
fna-workbench Git Source Tree


#region License
/* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms
 * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team
 * Released under the Microsoft Public License.
 * See LICENSE for details.
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio
    internal class CueData
        public XACTSound[] Sounds
            private set;
        public ushort Category
            private set;
        public float[,] Probabilities
            private set;
        public bool IsUserControlled
            private set;
        public string UserControlVariable
            private set;
        public byte InstanceLimit
            private set;
        public MaxInstanceBehavior MaxCueBehavior
            private set;
        public ushort FadeInMS
            private set;
        public ushort FadeOutMS
            private set;
        public CueData(XACTSound sound)
            Sounds = new XACTSound[1];
            Probabilities = new float[1, 2];
            Sounds[0] = sound;
            Category = sound.Category;
            Probabilities[0, 0] = 1.0f;
            Probabilities[0, 1] = 0.0f;
            IsUserControlled = false;
            // Assume we can have max instances, for now.
            InstanceLimit = 255;
            MaxCueBehavior = MaxInstanceBehavior.ReplaceOldest;
            FadeInMS = 0;
            FadeOutMS = 0;
        public CueData(
            XACTSound[] sounds,
            float[,] probabilities,
            string controlVariable
        ) {
            Sounds = sounds;
            Category = Sounds[0].Category; // FIXME: Assumption!
            Probabilities = probabilities;
            IsUserControlled = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(controlVariable);
            UserControlVariable = controlVariable;
            // Assume we can have max instances, for now.
            InstanceLimit = 255;
            MaxCueBehavior = MaxInstanceBehavior.ReplaceOldest;
            FadeInMS = 0;
            FadeOutMS = 0;
        public void SetLimit(
            byte instanceLimit,
            byte behavior,
            ushort fadeIn,
            ushort fadeOut
        ) {
            InstanceLimit = instanceLimit;
            MaxCueBehavior = (MaxInstanceBehavior) (behavior >> 3);
            FadeInMS = fadeIn;
            FadeOutMS = fadeOut;
    internal class XACTSound
        private XACTClip[] INTERNAL_clips;
        public double Volume
            private set;
        public float Pitch
            private set;
        public ushort Category
            private set;
        public bool HasLoadedTracks
            private set;
        public List<uint[]> RPCCodes
            private set;
        public uint[] DSPCodes
            private set;
        public XACTSound(ushort track, byte waveBank)
            INTERNAL_clips = new XACTClip[1];
            INTERNAL_clips[0] = new XACTClip(track, waveBank);
            Category = 0;
            Volume = 0.0;
            HasLoadedTracks = false;
        public XACTSound(BinaryReader reader)
            // Sound Effect Flags
            byte soundFlags = reader.ReadByte();
            bool complex = (soundFlags & 0x01) != 0;
            // AudioCategory Index
            Category = reader.ReadUInt16();
            // Sound Volume
            Volume = XACTCalculator.ParseDecibel(reader.ReadByte());
            // Sound Pitch
            Pitch = (reader.ReadInt16() / 1000.0f);
            // Unknown value
            // Length of Sound Entry, unused
            // Number of Sound Clips
            if (complex)
                INTERNAL_clips = new XACTClip[reader.ReadByte()];
                // Simple Sounds always have 1 PlayWaveEvent.
                INTERNAL_clips = new XACTClip[1];
                ushort track = reader.ReadUInt16();
                byte waveBank = reader.ReadByte();
                INTERNAL_clips[0] = new XACTClip(track, waveBank);
            // Parse RPC Properties
            RPCCodes = new List<uint[]>();
            if ((soundFlags & 0x0E) != 0)
                // RPC data length
                ushort rpcDataLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
                ushort totalDataRead = 2;
                while (totalDataRead < rpcDataLength)
                    // Number of RPC Presets (for this track)
                    uint[] codeList = new uint[reader.ReadByte()];
                    // Obtain RPC curve codes (in this block)
                    for (int i = 0; i < codeList.Length; i += 1)
                        codeList[i] = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    // Add this track's code list to the master list
                    totalDataRead += (ushort) (1 + (4 * codeList.Length));
            // Parse DSP Presets
            DSPCodes = new uint[0]; // Eww... -flibit
            if ((soundFlags & 0x10) != 0)
                // DSP Presets Length, unused
                // Number of DSP Presets
                DSPCodes = new uint[reader.ReadByte()];
                // Obtain DSP Preset codes
                for (byte j = 0; j < DSPCodes.Length; j += 1)
                    DSPCodes[j] = reader.ReadUInt32();
            // Parse Sound Events
            if (complex)
                for (int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_clips.Length; i += 1)
                    // XACT Clip volume
                    double clipVolume = XACTCalculator.ParseDecibel(reader.ReadByte());
                    // XACT Clip Offset in Bank
                    uint offset = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    // XACT Clip filter
                    byte filterFlags = reader.ReadByte();
                    byte filterType;
                    if ((filterFlags & 0x01) == 0x01)
                        filterType = (byte) ((filterFlags >> 1) & 0x02);
                        filterType = 0xFF;
                    reader.ReadByte(); // QFactor?
                    reader.ReadUInt16(); // Frequency
                    // Store this for when we're done reading the clip.
                    long curPos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                    // Go to the Clip in the Bank.
                    reader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    // Parse the Clip.
                    INTERNAL_clips[i] = new XACTClip(reader, clipVolume, filterType);
                    // Back to where we were...
                    reader.BaseStream.Seek(curPos, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            HasLoadedTracks = false;
        public void LoadTracks(AudioEngine audioEngine, List<string> waveBankNames)
            foreach (XACTClip curClip in INTERNAL_clips)
                curClip.LoadTracks(audioEngine, waveBankNames);
            HasLoadedTracks = true;
        public void GatherEvents(List<XACTEvent> eventList)
            foreach (XACTClip curClip in INTERNAL_clips)
    internal class XACTClip
        public XACTEvent[] Events
            private set;
        public XACTClip(ushort track, byte waveBank)
            Events = new XACTEvent[1];
            Events[0] = new PlayWaveEvent(
                new ushort[] { track },
                new byte[] { waveBank },
                new byte[] { 0xFF }
        public XACTClip(BinaryReader reader, double clipVolume, byte filterType)
            // Number of XACT Events
            Events = new XACTEvent[reader.ReadByte()];
            for (int i = 0; i < Events.Length; i += 1)
                // Full Event information
                uint eventInfo = reader.ReadUInt32();
                // XACT Event Type, Timestamp
                uint eventType = eventInfo & 0x0000001F;
                uint eventTimestamp = (eventInfo >> 5) & 0x0000FFFF;
                // uint eventUnknown = eventInfo >> 21;
                // Random offset, unused
                // Load the Event
                if (eventType == 0)
                    // TODO: Codename OhGodNo
                    // Stop Event
                else if (eventType == 1)
                    // Unknown value
                    /* Event Flags
                     * 0x01 = Break Loop
                     * 0x02 = Use Speaker Position
                     * 0x04 = Use Center Speaker
                     * 0x08 = New Speaker Position On Loop
                    // WaveBank Track Index
                    ushort track = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    // WaveBank Index
                    byte waveBank = reader.ReadByte();
                    // Number of times to loop wave (255 is infinite)
                    byte loopCount = reader.ReadByte();
                    // Speaker position angle/arc, unused
                    // Finally.
                    Events[i] = new PlayWaveEvent(
                        new ushort[] { track },
                        new byte[] { waveBank },
                        new byte[] { 0xFF }
                else if (eventType == 3)
                    // Unknown value
                    /* Event Flags
                     * 0x01 = Break Loop
                     * 0x02 = Use Speaker Position
                     * 0x04 = Use Center Speaker
                     * 0x08 = New Speaker Position On Loop
                    // Number of times to loop wave (255 is infinite)
                    byte loopCount = reader.ReadByte();
                    // Speaker position angle/arc, unused
                    // Number of WaveBank tracks
                    ushort numTracks = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    /* Variation Playlist Type.
                     * First 4 bytes indicates Variation Type.
                     * Next 4 bytes appear to indicate New Variation On Loop.
                     * The rest is currently unknown.
                     * -flibit
                    ushort variationValues = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    ushort variationType = (ushort)(variationValues & 0x000F);
                    bool variationOnLoop = (variationValues & 0x00F0) > 0;
                    // Unknown values
                    // Obtain WaveBank track information
                    ushort[] tracks = new ushort[numTracks];
                    byte[] waveBanks = new byte[numTracks];
                    byte[] weights = new byte[numTracks];
                    for (ushort j = 0; j < numTracks; j += 1)
                        tracks[j] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        waveBanks[j] = reader.ReadByte();
                        byte minWeight = reader.ReadByte();
                        byte maxWeight = reader.ReadByte();
                        weights[j] = (byte) (maxWeight - minWeight);
                    // Finally.
                    Events[i] = new PlayWaveEvent(
                else if (eventType == 4)
                    // Unknown value
                    /* Event Flags
                     * 0x01 = Break Loop
                     * 0x02 = Use Speaker Position
                     * 0x04 = Use Center Speaker
                     * 0x08 = New Speaker Position On Loop
                    // WaveBank track
                    ushort track = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    // WaveBank index, unconfirmed
                    byte waveBank = reader.ReadByte();
                    // Loop Count, unconfirmed
                    byte loopCount = reader.ReadByte();
                    // Speaker position angle/arc, unused
                    // Pitch Variation
                    short minPitch = reader.ReadInt16();
                    short maxPitch = reader.ReadInt16();
                    // Volume Variation
                    double minVolume = XACTCalculator.ParseDecibel(reader.ReadByte());
                    double maxVolume = XACTCalculator.ParseDecibel(reader.ReadByte());
                    // Frequency Variation, unusued
                    // Q Factor Variation, unused
                    // Unknown value
                    // Finally.
                    Events[i] = new PlayWaveEvent(
                        new ushort[] { track },
                        new byte[] { waveBank },
                        new byte[] { 0xFF }
                else if (eventType == 6)
                    // Unknown value
                    /* Event Flags
                     * 0x01 = Break Loop
                     * 0x02 = Use Speaker Position
                     * 0x04 = Use Center Speaker
                     * 0x08 = New Speaker Position On Loop
                    // Number of times to loop wave (255 is infinite)
                    byte loopCount = reader.ReadByte();
                    // Speaker position angle/arc, unused
                    // Pitch variation
                    short minPitch = reader.ReadInt16();
                    short maxPitch = reader.ReadInt16();
                    // Volume variation
                    double minVolume = XACTCalculator.ParseDecibel(reader.ReadByte());
                    double maxVolume = XACTCalculator.ParseDecibel(reader.ReadByte());
                    // Frequency Variation, unusued
                    // Q Factor Variation, unused
                    // Unknown value
                    // Variation flags
                    // FIXME: There's probably more to these flags...
                    byte varFlags = reader.ReadByte();
                    if ((varFlags & 0x20) != 0x20)
                        // Throw out the volume variation.
                        minVolume = clipVolume;
                        maxVolume = clipVolume;
                    if ((varFlags & 0x10) != 0x10)
                        // Throw out the pitch variation
                        minPitch = 0;
                        maxPitch = 0;
                    // Number of WaveBank tracks
                    ushort numTracks = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    /* Variation Playlist Type.
                     * First 4 bytes indicates Variation Type.
                     * Next 4 bytes appear to indicate New Variation On Loop.
                     * The rest is currently unknown.
                     * -flibit
                    ushort variationValues = reader.ReadUInt16();
                    ushort variationType = (ushort)(variationValues & 0x000F);
                    bool variationOnLoop = (variationValues & 0x00F0) > 0;
                    // Unknown values
                    // Obtain WaveBank track information
                    ushort[] tracks = new ushort[numTracks];
                    byte[] waveBanks = new byte[numTracks];
                    byte[] weights = new byte[numTracks];
                    for (ushort j = 0; j < numTracks; j += 1)
                        tracks[j] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        waveBanks[j] = reader.ReadByte();
                        byte minWeight = reader.ReadByte();
                        byte maxWeight = reader.ReadByte();
                        weights[j] = (byte) (maxWeight - minWeight);
                    // Finally.
                    Events[i] = new PlayWaveEvent(
                else if (eventType == 7)
                    // Unknown values
                    /* Event Flags
                     * 0x08 = Min/Max Values
                     * Rest is unknown
                    bool minMax = (reader.ReadByte() & 0x08) == 0x08;
                    // Min/Max Random
                    float min = reader.ReadSingle() / 1000.0f;
                    float max;
                    if (minMax)
                        max = reader.ReadSingle() / 1000.0f;
                        max = min;
                    // FIXME: Any more...? -flibit
                    Events[i] = new SetPitchEvent(
                else if (eventType == 8)
                    // Unknown values
                    /* Event Flags
                     * 0x08 = Min/Max Values
                     * 0x01 = Add, rather than replace
                     * Rest is unknown
                    byte flags = reader.ReadByte();
                    bool addVolume = (flags & 0x01) == 0x01;
                    bool minMax = (flags & 0x08) == 0x08;
                    // Operand Constant
                    float min = reader.ReadSingle() / 100.0f;
                    float max;
                    if (minMax)
                        max = reader.ReadSingle() / 100.0f;
                        // Unknown bytes
                        max = min;
                        // Unknown values
                    if (addVolume)
                        min += (float) clipVolume;
                        max += (float) clipVolume;
                    Events[i] = new SetVolumeEvent(
                else if (eventType == 15)
                    // TODO: Codename OhGodNo -flibit
                    // Unknown Event!
                else if (eventType == 17)
                    // TODO: Codename OhGodNo -flibit
                    // Volume Repeat Event
                    /* TODO: All XACT Events.
                     * The following type information is based on
                     * third-party contributions:
                     * Type 9 - Marker Event
                     * -flibit
                    throw new NotImplementedException(
                        "EVENT TYPE " + eventType.ToString() + " NOT IMPLEMENTED!"
        public void LoadTracks(AudioEngine audioEngine, List<string> waveBankNames)
            foreach (XACTEvent curEvent in Events)
                if (curEvent.Type == 1)
                    ((PlayWaveEvent) curEvent).LoadTracks(
    internal abstract class XACTEvent
        public uint Type
            private set;
        public uint Timestamp
            private set;
        protected static Random random = new Random();
        public XACTEvent(uint type, uint timestamp)
            Type = type;
            Timestamp = timestamp;
    internal class PlayWaveEvent : XACTEvent
        private enum VariationPlaylistType : ushort
        private ushort[] INTERNAL_tracks;
        private byte[] INTERNAL_waveBanks;
        private short INTERNAL_minPitch;
        private short INTERNAL_maxPitch;
        private double INTERNAL_minVolume;
        private double INTERNAL_maxVolume;
        private byte INTERNAL_filterType;
        private byte INTERNAL_loopCount;
        private VariationPlaylistType INTERNAL_variationType;
        private bool INTERNAL_variationOnLoop;
        private byte[] INTERNAL_weights;
        private int INTERNAL_curWave;
        private SoundEffect[] INTERNAL_waves;
        public PlayWaveEvent(
            uint timestamp,
            ushort[] tracks,
            byte[] waveBanks,
            short minPitch,
            short maxPitch,
            double minVolume,
            double maxVolume,
            byte filterType,
            byte loopCount,
            ushort variationType,
            bool variationOnLoop,
            byte[] weights
        ) : base(1, timestamp) {
            INTERNAL_tracks = tracks;
            INTERNAL_waveBanks = waveBanks;
            INTERNAL_minPitch = minPitch;
            INTERNAL_maxPitch = maxPitch;
            INTERNAL_minVolume = minVolume;
            INTERNAL_maxVolume = maxVolume;
            INTERNAL_filterType = filterType;
            INTERNAL_loopCount = loopCount;
            INTERNAL_variationType = (VariationPlaylistType) variationType;
            INTERNAL_variationOnLoop = variationOnLoop;
            INTERNAL_weights = weights;
            INTERNAL_waves = new SoundEffect[tracks.Length];
            INTERNAL_curWave = -1;
        public void LoadTracks(AudioEngine audioEngine, List<string> waveBankNames)
            for (int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_waves.Length; i += 1)
                INTERNAL_waves[i] = audioEngine.INTERNAL_getWaveBankTrack(
        public SoundEffectInstance GenerateInstance(
            double soundVolume,
            float soundPitch,
            int currentLoop
        ) {
            if (currentLoop > INTERNAL_loopCount && INTERNAL_loopCount != 255)
                // We've finished all the loops!
                return null;
            SoundEffectInstance result = INTERNAL_waves[INTERNAL_curWave].CreateInstance();
            result.INTERNAL_isXACTSource = true;
            result.Volume = XACTCalculator.CalculateAmplitudeRatio(
                soundVolume + (
                    random.NextDouble() *
                    (INTERNAL_maxVolume - INTERNAL_minVolume)
                ) + INTERNAL_minVolume
            result.Pitch = (
                ) / 1000.0f
            ) + soundPitch;
            result.FilterType = INTERNAL_filterType;
            result.IsLooped = !INTERNAL_variationOnLoop && (INTERNAL_loopCount == 255);
            return result;
        private void INTERNAL_getNextSound()
            if (INTERNAL_variationType == VariationPlaylistType.Ordered)
                INTERNAL_curWave += 1;
                if (INTERNAL_curWave >= INTERNAL_waves.Length)
                    INTERNAL_curWave = 0;
            else if (INTERNAL_variationType == VariationPlaylistType.OrderedFromRandom)
                // FIXME: It seems like XACT organizes this for us?
                INTERNAL_curWave += 1;
                if (INTERNAL_curWave >= INTERNAL_waves.Length)
                    INTERNAL_curWave = 0;
            else if (INTERNAL_variationType == VariationPlaylistType.Random)
                double max = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_weights.Length; i += 1)
                    max += INTERNAL_weights[i];
                double next = random.NextDouble() * max;
                for (int i = INTERNAL_weights.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
                    if (next > max - INTERNAL_weights[i])
                        INTERNAL_curWave = i;
                    max -= INTERNAL_weights[i];
            else if (   INTERNAL_variationType == VariationPlaylistType.RandomNoImmediateRepeats ||
                    INTERNAL_variationType == VariationPlaylistType.Shuffle )
                // FIXME: Is Shuffle really any different from this?
                double max = 0.0;
                for (int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_weights.Length; i += 1)
                    if (i == INTERNAL_curWave)
                    max += INTERNAL_weights[i];
                double next = random.NextDouble() * max;
                for (int i = INTERNAL_weights.Length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1)
                    if (i == INTERNAL_curWave)
                    if (next > max - INTERNAL_weights[i])
                        INTERNAL_curWave = i;
                    max -= INTERNAL_weights[i];
                throw new NotImplementedException(
                    "Variation Playlist Type unhandled: " +
    internal class SetVolumeEvent : XACTEvent
        private float INTERNAL_min;
        private float INTERNAL_max;
        public SetVolumeEvent(
            uint timestamp,
            float min,
            float max
        ) : base(2, timestamp) {
            INTERNAL_min = min;
            INTERNAL_max = max;
        public float GetVolume()
            return INTERNAL_min + (float) (
                random.NextDouble() * (INTERNAL_max - INTERNAL_min)
    internal class SetPitchEvent : XACTEvent
        private float INTERNAL_min;
        private float INTERNAL_max;
        public SetPitchEvent(
            uint timestamp,
            float min,
            float max
        ) : base(3, timestamp) {
            INTERNAL_min = min;
            INTERNAL_max = max;
        public float GetPitch()
            return INTERNAL_min + (float) (
                random.NextDouble() * (INTERNAL_max - INTERNAL_min)

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