
AxiosEngine-old Mercurial Change Log

Age Message
10 years 23 days Adding prompt class to generate rounded square for text display

Updating README
10 years 24 days Updating engine to work with new Gleed2D
10 years 6 months Updating axiosengine to support latest version of gleed2d
10 years 6 months Adding AxiosEngineFactory which provides CreateFromList factory
11 years 7 months Added tag Version_1.0.1.9 for changeset 3d9e1698e5cc
11 years 7 months Incrementing version
11 years 7 months Updating code to support mono
11 years 7 months Adding project for mono
11 years 10 months Merging with github
11 years 10 months Adding option to use second precision instead of milliosecond
11 years 11 months Added tag Version for changeset 5f8d2fb0abeb
11 years 11 months Adding MouseAimVector to AGS

Removing Camera extension
11 years 11 months Adding new extensions
11 years 11 months Fixing bug with Axios Timer
12 years 2 months Updating changelog
12 years 2 months Adding visible property to SimpleDrawableAxiosGameObject
12 years 2 months * - Adding visible flag to DrawableAxiosGameObject
12 years 4 months * - Adding Factory for Texture2D to create from a list (ie lay a list of texture2D row by row)

* - Adding AddScreen method to ScreenManager to make the PlayerIndex optional (default of PlayerIndex.One)
12 years 5 months Changing version
12 years 5 months Added tag Version for changeset b5444bca056e
12 years 5 months * - Starting work on AxiosCSV

* - Adding CustomProperties field to Glee2D Layer object (this is because Layers can have custom properties)
* - Passing Layer to Items in Glee2D library
* - Adding public virtual bool LoadTextureItem(TextureItem textureitem) to AxiosGameScreen
12 years 5 months Removing using
12 years 5 months + Fixing UI detect bug

+ Adding Width/Height/Position/RealPosition to DrawableAxiosGameObject
12 years 5 months Adding double extension

Adding Texture2D comments
12 years 6 months + * - Adding a behavior in AxiosGameScreen where the camera will be controllable via

+ * arrow keys in DEBUG releases and disabled in RELEASE releases. This behavior can
+ * be overwritten in each screen
+ * - Adding output to tcc console command to signal if it was disabled/enabled
+ * - Adding DegreeToRadian/RadianToDegree double extensions
12 years 6 months Adding tcc command to AxiosCommandConsole to toggle the ability to control

the camera using the arrow keys
Adding the ability to disable commands in XNACC from AxiosCommandConsole
12 years 6 months Must be static
12 years 6 months Adding inputstate extension
12 years 6 months + * - Adding rotation to DrawableAxiosGameObject

+ * - Adding InputState extensions to test for input agaisnt Player One
12 years 6 months Removing unneeded comments

Adding a check in Body class to make sure fixtures exist before executing code
12 years 6 months Changing variables in CommandConsoleBase to be non-static
12 years 6 months * - Adding axioslog command to output AxiosLog
12 years 6 months + * - Adding IsNullOrWhiteSpace extension for support for Xbox 360

+ * - Upon some testing - developers will need to use #if WINDOWS/#endif tags to make sure they can't use XNACC in WP7/Xbox360
12 years 6 months merged xnacc integration
12 years 7 months + * - Changing AxiosTitleFile.GetStream() to return Stream instead of FileStream

+ * - Changing IAxiosFile.GetStream() to return Stream instead of FileStream
12 years 7 months Fixing bug with determing what direction it is collding.
12 years 7 months - Fixing bug where loadrecentangleitem wouldn't be called by Gleed2D library
12 years 7 months Changing location of GetTexture to extensions
12 years 7 months Adding missing virtual method
12 years 7 months Merging
12 years 7 months Adding log items

Adding comments
12 years 7 months Taking out an assert in Farseer
12 years 7 months Adding Contact extension
12 years 7 months Adding Cut extension method to Texture2D.cs

Will create a subTexture of Width & Height from top-left
12 years 7 months Added tag Version for changeset e46b0565817a
12 years 7 months Updating version number
12 years 7 months Removed tag Version
12 years 7 months Adding region section for changelog
12 years 7 months Added tag Version for changeset cbfc9f26b2d0
12 years 7 months Removing suo file
12 years 7 months + * - Adding an extension to determine what side the objects collided on

+ * - Correcting misspelling of Extensions in String and Texture2D
12 years 7 months Updating changelog

Attempting to add center tracking of body
12 years 7 months Removing old debugging code
12 years 7 months Getting rid of legacy folder
12 years 7 months + * - Fixing path placement in Farseer

* Fixing rectangle placement in Farseer
+ * - Moving base.draw to last in AxiosGameScreen to make sure Farseer debug information is visible
12 years 7 months Modfying draw method in AxiosGameScreen to draw Gleed2D textures
12 years 7 months Adding support to load a Gleed2D level from a stream
12 years 7 months Adding GetStream(FileMode) to get the stream of a file
12 years 7 months It is Gleed2D not Glee2D
12 years 7 months Correcting naming issue with Gleed2D (again)
12 years 7 months Correcting naming issue with Gleed2D
12 years 7 months Adding a cache for loading in textures

Splitting the code for Gleed2D into seperate files
12 years 7 months Adding license for Glee2D

Adding support for Glee2D
12 years 7 months Adding support for Glee2D
12 years 7 months Updating changelog
12 years 7 months Removing uneeded Game Screen check

Adding SplitFlat that takes in offsets
12 years 7 months * - 5/5/2012

* - Adding SplitFlat extension for Texture2D
12 years 7 months Merge with axios-newgsm
Commit 5c2ef02643a9, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 7 months Commiting before merge
Commit 7f019dae1ee8, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months Adding a check to only tick a timer if the window is active
Commit 5b5b96a46617, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months Committing licenses
Commit 902e4ea4393a, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months - Adding a check in the AxiosTimer update to only tick if the game is active
Commit e983ddaab7d8, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months Making AxiosTimer inheirt from AxiosGameObject for it to be casted properly
Commit 25cf22fd732b, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months + * - Adding properties in DrawableAxiosGameObject to turn on/off the following:

+ * - AdjustUnits
+ * - RelativeToCamera
+ * - Cleaning and sorting using statements
Commit c6bbde29ce55, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months * - 3/22/2012

+ * - Fixing UI collision with mouse pointer
+ * - Adding AxiosRectangle and AxiosPoint classes
Commit a2dd021b866c, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months Fixing issue with UI objects and collision with mouse pointer
Commit 6526c5e6050c, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months Adding support for intersecting a floating point rectangle
Commit 1dffc3cc41e1, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 8 months Adding support for a rectangle class that uses floats instead of ints
Commit 89349dfb8461, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 9 months - Fixing bug with last screen not exiting if it is a background screen
Commit 5f677872a79b, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 9 months Taking out hard coded debug statements

Adding field to allow/disallow automated mouse joints
Commit 295db41d9790, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 9 months Adding checks for if objects get deleted too fast

Fixing post-build event to create combined directory
Commit 007bf2a6fc8b, by nathan@daedalus
12 years 9 months Adding initial files
Commit bffd63700ae0, by nathan@daedalus
11 years 10 months Initial commit
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