
axiosengine Git Source Tree


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blob AxiosBreakableGameObject.cs 12 years 9 months nathan@daedalus: + * - Adding properties in DrawableAxiosGameObject to turn on/off the following: + * - AdjustUnits + * - RelativeToCamera + * - Cleaning and sorting using statements 3.64 kB
blob AxiosCommandConsole.cs 12 years 6 months Nathan Adams: + * - Adding a behavior in AxiosGameScreen where the camera will be controllable via + * arrow keys in DEBUG releases and disabled in RELEASE releases. This behavior can + * be overwritten in each screen + * - Adding output to tcc console command to signal if it was disabled/enabled + * - Adding DegreeToRadian/RadianToDegree double extensions 3.24 kB
blob AxiosEvents.cs 12 years 8 months nathan@daedalus: Updating more code 4.35 kB
blob AxiosGameObject.cs 12 years 8 months nathan@daedalus: More progress in updating the GSM 2.00 kB
blob AxiosGameScreen.cs 12 years 5 months Nathan Adams: * - Starting work on AxiosCSV * - Adding CustomProperties field to Glee2D Layer object (this is because Layers can have custom properties) * - Passing Layer to Items in Glee2D library * - Adding public virtual bool LoadTextureItem(TextureItem textureitem) to AxiosGameScreen 16.96 kB
blob AxiosTimer.cs 12 years 8 months nathan@daedalus: Adding code for mouse handling 2.40 kB
blob BreakableAxiosGameObject.cs 12 years 9 months nathan@daedalus: Adding initial files 1.14 kB
blob ComplexAxiosGameObject.cs 12 years 9 months nathan@daedalus: Adding initial files 1.12 kB
blob DrawableAxiosGameObject.cs 12 years 6 months Nathan Adams: + Fixing UI detect bug + Adding Width/Height/Position/RealPosition to DrawableAxiosGameObject 8.43 kB
blob DrawableBreakableAxiosGameObject.cs 12 years 9 months nathan@daedalus: Adding initial files 2.28 kB
blob SimpleAxiosGameObject.cs 12 years 9 months nathan@daedalus: + * - Adding properties in DrawableAxiosGameObject to turn on/off the following: + * - AdjustUnits + * - RelativeToCamera + * - Cleaning and sorting using statements 2.70 kB
blob SimpleDrawableAxiosGameObject.cs 12 years 5 months Nathan Adams: * - Starting work on AxiosCSV * - Adding CustomProperties field to Glee2D Layer object (this is because Layers can have custom properties) * - Passing Layer to Items in Glee2D library * - Adding public virtual bool LoadTextureItem(TextureItem textureitem) to AxiosGameScreen 4.27 kB
blob Singleton.cs 12 years 9 months nathan@daedalus: + * - Adding properties in DrawableAxiosGameObject to turn on/off the following: + * - AdjustUnits + * - RelativeToCamera + * - Cleaning and sorting using statements 769 bytes

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