␊ |
␉␉#region glGetTexImage Methods␊ |
␊ |
␉␉public void GetTextureData2D<T>(␊ |
␉␉public void GetTextureData2D(␊ |
␉␉␉IGLTexture texture,␊ |
␉␉␉SurfaceFormat format,␊ |
␉␉␉int width,␊ |
␉␉␉int height,␊ |
␉␉␉int level,␊ |
␉␉␉Rectangle? rect,␊ |
␉␉␉T[] data,␊ |
␉␉␉IntPtr data,␊ |
␉␉␉int startIndex,␊ |
␉␉␉int elementCount␊ |
␉␉) where T : struct {␊ |
␉␉␉int elementCount,␊ |
␉␉␉int elementSizeInBytes␊ |
␉␉) {␊ |
␉␉␉ForceToMainThread(() => {␊ |
#endif␊ |
␉␉␉else if (rect == null)␊ |
␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉// Just throw the whole texture into the user array.␊ |
␉␉␉␉GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);␊ |
␉␉␉␉try␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject()␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉finally␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉ptr.Free();␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉data␊ |
␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉else␊ |
␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉// Get the whole texture...␊ |
␉␉␉␉T[] texData = new T[width * height];␊ |
␉␉␉␉GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(texData, GCHandleType.Pinned);␊ |
␉␉␉␉try␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject()␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉finally␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉ptr.Free();␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉IntPtr texData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(width * height * elementSizeInBytes);␊ |
␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_2D,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉texData␊ |
␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␊ |
␉␉␉␉// Now, blit the rect region into the user array.␊ |
␉␉␉␉Rectangle region = rect.Value;␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉// If we're past the end, we're done!␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉return;␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉data[curPixel - startIndex] = texData[(row * width) + col];␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉// FIXME: Can we copy via pitch instead, or something? -flibit␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉memcpy(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉data + ((curPixel - startIndex) * elementSizeInBytes),␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉texData + (((row * width) + col) * elementSizeInBytes),␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉(IntPtr) elementSizeInBytes␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉Marshal.FreeHGlobal(texData);␊ |
␉␉␉}␊ |
␊ |
#endif␊ |
␉␉}␊ |
␊ |
␉␉public void GetTextureDataCube<T>(␊ |
␉␉public void GetTextureDataCube(␊ |
␉␉␉IGLTexture texture,␊ |
␉␉␉SurfaceFormat format,␊ |
␉␉␉int size,␊ |
␉␉␉CubeMapFace cubeMapFace,␊ |
␉␉␉int level,␊ |
␉␉␉Rectangle? rect,␊ |
␉␉␉T[] data,␊ |
␉␉␉IntPtr data,␊ |
␉␉␉int startIndex,␊ |
␉␉␉int elementCount␊ |
␉␉) where T : struct {␊ |
␉␉␉int elementCount,␊ |
␉␉␉int elementSizeInBytes␊ |
␉␉) {␊ |
␉␉␉ForceToMainThread(() => {␊ |
#endif␊ |
␉␉␉else if (rect == null)␊ |
␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉// Just throw the whole texture into the user array.␊ |
␉␉␉␉GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);␊ |
␉␉␉␉try␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject()␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉finally␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉ptr.Free();␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉data␊ |
␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉else␊ |
␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉// Get the whole texture...␊ |
␉␉␉␉T[] texData = new T[size * size];␊ |
␉␉␉␉GCHandle ptr = GCHandle.Alloc(texData, GCHandleType.Pinned);␊ |
␉␉␉␉try␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject()␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉finally␊ |
␉␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉ptr.Free();␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉IntPtr texData = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size * size * elementSizeInBytes);␊ |
␉␉␉␉glGetTexImage(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + (int) cubeMapFace,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉0,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉glFormat,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉XNAToGL.TextureDataType[(int) format],␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉texData␊ |
␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␊ |
␉␉␉␉// Now, blit the rect region into the user array.␊ |
␉␉␉␉Rectangle region = rect.Value;␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉// If we're past the end, we're done!␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉return;␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉data[curPixel - startIndex] = texData[(row * size) + col];␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉// FIXME: Can we copy via pitch instead, or something? -flibit␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉memcpy(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉data + ((curPixel - startIndex) * elementSizeInBytes),␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉texData + (((row * size) + col) * elementSizeInBytes),␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉␉(IntPtr) elementSizeInBytes␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉␉Marshal.FreeHGlobal(texData);␊ |
␉␉␉}␊ |
␊ |
␉␉/// <param name="data">The texture data array</param>␊ |
␉␉/// <param name="rect">The portion of the image to read from</param>␊ |
␉␉/// <returns>True if we successfully read the texture data</returns>␊ |
␉␉private bool ReadTargetIfApplicable<T>(␊ |
␉␉private bool ReadTargetIfApplicable(␊ |
␉␉␉IGLTexture texture,␊ |
␉␉␉int width,␊ |
␉␉␉int height,␊ |
␉␉␉int level,␊ |
␉␉␉T[] data,␊ |
␉␉␉IntPtr data,␊ |
␉␉␉Rectangle? rect␊ |
␉␉) where T : struct {␊ |
␉␉) {␊ |
␉␉␉bool texUnbound = (␉currentDrawBuffers != 1 ||␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉␉currentAttachments[0] != (texture as OpenGLTexture).Handle␉);␊ |
␉␉␉if (texUnbound && !useES2)␊ |
␉␉␉/* glReadPixels should be faster than reading␊ |
␉␉␉ * back from the render target if we are already bound.␊ |
␉␉␉ */␊ |
␉␉␉GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);␊ |
␉␉␉try␊ |
␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉glReadPixels(␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉x,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉y,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉w,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉h,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_RGBA, // FIXME: Assumption!␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,␊ |
␉␉␉␉␉handle.AddrOfPinnedObject()␊ |
␉␉␉␉);␊ |
␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉finally␊ |
␉␉␉{␊ |
␉␉␉␉handle.Free();␊ |
␉␉␉}␊ |
␉␉␉glReadPixels(␊ |
␉␉␉␉x,␊ |
␉␉␉␉y,␊ |
␉␉␉␉w,␊ |
␉␉␉␉h,␊ |
␉␉␉␉GLenum.GL_RGBA, // FIXME: Assumption!␊ |
␉␉␉␉data␊ |
␉␉␉);␊ |
␊ |
␉␉␉if (texUnbound)␊ |
␉␉␉{␊ |