
fna-workbench Git Source Tree


#region License
/* FNA - XNA4 Reimplementation for Desktop Platforms
 * Copyright 2009-2016 Ethan Lee and the MonoGame Team
 * Released under the Microsoft Public License.
 * See LICENSE for details.
#region Using Statements
using System;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input;
namespace Microsoft.Xna.Framework
    internal static class FNAPlatform
        #region Static Constructor
        static FNAPlatform()
            /* I suspect you may have an urge to put an #if in here for new
             * FNAPlatform implementations.
             * DON'T.
             * Determine this at runtime, or load dynamically.
             * No amount of whining will get me to budge on this.
             * -flibit
            // Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FNA_PLATFORM_BACKEND");
            CreateWindow =          SDL2_FNAPlatform.CreateWindow;
            DisposeWindow =         SDL2_FNAPlatform.DisposeWindow;
            BeforeInitialize =      SDL2_FNAPlatform.BeforeInitialize;
            RunLoop =           SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop;
            CreateGLDevice =        SDL2_FNAPlatform.CreateGLDevice;
            CreateALDevice =        SDL2_FNAPlatform.CreateALDevice;
            SetPresentationInterval =   SDL2_FNAPlatform.SetPresentationInterval;
            GetGraphicsAdapters =       SDL2_FNAPlatform.GetGraphicsAdapters;
            GetKeyFromScancode =        SDL2_KeyboardUtil.GetKeyFromScancode;
            StartTextInput =        SDL2.SDL.SDL_StartTextInput;
            StopTextInput =         SDL2.SDL.SDL_StopTextInput;
            GetMouseState =         SDL2_FNAPlatform.GetMouseState;
            SetMousePosition =      SDL2.SDL.SDL_WarpMouseInWindow;
            OnIsMouseVisibleChanged =   SDL2_FNAPlatform.OnIsMouseVisibleChanged;
            GetGamePadCapabilities =    SDL2_FNAPlatform.GetGamePadCapabilities;
            GetGamePadState =       SDL2_FNAPlatform.GetGamePadState;
            SetGamePadVibration =       SDL2_FNAPlatform.SetGamePadVibration;
            GetGamePadGUID =        SDL2_FNAPlatform.GetGamePadGUID;
            SetGamePadLightBar =        SDL2_FNAPlatform.SetGamePadLightBar;
            GetStorageRoot =        SDL2_FNAPlatform.GetStorageRoot;
            IsStoragePathConnected =    SDL2_FNAPlatform.IsStoragePathConnected;
            ShowRuntimeError =      SDL2_FNAPlatform.ShowRuntimeError;
            TextureDataFromStream =     SDL2_FNAPlatform.TextureDataFromStream;
            SavePNG =           SDL2_FNAPlatform.SavePNG;
            Log = Console.WriteLine;
            AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += SDL2_FNAPlatform.ProgramExit;
        #region Public Static Methods
        public static void UnhookLogger()
            Log = Console.WriteLine;
        public static Action<string> Log;
        public delegate GameWindow CreateWindowFunc();
        public static readonly CreateWindowFunc CreateWindow;
        public delegate void DisposeWindowFunc(GameWindow window);
        public static readonly DisposeWindowFunc DisposeWindow;
        public delegate void BeforeInitializeFunc();
        public static readonly BeforeInitializeFunc BeforeInitialize;
        public delegate void RunLoopFunc(Game game);
        public static readonly RunLoopFunc RunLoop;
        public delegate IGLDevice CreateGLDeviceFunc(
            PresentationParameters presentationParameters
        public static readonly CreateGLDeviceFunc CreateGLDevice;
        public delegate IALDevice CreateALDeviceFunc();
        public static readonly CreateALDeviceFunc CreateALDevice;
        public delegate void SetPresentationIntervalFunc(PresentInterval interval);
        public static readonly SetPresentationIntervalFunc SetPresentationInterval;
        public delegate GraphicsAdapter[] GetGraphicsAdaptersFunc();
        public static readonly GetGraphicsAdaptersFunc GetGraphicsAdapters;
        public delegate Keys GetKeyFromScancodeFunc(Keys scancode);
        public static readonly GetKeyFromScancodeFunc GetKeyFromScancode;
        public delegate void StartTextInputFunc();
        public static readonly StartTextInputFunc StartTextInput;
        public delegate void StopTextInputFunc();
        public static readonly StopTextInputFunc StopTextInput;
        public delegate void GetMouseStateFunc(
            out int x,
            out int y,
            out ButtonState left,
            out ButtonState middle,
            out ButtonState right,
            out ButtonState x1,
            out ButtonState x2
        public static readonly GetMouseStateFunc GetMouseState;
        public delegate void SetMousePositionFunc(
            IntPtr window,
            int x,
            int y
        public static readonly SetMousePositionFunc SetMousePosition;
        public delegate void OnIsMouseVisibleChangedFunc(bool visible);
        public static readonly OnIsMouseVisibleChangedFunc OnIsMouseVisibleChanged;
        public delegate GamePadCapabilities GetGamePadCapabilitiesFunc(int index);
        public static readonly GetGamePadCapabilitiesFunc GetGamePadCapabilities;
        public delegate GamePadState GetGamePadStateFunc(
            int index,
            GamePadDeadZone deadZoneMode
        public static readonly GetGamePadStateFunc GetGamePadState;
        public delegate bool SetGamePadVibrationFunc(
            int index,
            float leftMotor,
            float rightMotor
        public static readonly SetGamePadVibrationFunc SetGamePadVibration;
        public delegate string GetGamePadGUIDFunc(int index);
        public static readonly GetGamePadGUIDFunc GetGamePadGUID;
        public delegate void SetGamePadLightBarFunc(int index, Color color);
        public static readonly SetGamePadLightBarFunc SetGamePadLightBar;
        public delegate string GetStorageRootFunc();
        public static readonly GetStorageRootFunc GetStorageRoot;
        public delegate bool IsStoragePathConnectedFunc(string path);
        public static readonly IsStoragePathConnectedFunc IsStoragePathConnected;
        public delegate void ShowRuntimeErrorFunc(string title, string message);
        public static readonly ShowRuntimeErrorFunc ShowRuntimeError;
        public delegate void TextureDataFromStreamFunc(
            Stream stream,
            out int width,
            out int height,
            out byte[] pixels,
            int reqWidth = -1,
            int reqHeight = -1,
            bool zoom = false
        public static readonly TextureDataFromStreamFunc TextureDataFromStream;
        public delegate void SavePNGFunc(
            Stream stream,
            int width,
            int height,
            int imgWidth,
            int imgHeight,
            byte[] data
        public static readonly SavePNGFunc SavePNG;

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