AL device error!");
            return samples[0] * 2;
        public bool CaptureHasSamples(IntPtr handle)
            int[] samples = new int[1] { 0 };
                (IntPtr) 1,
            return samples[0] > 0;
        #region Private OpenAL Error Check Methods
        private void CheckALError()
            int err = AL10.alGetError();
            if (err == AL10.AL_NO_ERROR)
            FNAPlatform.Log("OpenAL Error: " + err.ToString("X4"));
            throw new InvalidOperationException("OpenAL Error!");
        private bool CheckALCError()
            int err = ALC10.alcGetError(alDevice);
            if (err == ALC10.ALC_NO_ERROR)
                return false;
            FNAPlatform.Log("OpenAL Device Error: " + err.ToString("X4"));
            return true;
        #region Private Static XNA->AL Dictionaries
        private static readonly int[] XNAToShort = new int[]
            AL10.AL_NONE,           // NOPE
            AL10.AL_FORMAT_MONO16,      // AudioChannels.Mono
            AL10.AL_FORMAT_STEREO16,    // AudioChannels.Stereo
        private static readonly int[] XNAToFloat = new int[]
            AL10.AL_NONE,           // NOPE
            ALEXT.AL_FORMAT_MONO_FLOAT32,   // AudioChannels.Mono
            ALEXT.AL_FORMAT_STEREO_FLOAT32  // AudioChannels.Stereo
        #region OpenAL Device Enumerators
        public ReadOnlyCollection<RendererDetail> GetDevices()
            IntPtr deviceList = ALC10.alcGetString(IntPtr.Zero, ALC11.ALC_ALL_DEVICES_SPECIFIER);
            List<RendererDetail> renderers = new List<RendererDetail>();
            int i = 0;
            string curString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(deviceList);
            while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curString))
                renderers.Add(new RendererDetail(
                i += 1;
                deviceList += curString.Length + 1;
                curString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(deviceList);
            return new ReadOnlyCollection<RendererDetail>(renderers);
        public ReadOnlyCollection<Microphone> GetCaptureDevices()
            IntPtr deviceList = ALC10.alcGetString(IntPtr.Zero, ALC11.ALC_CAPTURE_DEVICE_SPECIFIER);
            List<Microphone> microphones = new List<Microphone>();
            string curString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(deviceList);
            while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(curString))
                microphones.Add(new Microphone(curString));
                deviceList += curString.Length + 1;
                curString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(deviceList);
            return new ReadOnlyCollection<Microphone>(microphones);

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