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This is not a * part of the XNA4 spec, however, so behavior here is entirely undefined! * -flibit */ internal class NullDevice : IALDevice { private class NullBuffer : IALBuffer { public TimeSpan Duration { get { // FIXME: Maybe read the PCM/ADPCM lengths? -flibit return TimeSpan.Zero; } } } private class NullSource : IALSource { } private class NullReverb : IALReverb { } public void Update() { // No-op, duh. } public void Dispose() { // No-op, duh. } public ReadOnlyCollection<RendererDetail> GetDevices() { return new ReadOnlyCollection<RendererDetail>( new List<RendererDetail>() ); } public ReadOnlyCollection<Microphone> GetCaptureDevices() { return new ReadOnlyCollection<Microphone>( new List<Microphone>() ); } public IALBuffer GenBuffer() { return new NullBuffer(); } public IALBuffer GenBuffer( byte [] data, uint sampleRate, uint channels, uint loopStart, uint loopEnd, bool isADPCM, uint formatParameter ) { return new NullBuffer(); } public void DeleteBuffer(IALBuffer buffer) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetBufferData( IALBuffer buffer, AudioChannels channels, byte [] data, int offset, int count, int sampleRate ) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetBufferData( IALBuffer buffer, AudioChannels channels, float [] data, int offset, int count, int sampleRate ) { // No-op, duh. } public IALSource GenSource() { return new NullSource(); } public IALSource GenSource(IALBuffer buffer) { return new NullSource(); } public void StopAndDisposeSource(IALSource source) { // No-op, duh. } public void PlaySource(IALSource source) { // No-op, duh. } public void PauseSource(IALSource source) { // No-op, duh. } public void ResumeSource(IALSource source) { // No-op, duh. } public SoundState GetSourceState(IALSource source) { /* FIXME: This return value is highly volatile! * You can't necessarily do Stopped, because then stuff like Song * explodes, but SoundState.Playing doesn't make a whole lot of * sense either. This at least prevents annoyances like Song errors * from happening and, for the most part, claims to be "playing" * depending on how you ask for a source's state. * -flibit */ return SoundState.Paused; } public void SetSourceVolume(IALSource source, float volume) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourceLooped(IALSource source, bool looped) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourcePan(IALSource source, float pan) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourcePosition(IALSource source, Vector3 pos) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourcePitch(IALSource source, float pitch, bool clamp) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourceReverb(IALSource source, IALReverb reverb) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourceLowPassFilter(IALSource source, float hfGain) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourceHighPassFilter(IALSource source, float lfGain) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetSourceBandPassFilter(IALSource source, float hfGain, float lfGain) { // No-op, duh. } public void QueueSourceBuffer(IALSource source, IALBuffer buffer) { // No-op, duh. } public void DequeueSourceBuffers( IALSource source, int buffersToDequeue, Queue<IALBuffer> errorCheck ) { // No-op, duh. } public int CheckProcessedBuffers(IALSource source) { return 0; } public void GetBufferData( IALSource source, IALBuffer[] buffer, float [] samples, AudioChannels channels ) { // No-op, duh. } public IALReverb GenReverb(DSPParameter[] parameters) { return new NullReverb(); } public void DeleteReverb(IALReverb reverb) { // No-op, duh. } public void CommitReverbChanges(IALReverb reverb) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbReflectionsDelay(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbDelay(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbPositionLeft(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbPositionRight(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbPositionLeftMatrix(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbPositionRightMatrix(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbEarlyDiffusion(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbLateDiffusion(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbLowEQGain(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbLowEQCutoff(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbHighEQGain(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbHighEQCutoff(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbRearDelay(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbRoomFilterFrequency(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbRoomFilterMain(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbRoomFilterHighFrequency(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbReflectionsGain(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbGain(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbDecayTime(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbDensity(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbRoomSize(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public void SetReverbWetDryMix(IALReverb reverb, float value) { // No-op, duh. } public IntPtr StartDeviceCapture( string name, int sampleRate, int bufSize) { return IntPtr.Zero; } public void StopDeviceCapture(IntPtr handle) { // No-op, duh. } public int CaptureSamples(IntPtr handle, IntPtr buffer, int count) { return 0; } public bool CaptureHasSamples(IntPtr handle) { return false ; } } } |