#region License /* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team * * Released under the Microsoft Public License. * See LICENSE for details. */ #endregion #region Using Statements using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; #endregion namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio { public sealed class Cue : IDisposable { #region Public Properties public bool IsCreated { get ; private set ; } public bool IsDisposed { get ; private set ; } public bool IsPaused { get { return ( !INTERNAL_timer.IsRunning && INTERNAL_timer.ElapsedTicks > 0 ); } } public bool IsPlaying { get { return ( INTERNAL_timer.IsRunning || INTERNAL_timer.ElapsedTicks > 0 ); } } public bool IsPrepared { get ; private set ; } public bool IsPreparing { get ; private set ; } public bool IsStopped { get { return !IsPlaying; } } public bool IsStopping { get { return INTERNAL_fadeMode == FadeMode.FadeOut; } } public string Name { get ; private set ; } #endregion #region Internal Properties internal bool JustStarted { get { // Arbitrarily 1/12 of a second, with some wiggle room -flibit return INTERNAL_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 80; } } #endregion #region Private Variables private AudioEngine INTERNAL_baseEngine; // Cue information parsed from the SoundBank private CueData INTERNAL_data; // Current sound and its events private XACTSound INTERNAL_activeSound; private List<XACTEvent> INTERNAL_eventList; private List< bool > INTERNAL_eventPlayed; private Dictionary<XACTEvent, int > INTERNAL_eventLoops; private Dictionary<SoundEffectInstance, XACTEvent> INTERNAL_waveEventSounds; // Used for event timestamps private Stopwatch INTERNAL_timer; // Sound list private List<SoundEffectInstance> INTERNAL_instancePool; private List< float > INTERNAL_instanceVolumes; private List< float > INTERNAL_instancePitches; // RPC data list private List< float > INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes; private List< float > INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches; // Events can control volume/pitch as well! private float eventVolume; private float eventPitch; // User-controlled sounds require a bit more trickery. private bool INTERNAL_userControlledPlaying; private float INTERNAL_controlledValue; // 3D audio variables private bool INTERNAL_isPositional; private AudioListener INTERNAL_listener; private AudioEmitter INTERNAL_emitter; // XACT instance variables private List<Variable> INTERNAL_variables; // Category managing this Cue, and whether or not it's user-managed private AudioCategory INTERNAL_category; private bool INTERNAL_isManaged; // Fading private enum FadeMode { None, FadeOut, FadeIn } private long INTERNAL_fadeStart; private long INTERNAL_fadeEnd; private FadeMode INTERNAL_fadeMode = FadeMode.None; #endregion #region Private Static Random Number Generator private static Random random = new Random(); #endregion #region Disposing Event public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Disposing; #endregion #region Internal Constructor internal Cue( AudioEngine audioEngine, List< string > waveBankNames, string name, CueData data, bool managed ) { INTERNAL_baseEngine = audioEngine; Name = name; INTERNAL_data = data; foreach (XACTSound curSound in data.Sounds) { if (!curSound.HasLoadedTracks) { curSound.LoadTracks( INTERNAL_baseEngine, waveBankNames ); } } INTERNAL_isManaged = managed; INTERNAL_category = INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_initCue( this , data.Category ); eventVolume = 1.0f; eventPitch = 0.0f; INTERNAL_userControlledPlaying = false ; INTERNAL_isPositional = false ; INTERNAL_eventList = new List<XACTEvent>(); INTERNAL_eventPlayed = new List< bool >(); INTERNAL_eventLoops = new Dictionary<XACTEvent, int >(); INTERNAL_waveEventSounds = new Dictionary<SoundEffectInstance, XACTEvent>(); INTERNAL_timer = new Stopwatch(); INTERNAL_instancePool = new List<SoundEffectInstance>(); INTERNAL_instanceVolumes = new List< float >(); INTERNAL_instancePitches = new List< float >(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes = new List< float >(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches = new List< float >(); } #endregion #region Destructor ~Cue() { Dispose(); } #endregion #region Public Dispose Method public void Dispose() { if (!IsDisposed) { if (Disposing != null ) { Disposing.Invoke( this , null ); } if (INTERNAL_instancePool != null ) { foreach (SoundEffectInstance sfi in INTERNAL_instancePool) { sfi.Dispose(); } INTERNAL_instancePool.Clear(); INTERNAL_instanceVolumes.Clear(); INTERNAL_instancePitches.Clear(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes.Clear(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches.Clear(); INTERNAL_timer.Stop(); } INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_removeActiveCue( this ); IsDisposed = true ; } } #endregion #region Public Methods public void Apply3D(AudioListener listener, AudioEmitter emitter) { if (IsPlaying && !INTERNAL_isPositional) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Apply3D call after Play!" ); } if (listener == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "listener" ); } if (emitter == null ) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "emitter" ); } INTERNAL_listener = listener; INTERNAL_emitter = emitter; SetVariable( "Distance" , Vector3.Distance( INTERNAL_emitter.Position, INTERNAL_listener.Position ) ); // TODO: DopplerPitchScaler, OrientationAngle INTERNAL_isPositional = true ; } public float GetVariable( string name) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "name" ); } foreach (Variable curVar in INTERNAL_variables) { if (name.Equals(curVar.Name)) { return curVar.GetValue(); } } throw new ArgumentException( "Instance variable not found!" ); } public void Pause() { if (IsPlaying) { INTERNAL_timer.Stop(); foreach (SoundEffectInstance sfi in INTERNAL_instancePool) { sfi.Pause(); } } } public void Play() { if (IsPlaying) { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Cue already playing!" ); } INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_initCue( this ); if (GetVariable( "NumCueInstances" ) >= INTERNAL_data.InstanceLimit) { if (INTERNAL_data.MaxCueBehavior == MaxInstanceBehavior.Fail) { return ; // Just ignore us... } else if (INTERNAL_data.MaxCueBehavior == MaxInstanceBehavior.Queue) { throw new NotImplementedException( "Cue Queueing not handled!" ); } else if (INTERNAL_data.MaxCueBehavior == MaxInstanceBehavior.ReplaceOldest) { if (!INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_removeOldestCue(Name)) { return ; // Just ignore us... } } else if (INTERNAL_data.MaxCueBehavior == MaxInstanceBehavior.ReplaceQuietest) { if (!INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_removeQuietestCue(Name)) { return ; // Just ignore us... } } else if (INTERNAL_data.MaxCueBehavior == MaxInstanceBehavior.ReplaceLowestPriority) { // FIXME: Priority? if (!INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_removeOldestCue(Name)) { return ; // Just ignore us... } } } if (!INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_addCue( this )) { return ; } INTERNAL_timer.Start(); if (INTERNAL_data.FadeInMS > 0) { INTERNAL_startFadeIn(INTERNAL_data.FadeInMS); } if (!INTERNAL_calculateNextSound()) { return ; } INTERNAL_activeSound.GatherEvents(INTERNAL_eventList); foreach (XACTEvent evt in INTERNAL_eventList) { INTERNAL_eventPlayed.Add( false ); INTERNAL_eventLoops.Add(evt, 0); } } public void Resume() { if (IsPaused) { INTERNAL_timer.Start(); foreach (SoundEffectInstance sfi in INTERNAL_instancePool) { sfi.Resume(); } } } public void SetVariable( string name, float value) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { throw new ArgumentNullException( "name" ); } foreach (Variable curVar in INTERNAL_variables) { if (name.Equals(curVar.Name)) { curVar.SetValue(value); return ; } } throw new ArgumentException( "Instance variable not found!" ); } public void Stop(AudioStopOptions options) { if (IsPlaying) { if ( options == AudioStopOptions.AsAuthored && INTERNAL_data.FadeOutMS > 0 ) { INTERNAL_startFadeOut(INTERNAL_data.FadeOutMS); return ; } INTERNAL_timer.Stop(); INTERNAL_timer.Reset(); foreach (SoundEffectInstance sfi in INTERNAL_instancePool) { sfi.Stop(); sfi.Dispose(); } INTERNAL_instancePool.Clear(); INTERNAL_instanceVolumes.Clear(); INTERNAL_instancePitches.Clear(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes.Clear(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches.Clear(); INTERNAL_userControlledPlaying = false ; INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_removeActiveCue( this ); // If this is a managed Cue, we're done here. if (INTERNAL_isManaged) { Dispose(); } } } #endregion #region Internal Methods internal bool INTERNAL_update() { // If we're not running, save some instructions... if (!INTERNAL_timer.IsRunning) { return true ; } // Play events when the timestamp has been hit. for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_eventList.Count; i += 1) { if ( !INTERNAL_eventPlayed[i] && INTERNAL_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds > INTERNAL_eventList[i].Timestamp ) { uint type = INTERNAL_eventList[i].Type; if (type == 1) { PlayWave((PlayWaveEvent) INTERNAL_eventList[i]); } else if (type == 2) { eventVolume = ((SetVolumeEvent) INTERNAL_eventList[i]).GetVolume(); } else if (type == 3) { eventPitch = ((SetPitchEvent) INTERNAL_eventList[i]).GetPitch(); } else { throw new NotImplementedException( "Unhandled XACTEvent type!" ); } INTERNAL_eventPlayed[i] = true ; } } // Clear out sound effect instances as they finish for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_instancePool.Count; i += 1) { if (INTERNAL_instancePool[i].State == SoundState.Stopped) { // Get the event that spawned this instance... PlayWaveEvent evt = (PlayWaveEvent) INTERNAL_waveEventSounds[INTERNAL_instancePool[i]]; // Then delete all the guff INTERNAL_waveEventSounds.Remove(INTERNAL_instancePool[i]); INTERNAL_instancePool[i].Dispose(); INTERNAL_instancePool.RemoveAt(i); INTERNAL_instanceVolumes.RemoveAt(i); INTERNAL_instancePitches.RemoveAt(i); INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes.RemoveAt(i); INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches.RemoveAt(i); // Increment the loop counter, try to get another loop INTERNAL_eventLoops[evt] += 1; PlayWave(evt); // Removed a wave, have to step back... i -= 1; } } // Fade in/out float fadePerc = 1.0f; if (INTERNAL_fadeMode != FadeMode.None) { if (INTERNAL_fadeMode == FadeMode.FadeOut) { if (INTERNAL_category.crossfadeType == CrossfadeType.Linear) { fadePerc = (INTERNAL_fadeEnd - (INTERNAL_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds - INTERNAL_fadeStart)) / ( float ) INTERNAL_fadeEnd; } else { throw new NotImplementedException( "Unhandled CrossfadeType!" ); } if (fadePerc <= 0.0f) { Stop(AudioStopOptions.Immediate); INTERNAL_fadeMode = FadeMode.None; return false ; } } else { if (INTERNAL_category.crossfadeType == CrossfadeType.Linear) { fadePerc = INTERNAL_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds / ( float ) INTERNAL_fadeEnd; } else { throw new NotImplementedException( "Unhandled CrossfadeType!" ); } if (fadePerc > 1.0f) { fadePerc = 1.0f; INTERNAL_fadeMode = FadeMode.None; } } } // User control updates if (INTERNAL_data.IsUserControlled) { string varName = INTERNAL_data.UserControlVariable; if ( INTERNAL_userControlledPlaying && (INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_isGlobalVariable(varName) ? !MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(INTERNAL_controlledValue, INTERNAL_baseEngine.GetGlobalVariable(varName)) : !MathHelper.WithinEpsilon(INTERNAL_controlledValue, GetVariable(INTERNAL_data.UserControlVariable))) ) { // TODO: Crossfading foreach (SoundEffectInstance sfi in INTERNAL_instancePool) { sfi.Stop(); sfi.Dispose(); } INTERNAL_instancePool.Clear(); INTERNAL_instanceVolumes.Clear(); INTERNAL_instancePitches.Clear(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes.Clear(); INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches.Clear(); if (!INTERNAL_calculateNextSound()) { // Nothing to play, bail. return true ; } INTERNAL_activeSound.GatherEvents(INTERNAL_eventList); foreach (XACTEvent evt in INTERNAL_eventList) { INTERNAL_eventPlayed.Add( false ); INTERNAL_eventLoops.Add(evt, 0); } INTERNAL_timer.Stop(); INTERNAL_timer.Reset(); INTERNAL_timer.Start(); } if (INTERNAL_activeSound == null ) { return INTERNAL_userControlledPlaying; } } // If everything has been played and finished, we're done here. if (INTERNAL_instancePool.Count == 0) { bool allPlayed = true ; foreach ( bool played in INTERNAL_eventPlayed) { if (!played) { allPlayed = false ; break ; } } if (allPlayed) { // If this is managed, we're done completely. if (INTERNAL_isManaged) { Dispose(); } else { INTERNAL_timer.Stop(); INTERNAL_timer.Reset(); INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_removeActiveCue( this ); } return INTERNAL_userControlledPlaying; } } // RPC updates float rpcVolume = 1.0f; float rpcPitch = 0.0f; float hfGain = 1.0f; float lfGain = 1.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_activeSound.RPCCodes.Count; i += 1) { if (i > INTERNAL_instancePool.Count) { break ; } if (i > 0) { INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes[i - 1] = 1.0f; INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches[i - 1] = 0.0f; } foreach ( uint curCode in INTERNAL_activeSound.RPCCodes[i]) { RPC curRPC = INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_getRPC(curCode); float result; if (!INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_isGlobalVariable(curRPC.Variable)) { result = curRPC.CalculateRPC(GetVariable(curRPC.Variable)); } else { // It's a global variable we're looking for! result = curRPC.CalculateRPC( INTERNAL_baseEngine.GetGlobalVariable( curRPC.Variable ) ); } if (curRPC.Parameter == RPCParameter.Volume) { float vol = XACTCalculator.CalculateAmplitudeRatio(result / 100.0); if (i == 0) { rpcVolume *= vol; } else { INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes[i - 1] *= vol; } } else if (curRPC.Parameter == RPCParameter.Pitch) { float pitch = result / 1000.0f; if (i == 0) { rpcPitch += pitch; } else { INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches[i - 1] += pitch; } } else if (curRPC.Parameter == RPCParameter.FilterFrequency) { // FIXME: Just listening to the last RPC! float hf = result / 20000.0f; float lf = 1.0f - hf; if (i == 0) { hfGain = hf; lfGain = lf; } else { throw new NotImplementedException( "Per-track filter RPCs!" ); } } else { throw new NotImplementedException( "RPC Parameter Type: " + curRPC.Parameter.ToString()); } } } // Sound effect instance updates for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_instancePool.Count; i += 1) { /* The final volume should be the combination of the * authored volume, category volume, RPC/Event volumes, and fade. */ INTERNAL_instancePool[i].Volume = ( INTERNAL_instanceVolumes[i] * INTERNAL_category.INTERNAL_volume.Value * rpcVolume * INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes[i] * eventVolume * fadePerc ); /* The final pitch should be the combination of the * authored pitch and RPC/Event pitch results. */ INTERNAL_instancePool[i].Pitch = ( INTERNAL_instancePitches[i] + rpcPitch + eventPitch + INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches[i] ); /* The final filter is determined by the instance's filter type, * in addition to our calculation of the HF/LF gain values. */ byte fType = INTERNAL_instancePool[i].FilterType; if (fType == 0xFF) { // No-op, no filter! } else if (fType == 0) { INTERNAL_instancePool[i].INTERNAL_applyLowPassFilter(hfGain); } else if (fType == 1) { INTERNAL_instancePool[i].INTERNAL_applyHighPassFilter(lfGain); } else if (fType == 2) { INTERNAL_instancePool[i].INTERNAL_applyBandPassFilter(hfGain, lfGain); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException( "Unhandled filter type!" ); } // Update 3D position, if applicable if (INTERNAL_isPositional) { INTERNAL_instancePool[i].Apply3D( INTERNAL_listener, INTERNAL_emitter ); } } return true ; } internal void INTERNAL_genVariables(List<Variable> cueVariables) { INTERNAL_variables = cueVariables; } internal float INTERNAL_calculateVolume() { float retval = 1.0f; for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_activeSound.RPCCodes.Count; i += 1) foreach ( uint curCode in INTERNAL_activeSound.RPCCodes[i]) { RPC curRPC = INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_getRPC(curCode); if (curRPC.Parameter != RPCParameter.Volume) { continue ; } float result; if (!INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_isGlobalVariable(curRPC.Variable)) { result = curRPC.CalculateRPC(GetVariable(curRPC.Variable)); } else { // It's a global variable we're looking for! result = curRPC.CalculateRPC( INTERNAL_baseEngine.GetGlobalVariable( curRPC.Variable ) ); } retval *= XACTCalculator.CalculateAmplitudeRatio(result / 100.0); } return retval; } internal void INTERNAL_startFadeIn( ushort ms) { // start is not used, since it's always 0 anyway -flibit INTERNAL_fadeEnd = ms; INTERNAL_fadeMode = FadeMode.FadeIn; } internal void INTERNAL_startFadeOut( ushort ms) { INTERNAL_fadeStart = INTERNAL_timer.ElapsedMilliseconds; INTERNAL_fadeEnd = ms; INTERNAL_fadeMode = FadeMode.FadeOut; } #endregion #region Private Methods private bool INTERNAL_calculateNextSound() { INTERNAL_activeSound = null ; INTERNAL_eventList.Clear(); INTERNAL_eventPlayed.Clear(); INTERNAL_eventLoops.Clear(); INTERNAL_waveEventSounds.Clear(); // Pick a sound based on a Cue instance variable if (INTERNAL_data.IsUserControlled) { INTERNAL_userControlledPlaying = true ; if (INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_isGlobalVariable(INTERNAL_data.UserControlVariable)) { INTERNAL_controlledValue = INTERNAL_baseEngine.GetGlobalVariable( INTERNAL_data.UserControlVariable ); } else { INTERNAL_controlledValue = GetVariable( INTERNAL_data.UserControlVariable ); } for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_data.Probabilities.Length / 2; i += 1) { if ( INTERNAL_controlledValue <= INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 0] && INTERNAL_controlledValue >= INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 1] ) { INTERNAL_activeSound = INTERNAL_data.Sounds[i]; return true ; } } /* This should only happen when the * UserControlVariable is none of the sound * probabilities, in which case we are just * silent. But, we are still claiming to be * "playing" in the meantime. * -flibit */ return false ; } // Randomly pick a sound double max = 0.0; for ( int i = 0; i < INTERNAL_data.Probabilities.GetLength(0); i += 1) { max += INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 0] - INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 1]; } double next = random.NextDouble() * max; for ( int i = INTERNAL_data.Probabilities.GetLength(0) - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { if (next > max - (INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 0] - INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 1])) { INTERNAL_activeSound = INTERNAL_data.Sounds[i]; break ; } max -= INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 0] - INTERNAL_data.Probabilities[i, 1]; } return true ; } private void PlayWave(PlayWaveEvent evt) { SoundEffectInstance sfi = evt.GenerateInstance( INTERNAL_activeSound.Volume, INTERNAL_activeSound.Pitch, INTERNAL_eventLoops[evt] ); if (sfi != null ) { if (INTERNAL_isPositional) { sfi.Apply3D(INTERNAL_listener, INTERNAL_emitter); } foreach ( uint curDSP in INTERNAL_activeSound.DSPCodes) { // FIXME: This only applies the last DSP! sfi.INTERNAL_applyReverb( INTERNAL_baseEngine.INTERNAL_getDSP(curDSP) ); } INTERNAL_instancePool.Add(sfi); INTERNAL_instanceVolumes.Add(sfi.Volume); INTERNAL_instancePitches.Add(sfi.Pitch); INTERNAL_waveEventSounds.Add(sfi, evt); INTERNAL_rpcTrackVolumes.Add(1.0f); INTERNAL_rpcTrackPitches.Add(0.0f); sfi.Play(); } } #endregion } } |